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Mass Effect (King Maker) - Glorious Way to End the Day. Mafia Wins!


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
well since more than half the town wants me dead looks like im gonna have to take matters into my own hand

*ocelete pistol flips*

i'll shoot someone on Friday

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Friday is OK with me. My stances are clear and I hope they're being taken into consideration just once.



You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Gheb, they are. We buttheads obviously because we're both stubborn people, but I'm not ignoring or nullifying your thoughts. I do think you're town and I only say I'll shoot you out of principle to see a reaction. It's my way of returning the favor.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Aight, so, I'm here, Town, and I've got haters. But you're all wrong. :3

We should blow up Soup. I've been saying this for a while. IDK why Omni doesn't wanna shoot Soup, but he needs to get that slot out of the way. I'm also flattered that soup has cut out the abrasive bravado, but his approach has changed and I'm wondering what exactly the cause is. Personally, I think he cut out the act when pressure was thrown on him because his attitude wasn't helping his case, which smells of self preservation. I also hate soup's AtE and I want to watch him explode for it.

Hando would be my next choice.

I need to thoroughly read everyone else, but nothing stands out as off to me otherwise as of now. Except Romni. If he shoots soup though, I'll be happeh.



Smash Apprentice
Oct 6, 2012
Popping in to apologize for my incredible unnannounced V/LA recently. I appreciate J picking up the slack while I've been gone, but I'm back and will try to be getting into the swing of things again once I've given another game I'm in some much deserved time and attention.


Apr 3, 2008
I've been swamped with school and work the last two days, but hopefully I'll have free time to read into Ran's contributions soon.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Request prods where applicable

Some people seem to not really care about this game. It seems whenever a certain bunch of people take a step back the whole game starts to slow down with them. I'd hate having to accept the idea of leaving Omni alive for a while simply for activity reason.



You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
^tellin u bro. Scum taking advantage if the lurkers. which is why SWF town sucks so hard


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
There's just not a lot to comment on right now. Everyone has made their stances clear and nobody is really waiting on everyone. We're all just kind of waiting for you to pull the trigger in a way. Scum is going to take advantage of an inactive SWFTown though, it's how I won LoL.

Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012
Rakebear, why did you ask this?

Like that Rakebear asks what Soup is feeling.

Like this. TownRare.

Lines up with my mindset nicely, town.

Smells like Bardull trying to be the middle man "Let's all be friends, let's move on".

Fake reaction to Rare's question about Dabuz being the vinyl of the game. Basically, the easy lynch.

I like this.

Rakebear town.

Rake v Jerkus, don't care to read. Smelling some delicious food? ... But mom is washing clothes. Suspicious.

In order of appearance:

182: Asked to see if kary would participate in the wifom game. I can't remember his exact answer but it was something like "i don't particularly care what gheb is at the moment. " I'd have to check.

251: Why do you like that i ask what he's feeling though, for me things like that read more as non telling.

280: Again, why do you like that post by me, why does it give you town vibes ?

281: Fine

284: Does his middle manning play into your scum feel on him ? What does he gain middle manning arguments as scum ?

535: Why do you think it was faked ?

537: Um, why do you like it ?

1522: Cannot remember context of this.

You should read me vs Jerkus then take a look at BSP's case on Jerkus as well, i still feel this is the direction we should go in.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Request prods where applicable

Some people seem to not really care about this game. It seems whenever a certain bunch of people take a step back the whole game starts to slow down with them. I'd hate having to accept the idea of leaving Omni alive for a while simply for activity reason.

After an activity check, all members have posted within the 72 hr ruling.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
^tellin u bro. Scum taking advantage if the lurkers.
There's just not a lot to comment on right now. Everyone has made their stances clear and nobody is really waiting on everyone. We're all just kind of waiting for you to pull the trigger in a way. Scum is going to take advantage of an inactive SWFTown though, it's how I won LoL.
In that case, I think BarDull has the most responding to do - not just Omni's post but my points as well. If anybody is truly "coasting" it's him and he's also the one who abuses the general inactivity the most in my book. Really hope he's the one who's dying toDay.



Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
I'll post why I'm fine with Bardull going soon. Sorry I'm taking so long. Still want to hear from Jerkus.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Why Bardull > Hando ?
Hando isn't coasting, he's just not capable of staying active consistently due to his schedule. BarDull could be more active but he simply doesn't bother. He's leaving a lot of points raised against him unanswered and deliberately contributes to this game going nowhere despite being able to do otherwise. Hando isn't doing more but he's doing what he can. While it's annoying enough for Hando to play like this, I still don't quite see why he's scummy. Not that I'd complain about him being gone soon but I think Bard definitely has to go first.


Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012

But i only have two claws to kill with.

Consider me intrigued on Bardull but not there yet.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
I'm just having a really hard time guaging who is coasting scum and who is coasting town, because I'm sure that both of them are in this group:

- Hando
- Bardull
- Mastermind
- Jdietz
- Jerkus

Soup, Gheb, Ranmaru (since his entrance), Dbear, BSP, and myself (feel like Im forgetting someone) have been pretty pro-active.

Gheb, you never told me how you feel about Kary's slot now that Ranmaru has posted.

Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012
i personally still have questions about kary, thing is i can't ask kary so really all i have is ran's catch up which has me feeling town vibes

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb, you never told me how you feel about Kary's slot now that Ranmaru has posted.
I think it's too early to call the slot pro-town yet even though I like Ranmaru's input. For now he can definitely live.


Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012
Omni, if you've made up your mind, why do you not simply shoot now ?
Will it be that different tonight ?
What is causing your hesitation ?


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Omni, if you've made up your mind, why do you not simply shoot now ?
Will it be that different tonight ?
What is causing your hesitation ?
i haven't made up my mind. that's why i don't shoot now.
hopefully it will. i still want to last minute exchanges to occur.
there is no hesitation. we have over 5 days left in the Day and i plan on ending it toDay. i didn't realize people were all going to go v/la all at the same time.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
you can talk to me directly, Bardull. i'm not gonna bite your head off.

you wanted NH/Omni/Soup (you omitted Kary) dead when Dabuz CLAIMED he was town? what claim are you referring to? and why would Dabuz saying, "i'm town" suddenly make 3-4 people on his wagon deserving of death?

no, when you came back near the end of D1 and started spouting out one-liners for deaths with cases that i could tell were from 10-11 pages back that's when i started becoming skeptical of you. i called you out on it immediately, bro. it wasn't a SUDDEN transition. it actually started turning down in steps.

ok so maybe i will bite your head off. explain to me your first point that i questioned above
aight, so, if you read through my play, you'll know that i wanted NH/soup prior to the dabuz claim. i was also asking why the f you changed from soup to dabuz and that just made me not like you. i was like, wat*****, and i think i raised questions about it, but i don't remember. it was only when i felt you were scumily handling the d1 dabuz flip after dabuz claimed that i was like "aight, he wanted dabuz over soup, and now he's trying to justify it and play himself away from suspicion," which is pretty sus. town would do this too, but i didn't like the way you did it.

i was only mega certain of myself after the dabuz flip, cause i mean if dabuz flipped scum then i'd have to start viewing the other side of the coin. but he didn't. he was just air headed. which makes me hate you and soup. especially soup.

idk, i just feel like neither of you put much thought and effort into reading dabuz. like, the dude was not thinking while writing up his posts, but he wasn't scummy per se for it. just being silly. and the odd thing is that i think both of you were reading him as air headed town, and then something happened and you guys felt he was scummy as a result, but it feels like the transition from air headed town to scum wasn't legit because there wasn't evidence to suggest that he wasn't air headed. all of his interactions were fine too.

ok, so explain to me how me "spouting one-liners for deaths with cases that i could tell were from 10-11 pages back" is scummy.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
aight, so, if you read through my play, you'll know that i wanted NH/soup prior to the dabuz claim. i was also asking why the f you changed from soup to dabuz and that just made me not like you. i was like, wat*****, and i think i raised questions about it, but i don't remember. it was only when i felt you were scumily handling the d1 dabuz flip after dabuz claimed that i was like "aight, he wanted dabuz over soup, and now he's trying to justify it and play himself away from suspicion," which is pretty sus. town would do this too, but i didn't like the way you did it.
did you not want kary? he spearheaded the dabuz lynch with me and marshy as well. regardless, i'm not buying your thoughts here. i was on dabuz from the get go. then i placed a FOS/IGMEOU on Soup, but i never voiced that i was done with Dabuz. within 5 of my own posts, i stated that i was fine with lynching dumb/scum D1 and that dabuz instantly fell into that category (in an attempt to make him work harder and not make weak leans). there was no "late D1" justification for my vote on Dabuz; there never was.

i was only mega certain of myself after the dabuz flip, cause i mean if dabuz flipped scum then i'd have to start viewing the other side of the coin. but he didn't. he was just air headed. which makes me hate you and soup. especially soup.
you keep saying Soup and I. still omitting Kary. and i still don't like your train of thought.

idk, i just feel like neither of you put much thought and effort into reading dabuz. like, the dude was not thinking while writing up his posts, but he wasn't scummy per se for it. just being silly. and the odd thing is that i think both of you were reading him as air headed town, and then something happened and you guys felt he was scummy as a result, but it feels like the transition from air headed town to scum wasn't legit because there wasn't evidence to suggest that he wasn't air headed. all of his interactions were fine too.
this is false. i never called Dabuz scummy. i stated several times throughout the day that i didn't have a scum read on him. it was null. your story here shows me that you're applying very vague readings and grouping people (soup and i) into a cluster.

ok, so explain to me how me "spouting one-liners for deaths with cases that i could tell were from 10-11 pages back" is scummy.
just reread your play when u came back from your hiatus after your D1 rants. you just started make one-liner posts like "soup is scum he needs to die!" or things of that nature. but that's not important.

you'll probably die toNight.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
maaan, i don't get it dude, why would you push for a dabuz lynch if you didn't think he was scum? unparalleled whackness.

i had early town vibes from kary so i didn't press him much tbqh.

go ahead and shoot me, but know that you'll get shot next as a result.

dabuz was airheaded and wasn't scummy per se.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
maaan, i don't get it dude, why would you push for a dabuz lynch if you didn't think he was scum? unparalleled whackness.
are you really... really... still asking me this damn question? damnit, bardull. just admit that you didn't read the ****ing game or you're coasting scum.

i had early town vibes from kary so i didn't press him much tbqh.[/QUITE]

how did you get a town read from Kary (one of the spearheaders for the Dabuz lynch), but somehow place myself, no hetero, and soup into the "needs to die" list? kary, similar to soup, wanted Dabuz to die based off scummy reasons whereas me and Marshy were just trying to eject the guy from the game


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Oh, we haven't played Mafia together before. Hi, I'm Omni. I'm more than willing to lynch a player if I think they're treading the dumb/scum line D1 (sometimes D2) because if you're town scum will just keep you alive and kill off someone more helpful. If you're scum, then we lynch scum. It's a win-win.
like, Bardull, we're near the end of D2. this was made early, early D1. why are you just now having an issue with my "paralled whackness"? what gives, dude?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
dude, i'm trying to do speech homework that's due in 2 hours. ughhhhhhhhhh.

NH was whack for just trying to hardbody dabuz without explaining himself. i wanted him vigged because he was null. your whack approach to dabuz is whack. soup was trying to set up lynches on players with less influence and was doing it scumily. absolutely hated his flailing AtE. i also have no clue why you're so insistent on wanting soup alive. his slot is whack. how many times do i have to explain this to you? (how does it feel for me to ask you this question, btw? not scum hunting related mind you.)

it's "un"paralleled whackness, mang. not paralleled. to be paralleled whackness is to assume that there is a level of whackness being exhibited by someone else that can match yours. but there isn't. ;)

i'm sorry man, but i just don't get you. i just don't. shoulda hardbodied soup on d1. :[

yeah i need to thoroughly reread the game, who doesn't? i don't have time for it right now though. maybe over the weekend.

i liked kary's early posts and his dive at me earlier in the day. like it was just so unprecedented from kary and he was clearly grasping, but there was definitely townie intent and it felt like good rvs play. i don't remember what it was word for word because it has been ages. like he was asking me questions about "why did i respond the way i did if i knew what he was doing was a reaction test" and i was like "uh i didn't respond because i wanted other people to respond to it, also you were grasping and had no meat to go along with your vote."
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