<p align="center">One of the more popular ideas for a 3rd party character that falls into the likely catagory is Megaman. He’s been around since the NES days and has appeared in over 100 games since 1987. The only problem is <a href="http://www.bioniccommando.com/en/downloads/view/49/1">this issue</a> of the <a href="http://www.bioniccommando.com/en/downloads/view/49/1">Bionic Commando Podcast.</a></p>
<p align="center">Keiji Inafune, creater of Megaman, and head of Capcoms R&D was interviewed, and asked about Megaman in Brawl.</p>
<p align="center">Well, I really do love Super Smash Brothers. It’s a great series…but, Nintendo hasn’t asked me yet if they can use Mega Man in their game. I’m still waiting…we have a little bit of time left, it’s not coming out for another few months. They might get around to asking us if we’d like to put Mega Man in Super Smash Brothers. Maybe if somebody from Nintendo is listening to this podcast, they’ll give me a call.</p>
<p align="center">If this is true, and he has yet to be contacted by Nintedo about using Megaman, unless they’ve already made him and just need permission, they’re going to want to ask him soonish as time’s running out before it’s January 24th launch in Japan, if it hasn’t already.</p>
<p align="center"><img src="/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/meganoef0.png" alt="The worst pickup ever." /></p>