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Mass Effect (King Maker) - Glorious Way to End the Day. Mafia Wins!


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Soup's push, yes. However, that doesn't explain your push on me.

What I'm saying is that I think your case on me is a bit weak and that Soup's a bit obvious due to his slacking early D1 play. You threw out a few topping points regarding me that I corrected immediately, but your main basis stems from the very root you and I started (spearheading the Dabuz wagon).

Let me be more clear: What were your thoughts on Kary's play?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I felt that Dabuz wasn't scummy per se during the Dabuz shenanigans and that people were blowing his scumminess out of proportion, which is why I wanted NH/Omni/Soup dead as soon as Dabuz claimed he was Town.

My thing with Omni is, from what I can remember, is that Omni said "Bardizzle is Town," then when I stopped posting as much and transitioned to a different style, Omni still maintained me as Town. It felt like his switch to scumdull was arbitrarily substantiated because he had still maintained a bardull town read even after my transition to being busy/not being able to post as much, so his switch doesn't make sense.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Actually, I kinda hated NH/Soup even before the Dabuz execution happened, and I didn't understand why Omni wanted Dabuz even though Omni expressed discontent with the Soup slot (he called Soup scum but still wanted Dabuz executed when Dabuz could have just been airhead Town, which is something Omni himself said about Dabuz. -_____________-)


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
you can talk to me directly, Bardull. i'm not gonna bite your head off.

I felt that Dabuz wasn't scummy per se during the Dabuz shenanigans and that people were blowing his scumminess out of proportion, which is why I wanted NH/Omni/Soup dead as soon as Dabuz claimed he was Town.
you wanted NH/Omni/Soup (you omitted Kary) dead when Dabuz CLAIMED he was town? what claim are you referring to? and why would Dabuz saying, "i'm town" suddenly make 3-4 people on his wagon deserving of death?

My thing with Omni is, from what I can remember, is that Omni said "Bardizzle is Town," then when I stopped posting as much and transitioned to a different style, Omni still maintained me as Town. It felt like his switch to scumdull was arbitrarily substantiated because he had still maintained a bardull town read even after my transition to being busy/not being able to post as much, so his switch doesn't make sense.
no, when you came back near the end of D1 and started spouting out one-liners for deaths with cases that i could tell were from 10-11 pages back that's when i started becoming skeptical of you. i called you out on it immediately, bro. it wasn't a SUDDEN transition. it actually started turning down in steps.

ok so maybe i will bite your head off. explain to me your first point that i questioned above


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Which is why I'm pushing Soup first, since I'm much more confident of him. Right, you state that you are a gut player, and that you want me to take your stance [of Soup] for what it is. I'm not going to. You give me an explanation [wifom] of why you wouldn't be pushing Soup today as town. You are mudslinging Gheb when I feel he has said some insightful things. I just don't find your interactions with Soup sincere, as I have pointed out in my catchup. I also don't like how you were so for Dabuz/Soup, since if one of them should be scum, I would assume you'd push towards the other. You re-reading Soup reads as opportunistic, and you trying to explain why you doing so is as townOMNI reads to me, as bull****.

My thoughts of Kary's play was that he was doing his usual thing, getting a feel for players, trying to garner reactions and push who he felt was scum. Some reads I disagreed with. Why do you ask?


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Actually, I kinda hated NH/Soup even before the Dabuz execution happened, and I didn't understand why Omni wanted Dabuz even though Omni expressed discontent with the Soup slot (he called Soup scum but still wanted Dabuz executed when Dabuz could have just been airhead Town, which is something Omni himself said about Dabuz. -_____________-)
bardull, this has been asked literally be at least 5 people this game. if you didn't understand it, it was because you weren't reading. i never called Soup's slot scum; not once. i deemed myself uncomfortable with him and being slightly scummy, but nothing that would allow me to cast a scum vote on him. my entire point was that Dabuz was either scum or dumb, was a liability, and was a great kill choice.

this is what i mean, bardull. posts like this shows your lack of game knowledge and sense. you just repeat ideas and thoughts that occurred from the beginning of the game, show that there's a gaping hole in your knowledge of this game, and then get confused when people aren't liking you anymore.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Which is why I'm pushing Soup first, since I'm much more confident of him. Right, you state that you are a gut player, and that you want me to take your stance [of Soup] for what it is. I'm not going to. You give me an explanation [wifom] of why you wouldn't be pushing Soup today as town. You are mudslinging Gheb when I feel he has said some insightful things. I just don't find your interactions with Soup sincere, as I have pointed out in my catchup. I also don't like how you were so for Dabuz/Soup, since if one of them should be scum, I would assume you'd push towards the other. You re-reading Soup reads as opportunistic, and you trying to explain why you doing so is as townOMNI reads to me, as bull****.
well damn. i couldn't disagree more if i could. you seem very one-sided on the issue but a stance is a stance. rereading Soup isn't opportunistic as Omni/Soup town. BUS'ing Soup is opportunistic as my D1 stance was that he was leaning as scum and there are at least half the cast that didn't mind him dead. the fact that u think this idealogy is bull**** blows my mind.

My thoughts of Kary's play was that he was doing his usual thing, getting a feel for players, trying to garner reactions and push who he felt was scum. Some reads I disagreed with. Why do you ask?
i just wrote up an entire post suggesting that your reasoning for wanting me dead was weak based off the premise that it also included you (kary) within said category. gheb, as well as a few more people wanted you (kary) dead for harpooning the dabuz wagon i.e. the fence sitters and whiteknighters, but you yourself find that kary's early gameplay was exactly how i read it. do you find no issue in the people who are trying to condemn you (kary) for spearheading the dabuz lynch with me and marshy? you should, and the fact that you don't bothers me and is the reason why i asked about what u think of kary's d1 play.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
this is what you're telling me:

1.) scumOmni FOS' Soup.
2.) scumSoup becomes a very strong D1 kill.
3.) scumOmni is fine with either Dabuz or scumSoup dying.
4.) Dabuz flips town.
5.) scumOmni is no longer fine with scumSoup dying.

there is nothing that benefits scumOmni from flipflopping off the scumSoup decision based off PURELY AtE which i've made clear is my main reasoning from not wanting to shoot. scum is in the lead with two town flips. a bus is a perfect play for scumOmni. my logic isn't bull**** wifom or not and i dont like that you're only crediting one side of the wifom fence


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Well I don't like that you want me to take your soup stance for what it is and that you don't think I can convince you of Soupscum because of your gut. (Psst, a bus isn't a good play for OmniScum because the connection would be apparent when ScumSoup would flip, thus his intention to lie about somehow finding Soup town would be to keep Soup alive and lie about his own motivation)

I'll take this as agree to disagree. We are going to get no where with this. Also I don't find anything wrong with anyone else, just my scumreads.

I do like the Bardull direction.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Basically, we shouldn't continue this argument because you are also trying to force one side of the wifom argument, that you wouldn't do something as Omniscum. So don't even try and say you don't like that I think you are lying. No use in trying to use wifom to prove your motivation is legit.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Well I don't like that you want me to take your soup stance for what it is and that you don't think I can convince you of Soupscum because of your gut. (Psst, a bus isn't a good play for OmniScum because the connection would be apparent when ScumSoup would flip, thus his intention to lie about somehow finding Soup town would be to keep Soup alive and lie about his own motivation)
(my point on Soup D1 was legit, it was pre-emptive, and it was mutually agreed upon. if Soup flipped scum i'd more than likely keep my Kingmaker position and gain the trust of the majority of the town. KARY would have been the next to go on Soup's flip. OmniScum or anyScum in my position would be a ******* NOT to lynch Soup toDay.)

I'll take this as agree to disagree. We are going to get no where with this. Also I don't find anything wrong with anyone else, just my scumreads.

I do like the Bardull direction.
hrm. dealio.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb, why are you protecting Hando so much? Makes no sense dude.
I don't think he's scummy. What more reason do you need? I'm not "protecting" him either, I'm just saying that other lynches are a lot better.

I wouldn't complain if he's lynched but I don't think it's a good play.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I don't have much time right now, I'll respond to stuff tomorrow. Then again since people are complete haters about anything I say I might as well just stop helping and laugh my *** off about what hopeless slaves you are.



You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Basically, we shouldn't continue this argument because you are also trying to force one side of the wifom argument, that you wouldn't do something as Omniscum. So don't even try and say you don't like that I think you are lying. No use in trying to use wifom to prove your motivation is legit.
no, my argument is that you're trying to force the other side of the wifom argument which is poor IMO. your motivation to lynch is me is based on the premise that i'm scummates with Soup which is one side of the wifom argument. the fact that you're refusing to believe that you're fully supporting one side of the fence and completely diminishing the other side of a wifom stance is perpeuating and i dont like it. if u were like, "hm... you have a point... you could be doing this, but i still think you're doing that" then i'd be like ok. but you're harpooning one side of a wifom argument as fact and completely discrediting the other as fiction or silly or not plausible.

and yes we can stop this back and forth but u need to understand that i (the guy with the gun) don't like it. so this should matter to you.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Gheb is so funny lol, GHEB dude you called RR a tool because he said he hates reading through your mudslinging, do you realize the irony in that? It's also disrespectful LOL. How do you not realize this about yourself?


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
^it's w/e, dude. i'll probably shoot him toDay out of sheer principle so don't worry about it. respond to my post, bro


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Alright then, Omni.

Also, Bardull, what was the point in posting your #1977? Seem a bit trolly to me.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Yeah shoot me "on principle" for caring about town winning this game rather than even bother trying to understand me. What a wise king!



Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Bardull, did you just say you don't have stances when we re getting close to 2000 posts?


Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012
so much wifom arguements.

Also scumOmni wouldn't bus soup D2 if he realized popular opinion was swinging to soupTown as it appeared to be at the end of yesterDay and even arguably today, would be much easier to jump the latst soup train then try to substantiate a soupscum but not shoot

so wifom is wifom lol


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Rakebear, what's your thoughts on Bardull?

Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012
his disappearing act is more non-telling than overtly telling , his lack of reads is a disturbing occurrence, some of his recent posts seems a little behind-ish , i'll probably re-read his entire game and see if the drop off is more telling in ISO.

Why, you think Bardulll makes scum 3 with Omni / Soup ?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yes I do. Interested in what you find. You can check my catch up for some fresh pov as well.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Ran, I love ya, and I'ma let you finish, but me being scum with Omni/Soup is the silliest I've ever heard of all time. OF ALL. TIME.

Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012
already fast read through your catch-up, will prolly hit you up on some stuff that i remember having questions about. That'll be late tonight though as school is starting to throw projects at me. My one bastion of hope is the fact i'm quite ahead


Oct 5, 2012
Island Lair
Okay, I'm getting really annoyed at keeping track of who thinks Soup/Kary/Omni should go. I get this general feel from different slots that there's hate coming for those three slots, but I have no head for who specifically wants who gone in that group.

Gheb wants all three gone.
Ran (Kary) wants Soup and Omni gone.
Bardull wants Omni and Soup gone.
JDitz wants Kary and Omni gone.
Soup wants Kary gone.
BSP wants Omni and Soup gone.
Death Bear wants none of them gone.
Omni wants none of them gone.
Hando wants none of them gone.
We want none of them gone.

That's from the last 2-3 pages. I'm right, correct?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Yes, it was a fruitful attempt at trolling Gheb...muahahaha.

I was trying to explain why people legitimately hating on Gheb's attitude is legitimate TO GHEB so that Gheb stops posting that crap.

Ran, what makes you think that your question would help you find scum?
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