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Mario's New Moves Sux!!!

RZA_Immortal Technique

Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2008
McDonough, GA
i loved playing as mario in melee but now i just despise HIM!!

i just HATE his F.L.U.D.D move!!! they should have left it to Mario Tornado!

and that was a dumb move to move his mario tornado to "air+a"

if his fludd move wasnt in the game, he would probably be one of my secondary mains
but i just hate him now

bad move nintendo... :(


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Yes FLUDD is really good for getting 'gimped' ko's, and messing up your opponents spacing. It may take a while to get used to FLUDD but once you do, its actually pretty useful in some situations.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
FLUDD is a very weird ability, but I've found plenty of use for it. I don't love it, but it's definitely better than the near-useless Mario Tornado from Melee.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
dude mario tornado in melee was his most underused move why are u complaining about FUDD its better then tornado was and ive seen some pretty sweet stuff done with is

Mario_ 101

Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2007
FLUDD is a strategical move. You can't just go and say it does when you don't do the proper testing. It just makes you look like a fool RZA. FLUDD is used mainly for gimping recoveries since it cancels the momentum out of most of the character's up specials. You can also use it for spacing, pushing your opponent off the ledge and it has decent priority as it goes through most projectiles.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
dude, you should watch some of the professional combo vids on smashboards before you rant about the FLUDD... dude its not a good look for yourself....

Fludd is a pretty good move for mario if you know how to use it, period...

Finding Waldo

Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2008
i loved playing as mario in melee but now i just despise HIM!!

i just HATE his F.L.U.D.D move!!! they should have left it to Mario Tornado!

and that was a dumb move to move his mario tornado to "air+a"

if his fludd move wasnt in the game, he would probably be one of my secondary mains
but i just hate him now

bad move nintendo... :(
Amen, brother.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
Would any of you guys like to play a quick wifi match with me, i'll show you how to use Fludd, so that you guys can stop crying about how much mario sucks in brawl... ?

mario brawler

Smash Journeyman
Dec 30, 2007
Playing Brawl until I have a seizure,nah im kiddin
very true monk...

has the thought 'maybe I should'nt play as mario,If I hate him so much' ever come up?
your talking as if you 'have' to main mario
if you think he sucks dont main him,we dont need some mario noob out there giving us a bad name
besides fludd is just one move,if you can't enjoy playing as mario with out fludd in the first place,main someone else...
technichly fludd is much more usefull than marios old down-b,and I love the 'nado much more as his dair than a b-move

Mush head

Smash Cadet
Sep 2, 2008
lol yeah, the FLUDD and Cape are one of Mario's edgeguarding moves together. Cape glide with a FLUDD follow-up can almost guarantee a KO against all characters. Like they said, you just need to practice using the FLUDD into your gameplay and you should do well with Mario. Just be careful speaking about things like this without looking at vids or reviews of pros.


Smash Hero
Aug 9, 2007
Las Vegas
Didn't Mario's old Dair suck anyways, I thought?

It'd probably be terribad now without L-canceling.

Now, Mario Tornado has become a high-priority, multi-hit, extremely powerful move with a landing hit (just in case) that has exactly the same amount of damage, except it has better/more knockback.

Oh, and gimping with FLUDD is awesome. :D


Smash Champion
Jan 15, 2008
On the Runway
Actually, his old Dair was **** since it opens up combo possibilities like Dair-Grab, Dair-Utilt, etc...His new one is just as good


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Didn't Mario's old Dair suck anyways, I thought?

It'd probably be terribad now without L-canceling.

Now, Mario Tornado has become a high-priority, multi-hit, extremely powerful move with a landing hit (just in case) that has exactly the same amount of damage, except it has better/more knockback.

Oh, and gimping with FLUDD is awesome. :D
His old Dair had good priority and comboability. I personally liked his Dair from Melee better, but I've found good use for his new one as well. No problem for me.

Neon Ness

Designated Procrastinator
Jul 10, 2008
Oh, I know firsthand that FLUDD is to be feared. As a Ness/Lucas main, whenever I face a good Mario, they know to use the FLUDD when I'm trying to recover... When I try to loop PK Thunda around, I miss myself in most instances because of FLUDD's knockback. It's frustrating... :(

But then other times, if PK Thunder 2 collides with FLUDD, Ness travels twice the distance. I don't know why that happens. 0_o Odd.

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
FLUDD is Mario's G&W slayer, no kidding. Cape is the ultimate edgeguarding tool and can be combined with FLUDD.

I really feel let down that Mario's in low tier...I guess it was kinda expected though...WHAT CAN WE DO?!!!

RZA_Immortal Technique

Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2008
McDonough, GA
i have to do an apology for mario players...of course people are goind to disagree since mario fans go here...ive done research of what the F.L.U.D.D.'s capabilities are:

a list of the projectiles that F.L.U.D.D. stops found so far:

*All of Diddy Kong's projectiles (Peanut Popgun and Banana Peel)*

*Ice Climbers' Ice Shot*

*King DeDeDe's Waddle Dee Toss*

*Most of Link's projectiles (Hero's Bow, boomerang but not the tornado, Bomb)*

*Lucario's Aura Sphere until about halfway charged*

*Lucas's PK Thunder*

*Luigi's Fireball*

*Mario's Fireball*

*Mr. Game & Watch's Chef*

*Ness's PK Thunder*

*Peach's Vegetable (Turnips, Beam Swords, Bob-ombs, Mr. Saturns)*

*Pikachu's Thunder Jolt*

*Pit's arrows*

*Ivysaur's Razor Leaf*

*R.O.B.'s Gyro until about halfway charged (The F.L.U.D.D. can still avert the trajectory of the gyro even if the gyro is charged more than halfway)*

*Most of Samus's projectiles (Charge Shot until about halfway charged, Missile but causes it to explode, Samus's Bomb but causes it to explode)*

*Snake's Hand Grenade and Cypher (The Cypher camera when Snake releases it)*

*Sonic's spring from the Spring Jump (Only cancels out the spring as a projectile in the air)*

*All of Toon Link's projectiles (Bow, Boomerang, Bomb)

*Wario's Wario Bike (Only stops the bike as a projectile; stops the bike and bike parts)*

*Zero Suit Samus's Power Suit Pieces*

Things are not sure about:

*Olimar's Pikmin Throw*

*Ivysaur's Bullet Seed (I don't think F.L.U.D.D. does anything to it but I'm not positive)*

*Yoshi's Egg Throw*

*Snake's Usmash (I don't think F.L.U.D.D. does anything to it but I'm not positive)*

with that said..i think his moves are "OKAY"
but in my opinion, his regular down b tornado move was good.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
not really,ending lag and your opponent can still back away if your lucky though, you can sneak in a ftilt
agreed fully bro...

try doing a 'grounded' dair to flare with heavier characters like bowser and falco. FTW of course.

BTW, for all those who bash mario on his dair in brawl, in general all of marios dairs were good, my only three complaints about the new dair is that i can't fastfall "THROUGH" characters like i could in melee and 64, you can't rise with it (for recovery purposes) although of course you can still jump with it as a rising attack, lastly i was kinda hoping for a extended hitbox like melee or brawl weegee...

nevertheless, its still a great move. It can be 'semi' lagless if you time your jumps with it. And with this, my metagame expands, the utilizing the dair opens up mindgames with mario ie. like dash dancing. The dair is still great for combos, you can semi DI with it and it can kill foes ie. Sonic rushes with his upb/ uair combo high in the playing area into an unexpected well timed mario dair, killing sonic in the process..

not to mention it makes a great ending taunt with the slow mo at the end of the match...:bigthumbu

as a mario mainer from day one from 64 to brawl, marios GENERAL moveset has yet to dissappoint. Those who bash his moveset in brawl are either way below average smash players or super ignorant tier lovers... watch 'real' decent mario mainers shine in games before you bash them...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
i have to do an apology for mario players...of course people are goind to disagree since mario fans go here...ive done research of what the F.L.U.D.D.'s capabilities are:

a list of the projectiles that F.L.U.D.D. stops found so far:

*All of Diddy Kong's projectiles (Peanut Popgun and Banana Peel)*

*Ice Climbers' Ice Shot*

*King DeDeDe's Waddle Dee Toss*

*Most of Link's projectiles (Hero's Bow, boomerang but not the tornado, Bomb)*

*Lucario's Aura Sphere until about halfway charged*

*Lucas's PK Thunder*

*Luigi's Fireball*

*Mario's Fireball*

*Mr. Game & Watch's Chef*

*Ness's PK Thunder*

*Peach's Vegetable (Turnips, Beam Swords, Bob-ombs, Mr. Saturns)*

*Pikachu's Thunder Jolt*

*Pit's arrows*

*Ivysaur's Razor Leaf*

*R.O.B.'s Gyro until about halfway charged (The F.L.U.D.D. can still avert the trajectory of the gyro even if the gyro is charged more than halfway)*

*Most of Samus's projectiles (Charge Shot until about halfway charged, Missile but causes it to explode, Samus's Bomb but causes it to explode)*

*Snake's Hand Grenade and Cypher (The Cypher camera when Snake releases it)*

*Sonic's spring from the Spring Jump (Only cancels out the spring as a projectile in the air)*

*All of Toon Link's projectiles (Bow, Boomerang, Bomb)

*Wario's Wario Bike (Only stops the bike as a projectile; stops the bike and bike parts)*

*Zero Suit Samus's Power Suit Pieces*

Things are not sure about:

*Olimar's Pikmin Throw*

*Ivysaur's Bullet Seed (I don't think F.L.U.D.D. does anything to it but I'm not positive)*

*Yoshi's Egg Throw*

*Snake's Usmash (I don't think F.L.U.D.D. does anything to it but I'm not positive)*

with that said..i think his moves are "OKAY"
but in my opinion, his regular down b tornado move was good.

OH and FYI, marios regular down b was horrible in melee. It was the worst move he had because it was nearly useless. Every real mario mainer knows that....:confused:

not to be mean or anything, but its fact. it had horrible priority and it was easy to crouch cancel the attack, the main function of it was to recover....

The fact that you think that his old down b was good shows how much of a noob you are in terms of skill level within the smash community, again sorry if i'm sounding mean, but you should watch what you type...:urg:

RZA_Immortal Technique

Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2008
McDonough, GA
yea it is research...then i copy and pasted it here...dont try to act smart....:ohwell:

and im just sayin....i liiked his tornado move better...and i dont main mario, i did in melee but now i dont...the reason is cause of the F.L.U.D.D. (but im starting to appreciate it more though)

XD Mario people are calling me a n00b just cause i dont like a certain move....:laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2008
i loved playing as mario in melee but now i just despise HIM!!

i just HATE his F.L.U.D.D move!!! they should have left it to Mario Tornado!

and that was a dumb move to move his mario tornado to "air+a"

if his fludd move wasnt in the game, he would probably be one of my secondary mains
but i just hate him now

bad move nintendo... :(
You oviously haven't gimped someone like Lucario with FLUDD.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
Guys don't listen to dummies like this guy...

and im just sayin....i liiked his tornado move better

He's obviously very ignorant. Now everyone please stop posting on this thread.
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