EDIT: I KNOW THIS POST IS LONG. BUT. I am not trolling in it, and sincerely feel many of you would greatly benefit from reading it in it's entirety.
If you can't beat someone's jankass pocket olimar, then you quite frankly need to get better at the game.
Or just cp them yourself if that strategy seems so good to you (you being anyone with that mindset, not targeting Apasher in this instance)
I'm tired of people blaming others'/there own success or lack there of respectively on their characters.
YOU CHOSE TO PLAY THE DAMN CHARACTER. Why the hell are you *****ing about it? If you hate more about the character than you like.. MAIN SOMEONE ELSE. I have no sympathy for someone who chooses to main a **** character then *****es about how the rules don't cater to them. If you are picking a **** character, and acknowledge that they are not as good as other characters, then you are inherently and necessarily sabotaging your success in tourneys.
People who play these characters often have other reasons, like SoulPech listed. The thing is, most of those reasons are not reasoning that someone with a truly competitive, play to win mindset uses. If you truly want to do your best in tournaments, choose the character you believe gives you the best shot at doing so.
The honest truth is that most people who pick bad/subpar characters are scared. Scared that they can't succeed, even if they were to use mk/diddy/ics/oli/etc.
So they give themselves an out.
"Yeah, you won. Congrats on winning that +3 matchup with one of the best characters in the game."
"Wow. You beat a jigglypuff. You should be proud."
What the people who say those things are really doing is putting themselves in no lose scenarios.
If you win with a **** character.
"OH ****. You just lost to a Dedede with Diddy! GET BODDIEDDDDD."
"You got 3 stocked by Sheik while using ICs? o."
If you lose... Same type of things I said above.
"Good job winning against my bad character."
"You only win because you use high tiers."
I've had people try to tell me it takes/shows character, or courage, or loyalty to use a bad character.
No. It shows cowardice and fear.
You want to show courage? Play metaknight.
Seriously. Hold yourself, and have the entire rest of the community hold you accountable for your wins and losses. Enter a tournament without being able to john. Try your best with your best option. Stop holding yourself back.
The worst part is that these scared individuals seek each other out (in their ****ty character boards) and reinforce each other with their own non-competitive ideals. They think by supporting each other's viewpoints and justifications for using the ****ty character in question they are helping each other out.
What they are actually doing is perpetuating a mindset of fear, non-competitiveness, and oftentimes a prejudice against those who ARE playing to win, and who ARE using a competitive mindset.
Actually, you know what? I misspoke. (mistyped?) That isn't the worst part. There is something worse about these players.
They truly, honestly believe that they ARE being courageous, or loyal, or whatever other justifying virtue they choose to tell themselves.
These people who claim to be competitive and play to win, and yet complain about their characters not being good enough to give them a realistic shot at performing as well as they possibly can; or complaining about those who DO use those characters are delusional.
That is the most accurate word I can think of to describe them.
Yeah. It's harsh. This whole post is. But this is a serious problem in the community. It needs to be addressed as such. And NOBODY is doing so. At least not publicly.
Anyone who can't see the truth to what I'm saying...
You need a stronger prescription.
Don't pick a bad character (and by so doing making a noncompetitive choice); then demand rule changes in the spirit of "competitiveness" which take away from the ACTUAL competitive players' tests of skill, just so that you get your little extra handicap. (As though always having an excuse when you lose wasn't enough of a handicap to begin with...)
I'm going to end this with something most of you have probably seen or heard at some point before.
But many of you NEED this to sink in.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Stop being afraid.