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Megaman Unlimited Mafia - Day 6 begins! No one killed!


Jun 6, 2013
i dont find potatos observations regarding pb+js use of language compelling. i can understand cuz i used to think use of adverbs and qualifiers was scummy but it really depends on the person. some ****** just talk like that

@ #HBC | Gorf #HBC | Gorf

yep. feel free to hate

@ #HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu

i dont give a ****. potatos a better play than pb+j


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Sigh, it is wrong of me to want to play like this because I really really wanted that role again? Like I get some people think I am borderline trolling but like Gorf said I'm willing to work with people on the picture thing.

Fine, I don't have it but I had two reasons I did that, mostly the fun part.
That went on ENTIRELY too long. That should'be been like 2 pages TOPS.

Going to read the rest of page 13/14 before I ask you questions.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Agreeing with Gorf a lot here.

As an aside, on Kantrip, I don't think this playstyle attempt-change makes sense from a scumKantrip's perspective, I having just recently been Traitor in that game where he was scum... G3S4. Scumtrip was doing absolutely fine at blending UNTIL he had an awful reaction to a pre-mature claim, which brought him under fire and he got lynched due to floundering.

His style was able to work just fine as scum, but he WAS having pointed problems (that I and others had commented on) that as Town he never made many moves to obtain reads himself. That's something that MAKES SENSE for him to try to change as Town. It feels very unlikely to me that scumTassium comes into a game thinking "I'm going to play super active and see how that works out for me", only to totally double back on that choice.

MY ONLY PROBLEM with this whole sequence is his temper tantrum. That's the thing that doesn't fit. ScumTassium has no reason to pull such a blatant 180 and draw attention to his frustration, rather than simply continuing. From TownTassium's perspective it looks like legitimate frustration.

What it comes down to for me at the moment is that ScumTassium has very little reason to visibly and obviously switch directions so much. He'd either commit to the idea or simply not do it. The actual switching is what makes it seem genuine to me, but that's something Townies DO.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

Potassium (5) - Red Ryu, Rajam, PJB, YOLOSWAG, YOLOSWAG,
PJB (3) - Potassium, Gorf, JDietz43,

Not voting: Raziek, Xatres, Nicholas1024, Circus, BadWolf, RakeTheLawndry

Votes required to lynch: 7/13

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
rather than spam the thread quoting posts from days old, i'll just make some quick notes and grab a few really important ones along the way

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
@ YOLOSWAG YOLOSWAG will do. Oh and yea potato's are better than pb+j that's why pb+j should get ****ed outta here.

I will also take this time to call upon @yoloswag420blazeit because by god what a name.

Wait a minute @ #HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu so lemme get this straight you don't like PJB's play and your vote is on Kantrip. How do you feel about them being potential mates?

Oh and @ Raziek Raziek mind throwing your vote on PJB? I just hate looking at the votecount and seeing that PJB has 3 votes whereas Kantrip has 5.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
Just notes for myself:

-Kantrip's pushing Joker. /Why/ is Kantrip pushing Joker? I still think Raz's stated reasons to believe Kantrip is town are bull**** and I think Joker's response was nothing in particular to say it was scum. What's the justification here because this seems like a reach.

-Can I mention that at this point, my only sight of Circus is his commenting on people's roles and not anything that was going on during the game. Can I mention that that's the type of Circus I expect to see as scum? We'll see if his later posts redeem my sight of him but that ****'s like a ****ing magnet for scumCircus.

-So Kanty spells it out. It's better than I imagined by the point about him trying to convince Raz that "raz" is scum kinda weakens it for me. He was trying to convince Raz that Potato is scum. To say he missed the point seems like an accurate summary. I don't think Joker was trying to insinuate Raz was scum.

-why did a joker wagon form from this ****

Ahhh I see! I was misunderstanding the doesn't as some sort of double negative to mean you were saying we were scum together! That makes more sense, thanks.
That said, after the confusion is cleared up you have added a lot of unsavoury responses to the pot that make me want to stay on you.
"you were a **** so i still want you dead"

I very much think you're scum. I think your hyper-defensive response to me disliking one of your posts and immediately calling me a bad player for it was scummy. I'm not voting you because I think you're rude. I also think you failing to consider the possibility that I was actually misreading your post was scummy. Instead, you OMGUS'd me and said I was "manufacturing false intent in your posts." You got way too jittery at my questions and light pressure and now you've gone and set off a bunch of red flags. So yeah I'm going to sit my vote on you, and I encourage others to follow suit.
Now I'm done.
we get the basis of it

"you were a **** to me and so i think you're scum"

actually that's strawmanning the hell out of it but he wasn't completely off-base when he was saying you were manufacturing intent, you simply had it wrong (the argument of whether or not it was intentional is another case). calling him hyper defensive when you were literally saying he was scum for the wrong reasons doesn't seem right.

joker did come off as a bit defensive but i actually dislike kantrip more based on this.

-joker's #314 is ****ing gross though

bbl got class in half an hour and i need a shower

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
ya know, when you say things like "cuz reasons", and then disregard the reasons I've already given, it does sound bad. Maybe you should look at the actual reasons. He's been misrepresenting my posts all game. He's been poking me with a stick, because he knows I'll react the same way I always do, unrelentingly.
This is going to sound ******** coming from me I know, but don't react to it then.

Right now I'd rather see Joker gone but I'm still not going to throw vote down. IMO right now this has a potential to be a SvT or a TvT but I'd like to see where it goes after this.

Still don't think that Joker should be so goddamn offensive though.


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
@ YOLOSWAG YOLOSWAG will do. Oh and yea potato's are better than pb+j that's why pb+j should get ****ed outta here.

I will also take this time to call upon @yoloswag420blazeit because by god what a name.

Wait a minute @ #HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu so lemme get this straight you don't like PJB's play and your vote is on Kantrip. How do you feel about them being potential mates?

Oh and @ Raziek Raziek mind throwing your vote on PJB? I just hate looking at the votecount and seeing that PJB has 3 votes whereas Kantrip has 5.
it's not OS didn't take my last vote for some reason,

Vote: PJB
Vote: PrivateJoker-Brown

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Then being mates, possible but unlikely. Too early to tell atm, I'm not entirely ok with Kantrip mostly from how he backed off Badwolf to defer to you in a heart beat was really dang weird.

But I like his push more than that.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Potassium (5) - Red Ryu, Rajam, PJB, YOLOSWAG, YOLOSWAG,
PJB (3) - Potassium, Gorf, JDietz43,

Not voting: Raziek, Xatres, Nicholas1024, Circus, BadWolf, RakeTheLawndry

Votes required to lynch: 7/13
@OS: is this vote count correct or was there a mod error with my vote in #347 not being counted?

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
P. 9

-oh hey rajam's in this game why the **** does he want to be a proxy vote for marshy why did he fos what the **** what the hell

-i just don't understand rajams

I want your thoughts on Kantrip's case on Joker. How does it reflect on Kantrip, and do you believe Joker's scum?
just answered this babe

-marshy just wants to #hbc and i'm feeling the ****ing vibes for it at this point but no really let's not do this again

@Ruy what do you think about badwolf? Pull posts of his that make you think whichever certain way, and then you could post pics that give your opinion n whatnot.
That's actually something I wanna ask laundry too.
town, blatantly so, he reminds me of a mini ran at this point

i don't see him treating our slot like he would as scum

-nothing really important on this page at all of merit

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Then being mates, possible but unlikely. Too early to tell atm, I'm not entirely ok with Kantrip mostly from how he backed off Badwolf to defer to you in a heart beat was really dang weird.

But I like his push more than that.
Oh aight that question was really only asked because I thought you disliked both of em like at least semi equally.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
p. 10

-i like jdietz's post on kantrip, it resonates with a lot of my own thoughts on why i think kantrip is the worse of the two in that exchange. his original case for pushing badwolf is a reach and his subsequent fallback is just as bad because pjb's reaction was warranted in that situation. that said, i think i'm smelling a bus here and that if one were to flip scum, i'd want to lynch the other.

that said, i think it's unwarranted to think badwolf is scum for buddying kantrip here. my other head was warning me about badwolf's tendency to sheep earlier

-at least potato's consistent in his distaste so you can't call him like a hypocrite or anything. i still don't agree with it because i disagree with his basis--he got mad at pjb for being a **** when i felt it was completely warranted.

In other words this is your chance to say you just want to see what kind of reactions you get by supporting Joker. Otherwise I don't like your posts at all, think you're chainsaw defending Joker, and think you are scum.
what the actual ****

-potato is doing his absolute best to set off all of my "you can't be this ****ing stupid" flags. it's a HELL of a reach to say that jdietz is scum just for disagreeing with him and him defaulting to a "i'm just trying to read people explain my scum motivation" thing is both obvious and feels a bit disingenuous

-i'm curious what jdietz is getting at in his 373


-ur a **** raz *** u

You can always tell it's Washed when the art lingo comes out.

-Something I want to add, because Rajam's actually touching base on it a little bit at this point, is that Kantrip just seems snippy as hell this game and I'm not sure why. Rajam's #398 is ****ing hilarious by the way

Rajam, that line of thought is reachy as all ****.
And you saying Kantrip's town because he knows your town because he has a passive informative role that says so isn't?

ur a **** *** u raz


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

Potassium (4) - Rajam, PJB, YOLOSWAG, YOLOSWAG,
PJB (4) - Potassium, Gorf, JDietz43, Red Ryu,

Not voting: Raziek, Xatres, Nicholas1024, Circus, BadWolf, RakeTheLawndry

Votes required to lynch: 7/13

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
P. 11

-nvm what i said earlier i like circus. the only thing i disagree with him on is his badwolf read--i don't see badwolf this active or this willing to dog a slot as scum. everything else is spot-on accurate of what i'm thinking right now in regards to the game

-gorf's 423 is really solid about badwolf

-ruy where the absolute hell do you get all of your sly cooper .gifs

Die: Joker
and yet you were saying earlier you didn't want to lynch him, just push him some more or some **** to jdietz

like, that's not "scum: joker", that's "die: joker". he hasn't posted since. this doesn't make me think that you just want to "pressure" joker, just that you were insincere earlier when you were talking to jdietz

it's not that he's picking sides (that's great, actually). It's that he hops immediately into whatever the current discussion is and parrots whichever side seems more reputable in the moment.
again, he's a sheep

-****ing lost it at "ryker traps"

-is ruy starting to dislike kantrip? OH BOY RUY PLS


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

Potassium (5) - Rajam, PJB, YOLOSWAG, YOLOSWAG, RakeTheLawndry
PJB (4) - Potassium, Gorf, JDietz43, Red Ryu,

Not voting: Raziek, Xatres, Nicholas1024, Circus, BadWolf,

Votes required to lynch: 7/13

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014

-okay i can understand circus' hate for badwolf more but i still don't think he's scum for it

-i feel like i should make something out of gorf and circus arguing about badwolf's alignment but i've had no reaction to it and i can't really think of any solid reason to make any significant conclusion out of it that isn't a flat-out reach.

-talking about marshy, i don't get circus' points because they're talking at length about luigi's when it's already been made clear that it's not applicable--marshy isn't doing anything here outside of #hbc hype

-i'm so mad that it took this long for ruy to stop this **** when marshy and i both yelled at the game about it 9 pages ago. come the **** on

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014

why are you townreading me/gorf/jd? are you just calling everyone who agrees with you on pb+j town? wats the difference between "no clue" and "meh"?
did you ****ing miss the post where he called jd scum for chainsawing pjb simply because he disagreed with potato?

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
@ Rake the Lawndry Rake the Lawndry

youre asserting that rakes early game approach helped him gained reads. what reads did he get? im askin this in a genuinely curious and not in a smartass way
honestly speaking rake kept his potato read, but we used it to get reads on gorf, raz, badwolf, and ruy because it gave them all a talking point and forced them to actaully play the game

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014

you are seriously suggesting me and rake the lawndry be vigged...cuz of our roles and **** else? are you ****ting me right now? for someone whos so adamant about not taking the easy way out and thinking things through as town you sure are doing the exact opposite here. also blaming me for the sokr lynch is pretty whack but ima stop cuz i hate talkin bout that ****tyass game more than necessary


no. stop with that attitude if youre town. im tired of *****s givin up in games. if you need time to rethink things then do so but dont get all soft on us. players who have cred around here (regardless of what you think of their ability as a player you cant deny their pull) like ryker/swiss/zen have fallen flat on their face many times but they dont just quit

@ #HBC | BadWolf #HBC | BadWolf

why are you townreading jerkus?

vote potassium
fos jerkus
fos jdietz
why are you scumreading him? because he listed you as vigbait or is it more for his unwillingness to read us when neither of us had made that much of a press to be here?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Don't forget Dietz Nich and I think raz, all six of us are reaching to unknown ends for this ****ty pjb case if you don't recall.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Okay, why is Circus a mixed bag?
I don't like how he handles your claim and Marshy's, it feels...don't have the word for it, shallow/surface level? The badwolf part, that's fine. But the claims part looks really like he is trying to say it's ok to vig/lynch them without really thinking if they are town or scum. Like he wants them there and less like he wants to try a read.

And all of my sly gifs are from tumblr btw.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
Do you not think his reaction was like in Elements and Attributes?

Because his reaction looks really bad.
The worst part is I have. That was the first thing I looked for--I wanted to see if he was the same. I don't wholly know if PJB is town or scum but Kantrip's reasons for voting him are ****ing gross, his reactions to people disagreeing with him have been worse, and I already said I disagreed with the entire "bad reaction to simochi" case because I don't think it was unwarranted for PJB to respond to Kantrip like that. He said he wasn't mad and I didn't detect a hint of anger in PJB's voice, he was just ****ing confused as to why Potato was calling him scum for that--and was right to be confused because Potato's basis was off. I agree with him when he says that he felt he was being goaded on because I felt he was being goaded on by Potato's word choice. I don't think any part of his play was unwarranted or bad SAVE FOR his #314, which was gross in my eyes.

Meanwhile, Potato's push felt opportunistic and gross. He was wrong initially but when he had the option to back of and reconsider, he said "nope still scum u wer meen pls die". He continued to commit to PJB afterwards and went as far as to call JD a scummate chainsawing his partner simply because he disagreed with Potato. His push has never had a solid reason and yet he still commits to it for some reason.

That's why I made the comment that this reeks of a bus. If you're considering PJB's reaction in EnA, then you have to ****ing consider that possibility as well. You guys can lynch him today and I'd still sink Potato tomorrow simply for that.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
I don't like how he handles your claim and Marshy's, it feels...don't have the word for it, shallow/surface level? The badwolf part, that's fine. But the claims part looks really like he is trying to say it's ok to vig/lynch them without really thinking if they are town or scum. Like he wants them there and less like he wants to try a read.
that's fair

i had my reservations with how he came in talking about nothing but the group of people who claimed. i don't know why he didn't vote potato when he said he disliked him but that'd be the third game in a row (previous two with him being town) where he's done that ****

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
i'm out for now, i want food and then i might either play pokemon or work on my stones

when i'm come back, i'm going more in-depth on why potato needs to die, regardless of pjb's alignment.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
@ Rake the Lawndry Rake the Lawndry

youre asserting that rakes early game approach helped him gained reads. what reads did he get? im askin this in a genuinely curious and not in a smartass way

this pb+j wagon is TRASH

potato needs to get ****ed up. pb+j is scummy for "jumping on raz with words"...what the ****? im pretty sure the dudes allowed to test the waters of other slots. him staying on pb+j for a bunch of whackass reasons is far too trash to be tolerated

potato needs to be ****ed outta hear

vote potassium
Nick/badwulf/jd/you/circus are all town reads or leans or somewhere in there.
kantrip/joker both look dicey but im not calling it a bus. Both are slightly scummy of their own accord and i need to re read and pick a side but it's liable my kantrip hate from before's gonna cloud me.
Everyone else is null (Gorf/Raz/nabe)
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