Stock Control/Crew Battle (1.00) [Jorgasms, _glook]
# Sets the stocks equal to the handicap amount when a match starts
@ 80033C44:
lis r14, 0x8045
ori r14,r14, 0x9F4D # 80459F4D, the handicap setting,
lbz r14,0(r14)
cmpwi r14,2
bne- 0x38
lis r14, 0x8045
addi r14,r14, 0x114E # 8045114E, Correct
lis r15, 0x8047
ori r15,r15, 0xE860 # 8047E860, Correct
lbz r18,0(r15)
stb r18,0(r14)
lbz r18,36(r15)
stb r18,3728(r14)
lbz r18,72(r15)
stb r18,7456(r14)
lbz r18,108(r15)
stb r18,11184(r14)
b 0x08
stb r5,142(r3)
C2033C44 0000000A
3DC08045 61CE9F4D
89CE0000 2C0E0002
40820038 3DC08045
39CE114E 3DE08047
61EFE860 8A4F0000
9A4E0000 8A4F0024
9A4E0E90 8A4F0048
9A4E1D20 8A4F006C
9A4E2BB0 48000008
98A3008E 00000000
# During a match, all knock back is normal instead of handicap based
@ 801A4A94:
lis r16, 0x8047
ori r16,r16, 0xE718 # 8047E718, Correct
li r17,9
stb r17,0(r16)
stb r17,36(r16)
stb r17,72(r16)
stb r17,108(r16)
subi r5,r30,8
C21A4A94 00000005
3E008047 6210E718
3A200009 9A300000
9A300024 9A300048
9A30006C 38BEFFF8
60000000 00000000
# This makes it so it doesn't store some value. This helps stuff related to auto handicap.
80036B30 60000000
# Normally, handicap can't be controlled when it's set to auto.
# This un-grays the handicap slider so it can be controlled
# There are two addresses, the second one is because of something to do with "DON'T STORE SOMETHING"
@ 8022E474 & 8022E3C4:
lbz r0,4(r28)
lis r14, 0x803F
ori r14,r14, 0x8556 # 803F8556
lis r16, 0x8045
ori r16,r16, 0x9F4D # 80459F4D, Correct
lbz r17,0(r16)
cmpwi r17,1
bne- 0x14
li r0,2
li r15,255
stb r15,0(r14)
b 0x0C
li r15,0
stb r15,0(r14)
C222E474 00000008
881C0004 3DC0803F
61CE8556 3E008045
62109F4D 8A300000
2C110001 40820014
38000002 39E000FF
99EE0000 4800000C
39E00000 99EE0000
60000000 00000000
C222E3C4 00000008
881C0004 3DC0803F
61CE8556 3E008045
62109F4D 8A300000
2C110001 40820014
38000002 39E000FF
99EE0000 4800000C
39E00000 99EE0000
60000000 00000000
# Sets the auto handicap to the number of stocks if entering the CSS
# This is both from menu and from a crew battle
@ 80265360:
lis r14, 0x803F
ori r14,r14, 0x8556 # 803F8556
lbz r14,0(r14)
cmpwi r14,0
beq- 0x8C
lis r14, 0x8045
addi r14,r14, 0x114E # 8045114E Correct
lis r15, 0x8047
ori r15,r15, 0xE860 # 8047E860 Correct
lis r16, 0x8045
ori r16,r16, 0x9F4C # 80459F4C Correct
lbz r16,0(r16)
cmpwi r16,9
ble- 0x08
li r16,9
lbz r17,0(r14)
cmpwi r17,0
beq- 0x0C
stb r17,0(r15)
b 0x08
stb r16,0(r15)
lbz r17, 0xE90(r14)
cmpwi r17,0
beq- 0x0C
stb r17, 0x24(r15)
b 0x08
stb r16, 0x24(r15)
lbz r17, 0x1D20(r14)
cmpwi r17,0
beq- 0x0C
stb r17, 0x48(r15)
b 0x08
stb r16, 0x48(r15)
lbz r17, 0x2BB0(r14)
cmpwi r17,0
beq- 0x0C
stb r17, 0x6C(r15)
b 0x08
stb r16, 0x6C(r15)
subi r0,r3,1
C2265360 00000015
3DC0803F 61CE8556
89CE0000 2C0E0000
4182008C 3DC08045
39CE114E 3DE08047
61EFE860 3E008045
62109F4C 8A100000
2C100009 40810008
3A000009 8A2E0000
2C110000 4182000C
9A2F0000 48000008
9A0F0000 8A2E0E90
2C110000 4182000C
9A2F0024 48000008
9A0F0024 8A2E1D20
2C110000 4182000C
9A2F0048 48000008
9A0F0048 8A2E2BB0
2C110000 4182000C
9A2F006C 48000008
9A0F006C 3803FFFF
60000000 00000000
# PART 5 #
# No idea what this does, but it might be related to auto handicap stuff
@ 8022FA5C:
lbz r0,5(r3)
lis r14, 0x803F
ori r14,r14, 0x8556 # 803F8556
lis r15, 0x8045
ori r15,r15, 0x9F4D # 80459F4D
li r16,1
lbz r14,0(r14)
cmpwi r14,255
bne- 0x0C
stb r16,0(r15)
li r0,1
C222FA5C 00000006
88030005 3DC0803F
61CE8556 3DE08045
61EF9F4D 3A000001
89CE0000 2C0E00FF
4082000C 9A0F0000
38000001 00000000
Stock Control/Crew Battle (1.01) [Jorgasms, _glook]
# Sets the stocks equal to the handicap amount when a match starts
@ 80033CC4:
lis r14, 0x8045
ori r14,r14, 0xB235 # 8045B235
lbz r14,0(r14)
cmpwi r14,2
bne- 0x38
lis r14, 0x8045
addi r14,r14, 0x242E # 8045242E
lis r15, 0x8047
ori r15,r15, 0xFB48 # 8047FB48
lbz r18,0(r15)
stb r18,0(r14)
lbz r18,36(r15)
stb r18,3728(r14)
lbz r18,72(r15)
stb r18,7456(r14)
lbz r18,108(r15)
stb r18,11184(r14)
b 0x08
stb r5,142(r3)
C2033CC4 0000000A
3DC08045 61CEB235
89CE0000 2C0E0002
40820038 3DC08045
39CE242E 3DE08047
61EFFB48 8A4F0000
9A4E0000 8A4F0024
9A4E0E90 8A4F0048
9A4E1D20 8A4F006C
9A4E2BB0 48000008
98A3008E 00000000
# During a match, all knock back is normal instead of handicap based
@ 801A5194:
lis r16, 0x8047
ori r16,r16, 0xFA00 # 8047FA00
li r17,9
stb r17,0(r16)
stb r17,36(r16)
stb r17,72(r16)
stb r17,108(r16)
subi r5,r30,8
C21A5194 00000005
3E008047 6210FA00
3A200009 9A300000
9A300024 9A300048
9A30006C 38BEFFF8
60000000 00000000
# This makes it so it doesn't store some value. This helps stuff related to auto handicap.
80036bb4 60000000
# Normally, handicap can't be controlled when it's set to auto.
# This un-grays the handicap slider so it can be controlled
# There are two addresses, the second one is because of something to do with "DON'T STORE SOMETHING"
@ 8022EFE4 & 8022EF34:
lbz r0,4(r28)
lis r14, 0x803F
ori r14,r14, 0x9706 # 803F9706
lis r16, 0x8045
ori r16,r16, 0xB235 # 8045B235
lbz r17,0(r16)
cmpwi r17,1
bne- 0x14
li r0,2
li r15,255
stb r15,0(r14)
b 0x0C
li r15,0
stb r15,0(r14)
C222EFE4 00000008
881C0004 3DC0803F
61CE9706 3E008045
6210B235 8A300000
2C110001 40820014
38000002 39E000FF
99EE0000 4800000C
39E00000 99EE0000
60000000 00000000
C222EF34 00000008
881C0004 3DC0803F
61CE9706 3E008045
6210B235 8A300000
2C110001 40820014
38000002 39E000FF
99EE0000 4800000C
39E00000 99EE0000
60000000 00000000
# Sets the auto handicap to the number of stocks if entering the CSS
# This is both from menu and from a crew battle
@ 80265EDC:
lis r14, 0x803F
ori r14,r14, 0x9706 # 803F9706
lbz r14,0(r14)
cmpwi r14,0
beq- 0x8C
lis r14, 0x8045
addi r14,r14, 0x242E # 8045242E
lis r15, 0x8047
ori r15,r15, 0xFB48 # 8047FB48
lis r16, 0x8045
ori r16,r16, 0xB234 # 8045B234
lbz r16,0(r16)
cmpwi r16,9
ble- 0x08
li r16,9
lbz r17,0(r14)
cmpwi r17,0
beq- 0x0C
stb r17,0(r15)
b 0x08
stb r16,0(r15)
lbz r17, 0xE90(r14)
cmpwi r17,0
beq- 0x0C
stb r17, 0x24(r15)
b 0x08
stb r16, 0x24(r15)
lbz r17, 0x1D20(r14)
cmpwi r17,0
beq- 0x0C
stb r17, 0x48(r15)
b 0x08
stb r16, 0x48(r15)
lbz r17, 0x2BB0(r14)
cmpwi r17,0
beq- 0x0C
stb r17, 0x6C(r15)
b 0x08
stb r16, 0x6C(r15)
subi r0,r3,1
C2265EDC 00000015
3DC0803F 61CE9706
89CE0000 2C0E0000
4182008C 3DC08045
39CE242E 3DE08047
61EFFB48 3E008045
6210B234 8A100000
2C100009 40810008
3A000009 8A2E0000
2C110000 4182000C
9A2F0000 48000008
9A0F0000 8A2E0E90
2C110000 4182000C
9A2F0024 48000008
9A0F0024 8A2E1D20
2C110000 4182000C
9A2F0048 48000008
9A0F0048 8A2E2BB0
2C110000 4182000C
9A2F006C 48000008
9A0F006C 3803FFFF
60000000 00000000
# PART 5 #
# No idea what this does, but it might be related to auto handicap stuff
@ 802305CC:
lbz r0,5(r3)
lis r14, 0x803F
ori r14,r14, 0x9706 # 803F9706
lis r15, 0x8045
ori r15,r15, 0xB235 # 8045B235
li r16,1
lbz r14,0(r14)
cmpwi r14,255
bne- 0x0C
stb r16,0(r15)
li r0,1
C22305CC 00000006
88030005 3DC0803F
61CE9706 3DE08045
61EFB235 3A000001
89CE0000 2C0E00FF
4082000C 9A0F0000
38000001 00000000