Unity Ruleset Committee Member
15 days until online registration ends
You can still register at the door but it will be 40$
100$ pot bonus to melee
100$ pot bonus to brawl
Melee gets MLG seeding points
Medals for melee/brawl/PM....ect
Trophy for brawl
Please bring a full set-up we really need them.
FB link: https://m.facebook.com/events/278250605676938
You can still register at the door but it will be 40$
100$ pot bonus to melee
100$ pot bonus to brawl
Melee gets MLG seeding points
Medals for melee/brawl/PM....ect
Trophy for brawl
Please bring a full set-up we really need them.
FB link: https://m.facebook.com/events/278250605676938