Lightning strikes nearby.
The world of anime.
Fictional universes constructed on a ground of Eastern idealism.
Universes in which the power of love prevails, hope is the last thing to die, and the good guys always have the stronger kung fu in the end.
Truly, these universes tell stories that could only be meant for children or an older audience desiring some comfortable escape from our sad, grey real world.
Or do they?
What if there was a man living in our world who embraces these ideals, living a life in which the power of love prevails, hope is the last thing to die, and in which his kung fu is always stronger in the end?
But surely, that cannot be real, can it?
Challenger approaching...!
drawn by me, colored by the lovely Reyairia
Ike is the protagonist of “Demon Days – a divine comedy”, a webcomic planned to be illustrated by me and written by and myself with the help of Drascin.
An otaku and videogame freak with an attitude like a hurricane personified, he receives an extraordinary task that will shape his fate in ways in ways that no human would dare to dream of...
What is this fate?
Well, if I just told you, this wouldn't be shameless advertisement anymore, now would it?
[table of content goes here]
3.5/10 – Ike isn't brawny at all, but what he lacks in mass, he makes up for in skill.
3.5/10 – He's very tall, but also mildly underweight.
Attack speed:
5/10 – His moves all have a balanced amount of lag either before, during or after the attack.
7.5/10 – But he kinda makes up for that in attack range thanks to his long limbs.
Ground speed:
7.5/10 – He could dash faster than almost anyone else, but prefers not to for the ability to come to a stop.
7/10 – He can also jump pretty high.
Aerial speed:
3/10 – Jumping on the spot makes him unable to gain a lot of horizontal distance, though.
Fall speed:
7.5/10 – Especially because he also falls more quickly than others. However...
Dashing jump speed:
7.5/10 – Jumping out of a dash makes him fly like a bird!
Judging by these, he appears to be somewhat average. However, he also has a bunch of...
Ike has a history of getting himself in trouble ever since he could walk. After getting involved with the underground scene of his home city, his potential for mischief skyrocketed, and he soon turned escaping from disgruntled elders into an art form. The name of the art he has learned is “parcour”, along with its close brother “free-running”.
Mastery of these skills makes him quite the agile fighter. While his speed is well below the true speedsters of the game, he has a few very unique tricks up his sleeve.
Ike suffers practically no lag after his aerials as he always manages to land right on his feet.
He gets up insanely quickly from the ledge or from a knocked down position.
Performing ukemi/teching will immediately cause Ike to land on his feet, without a get-up animation or roll.
While he's quite light and sort of easy to hit, these skills make him crazy hard to combo and greatly enhance
his ability to inflict crazy combos on his opponents!
2. Helper
You're probably wondering who is accompanying Ike in that picture. Well, it's none other than the great Babbit from Kodomo no Omocha! Wait, what's
he doing here?
Since Ike is a “normal” human being, he's not normally at home in a computer game.
Playing Subspace Emissary will reveal that a strange being with the power to manipulate transfers of data on the internet has allowed him to digitalize and enter Brawl to join the common cause our heroes are fighting for – whatever
that may be!
In battle, this creature, whom I will call a “helper” for the purposes of the moveset, constantly follows Ike around as well as it can to try and assist him!
What you are seeing is not the creature's true form – it's just shape it took to be able to fly and fit into the environment. It also possesses two other standard forms.
One such form is that of Navi from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, except without the obnoxiousness. The elusive third form evokes the image of a beautiful white dove named Tiqvah, who originates from a story nobody has read yet...
But what determines which form the helper takes?
3. Moods
Unlike any other character, Ike shows some real emotion on the battlefield!
Depending on his surroundings, he will eagerly show his mood in his entrance, idle stance, taunts, victory pose and of course his face. His helper also changes form depending on how Ike feels. Their ability to fight remains perfectly unchanged in any case, so this is quirk is really just there to be awesome.
The main factor determining his moods is the music, and of course the stage the battle takes place on.
Depending on what you like to play Brawl like, this might be the mood you'll encounter Ike in most often; and that can't be a bad thing, can it?
Happy, funny or just plain weird music is obviously the main thing that makes Ike act happy. However, it's also greatly influenced by the number of enemies he has to face, as well as the item settings. A 4-way FFA with items on is quite certain to give you one cheerful Ike no matter what the music or stage are.
The helper takes on his Babbit form. Perfect for sarcastic commentary!
While it's similar to happiness, this mood shows just how much Ike has been craving for adventure all his life. His eyes are filled with determination!
Most songs that don't fall under the categories above are likely to make him feel plucky. Rock, metal, heavy metal, even some death metal will fire up his fighting spirit!
This mood is also more likely to show up during duels or in team battles in which Ike is outnumbered. See also:
Hot-Blooded on
The helper shows up in Navi form. Triforce of Pluckiness!
Ike is concentrated fully on the battle. He breathes calmly and wastes not a single motion. His determined eyes observe his opponent's every movement, waiting for his chance to strike. This sudden seriousness... is there more to this boy than one would expect at first?
This is a rare mood to find Ike in, and so it is in the game. Only few songs and environments will trigger this in him, and even then, having a single item turned on, or fighting a particularly weird opponent will be enough to ruin the ominously solemn dignity that is required to encounter this young hero in his most purely badass form. See also:
Tranquil Fury on
The helper shows up as Tiqvah, the white dove of hope.
Now let's get to the meat of the moveset.
Battle Stuff!
Let's deal with all the aspects that are affected by Ike's moods.
But first:
Both Ike and his helper materialize in the game world in a bright light , materializing first as wireframes, then colorless models, then a complete but motionless model. Finally, Ike swipes his hand in front of himself, then goes into his appropriate idle position.
A light-hearted smile sits snugly on his face.
Idle pose:
Both feet set a certain distance apart on the ground, he stands loosely, letting his arms dangle back and forth. His whole body is in motion. Looks like he's excited! Idling for a moment will make him gaze around curiously or stand still for a moment to listen more closely to the music and move his finger to the beat. There's also a less common animation where he scratches his butt, because you can't have idle animations without that one, can you now?
- He looks at the camera, thrusts his hand in its direction, raises his finger and yells, “this is my BOOMSTICK!”
- “Muhahahahahaaaaa!”, he laughs evily in his deepest voice while playing with his non-existant moustache.
- Giggles and rubs his hands. Quite possibly more evil than the previous one.
Victory tune:
Slightly altered first riff of
Ride On Shooting Star.
Victory poses:
- Folds his arms and produces a smug grin with an invisible cigar in his mouth, then says in a raspy voice, “I love it when a plan comes together.”
- He performs a flip forward across the stage, then flips again and lands in a single-handed handstand... then topples over and lands on his bum.
- Does a
rather dubious little dance.
Losing pose:
- Golf claps, smiling sleazily.
He smiles, but his eyebrows are lowered in determination. In this state, he's apt to grunt a lot while throwing some of his moves around. Is it healthy to enjoy fighting like that?
Idle pose:
Somewhat similar to Falco's except with looser motions, he's constantly in motion, switching his weight from one foot to another while keeping his arms raised in front of him in anticipation of attacking with them. Idling will make him crack various joints. Once he runs out of obvious ones, he'll have to resort to cracking his... toes.
- For this set of taunts, he copies some of his favourite Smash characters! First off is DK's famous shrug taunt – except he uses it facing his opponent. Oo, burn!
- Second is Wolf's kicking taunt, along with the line “Dosh-ta, dosh-ta?!” delivered in a mock Wolf voice. Hey, the Japanese version is cooler, right.
- And finally, “Show me your moves!” YHES!
Victory tune:
Pick a riff from
Trigun's opening theme. ANY riff.
Victory poses:
- Ike raises his fist to the sky and euphorically yells “wooooo-hooooooo” like a child who just came out of an awesome rollercoaster ride. Then he folds over and starts panting. Whew.
- Does a victory dance that involves him sliding across the floor with subtle movements of his feet while grooving out with his arms. Basically, imagine something really awesome-looking. Got it? Yeah, that's it.
- Facing to the side of the screen in an ominously pensive pose, with his hand in front of his face pretending to be holding a cigar, he puts it in his mouth for a moment, then blows out the invisible smoke and proceeds to stand motionlessly with his face away from the camera. All while looking positively mysterious. I guess he's trying to act like Snake. If you look closely at him standing there, you can see him giggle.
Losing pose:
- Smiles proudly and claps.
Empty except for determination.
Idle pose:
He stands with his legs far apart, arms raised in front of him, moving only subtly. He barely wastes a single motion. The stance is somewhat comparable to Wolf's, except with less motion and less overall wildness. No idle animations.
- Thrusts his fist forward and stands strong for a moment.
- Stands still and inhales, then exhales deeply with closed eyes.
- Stomps the foot behind him on the ground and raises the hand in front in a threatening motion.
Victory tune:
Slightly altered main riff from
The Real Folk Blues.
Victory poses:
- Lying on the floor with all limbs stretched out, looking at the sky.
- Facing the side of the screen, he looks at his opponents behind him, then at the screen.
- Scratches his head as if something's mildly annoying or puzzling him, then slowly walks off the screen.
Losing pose:
- Stands there with his arms crossed.
Now for the actual fighting.
Ike is not exaggeratedly fast, his moves deal below average damage unless they manage to hit with several of their phases, he's easily KO'd and lacks many reliable KO moves himself...
The beauty of his fighting lies in his amazing ability to string moves together. He plays like a mix between Melee Falcon and Mario; his quick jump on the spot allows him to efficiently attack opponents above him like Fox, his dashing jump allows him to follow and beat them around like Falcon, his automatic l-cancel allows for ground moves or more aerials to follow immediately after a string of aerials.
Furthermore, he possesses a bunch of great intricacies that play with the physics of the game world and carry over some of the physics from the real world he's from.
This style means that he's mediocre in the hands of new players, but possesses great potential for everyone who's willing to learn how to make the best of his quick and precise movements.
The moves:
Ike has not only learned parcour and free-running. He actually earns some pocket-money by participating in the performances of a small breakdance crew, which is reflected in many of his moves. And you want to tell me that this guy is obsessed with comics, cartoons, videogames and music? Why can't
I do those things?!
Many of the move names will link you to some footage of the move in action.
Helping Hand:
The helper always tries to follow Ike as well as he can. He has limited flying speed, so it can take him a bit to catch up if Ike's being sent flying at high speed. If he's sufficiently close, the first two B moves can be used.
Pressing B will cause the helper to flutter in for a tackle against a nearby opponent! It's not a terribly fast attack, the way the helper flutters around Ike makes the start-up pretty random, it only works if the helper and an opponent are close to Ike, it can't be spammed and it only inflicts 2% at max strength and has no noticeable knockback except for some slight stun. Sounds... pretty horrible, actually.
The beauty lies in the fact that the helper is autonomous. Pressing neutral B gives a command directly to the helper himself. That means that this move can be used under
all circumstances!
Shielding? Press B to make the helper attack and open up an opportunity for a counter-attack without lowering the shield.
Laying the smackdown on an enemy? Press B for some extra damage.
Being battered thoroughly? Press B to make him help you escape!
And, yes. If Kirby copies Ike's B move, he gains a little helper himself. A pink one!
Intercept Transmission:
The other move that makes use of the helper. Behind the appearance it dons, it's actually a being capable of manipulating data. This move makes use of that ability by absorbing “data” transmitted by other characters!
To utilize this, Ike has to give a command, so unlike the neutral B move, this can't be used while he's busy doing something else. After Ike shouts “Intercept!” while pointing forward, though, he can move freely again. The helper will, if available, dive forward as quickly as it can and stall in the air briefly in front of Ike. During this time, the move is in effect.
If a projectile touches the helper during this time, he will glow brightly for a moment as the projectile is being absorbed.
If an enemy is unfortunate enough to walk into this move, he will be latched onto and stunned with small attacks for combined medium damage, and if they possess a projectile, it will be absorbed, too! If they have several, the main one is chosen.
So what happens with absorbed stuff? Well, next time the neutral B is used, the helper quickly transforms into the absorbed projectile and shoots forward!
Depending on how powerful the blast is that you absorbed, this can lead to incredible combos into KOs! Trust me when I say that this sort of maneuver is hard as hell to pull off due to the somewhat long start-up and small hitbox, but I'll be ****ed if it isn't worth it!
Those who can't stand Ike might wish that this move was exactly what it sounds like, but it's actually a term used in breakdancing.
Like Jigglypuff's rest, new players will have a hard time figuring out the use of this move. Using it on the ground will cause Ike to... stop moving. Yeah, that's pretty much it.
The trick about this move is that it can also be used in the air and even during many moves!
The most common moves to use the Suicide with are Ike's aerials. Pressing down-b during an aerial will make him stop moving, which causes him to lose his forward momentum and increase his fall speed. This means that, if he's going forward in the air, he will quickly lose his forward momentum and start falling at an increasingly high speed. If he's already falling, he'll accellerate downwards.
During the fall, his whole body becomes a massive hitbox with power depending on his momentum and the power of the aerial he froze in. At maximum speed, it inflicts massive damage and causes knockback comparable to the Falcon Punch.
As you can imagine, however, the move is terribly situational. Once he uses it, he can't stop until he hits the ground, once he does hit the ground, depending on the distance he fell, he'll suffer slight damage and will take a while to get up again, and it takes a while to get the move up to its maximum power. Casuals love to use it during crowded FFAs, professionals usually just use it to trick the opponent by changing their momentum during their recovery in order to safely hang onto the ledge.
Using it in the air without canceling a move with it causes Ike to perform a much less extreme version with similar effects but much less power and less landing lag and damage.
It can also be used to cancel a few ground moves for different effects.
Wall Jump:
Yep, Ike can wall jump. Obviously. This move takes that ability a step further, and is actually one of his most brilliant ones in several respects!
On the ground, using this move will cause Ike to make a quick leap and kick out his legs in front of himself. The start-up is sort of quick and the range is decent – and if you get hit by this, may god have mercy on your soul. Hitting anything solid with his feet will cause Ike to kick himself off that object and shoot up spectacularly in an arc, spinning in the air... Meanwhile, his victim is subjected to low damage and the deadliest knockback any attack of Ike's that isn't a charged smash has to offer. Which, mind you, still isn't spectacular, but beggars can't be choosers. It's quite horizontal, too, which makes it a killer close to the edge. Casuals have been known to call this move “the new Spin Attack”!
Of course, the move also has an aerial variety used for recovery.
Genre savvy as he is, Ike manipulates the game's physics and makes them his b*tch. For a short moment, he clings to the
invisible wall that every character apparently uses to double-jump ( there's got to be one somewhere, right? ), then pushes himself off of it with a strong kick. He then dives forward a certain distance with his feet stretched forward. If he hits anything during this period, be it a wall or a foe, just like the grounded variety, he will kick off and send himself spinning upwards in a mostly vertical arc. Once he reaches the apex of that arc, he's free to move again, including the use of another up-b.
And let's not forget about the knockback if he hits an opponent, which invokes painful memories of Sheik's fair from Melee. It's not nearly as fast, and using it off the stage is rather risky, so it's hardly a cheap move. But that doesn't stop people from calling it one.
If he doesn't hit anything during the previous phase, the momentum will cause him to spin into a normal position for a moment. During this brief period, he can't act at all. He can Suicide-cancel this phase, which actually turns him into a rather deadly projectile, but that means he won't be able to do anything until he hits the ground.
Afterwards, he's free to move again, including the use of another up-b.
So, to recap the use of this move for the purpose of recovery:
The boost phase of the move will allow Ike to ricochet off walls in order to scale them by repeatedly bouncing back and forth between the wall and the “invisible” wall.
If no wall is available, it works similarly to Pikachu's uncharged Skull Bash, with a somewhat longer distance on the boost, but more time needed to recover afterwards.
Ike has several complex moves like this. Mastering them is one of the main objectives of any Ike main.
A Moves:
Right Hook, Left Hook:
Ike quickly jabs his right hand in front of himself. If you press A again, a left hook follows. He moves his whole body with the attack, so it looks very fluid. Unfortunately it deals only minimal damage and low knockback.
As he dashes, pressing A makes Ike place a foot firmly on the ground to come to a sudden halt. In a spinning motion, he directs the momentum of the run into his other leg, which he quickly stretches out for a mean kick. He then quickly finishes the spin, plants the foot back on the ground and proceeds to combo his opponent.
This attack is rather similar to Sheik's infamous ftilt from Melee, as it is perfect for setting up a combo. It's not quite as hellishly fast, but the range makes up for that.
Strong Right:
Taking a quick, fierce step forward with his right foot, Ike puts his whole body into a blindingly fast punch with his right fist! BAM! Breakdancing is fine and all, but every moveset needs a few plain and simple asskicking attacks like this one!
This move is really pretty average all around, although it does have quite nice range. KOs at higher percents.
One-handed kick:
As seen in the photo, Ike gets on his hand and kicks upwards with both legs. This attack covers a nice range in all directions around Ike except below, and as most of his moves, has some good comboing potential.
This move is Freeze-cancelable, but it doesn't do much except make him remain motionless at the peak of the attack until he's interrupted, ten seconds pass or you press down-b again to make him continue. Use it for mindgames, I guess. Or better yet, as a taunt!
Coffee Grinder:
As it shows in the video, this move makes Ike sweep his foot along the ground to trip his foes.
Tapping A will cause a brief tripping move with little lag, good for setups. Keeping A held a little longer will cause him to complete the circle to attack behind him as well. If you keep holding A down after this, the move will keep going on and increase in momentum. By the third full circle, it has reached its maximum power, giving it some good damage-dealing properties and actual potential for KOs. “Charging” it long enough for that to happen, though, takes about as long as a Warlock punch, so you can't count really on it in a duel.
Baby Swipe
Watch the video! Ike gets on his hands and quickly kicks out his legs in a horizontally spinning motion. It's amazing how fluid he can make it look! He's probably helped by being inside a game, though...
This move has two attack phases: The initial kick, which does some rather low damage, but pretty good and very horizontal knockback, and the spin, which does okay damage and has the same knockback, but less horizontal, making it worse for KOs. You can pretty easily combo from the first phase into the next for some good damage. The hitbox for the first one comes out quickly, so it's actually a good KO move, but you have to space it very carefully so as to not let the second phase interrupt your opponent's trajectory. Master this move well!
It's a... reverse drillkick? Ike gets on both of his hands and uses his momentum to spin quickly!
The hitbox for this move covers his whole body. Being touched by any part of his body below his feet will cause opponents to be sucked up into the motion thanks to the wonderful magic of cartoon physics! As the move continuously deals little damage, they are forced upwards until they meet the sweetspot at his feet. Said sweetspot deals relatively low damage, but some respectable vertical knockback!
This move is Freeze-cancelable during the attacking potion, which makes him cut the move short and proceed to the get-up animation.
Flare to Windmill combo
Seriously? Watch the video. I cannot do it justice with words.
Using a down-smash will first make Ike perform a Flare, the part of the combo where he stands on his arms and whirls his legs around himself. The attack has a sweetspot at the side of the foot that stretches out the farthest during the kicks, which will cause the enemy it hits to suffer pretty hard knockback. The other, much larger part of the attack, however, deals low-to-medium damage and actually combos into itself, much like Ganondorf's down-smash in Melee. The first part of the attack flings the opponent into the second. If you keep A held, you can keep doing this for a while, but your opponents will probably catch on and quickly DI out of the attack, which lets them punish you.
Once Ike stops with the Flare, he goes into a Windmill. He gets onto his back and uses the momentum he gained during the flare to kick out hard all around him. His legs deal good damage and some good knockback, both of which become
excellent depending on how much momentum he gained.
This is Ike's flashiest move, and also the riskiest thanks to its complicated hitboxes and long duration. However, it also has the potential to be his most powerful. It can really turn the tide in a cluttered 4-way FFA!
This move is Freeze-cancelable as well during the first phase. Since using this smash is so risky, this allows you to cancel the attack early – however, canceling such an attack isn't without its own risks. Depending on how much momentum you've accumulated already, expect Ike to be sent flying a certain distance as he loses his grip and receive damage when he hits the floor. If you aren't careful when doing this near an edge, it could send him flying off to his doom, so only do this when you're sure it's the safer option, will you?
The meat of Ike's combo game. Many of these moves have interesting properties that require great precision to use effectively. Also, as it was given in the move description, all of them can be Suicide-canceled.
Dynamic Entry:
A glorified sex-kick! Imitating the patron saint of all striving hot-bloods, the great Maito Gai, he kicks out his foot straight in front of him! Depending on his mood, this may or may not be accompanied by a scream of “DAINAMIKKU ENTURI” and a crazy grin. Don't be fooled by the ridiculousness, however. This is one of his more complex moves.
First and foremost, the knockback of this move is dependent on Ike's aerial momentum. It ranges from perfectly horizontal to mostly vertical. As it is a sex-kick, it also stays out for a short time, though shorter than most, and diminishes in strength during this time. His foot during the first frame of the attack is a sweetspot that causes greater damage and rather powerful and mostly horizontal knockback. This means:
This move can be one of Ike's most powerful killers if you hit with it at maximum aerial speed with the first frame of his foot.
You can ALSO use it as a combo “entry” by starting the move briefly before you clash with your opponent, which, depending on your momentum, causes them to be poked a short distance in front of you or above you, in a perfect position to follow up with more aerials!
Heel Slam:
Ike pushes forward his lower body, sticks out his right foot, then slams it down in a circular motion. The knockback and damage of this move varies depending on when the opponent is hit.
The foot comes out fast, but deals little damage and slightly pops the opponent up. This can be a pretty effective spacing move, but the small damage might not be worth it if you aren't sure you can follow up quickly enough.
The first half of the slamming motion deals somewhat larger damage and low semi-spike knockback. This part is effective for getting your enemy out of your hair, slamming them against the ground, or gimping characters with a bad recovery.
The second half of the slam deals pretty good damage ( 12%-ish ) and is a meteor-smash with below average power. Use it to start combos against grounded opponents, build up damage, or KO highly damaged opponents!
Similarly to the up-tilt, this move will make Ike kick up his feet, and, for the sake of coolness, touch one of them with his right hand. He remains in this pose for a moment, so it sort of resembles a sex kick. Apart from the fact that the damage and knockback depend subtly on how close to the feet the opponent is hit, this move is rather similar to Sheik's uair.
Kamina Punch!:
This time, Ike summons the patron saint of all
successful hot-bloods! In a fashion that might remind you of the Reverse Falcon Punch, Ike curls his body together in preparation for a spin, raises his fist, then spins around with a grunt of “Huuaaargh!” ( or a full-blown “KAMINA PUUUNCH!” if he's feeling silly enough ) and slams his fist behind him with all his power!
This is one of his killer moves, but like many others, it's rather risky due to a long start-up and cool-down and lower range than you'd expect from Ike. But while it's quite as strong as the famous Knee of Justice, it's at least as awesome!
Cycling kick:
Kind of a let-down after the awesomeness of the previous move, Ike quickly kicks downward with both feet after another at a slight angle, dealing okay damage and causing light forward knockback. If you ask him, he'll deny any similarities to Peach's dair.
Hitting an opponent with this move will temporarily arrest Ike's downward momentum as he kicks himself off of his adversary. Coupled with the fact that it has quick start-up and low cool-down, you can often string at least two of these together against a heavier opponent.
Shielding Moves and “Throws”:
Ike puts his weight on one foot and quickly spins around it once, effectively stepping aside for a moment. Pretty average stuff here.
For both of his rolls, Ike will quickly kick himself off the ground with the foot that's facing the screen, jump vertically towards the background, kick himself off from the ground there and jump back onto the field. In short, two big leaping steps. It covers the distance you'd expect from a roll, has above average invincibility frames, but takes somewhat longer than many rolls.
Grappling isn't really Ike's style at all, you know. His “grab” is one of the most unique in the game, with properties quite unlike any other.
He reels back his right hand, then thrusts it forward in a perfectly horizontal motion, at blinding speed! Okay, it's just a glorified poke, but man, it hurts! The opponent hit by this is stunned for a moment and is thus at Ike's mercy!
This “grab” is slower to come out than any other and has only average range, but it's quite worth it. And yes, it does pierce shields.
After you rendered your enemy defenseless, quickly follow up with one of these; you only have a short moment to decide!
A attack:
Keep A held to make Ike attack with a flurry of random punches! Now this is the style he's known for; what he lacks in muscles, he makes up for in pure speed!
As soon as the first punch is thrown, the opponent can attempt to DI out of the barrage. Anticipate your foe's escape and stop pressing A to finish the attack with a straight jab that sends them flying a short distance.
This move can accumulate some decent damage on an already highly damaged opponent. At low damages, they can escape more easily, so other throws might work better.
If you didn't figure it out yet, this isn't your usual grab attack. You can't use any of the other throws after it.
Forward throw:
Ike uppercuts the victim, and, in the same motion, throws himself onto the ground, where he leans on his left hand and left foot and proceeds to kick out the right leg into them. The uppercut does relatively high damage and hardly any knockback. An expert DIer can DI out of it at lower percents to evade the kick. If he fails, the combined attack does good damage and can KO at high percents.
Up throw:
Ike sits down on the ground and trips the opponent with one leg, then kicks upwards with the other. Like the forward-throw, can possibly be DI'd out of, otherwise does good damage. Hardly any KO ability.
Back throw:
Ike gets on the floor and rolls forward sideways through the legs of his victim, which causes them to trip and receive small damage. He gets up facing the opposite direction he faced before, while his foe will be forced to tech.
Down throw:
Punches them in the gut in a forward step, then quickly follows up with an elbow into their back, making them bounce off the ground. Good ol' brawling move. Good damage, can be followed up at lower percents.
The Awakening
The Awakening... Ike's Final Smash, the manifestation of his ultimate power... what earth-shaking force of destruction does the Smash Ball allow him to wield?!
As he absorbs the energy of the Smash Ball, his eyes light up with fire! He points his finger to the sky! By some miracle, the energy is transferred into his helper, who begins to shine in a bright, firy light and disappear the same way he appeared at the start of the match...
In the place of the helper materializes a new creature, a powerful warrior who shall assist Ike in his battle!
Allow me to introduce you to Linda.
Linda is Ike's best friend, yet they could hardly be more different. If Ike is hot-blooded, Linda has a glacier coursing through her veins.
She is a sweet, very intelligent and sensible girl, mild-mannered and wise... but really, the first thing people will notice about her is that she is incredibly
She is a narcoleptic, which means that she will often fall asleep very deeply for a short time, without warning and at any time. She counters this by taking medication and napping regularly, but it still leaves her feeling extremely tired all the time, which in turn causes her to move and react quite slowly.
Don't let this fool you into thinking that she's a boring person, though; her deadpan humor is unmatched, and for some reason her fingers appear to be exempt from her slowness – she's a known and feared Smasher in her region!
But all this aside, why would Ike summon a tiny and tired young girl into the battlefield?
Well, what not so many people know is that Linda also happens to possess super strength! Nobody who knows about it has any idea why she does, and somehow, nobody seems to care, either. She just happens to have the strength of a full-blown professional wrestler. The laws of physics are indignant!
Of course, Linda is so slow that the usability of her strength is so greatly restricted that her punches still hurt less than those of an average dude and she's forced to act like some sort of mobile rock in battle.
That's where the Smash Ball comes into play!
Ike transfers the Smash energy into Linda, who accepts the offer with a curtsy. Her eyes glow up! She... she's awake!
In this rare state, Linda's mobility rises dramatically to the level of a normal teenage girl!
For the next few seconds, she assists Ike in battle.
Now let me repeat this.
Ike is helped for several seconds by a character with the mobility of Mario and the strength of
Ganondorf, who does not suffer any damage because she automatically blocks everything with her arm and has the best possible AI. Hooooly crap!
Here are the moves she has at her disposal:
Basically, she holds her hands in front of herself and pushes the opponent hard. Deals mediocre damage but is quite a capable KO move.
Little swing:
She swings her right hand in front of herself in a slightly upwards arc. It deals some very nice damage and launches them mostly vertically to be followed up with some aerials from Ike.
Girly kick:
This would be her attack of choice if Ike has managed to grab the opponent. She lifts up her right leg, then kicks it out. Yes, it's visible that she's not an experienced fighter or anything, but it's not like she ever claimed to be one. And really, that just makes the ownage that much more satisfying. This move deals great damage and
explosive knockback!
Big swing:
For all intents and purposes, this move is just like Ganondorf's fair, except a little stronger.
Once the time's over, she stops, briefly waves at Ike with her usual calm smile and vanishes again to be replaced by the helper.
Oh, by the way: No, she's not
really stronger than Ganondorf. She can't bend metal or take over kingdoms or anything. Her overpoweredness is a simple by-product of balancing: Since Ike is balanced with the other fighters, and Linda is stronger than Ike, that effectively makes her more powerful than any other character once she's inside the game! Oh, the beauty of manipulating loopholes for the sake of awesomeness!
Finally, let's deal with the
Alt Colors:
The default colors that you saw above.
Black: Goth Ike! He turns even paler, his trademark red hair goes dark purple and his clothes turn all black. Destined to become overused.
Emo Ike! Colors chosen by the super-awesome Reyairia!
As colored during my first crappy attempt at throwing some colors together.
Blue: Ike's red hair goes blue, his t-shirt goes blue as well, the sweatshirt below it turns red, the pants white and the shoes go thick leather... Hmm...
who does this remind me of...?
And now for the last bit of awesomeness.
Our Hometown
( Okay, I didn't really go for accuracy here. Consider it the better alternative to an MSPaintjob. )
Allow me to explain the sketch.
The setting is the outskirts of a major American city that shall remain unnamed. The fighting takes place on top of an abandoned warehouse with an unnecessary giant advertising poster attached. This is the sole platform.
There is a large tree in the leftern foreground and another warehouse on the right. A road lies at the bottom and extends up to the horizon, across a bridge on top of a river and to the stadium in the far right background.
Much of the background is taken up by a big skyscraper that blocks the leftern view at the sky and the horizon, where another part of the city can be seen in the distance.
It sounds like quite a boring stage, really. Only one platform and a rather uninteresting landscape. However, this stage is extremely unique. Why? Because it is sensitive to music.
The Hometown stage has a wide library of songs available, all of which influence the way the stage will appear. There is a giant number of factors that can change according to the music; the time of day, the weather, the movement of the clouds, the color scheme, the leaves and the birds flying in the wind, the cars, the light of the billboard, the lone street lantern and the nearby skyscraper and the stadium in the background... all of these and more can change with no regard for the physically possible to enable an amazing musical experience.
Get your imagination in gear, I will list the available songs and describe what happens on the stage when they play.
They also all have a certain influence on Ike's mood, so I will list that as well.
Gorillaz – 19/2000 (Soulchild Remix)
Moods: 100% Happy
Start dancing to the music of Gorillaz in a happy mood! When this song plays, the stage gains a color scheme similar to the one you see in the official music video. Apart from that, there don't seem to be many obvious changes... well, except for the occasional flying saucer and the mayhem on the streets that appears to have a conspicuous yellow buggy at its center... and the windows of the skyscraper occasionally light up to the beat of the song... actually, do I see Godzilla walking around in the background there...? Must be my imagination.
Oh, and you know how the audience sometimes cheers on a character?
In this mode of the stage, there's a chance that they'll be interrupted by a middle-aged guy's voice yelling “shut the hell up already!” from off-screen.
Bomfunk MCs – Freestyler
Moods: 70% Happy – 25% Hotblood – 5% Serious
The absolute classic of breakdancing songs ( at least ones that I'm aware of

For this mode, the stage takes on a similar color scheme to the official music video. Not much else appears to change at first glance. The essence of this mode lies in the clouds and the timing. The clouds change shape like the visualization plugin of your media player, and everything, clouds as well as cars and everything else, scratches. Whenever the music scratches back and forth, so does everything else in the stage. It makes you want to dance!
Initial D – Beat of the Rising Sun
Moods: 40% Happy - 60% Hotblood
Beat of the Rising Sun! The band that made the soundtrack for the racing anime Initial D is giving a concert in the stadium! The music is accompanied by a spectacular lighting show produced by the floodlights that lights up the sky!
In the background, you can slowly see the sun rise behind the horizon to illuminate the darkness of the night... the wind is going steadily but powerfully, the occasional bird and leaf can be seen flying about, and cars are racing across the streets in masses as befits the soundtrack of an anime about racing!
Initial D – The Final Countdown
Moods: 40% Happy – 60% Hotblood
Again from Initial D, this song is played in the middle of the night. But you have no time to wonder whether the residents are okay with the commotion, because it's the final countdown now! The light show for this is absolutely amazing – the cloud is thickly covered in clouds which are lit up in all the colors of the rainbow by the flashlights! Even the lights of the billboard and the lone streetlight flicker in the beat of the song... This ain't a place for epileptics to be, that's for sure.
Masterplan – The Spirit Never Dies
Moods: 100% Hotblood
The song made famous by the AMV “Shounen Bushido” - the epitome of hotbloodedness!
The stage goes crazy during this song – it starts in the middle of the night and passes through a whole day until the end of the match. Everything is fast-forwarded! The awesome flood of light caused by the cars in the darkness of the night is enough to look amazing, but that's not nearly all. The sky is in turmoil. Clouds move with the song like sentient masses. They seem to attempt to devour one another, fighting for dominance of the skies! Black clouds appear and cause terrible dangerous weather, powerful storms blast across the stage with barrages of rain, and are soon vanquished by the white clouds again, allowing you a quick glimpse at the sun and the perfect blue sky until the next onslaught of blackness occurs. Caught in the middle are the birds. Most of the birds are helplessly swept away with the storm... but a few courageous ones stand up against it! Such valor!
After the middle point, the fight of the clouds escalates, and finally, the black clouds seem to win! The bad weather is starting to take on epic proportions – until it suddenly stops. Nothing moves, and there is only darkness left.
But then the black clouds tear open, they fight back, the struggle resumes, but the black clouds are losing... and with the final beat, all of them suddenly vanish into nothingness, exposing the full moon that bathes the stage into a celestial light. Wow.
This song only plays during timed matches. Advanced musical technology ensures that parts of the song will repeat just enough to perfectly suit the length of the match. My lord, Sakurai, what a genius you are.
Machinae Supremacy – Bouff
Moods: 50% Hotblood – 50% Serious
Everything is dark. The only sources of light are the billboard lights, the lone street lantern and the moon. A storm is raging against the lands. Heavy raindrops hit the stage in waves, the tree has to try its hardest to resist the storm while its branches are slammed against the building and its leaves are torn away with the wind in spades... Only in the last minute, the music stops, and the rain and wind cease as if nothing ever happened...
This is the stage where battles of fate are fought.
[Unlockable songs]
Machinae Supremacy
Moods: 100% Serious
Just like the previous Machinae Supremacy song, this will cause a terrible storm to rage across the stage... yet there is no rain. In fact, all the land seems terribly empty and gray, supervised only by the full moon looming on top of it all, bathing the world into an otherworldly light...
This mode of the stage is so intense in its depressiveness that it's been known to cause more emotionally fragile players to stress out over the current match... If you have a score to settle with someone, play them on this stage in this mode. More epicness has not been seen in the history of Smash.
Gorillaz – Demon Days
Moods: 100% Serenity
It's the eponymous song! But... what is that? “Serenity”?
This unlockable song is the only one in the game that can trigger a hidden mood in Ike. It's similar in most respects to Seriousness, with one big difference... he smiles calmly. In this state, you could almost think you're facing a wise old man who is at peace with the world, an ancient master of almost forgotten martial arts... something like that? What is the significance of this song...?
During this song, the stage is filled in a light grey tone as the sky is covered in light rainy clouds that pour down relentlessly... Yet somehow, it doesn't seem so bad. The rain is falling softly like a gentle shower. And slowly, you can see the clouds breaking open to reveal the sun...