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Mass Effect (King Maker) - Glorious Way to End the Day. Mafia Wins!


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
alright, alright. i still have no faith in town, but since this is my last mafia game i'll probably play (**** inactivity) i'll take a leap of faith and see if town is really just really bad or i was right and i should've shot Jdietz/Hando

shoot: soup


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
are you really... still this bad at this game, bardull.. *rubs temples*


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Execute: Soup

putting you and myself out of misery, Soup

good grief man, no one's going to fall for that. that's pretty much time era countdown status LOL.
THAT WON US THE GAME. :glare: i hate your stupid face


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004

*kills self*

w/e. w/e. man ****. ugh w/e


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Omni why did you shoot your town read over bardull?



You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Omni why did you shoot your town read over bardull?

oh hi, welcome back to the game. glad to see you arrive right after the shot was made.

i shot Soup because more than half the game wanted either myself or Soup dead. i'm the King. i'm not going to shoot myself cuz i know im town, but i'm not going to be so stupid to ignore the majority vote from town (even if i think town is stupid). i'm not confident in the decision to shoot Soup, but i'm not confident in shooting people based off my own reads so i'm placing the kill choice in the hands of the town (as opposed to my own selfish reads)

Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012
soupa if your out there viewing spare us the pain of waiting on the flip and tell us thy alignment.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
sry, bro.^ it is what it is. people have spoken. i've done my job as the King


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
actually i like omni a lot more primarily because turning around and shooting soup is too blatantly suspicious in the first place on his part, and omni is good enough to know that he's setting himself up for skepticism and suspicion by turning on his town read.

Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012
i said slightly because the first time i read his post i thought he was handwashing his kill and just putting it at towns feet.

Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012
like trying to absolve responsibility slightly , but ehh i guess Bardull's argument has merit as well


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
i said slightly because the first time i read his post i thought he was handwashing his kill and just putting it at towns feet.
soup was my first suspicious read. i can't ignore people who have scumreads on him cuz my spider senses tingled as well. not alot, but a little. and it was his AtE that kept him alive, but that was my decision; not many people shared the same sentiment. again, i'm stubborn, but i'm not stupid enough to let my ego force a shot completely opposite of what the majority wants. i am still unconfident in Soup flipping scum, but we'll see.



Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
I can't say there wasn't evidence to support a Soup lynch. I am interested in his flip.

However, unless Bardull gets his act together, he can still go toMorrow. Jerkus needs to get back in this game, or they can go too.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Let me get this out. Here’s my problems with Bardull

In my reread over the game after the flips, I noticed that he hasn’t really been doing anything productive this game. I can't really recall what you've done that can be considered scumhunting.

First, I’ll cite your interaction with Kary

Lol alright I'll run with this, what seems to be indicating to you that I'm "trying too hard?"
And this is where I stop taking you seriously.:embarrass:

Copppp outtttttt.

Look mang, you're trying too hard with my slot. I'm the bee's knees. The momma's pajamas. The kangaroo pup. You're trying to dance in the wrong pants. I took you seriously because I wanted you to be my homeboy, but you turned on me and was all like "yo **** you dawg i don't want to be like dat" and so now I'm like "aw man, messed up bizness right der," and you're trying to push it after I've told you that you're seeing some **** that I'm just not seeing, foo.

Anyway, you picking up JD as a homeboy early on without ANYTHING to run with is interesting because the dude hasn't even posted yet. Like, even I'm pretty reserved about selecting my mates before I go balls deep, knowhati'msayin'? I want to know what's going on in that brain of theirs even if they're mega physically attractive.

(Like, this one girl I met was pretty hot, but she could hear voices/believed in ghosts/was extremely religious [which doesn't work for me]/was acting pretty shady while she was in a relationship.)

BRB laterz.

I saw some town meta/general towniness in Kary's first big post and I was like "hmmm TownKary?" and wanted to see how he responded to my offer of being hardbody partners. 'Course then he went ape **** on me =(. I defo wouldn't have given him an immediate pass for the rest of the day so long as he wasn't putting in the "hard" in "hardbodying" though, but I felt ok with his slot for the time being until his read on me where I was presumably "trying too hard by opening avenues of conversation." I don't necessarily think he's scum for it though and I actually think my interaction with him had some merit, but he needs to look in a different direction and start towering people who aren't being protown.

Notice how you call Kary out for claiming that you’re trying too hard, and you express that you are now not ok with his slot. However, you don’t pursue this matter at all. You claim that the interaction had merit, but you don’t do anything with it. You give Kary a null, which is fine, but you don’t do anything after.

This isn’t that bad on its own, but this is just the beginning of you sitting around w.r.t. everything.

I mean, really, this is all basic stuff, and I don't know why we're still talking about this. Lets move on.

Oh yeah, on another note, Soup is unparalleled whackness. Don't really like him right now and would probably be ok with seeing him go toDay as things progress.

And, by Jove, claiming that me editing a quote to "conceal" information is seriously the greatest level of grasping ever. If I actually tried to pull something like that, and then you guys looked at the original post and saw it wasn't the same as the quote, I would instantly become suspect. That's like, going full ******, and you never go full ******. EVER. Not only that, but I said IN THE POST THAT I EDITED MY QUOTE IN that "I edited the quote," so for all intents an purposes, I feel that Handorin's grasping of my slot is actually scummy because he says he felt I was trying to conceal information, but I said in the friggin' post that I edited the quote, so it just seems like graspy scum.
You claim that Soup is unparalleled whackness, but you don’t tell us why, nor do you show us why. You never actually get around to explaining this, yet you’ve been pushing it this whole game. You also claim that Hando’s grasping of your slot for the edit is scummy. Remember this.

Did I say that they were scum? Try again. Although I actually am leaning towards Soup being executed.
I feel like you’re trying to stick to the middle ground at this point. You’re correct in that you did not state that Soup or Hando were scum, but you say that you’re leaning towards Soup’s execution. If you don’t think he’s scum, why do you want him executed? Also, you still haven’t explained the unparalleled whackness that Soup apparently has.

Remember, you also said that you felt like Hando was graspy scum. Again, it’s fine that you deny that you called him scum, because you didn’t, but the important thing is that you’re not doing anything to press Hando. You specifically left a comment about Hando in regards to his view on your edit implying that it was scummy, but you’re not doing anything yourself to pursue it. Later, you call Hando scum for it.

I'm actually leaning scum on Hando from what I can remember. I'm like really sure one is scum between Hando/Soup.
Now, you’re sure that between Hando and Soup, there is at least 1 scum.

You’ve yet to explain anything on either of them, and for the only thing that could be a possible explanation for your Hando scum read, you claim that you didn’t call him scum for it, and it just was a lean.

Note that you don’t push these lynches at all through D1.

Hando said he felt I was scum because I edited a quote. He said it was a "tool of deception", even though I stated "the quote is edited" in the same post that the edited quote was in.

He REALLY didn't push me on it though and admitted later it was reaching, but I feel like it was an attempt to set me up for problems later. I also don't get how he could have felt I was scum based on that post...like, it was pretty silly if he's Town.
Again, you say something is wrong with it, but you don’t follow it up yourself. I feel like you’re just leaving comments about slots to make them look worse, but you’re not actually looking at anyone yourself.

btw, i'm still relevant because i've been wanting a soup execute pretty much all game.

although yeah i should read the last twelve pages, but i feel like soup should be obvscum based on these last posts of his.
Yes, you’ve wanted a soup execute all game, but you have yet to cite or pull up anything that points to Soup being scum.

Now, let’s get to Dabuz.

So much whackness, BSP just outright say "no *****es" 'cause there's still more to talk about.

I feel like Dabuz isn't auto scum and people who are saying he is are whack.
This is the first time you claim that Dabuz isn’t scum, and you say that people who say he is are whack. However, you don’t do anything to show why Dabuz isn’t scum, and you don’t pursue anyone else to show that they are a better alternative. You claim Soup should be executed, but that’s just it. You claim, nothing else. In other words, you’re fine with the Dabuz direction because you’re not doing anything to stop it.

"why u post so bad. not that it matters 'cause i don't think ur scummy for it tho, but i'm going to try justifying myself for calling you out on your ****ty post anyway." This is an obvattempt at building influence while undermining Dbear, but if you don't think Dbear is scum, you're just being whack and hurting town.

mfw I STILL don't see why dabuz is super scum. I'll look over all of his posts right now and post my interpretation of the slot.
Once again, you claim you don’t see why Dabuz is so scummy. This time though, you’re going to do something. What do you give us?

\I've looked over most of Dabuz's posts this game, and most of them seem poorly thought out (King should do whatever he wants/King quicklynching is immediately scummy, other stuff) but it's not necessarily indicative of scum alignment per se, just...fairly newbish.

Didn't really like his response to Omni's vote...then again, Omni's vote on Dabuz is kinda unwarranted anyway since Omni postulated that he had an "air head" town read on Dabuz. I feel a bit of sarcasm w.r.t. Dabuz's "I'm glad you brought up the rules of the king" remark in his conversation with Omni.

I don't know in all honesty; is Dabuz acting out of character with his normal self? I feel like he hasn't done anything off per se as of yet.

Also, where are the big cases against Dabuz? Someone direct me to them under all these pages of text.
Now the important thing about this is: you never gave a stance on Dabuz in this post. You’re still sitting on the fence, fine with whatever direction we choose. You are not showing that you’re not ok with this lynch.

i mean, come on guys, his AtE was so off the wall. i have no idea why people continued pushing the dabuz lynch...and no one gave me the big cases on him, it was just a bunch of b.s.
And once again, you go back to saying you have no idea why people pushed Dabuz. You never tried to stop it, and you never even gave a clear stance on Dabuz. If it was such B.S., why didn’t you do something about it?

Later things.

so we're lynching omni tomorrow right?
Honestly, where did this come from?

so people who need to get wrecked: omni, soup, NH
What happened to Hando? I thought you were positive scum was between him and Soup. Did something change your mind to completely remove him from your scum radar? Can you show me what did?

Where’s Kary at? IIRC he was pushing Dabuz too.

Why does Omni suddenly need to get wreck after Dabuz flips?

i don't need to explain my reasoning, i'm just going to do it.

but if you want me to be honest, your overbearing bravado is completely fraudulent and you've been trying to make other slots look bad in a scummy way to try and keep yourself above the noose.
You’ve done the same thing, minus keeping yourself above the noose. You haven’t really been targeted yet.

You have called Soup whack this whole game, yet you haven’t made a single legitimate case against him.

You called Hando’s actions scummy, but never pursued them yourself.

lol, unparalleled whackness. i've read up on the game completely with some skimming here and there, but who doesn't do that? i have enough information to turn you and soupascum into chopsuey
You haven’t presented a single thing on Soup this whole game.

Your turn on Omni is very opportunist. Omni’s play was straightforward through the entire day. Why do you suddenly call him scum after the doc flip?

I'm here, and I'll be reading, but times are tough for a young student. :cool:

I agree with Jerkus. I'll be upset with the Jerkus slot if he's scum, but he's the only one I can trust right now, and he shares my hatred for Soup.
And then this. As soon as I ask you why you trust Jerkus, you tell me that he’s really a null because there’s nothing conclusive about him. Why are you trusting him then?

You also blew Soup off when he tried to talk to you. I think you just want him dead as soon as possible.

So in a nutshell, I feel like you’re coasting this game, and keeping you around is too risky.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Let's not damn Omni's move before we see the flip. I think all of us will have to reevaluate their stuff for toMorrow but we'll see about that.



Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
bsp, if soup flips scum, i'm not scum with soup. end of story.

i'll answer the case later if i feel like it's necessary, but i'm busy with a speech atm.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Kill me or replace me. This game is too slow for my tastes in more aspects than one.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Kill me or replace me. This game is too slow for my tastes in more aspects than one.
Fine. Though I'm not doing it because you request it. I'm doing it merely cause you posted =/

Sorry for taking awhile longer to put up the flavor. I still havn't set up the flavor for it due to things being busy on my side. I'll put up the flavor a little later

While Kaiden's mind was in the right place, other members were quick to throw the blame. It didn't take long for Shepard himself becomes impatient with this whole thing.

"This is starting to get us nowhere...." Shepard complained.

"It's better then randomly shooting us." Kaiden counterattacked.

"You are right..." It was then he scratched the back of his head. "Though I do have a good idea who it could be."

"Who's that, Shepard?" Tali said in curiosity.

It was then he pointed at Kaiden. "It's him."

Kaiden laughs a bit. "You can't be serious. Yes, we havn't been working from side by side for a long while, but that doesn't mean-"

"You wasn't around for when I was almost assasinated." He cut him off. "Not to mention you've been 'distant' as of late."

The other crew members were starting to agree. "You can't be serious..."

"Yes. I am." It was then he looked at Wrex and Tali, each of them with a nod.

They immediately went to grab Kaiden and stripped him of his weaponry and items. Then he was taken over to the ship's hanger so as to go off to find. He knew Shepard has been gone for awhile, but who knew....that day....would change him?

Kaiden (soup), Vanilla Townie has been arrested

The rest of the crew were silent. Sometimes they mumbled amongst themselves as Shepard went to the elevator. "I'm getting me a drink." Not caring if his other crew members were against it, he rode down the elevator to the kitchen room. He goes over to the fridge and began to eat a Verran Burger left in the fridge and some Turian Pop soda, Salarilime [Salar-e-lime] flavor. Much to his dismay, he shall soon find an end to his life as well. The food he was eating was actually infected with a terrible parasite that soon began to grow several hours later. In that moment, the purple monsterous parasite popped out of his stomach as he soon bled to death. While the crew soon killed the thing, they couldn't save Shepard.

Shepard (Omni), Vanilla Townie has been killed by a nasty parasite (due to a modkill)

Feeling this day was too much for them, they soon retire to their rooms, but not before telling the council that they lost their legendary hero.

[COLLAPSE='Mod flavorz']Meanwhile, behind the screen of things, we see Rockin typing down the last bits of flavor for the 'Mass Effect Kingmaker' game. He sighs in annoyance as he witnessed what Omni did.

"Welp....didn't expect that from happening...." He said.

"Totally." Evil Eye said in agreement. "Can't be done though...so oh well."

"Yeah, I guess you're ri-HOLY ****!"

Rockin rolls off the chair as the massive SWF hammer comes down onto his chair, merely destroying it. The owner of that massive weapon was Marshy.

"What the hell was that for!?" Rockin shouts as he gets up.

"You're due for an overdue Ban." Marshy grins evily.

It was then that Rockin backs off to a wall. "Dude, help me EE!"

"Maaaaaaaaaaan," Evil Eye scoffs. "If I help you, I might catch those really gay kooties*."

* The really gay kooties' - A nasty symptom that targets the brain. All motor skills within the user may have a more 'girly' movement as well as having interest similar to women. While there is no known cure for this, there are many way to prevent it. The most basic is not to let them touch you (though grabbing their items from their hands are find as long as fingers are not touching)

"Damnit Evil Eye!" He said with rage, but then realized something. "Wait a minute!" He pulls out his cellphone and dial's Virg's number. Once he answered, Rockin began to speak in a hurry. "Virg! You gotta help me! Marshy is over here trying to ban me from the forums again. I need you to talk some sense into him."

"Well....tell me first: Are you honest with yourself?"

"Wait, what do you-"

"You know what I mean...."

"This isn't a game, virg! I'm not gay, and you know it!"

"Well then I can't help you if you're not honest with yourself. Besides, I'm kinda busy right now. I'm writing this epic poem about a handsome man name Vorg who's on a quest to save Kristen Bell and win her heart."


"Take care!" -clicks-

Rockin's face was full of worries and fear while Marshy began to creep closer to him. "So then....'Robin'....any last words?"

Rockin gulped down his fears, but it still showed his scared look. "Eep!" He said in a high pitched tone.

From that moment on, the room was filled with loud crunching sounds of someone skull getting owned. For the safety of the children's imagination, I will not type down the details....but it's brutal.

Just as Rockin was getting hammered, Circus and J, who were tied up to each other at the waist area, walked over to Evil Eye, curious of what the commotion was about. "Hey broskie," Circus said. "What's going on...and why is Rockin bleeding?"

"DON'T GET NEAR ME," Rockin yelled while groaning in pain. "SAVE YOURSEEEEEEEEEEELVES!"

"Oh it's nothing." Evil Eye said in a relaxed tone. "Just Rockin...being Rockin."

"I hear that." J said with a grin. "Well, then we better get something to eat. You want a cheese burger, Jerkus A?"

"WITH ketchup, Jerkus B." It was then that they walked off.

Rockin is banned till further noticed.

"You're welcome." Marshy looked at the viewers with a bloodied hammer.[/COLLAPSE]
It is now Night 2. Deadline is on Nov. 11 2012


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
[collapse=Mod flavorz] Two days after the ordeal, we see Rockin, bandaged up at his chest, left arm, and face region, being accompanied by Medi, who was helping rockin to his computer. Rockin slowly sits down onto his computer and looks at Medi with a smile.

"Thanks again for helping me. It's good to know I have real friends who cares about me and not abuse their power." Good god, he's been the butt of so many jokes it's unreal.

"No prob. I also got Virg to lift the ban you had."

Rockin is no longer banned

"Cool, thanks. Now I better get myself to typing up the next flavor for this game here." And with that, he began to log onto the website and type in the information regarding the next day......[/collapse]

It was the start of a new day for Normandy. Things were really not looking bright. They came across Krogan turd that was more brighter then this moment. They watched the news as constant reminders of their beloved hero, Shepard, is dead. Of course, some of the people and companies blame the Normandy crew. They really need to get their crap together or else the Alliance take care of them, who are doing their hardest to protecting them.

"This day can't get any better...." Ashley said in annoyance.

Unfortunately, it gotten a lot worse. One of the crew members checked on Joker at the bridge. To their dismay, they saw the pilot filled with massive stab wounds to the chest. The blade itself was stuck right on his heart.

Joker (Gheb), Vanilla Townie is dead

The best they could do is try to reasonably talk to one another once again. They must end this amount of deaths at all cost.

Mastermind is the new commander for Day 3

Deadline is on Nov. 24th 2012


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
man, unparalleled whackness, how can so many town have scum reads on me? w-t-f.

well anyway, if mm is scum, we lose right now. ryker dropped something that makes me think he's town though, like 80%~ sure he's town. anyway, point is that the focus needs to be away from MM today, but questioning him is fine and what not obviously.

i'll respond to bsp later since everyone is probably going to be attacking my nuts about it.

mfw hando gets executed at the start of the day. don't do this por favor :[ i still need to respond to the case on me/people can talk and stuff.

with all my scum reads gone, and like all my town reads gone except for bsp and mm, scum lays in the inactives, which is really ****ing whack and makes me think this game shouldn't even count haha, inactive scum basically end up doing nothing while town self destructs and they aren't even lifting a finger. :[

anyway, this makes me look at JD/hando and kinda jerkus because it seems like he has been wrong on more than one occasion. seems hypocritical cause yeah, i've been wrong too, but jerkus being wrong makes me go O_O.

dbear, give me an update on what you're thinking.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
I'm not inactive. I'm just less active than you are and as active as I can be.

That said, I still have school today for a bit. I'll get a post up as soon as I can.



Oct 5, 2012
Island Lair

Oh yes. This is a monumental day.

My friends, army, servants, and other assorted and enslaved minions: today the world's conquest is finally at hand.

Dark Ophelia! Bring me my gun, for the remaining leaders of the free world must now die.


Oct 5, 2012
Island Lair
I'm not inactive. I'm just less active than you are and as active as I can be.

That said, I still have school today for a bit. I'll get a post up as soon as I can.

It had better be impressive. Otherwise, you're going to be the reason I blow up all of Finland and YOU can try and explain to all of your friends why your imminent deaths are coming in the few moments you have left before the particles that make up all of your bodies are destroyed on a subatomic level along with everything else.
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