Smash Lord
no...your just terribleOH
How is it even REMOTELY possible for Snakeee to be harder than me in that set if he was totally obliterated and left me to 2v1 for a while and did very little offensively?
You are only saying that to be a dick to me and hate on me and not acknowledge that I'm good, because that's what you and MD/VA always do.
I'm honest. You're just a dick that makes stuff up to be a dick. I could systematically destroy you in a singles set over and over and you'd still say I'm easy and bad. That's just what you do.
the fact is you lost. im telling you right now. you-were-not-a-challenge. thats it. PERIOD...and i think many ppl arent challenges to me but i decide to keep that to myself b/c i have manners and actually enjoy communcating with ppl unlike you
you are a decent player, but you are NOT anything special. HOLY **** i still cant believe you dont realize this. you know how many players have told me this about pound? from my region, from YOUR region, from every region?! your more anoying b/c of the fact your not even good and your talking so much ****. and you wonder why ppl dont like you.