sweet! i like megaman but we dont need any more 3rd party characters!(or 2nd party for geno), they just take the places for real nintendo characters that deserve to be in there more.
no wait i remember the megaman games! wow great games. but he doesnt have enough importance to nintendo to be put in.
more priority pretty much equals more deserving IMO
I, personally, dont want any 3rd party characters. it takes away the games originality
Geno is 3rd party character, and is also a Mario character who stars SMRPG. 2nd party=many characters. Ness, Marth, Roy (I think), Kirby, Meta Knight, and King Dedede. We've had TONS OF 2nd party characters, TONS! Smash was about 1st and 2nd parties until Brawl, and with Brawl there are going to be a few "guests".
Besides, Megaman is more deserving to characters with little influence in gaming like Krystal, Ridley, or any other shoe-in or potential Brawl character. And 3rd party guests is original. Otherwise, Brawl is the same as the last smash games, the Capcom, Marvel, and SNK vs. games, etc. I don't remember any fighting game with a few "guests" from other companies!
This IS ORIGINALITY, no matter however you look at it.
In the end, do you want only Nintendo characters with a few extra characters then Brawl could have had (Little Mac, Pichu [

], Mach Rider), or a few guests that rock=??? I vote for guests. Plus Solid Snake is the greatest gaming character ever, Megaman kills people and steals their powers, Sonic the Hedgehog is awsome and blinding with his speed.
Of course he does, this interview could've been done a long time ago and I'd think that there would still be time for him to be added, but either way I don't mind..
It was on Megaman's 20th anniversary...wait...the Japanese or the American one=??? o_O In the American one, he said "no comment". If it was at the Japanese one....woaw!
Maybe a reverse! o_O
I really, have about.. amillion (one) character(s) Id like in Brawl before another guy with a cannon for an arm... liiiike... Sora?
Sora is deserving of NOTHING in comparison to Megaman
QFT. Sora=sings under the sea in full mermaid gear. As much as I love Kingdom Hearts, he's basically a Disney character. He has no chance, and he'd be sort of a waste. Megaman on the other hand is very deserving! >_< 10 million units sold to 30 million units sold. You do the math.