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Match-Up Between Samus and Diddy Kong


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Hello, Diddy Kong Character Discussion board. I know that you already have a match-up list set up by vyse, and to be honest, I don't want to be intruding your board since you are already in the discussion of Kirby and Fox. The last board I went to, the Captain Falcon Character Discussion board, I didn't get a whole lot of information from the people there. They did answer the questions I had so that I would be specific on what I was asking regarding the match-up between Samus and Captain Falcon, but the information they offered me wasn't very enlightening. The Bowser boards seem to have done better.

The questions I have for the match-up are these:

1. How well does Diddy Kong do on the ground?

2. How well does Diddy Kong do in the air?

3. Does Diddy Kong have any edge-game? If so, what are they? (By "edge-game," I mean using attacks against your opponent while coming from the edge. For example, Bowser can use his Fire Breath as he is returning from the edge.)

4. How would you rate Diddy Kong's recovery?

5. What stages are unfriendly for Diddy Kong?

6. As a Diddy Kong player, how has your experience against Samus been?

There is also another question I have for this specific board. Since Bananas seem to be an intergral part of Diddy Kong's play style, If Diddy Kong lacked Bananas, do you think the match-up would differ, even if slightly?

Please answer these in full detail, because like I said before, the Captain Falcon board was anything but helpful. Also, I have recently brawled with a fellow who mains Diddy Kong. He calls himself T-REX 01, so some of the information I have from my own experience is fresh. Thanks for your time.

Oh, and here is my Samus guide if you want to see what I have. As you can see, the Bowser information is quite exhaustive, to say the least. It is still in progress.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Samus gets owned, I'll go straight to the point. She can dribble forwards and backwards, but it doesn't help her much. She just gets overwhelmed with bananas and her projectile game/zair isn't very good against diddy's agility and offensive abilities. Diddy's short, the zair goes over his head the majority of the time and is hard to hit... but I'm sure as a samus main you know this. Also diddy can easily destroy missles by approaching with a flip kick at mid range--just something diddy has as a bonus against her. She has crappy priority, and will have a really hard time in controlling the match. Diddy is hard to spike (if he recovers smart), so that's really not a factor. Missles can only keep diddy at bay for a little while, he'll just get past them. Her mid-ranged spacing game is bad against diddy, because it's almost useless as she'll just get bananas thrown at her lol. She does not control the match for more than 10 seconds. Bombs are a nice retreat against diddy kong however, but they're just a minor annoyance. I've fought a couple of samus mains (one being orly) and the matchup is easily in diddy's favor. Lol too lazy to answer the questions above ^^ so I just gave what I know.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Well, I know that the match is in Diddy Kong's favor. When I brawled with T-REX 01, he beat me real hard. On another day, he still beat me, but I didn't do as bad as the last time. When we brawled again on yet another day, I was able to beat his Diddy Kong. While Bananas do affect the way Samus plays, Diddy Kong's Bananas from my experience are a double-edged sword. That is to say, it can also be used against him and allow Samus to win some. On that same day that I beat T-REX 01, my friend also played as Diddy Kong, and I beat him. By the way, what would you say the match-up numbers are for this match?


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
65:35 in Diddy's favor IMO.

Pretty much what CP said is right, but I think he is exaggerating a lot of the things.

1. How well does Diddy Kong do on the ground?

2. How well does Diddy Kong do in the air?
Not as amazing but still kick ***

3. Does Diddy Kong have any edge-game? If so, what are they? (By "edge-game," I mean using attacks against your opponent while coming from the edge. For example, Bowser can use his Fire Breath as he is returning from the edge.)

Fairs, bairs, dairs, popgun, banana, side b

4. How would you rate Diddy Kong's recovery?
If there was a tier list placing for this, it'd be near the top of the high

5. What stages are unfriendly for Diddy Kong?
For Samus, I'd say Battlefield. In general, RC, BF, Lylat,

6. As a Diddy Kong player, how has your experience against Samus been?
I've only versed one good Samus player, and the matches weren't that close

There is also another question I have for this specific board. Since Bananas seem to be an intergral part of Diddy Kong's play style, If Diddy Kong lacked Bananas, do you think the match-up would differ, even if slightly?

Obviously, yes. No bananas, the match-up would be 55-45 in diddy's favor, IMO

Here's a link to a thread of me versing a Samus player by the name of TAC



Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2006
SUNY Binghamton / Suffolk County, New York
Samus isn't too big a problem for Diddy. Although Samus has good projectile pressure and can be super-campy, once Diddy has made a successful approach there is little a samus player can do.

1: On the ground, Diddy>Samus. Just position yourself close enough to make the projectiles less useful.

2: Samus isn't helpless in the air, but diddy is much more maneuvarable, and f/b air comes out very quickly. If Samus jumps, Diddy can easily intercept. Again, just keep close, and get there before missiles start flying.

3: Diddy's edge game is pretty much drop->jump-> f/u air. You can use peanuts, but they aren't particularly useful, especially against a samus. Also, side b works great against in-air missiles.

4: Diddy has amazing recovery, just don't forget that if you put the foot out on the side b, he cant rocketbarrel. (And since his foot cancels projectiles, such as samusmissiles, it will be temping) If you are close enough, though, you can still use a jump (assuming you have it) after side b->kick. One thing worth looking into is positioning yourself to grab the wall and wall-hop to the edge.

5: Against a Samus, pick stages with a continuous stretch of land, but not particularly flat. An example would be the halberd, since it dip in the center of the platform. (Before the fight on the ship) I personally HATE the Halberd, though. If I had to choose stages, I'd pick either smashville, delfino, or Lylat Cruise.

6: I haven't found many good Samuses, but a friend of mine in college plays it as his main. I suppose since I've had plenty of time to analyze his strategy, I have an edge over him that I wouldn't have over other samuses.

7: Even without bananas, Diddy isn't helpless. Approaching would be harder but I'd still say Diddy has a (slight) advantage over Samus.

PS: Player 1, i watched the video of you vs TAC, it seemed like many times when you got a hit in with a banana, you went to retrieve it instead of following up for combos. But your in-game was superior to TAC's.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
I have a question about the Glide Tossing thing with Bananas. Since the person I brawled with used this technique while brawling with me, would it be effective against Diddy Kong? I know Diddy Kong can use his dash attack to pick up his Bananas effortlessly.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey
I have a question about the Glide Tossing thing with Bananas. Since the person I brawled with used this technique while brawling with me, would it be effective against Diddy Kong? I know Diddy Kong can use his dash attack to pick up his Bananas effortlessly.
Whenever I play as samus against a diddy, I suck at spacing because the diddy moves around so fast with the bananas. And Samus's DA is weird for picking up bananas. I usually just SH and press R over the banana to get them. If You have a banana in your hands you can airdodge to Zair without losing it and maybe glide toss it forward into a neutral b. Samus with bananas isn't that dangerous, because her Fsmash is pretty slow.


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2008
London, Ontario
1. How well does Diddy Kong do on the ground?

Very well, he uses the bananas to trap the oponent and combo them.

2. How well does Diddy Kong do in the air?

Diddy Kong is average in the air.

3. Does Diddy Kong have any edge-game? If so, what are they? (By "edge-game," I mean using attacks against your opponent while coming from the edge. For example, Bowser can use his Fire Breath as he is returning from the edge.)

Diddy can typically intercept with an aerial. His F-Air is decent, and he has his D-Air meteor smash.

4. How would you rate Diddy Kong's recovery?

Good. He can use the Diddy Hump followed up by the Rocketbarrels to reliably get back to the stage.

5. What stages are unfriendly for Diddy Kong?

Stages with lots of platforms that can make banana manipulation tricky. Norfair is a prime example.

6. As a Diddy Kong player, how has your experience against Samus been?

Easy. She is too slow to compete with the bananas. Diddy has a very good approach, and this means no time for Samus to set up her projectile game. The game usually turns into a mid-range fight and Diddy dominates.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
I'm just checking up on this again. If anyone has anymore information, please offer it. I don't want to be inaccurate. Also, please check my guide again, as there has been some discussion about Diddy Kong. Another thing is that Player-1 says that the match-up is 65-35, in Diddy Kong's favor, but 55-45 without the Banana Peels. Then there is Luigi player who says that he doesn't think the match-up would be in Diddy Kong's favor if he didn't have his Banana Peels. May we come to a consensus by discussing this further?

In my Samus guide, Xyro says that if the Samus player knows about the Banana Peels, the match-up would be 55-45, Diddy Kong's favor. This doesn't mean that, "Hey, I know that Diddy Kong has Banana Peels, so now Diddy Kong has a slight advantage." I think Xyro is using "know" in a different light. If not, then it'd be 60-40, Diddy Kong's favor. In the Samus Matchup Listing, created by ChromePirate, he puts down 40-60 for for Samus. So, in other words, the match-up is in Diddy Kong's favor.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Samus is TRASH!(vs Diddy)

I'm just checking up on this again. If anyone has anymore information, please offer it. I don't want to be inaccurate.
Diddy's projectiles can be spammed faster than Samu-chan's.
What hurts her in this matchup is her lack of priority.

: 0

I can't really give an opinion on the matchup because I've never faced a proper samus with Diddy.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
I'm just checking up on this again. If anyone has anymore information, please offer it. I don't want to be inaccurate. Also, please check my guide again, as there has been some discussion about Diddy Kong. Another thing is that Player-1 says that the match-up is 65-35, in Diddy Kong's favor, but 55-45 without the Banana Peels. Then there is Luigi player who says that he doesn't think the match-up would be in Diddy Kong's favor if he didn't have his Banana Peels. May we come to a consensus by discussing this further?
Does it matter what the match-up is if Diddy doesn't have bananas? He does so I don't see why we should discuss it and the results wouldn't be very accurate because there are near to 0 Diddy players who play without bananas.


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
My diddy lost to a Samus player in a tournament a while ago.

I blame samus's tripping because you can't hit her with the Dsmash after glide tossing.


Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
1. How well does Diddy Kong do on the ground?
Extremely good, diddy has many approaches, only thing samus can do is her Z-air and missiles

2. How well does Diddy Kong do in the air?
Good, maybe samus could pair up with diddy, but its a big MAYBE, diddy has fast and maneuverable attacks and can hold up a great fight

3. Does Diddy Kong have any edge-game? If so, what are they? (By "edge-game," I mean using attacks against your opponent while coming from the edge. For example, Bowser can use his Fire Breath as he is returning from the edge.)

All his Aerials are great in this particular part of the game, even his peanuts are amazing, his banana can be thrown anywhere to confuse and make the opponent screw up, theres millions of options...

4. How would you rate Diddy Kong's recovery?

out of 10?....9

5. What stages are unfriendly for Diddy Kong?
umm uuuh >_>...Lylat??...

6. As a Diddy Kong player, how has your experience against Samus been?

pretty easy, nothing to worry about :)

7. If Diddy Kong lacked Bananas, do you think the match-up would differ, even if slightly?
yes allot, its half of his game into trapping an opponent and leading into other attacks, if he didn't have them, he could still handle half way, but not as good as with bananas...

why do people ask that banana question all the time, you are all screwed, he has the bananas and they will ALWAYS be there, there is no reason to ask that question unles some dumb glitch made diddy not use his bananas witch is really impossible :S, if the diddy player is smart, he will always have bananas out, if not, well, he might have a chance but not as good...

i am with ya P1 :D!


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
To answer your question right, DryN, Ive met xyro in bracket a few times, and an experienced Samus player with knowledge of the matchup ***** Diddy any day. Samus too good.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
To answer your question right, DryN, Ive met xyro in bracket a few times, and an experienced Samus player with knowledge of the matchup ***** Diddy any day. Samus too good.
I hope you're kidding. Whether its xyro, or tudor all samus' have the same problem. Just go aggressive against her, she'll have a real hard time stopping you.


Smash Journeyman
May 20, 2008
When i play a good samus in this matchup, it becomes a battle on the edge to spike each other and its actually really fun. I actually found it kind of hard to spke her, between her own spike and the Up-B. Go for the spike on diddy as he may do the same on you.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
When I play Samus, I'm usually playing Xyro. And...

I played Xyro with Diddy while he was at my house last thursday and I 3 stocked him. I'll have the video up soon.

Diddy destroys samus.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Honestly, if samus doesnt control the bananas(which i have never worked on) then she cant win.

If she controls the bananas and makes sure to punish diddy hen he pulls out his bananas then she can win this match up.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Honestly, if samus doesnt control the bananas(which i have never worked on) then she cant win.

If she controls the bananas and makes sure to punish diddy hen he pulls out his bananas then she can win this match up.
Yes, that's true for any character. I'm not seeing what makes Samus so special about this though.


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2007
Las Vegas
Honestly Hylian I think you ***** so hard cause you have good knowledge of Samus and overall are a better player than xyro. I don't think you necessarily ***** that hard because you were diddy.

I do have to admit, however, that playing against a diddy is not one of my favorite things to do but I have yet to get owned by people who main diddy.

Usually it can go either way for me but only because I use plenty of homing missiles and bombs and I will try to take the bananas and then put enough pressure so that diddy can't regrab them or pull out more....
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