Smash Ace
Hrm, I picked that up from someone else. I'll check it out for myself in about a week, could be false information.RTB... i kno that u say that Sengoku Basara uses .fpk files... but i dont see any, all i see is .arc files...
I tried to use U8Tool to export anything from it, but i get nothing. even using NTCompress does nothing.. so yeah can some1 help me out here?
Also, double update. Doraemon Wii - Himitsu Douguou Ketteisen and Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove: Monster Mix both have MDL0.
And on a slightly humorous (at least to me) note, 3D Pixel Racing does not have MDL0, but it has SMD (which is what's used for compiling games to Valve's Source engine)... wait, what?