Q. Heromystic, what is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
A. Strawberry.
Q. Hero, do you actually use FIHL in real matches? I ask because I've seen it work a dozen times in mine and other Marios matches, but I don't see it used as a staple of Mario's gameplay when it potentially could be.
Since you (and judge) are the biggest advocates of FIHL iirc, I was wondering if you use it.
A. Yes, I do use FIHL, but that's not all I use it for. FIHL is just a popular staple technique for FLUDD but honestly F.A.K. (FLUDD Approach Kill) is better since it screws up spacing, and in general mindgames opponents. FIHL should really only be prioritized against a select number of characters, namely G&W, Peach, and Luigi.
Q. What's your most fun match-up in the game?
A. Hmm... I'd have to say vs Snake, ironically. Probably because I like the challenge and applying my techniques against him. 2nd Favorite would have to be Ice Climbers. ****** Nana is just too fun.
Q. What's your personal dream pizza?
A. I'm actually not a big pizza fan, so I'd be just fine with pepperoni.
Q. hero whats been your high placeing in your brawl career?(offline)
A. 4th Place in a 16-man tourney two years ago. That's the highest I've gotten out of the three tournies I've been to.
Q. What is it like to live in a state where, Snakes, D3s, MKs roam freely as they please?
A. Isn't that for every region? Chaingrab actually died out here. I'm completely fine with fighting Snakes and Metaknights because they actually are beatable for me. I'm actually more worried about low-tiers since they're so rare.
Q. do you ever get tired of theorycrafting?
A. No, I do not. Every viable tactic was a theory once.
Q. do you think that, overly theorycrafting, will make you a more overall terrible player in tourneys?
A. Only if you choose to test those theories in a tournament environment. Testing at Smashfests and friendlies are completely viable. Honestly, if players never choose to theorize then the metagame will always be stale. That's why it's always best to try out new things, go out of your comfort zone, and do some wacky things. Otherwise, things won't change.
Q. do you think you'll be the next mario to revolutionize the FLUDD?
A. I already did.
Q. Anyway, what characters in the game revolve around having a lot of creativity in their playstyle? (think moves with vague or multiple uses like FLUDD or G&W's uair)
A. Hmm...Pretty much every character that isn't a S or A tier, though Snake and Kirby are exceptions. Characters that heavily involve creativity are Sonic, Link, Lucas, Luigi, and of course Mario. Every character needs some form of variety though.
Q. Excluding Smash games, what is your favorite game featuring Mario?
A. Super Mario 64, followed by Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga.
Q. Can you describe your preferred playstyle for Mario?
A. Going by my metagame thread, I'm largely a Mario-style player. I like to pressure, mindgame, and apply what I have in order to win. I dislike leaving out any tactic that can mix-up my game and stop my Mario from being predictable. On that note, I also tend to switch to Jumpman(Aerial) or Luigi(Camp) styles when needed. There's no need to only have one style. Overall I'm just a very technical Mario.
Q. How many systems do you own?
A. Wii, Xbox360, PS3, DS, PS2, Xbox, Gamecube... that makes 7 Systems not counting the PC. I used to have more but I pawned them off.
Q. How long have you been involved in competitive Smash?
A. I've known about competitive Smash for about six years. Didn't get into it till Brawl came out, so that makes about three years.
Q. Hero, why are you so mystic?
A. Because I'm heroic.
Q. Hero, are you really a hero?
A. Yes, because I'm so mystic.
Q. What's your most hated match-up? Like you just find really boring to play, not necessarily your worst.
A. Diddy, because there's too **** many of them. I swear I'm freaken cursed with them. Next up would be Mario dittos.
Q. Would you consider changing your name to SupaMystic?
A. Nah.
Q. Are you gonna comment on this thread?
A. Nope.
Q. Yo Hero, where would you rank yourself on a Mario power rankings, if we were to have them?
A. I wouldn't put myself on it. I'm only decent, not great.
Q. Heres a Question. What anime/game is your avatar from?
A. Shining Tears X Wind, an anime adapted from a game. The character is Kanon Seena.
Q. What's your favourite movie of all time, of all time!
A. Of all time? So many movies... I'm gonna have to say Rocky III, with Super Mario Brothers as a close second.
Q. What's your favourite attribute about Mario in Brawl (as in his aerial movement, edgeguarding, etc)?
A. Balance. I'm a sucker for just about any balanced character, and Mario is as balanced as one can get. The ability to adapt to any situation is one of my favorite skills of all time.
Q. Why don't you get more matches up!?
A. That's pretty much the same as asking why don't play more friendlies, cause I can't. I'll send you replays whenever I can so you can put up.
Q. Whats your favorite move of Mario's in each catigory?
A. Ground: Jab
Aerial: N-air
Special: FLUDD
Throw: F-throw
Smash: F-Smash
Taunt: Side-taunt
Q. Whats your least favourite/disliked move of Mario's in each category?
A. Ground: D-tilt
Aerial: F-air (Needs to either come out faster, or the flubb-hit should've been a KOBE)
Specials: Up-B (Needs more kill power)
Throws: B-Throw (For as good as it was, it's just pitiful that they nerfed it for no reason, and worse yet gave the power to Luigi's)
Smashes: U-Smash (Could use more kill power)
Taunt: Up-Taunt (I never understood it)
Q. What's your most difficult low tier character to fight against?
A. Right now it's probably Yoshi.
Q. What other low tier character do you believe has potentional to be mid-tier?
A. Samus most likely. She has the ability to rack up damage easily but her kill moves are terrible. If Samus players can take better advantage of her positioning and counterpick stages I believe she can jump to the bottom of mid-tier.
Thanks for your time Hero!