Hah! They said going completely around earth was impossible. They said moving at the speed of sound was theoretically impossible. They said you couldn't make a pizza out of a bagel! By God, we will find a way!
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The New Testament is like a completely different religion. Suddenly, only through believing in Jesus can you not be cast into the firey pits of h***.<hr></blockquote>
Even before in Judaism, people would be casted into everlasting contempt. Here I'll show you a verse too.
Daniel 12:2 - Multitudes who were asleep in the dust of the earth will awake; some to everlasting life, others to everlasting contempt.<hr></blockquote>
So, yes, Judaism does believe that people will go to **** . One verse is the one I just posted. Jesus* just made more mention of it, and was warning people of what would happen.
because a just God wouldnt condemn a man who was pretty good at heart,<hr></blockquote>
But a just God would condemn the one who commits sin. It's like a big crime to Him, so He's provided a Lawyer (Jesus Christ) to help us get out of the death penalty.
I believe it was Snor Snor who said that if it were depended on by our character, we'd all go to h***.<hr></blockquote>
Nope. I think it was someone else.
Sure we've all "sinned" once in a while, but we all make mistakes. Just believing that a man named Jesus died for you, with no proof but word of mouth, shouldnt be the only ticket into "heaven"<hr></blockquote>
It might sound strange to others, but we really don't deserve heaven at all. But like I said, God reveals Himself to people to those who ask with a true heart.
They think its my right to believe what I want to.<hr></blockquote>
I believe it's your right also![]()
Some were never exposed to Christianity before, while others were but stand firmly by their beliefs, not believing that some man they had never heard of had died in order to save their soul<hr></blockquote>
This is actually a tough subject for me, so I can't really answer this one for you. My only guess though, and I'm not sure about it, is that people who never heard about God or Jesus would be judged by their works.
Look at religion through other viewpoints of other religions. You cannot be sure yours is the "true path." Right now I speak as a philosopher, not an atheist. Muslims say theirs is truth. You say yours is truth. All religions say theirs is truth.<hr></blockquote>
I agree, all religions say theirs is truth. But how can we be sure mine is truth? I ask God to help me and He does. He reveals Himself to me (Not like an angel, vision or dream...) and gives answers to my questions. It's enough proof for me, IMHO![]()
I think many of you are Christians because you were born into it.<hr></blockquote>
Yes, I was raised into it, but that didn't mean I followed it. But now that I re-dedicated my life to Jesus, not with any preacher or anything that taught me to pray, but with God, life's never been any better.
In a nutshell, where God's "words" seemed simply outrageous, the Rabbis said "this is no good" and thus told the public that it was not meant to be taken literally.<hr></blockquote>
This is actually called "pick and choosing" what people want to be truth in the Bible, or Torah for Jews. Pick and choosing what people want to be truth can actually be very dangerous. Who are we to actually say what God "meant"? If God didn't mean that, what DID He mean?
See, God wanted His people to be safe. All around them were other nations that did things God didn't like, so, God had them put under very strict laws to live good lives, and to show that they're different from other people... because the Jews are God's chosen nation.
(in other words, they're gonna burn for eternity)<hr></blockquote>
I actually heard before that people will go non-existant for those who go to hel1, and not burn forever.
If you could look at a passage like "only through Jesus can you be received by God," why not say that it means only through Jesus's teachings of kindness and peace can you be received by God?<hr></blockquote>
Works won't cut it. They cannot obtain salvation for us. Being "good" will get anyone nowhere =/ Even your Torah says our own righteous deeds are as dirty rags.
Jesus said, "For God so loved the world that he gave his onlybegotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
So God provided a way for us to be with Him after we already messed up. He didn't have to, though, He chose to. Works can't wash your sins away. That's why in the Torah, it says when you make a sin offering, sacrifice a spotless lamb to God, because only blood can cover sin. They knew it would only temporarily cover their sin, but they did it to show they were sorry until the Messiah came to shed His blood, to permenantly wash away sins.
Does it really seem realistic to you that only Christians can get into heaven just because they're Christian?<hr></blockquote>
Like I said we really don't deserve to be in heaven anyway. God provided one way, and it's spread all over the world. He came to earth, and suffered tremendous pain, and even before He went on the cross, He sweat blood because He was so anguished of what was to happen. That's how horrible of things that He had to go through to get us into heaven.
A Christian I met once online said his preacher said he could pick and choose what he wanted as truth in the Bible. Later in his life, he royally messed up. But then a long time after that, he turned back to how he was supposed to believe in Jesus, and never felt better. So, yes, pick and choosing can lead to some dangerous things, and even more dangerous after that
[ December 11, 2001: Message edited by: SnorSnor ]</p>
and more stuff says its false than true.<hr></blockquote>
Can I have some proof please? Because if the Bible were false and they were hard, concrete facts, Judaism and Christianity would fall apart. But no one has been able to prove it false. Whenever they try to prove it false, they end up with truth.
Liek the Hittites for example. For years, Christians who believed they existed were mocked for it, because no evidence was found about them. Then, somewhere in the Middle East (I'm not sure what the name of the country is, but this is a historical fact), archaeologists found evidence for the Hittite civilization, silencing the mockers.
[ December 11, 2001: Message edited by: SnorSnor ]</p>
Yes but soon the moon will also start moving back towards earth. As it moves it picks up a greater velocity. Eventually this velocity will push it out of earths orbit. Except for the fact that the earth has such a strong pull itll pull it back close. But then the suns pulling takes effect and begins the acceleratoin that brings i t farther away. Its a continuing cycle. <hr></blockquote> Did you even read the article on the site? You completely turned that fact backwards.there is no way to prove the bible is true, and more stuff says its false than true. <hr></blockquote> Again, not true. You're going to have to present evidence supporting your theory for that to mean anything, Androza.
The moon was much closer to earth when it formed over 4 billion years ago. See, the moon once was part of the Earth. Moon rocks contain silicates found inside the Earth, which says the moon was once part of the Earth. Also, when the moon was closer to Earth, the Erath's gravitational pull obviously had a greater influence on the moon, so the moon moved away from the Earth at less than 1/100th of an inch each year. As the moon very gradually pulled away, the rate at which it did this slowly increased. We can calculate this rate and determine the moon's approximate age, which is about 4 billion years.Can I have some proof please? Because if the Bible were false and they were hard, concrete facts, Judaism and Christianity would fall apart. <hr></blockquote>
There is much proof, but you must understand that theists always ignore this and enter denail.
QUOTE] Here's an interesting little tidbit I found which supports the truth that the earth isn't millions of years old, which means dinosaurs WERE around in the time of humans. IT IS A KNOWN FACT that the moon is moving away from the earth at a rate of 4 and a quarter inches away from the earth per century. Proof at <a href="http://www.clarifyingchristianity.com" target="_blank">www.clarifyingchristianity.com</a> . So, if earth really is as old as Charles Darwin said it is, our moon would be a loooooooooong ways away.
a Christian website trying to disprove Darwin or whoever you said <hr></blockquote> First, your idea on evolution: Proof Bible stuff is false:Proof Bible stuff is false: Theory of Evolution, proof of age of earth being 4 billion years old or so, fact that most of the "miracles" in the bible can actually be done(more on this later) <hr></blockquote> Charles Darwin was the man who came up with the evolution theory. There are too many missing links for it to be proved true, so if you ever find any, tell me.It's a known fact that Darwin himself said on his deathbed evolution didn't exist. Sorry, kid. You want proof that the Bible is true? Here you are. One of the strongest arguments for the accuracy of the Bible is its 100% accuracy in predicting the future. These future predictions are called “prophecies.” The Old Testament was written between approximately 1450 BC and 430 BC. During that time, many predictions of the future were recorded in the Bible by God’s prophets. Of the events that were to have taken place by now, every one happened just the way they predicted it would. No other “sacred writing” has such perfectly accurate predictions of the future. ONE TYPE: THE MESSIANIC PROPHECIES: Of these prophecies, the most striking examples are the predictions about an “anointed one” (“Messiah” in Hebrew) who was to arrive in the future. About 4 BC, a miraculous event occurred—a boy named Jesus was born to a virgin named Mary. You can read His story in the book of Luke. Starting at age 30, Jesus fulfilled more and more of these prophecies written about the Messiah. His fulfillment of these prophecies was very spectacular: Jesus gave sight to the blind, made the lame walk, cured those who had leprosy, gave the deaf hearing, and raised people from the dead! These miracles and others were done many times in front of thousands of witnesses for three years. About 30 AD, Jesus was crucified (a prophecy) and died (a prophecy). Three days later he rose from the dead (another prophecy), after which He was seen by over 500 witnesses. Since these prophecies were written down at least 400 years before they happened, there is no doubt that the Bible’s writers were inspired supernaturally—by God. A SECOND TYPE: FULFILLED PROPHECIES DEALING WITH NATIONS: There are many prophecies that can be proven through archaeology, especially prophecy dealing with entire nations. Typically, when God declared judgment on a nation, He would send a prophet to announce to the citizens why He was judging them and what He was going to do to them if they continued their evil behavior. On occasion, God would also tell the citizens how He would reward them if they started doing what was right. The book of Jonah records a case where the very evil Assyrians stopped doing what was evil as a result of Jonah’s short prophecy. This is what God wanted, and God did not punish them as a result of their change of heart. However, most often the people would jeer at God’s prophet and continue their bad behavior—later becoming recipients of the exact punishment that God threatened.
Like other prophecy recorded in the Bible, these predictions support the supernatural inspiration of the Bible. The prophecies recorded in the Bible came true in such a detailed way that they could not have been predicted by chance. Further, archaeologists have evidence that these prophecies were written down many years before they were fulfilled, proving that they were not falsified documents claiming to be prophecies that came true. (The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls stopped the majority of that talk.) Although an entire web site could be filled with this information, we will provide one example—the foretelling of the destruction of Edom and its capital city of Petra. THE PROOF OF TEXTUAL EVIDENCE: Both the Old and New Testaments are strongly supported by manuscript evidence (the evidence of early hand written copies). The famous Dead Sea Scrolls are one example of the Old Testament evidence. These documents came from the “library” of a settlement founded at Qumran before 150 B.C. and abandoned about 68 A.D. Some of the manuscript copies were made during that period, and some were written earlier (third century BC) and brought to the settlement. Ignoring spelling-oriented (orthographic) changes and similar small differences, the Dead Sea Scrolls match the Hebrew text behind today’s Old Testament, in spite of the passage of over 2,000 years (where one would expect errors to creep in).
Over 20,000 known manuscripts document the New Testament text. This makes the New Testament the most reliable document of antiquity (a document written before the printing press). These manuscripts vary in size from a part of a page to an entire Bible (Old and New Testaments). The earliest New Testament manuscripts date from the second century (100-199) AD These manuscript copies were written in different languages by people of different nationalities, cultures, and backgrounds. In spite of all those differences between them, the New Testament texts all agree. (That is, those differences that we do observe between these hand written documents are occasional changes in the spelling of names or isolated cases of missing or changed words. Still, since we have so many copies, it is obvious to anyone but the hardened skeptic can that they all represent the same text.) PROOF PEOPLE WERE LIVING IN THE TIME OF CHRIST: Special proof exists for the New Testament, since Christians were strongly persecuted by both the Jews and the Roman government. If the New Testament writings were false, these two groups would have produced a great deal of evidence to stop the growth of this “sect.” None exists. Further, the New Testament writings (before they were assembled into the “book” we call the New Testament) circulated during the lifetimes of thousands of people who had actually seen Jesus’ miracles and other historic events. No one ever refuted the New Testament writings as “fairy tales.” THE PROOF OF HISTORIANS: Secular history supports the Bible. For example, in The Antiquities of the Jews, book 18, chapter 3, paragraph 3 the famous historian Flavius Josephus writes:
“Now, there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works—a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day.”
In 115 AD, P. Cornelius Tacitus wrote the following passage that refers to Jesus (called “Christus,” which means “The Messiah”in book 15, chapter 44 of The Annals:
“Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind. Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths. Covered with the skins of beasts, they were torn by dogs and perished, or were nailed to crosses, or were doomed to the flames and burnt, to serve as a nightly illumination, when daylight had expired.”
These are authentic documents in possesion of historians and Bible scholars, believe it or not. More proof later.
:D :D
a Christian website trying to disprove Darwin or whoever you said <hr></blockquote> First, your idea on evolution: Proof Bible stuff is false:Proof Bible stuff is false: Theory of Evolution, proof of age of earth being 4 billion years old or so, fact that most of the "miracles" in the bible can actually be done(more on this later) <hr></blockquote> Charles Darwin was the man who came up with the evolution theory. There are too many missing links for it to be proved true, so if you ever find any, tell me.It's a known fact that Darwin himself said on his deathbed evolution didn't exist. Sorry, kid. You want proof that the Bible is true? Here you are. One of the strongest arguments for the accuracy of the Bible is its 100% accuracy in predicting the future. These future predictions are called “prophecies.” The Old Testament was written between approximately 1450 BC and 430 BC. During that time, many predictions of the future were recorded in the Bible by God’s prophets. Of the events that were to have taken place by now, every one happened just the way they predicted it would. No other “sacred writing” has such perfectly accurate predictions of the future. ONE TYPE: THE MESSIANIC PROPHECIES: Of these prophecies, the most striking examples are the predictions about an “anointed one” (“Messiah” in Hebrew) who was to arrive in the future. About 4 BC, a miraculous event occurred—a boy named Jesus was born to a virgin named Mary. You can read His story in the book of Luke. Starting at age 30, Jesus fulfilled more and more of these prophecies written about the Messiah. His fulfillment of these prophecies was very spectacular: Jesus gave sight to the blind, made the lame walk, cured those who had leprosy, gave the deaf hearing, and raised people from the dead! These miracles and others were done many times in front of thousands of witnesses for three years. About 30 AD, Jesus was crucified (a prophecy) and died (a prophecy). Three days later he rose from the dead (another prophecy), after which He was seen by over 500 witnesses. Since these prophecies were written down at least 400 years before they happened, there is no doubt that the Bible’s writers were inspired supernaturally—by God. A SECOND TYPE: FULFILLED PROPHECIES DEALING WITH NATIONS: There are many prophecies that can be proven through archaeology, especially prophecy dealing with entire nations. Typically, when God declared judgment on a nation, He would send a prophet to announce to the citizens why He was judging them and what He was going to do to them if they continued their evil behavior. On occasion, God would also tell the citizens how He would reward them if they started doing what was right. The book of Jonah records a case where the very evil Assyrians stopped doing what was evil as a result of Jonah’s short prophecy. This is what God wanted, and God did not punish them as a result of their change of heart. However, most often the people would jeer at God’s prophet and continue their bad behavior—later becoming recipients of the exact punishment that God threatened.
Like other prophecy recorded in the Bible, these predictions support the supernatural inspiration of the Bible. The prophecies recorded in the Bible came true in such a detailed way that they could not have been predicted by chance. Further, archaeologists have evidence that these prophecies were written down many years before they were fulfilled, proving that they were not falsified documents claiming to be prophecies that came true. (The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls stopped the majority of that talk.) Although an entire web site could be filled with this information, we will provide one example—the foretelling of the destruction of Edom and its capital city of Petra. THE PROOF OF TEXTUAL EVIDENCE: Both the Old and New Testaments are strongly supported by manuscript evidence (the evidence of early hand written copies). The famous Dead Sea Scrolls are one example of the Old Testament evidence. These documents came from the “library” of a settlement founded at Qumran before 150 B.C. and abandoned about 68 A.D. Some of the manuscript copies were made during that period, and some were written earlier (third century BC) and brought to the settlement. Ignoring spelling-oriented (orthographic) changes and similar small differences, the Dead Sea Scrolls match the Hebrew text behind today’s Old Testament, in spite of the passage of over 2,000 years (where one would expect errors to creep in).
Over 20,000 known manuscripts document the New Testament text. This makes the New Testament the most reliable document of antiquity (a document written before the printing press). These manuscripts vary in size from a part of a page to an entire Bible (Old and New Testaments). The earliest New Testament manuscripts date from the second century (100-199) AD These manuscript copies were written in different languages by people of different nationalities, cultures, and backgrounds. In spite of all those differences between them, the New Testament texts all agree. (That is, those differences that we do observe between these hand written documents are occasional changes in the spelling of names or isolated cases of missing or changed words. Still, since we have so many copies, it is obvious to anyone but the hardened skeptic can that they all represent the same text.) PROOF PEOPLE WERE LIVING IN THE TIME OF CHRIST: Special proof exists for the New Testament, since Christians were strongly persecuted by both the Jews and the Roman government. If the New Testament writings were false, these two groups would have produced a great deal of evidence to stop the growth of this “sect.” None exists. Further, the New Testament writings (before they were assembled into the “book” we call the New Testament) circulated during the lifetimes of thousands of people who had actually seen Jesus’ miracles and other historic events. No one ever refuted the New Testament writings as “fairy tales.” THE PROOF OF HISTORIANS: Secular history supports the Bible. For example, in The Antiquities of the Jews, book 18, chapter 3, paragraph 3 the famous historian Flavius Josephus writes:
“Now, there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works—a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day.”
In 115 AD, P. Cornelius Tacitus wrote the following passage that refers to Jesus (called “Christus,” which means “The Messiah”in book 15, chapter 44 of The Annals:
“Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind. Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths. Covered with the skins of beasts, they were torn by dogs and perished, or were nailed to crosses, or were doomed to the flames and burnt, to serve as a nightly illumination, when daylight had expired.”
These are authentic documents in possesion of historians and Bible scholars, believe it or not. More proof later.
:D :D
To you, para trooper: I have read much of the bible. It is all farfetched and i cannot believe anything so foolish. The bible is actually the best tool in disproving christianity.<hr></blockquote>
I think that's wrong,but I'm not sayin anything I'm getting annoyed about Crono **** talk...
::sarcasm: :o ops I shouldn't have said that::sarcasm::![]()
Originally posted by anannomous:
<strong>Ok.... well if evolution still is true why are there no signs of evolution happening right now? </strong><hr></blockquote>
Wrong again. There has been examples of evolution and mutations on a much smaller scale observed in fruit flies.