Warning! Challenger Approaching!
***(All pictures used here were made by Nintendo, and found on http://www.fe-online.co.uk/ I did not make these myself.)***
The Lady of Sacae, Lyndis has joined the Brawl!
_((Lyn's Story))_
Prior to the Story of Fire Emblem (The seventh in the series, but the first released state-side), Lyndis was born in the Sacaen plains to Lord Hassar, chieftain of the Lorca tribe, and Lady Madelyn, daughter of Lord Hausen of Caelin. Lyn's parents, along with the rest of her tribe, were slaughtered by the Taliver bandits. The Taliver were an especially violent gang of bandits, who take their name from the mountains they made their domain. Lyn survives the slaughter, and lives alone until the begining of the game, training so that she can exterminate the Taliver when she got her chance.
At the start of the game, she finds a tactician (the player avatar) lying on the ground, unconscious. She takes him/her back to her home and nurses them to health. Not long after the tactician awakes, bandits attack a nearby village. With the tactician's guidence, Lyn manages to defeat the bandits. After the battle, Lyn asks the tactician if she can travel with him/her, in order to strengthen her abilities. Soon after their departure, they meet two knights from Caelin, Kent and Sain, who are searching for her. They tell her that she is the granddaughter of Lord Hausen, who's health is slowly declining and wishes to see his daughter and her family before he passes. Lyn agrees to travel to Caelin to see her grandfather.
As the group travels, they save a priest from bandits, who had come to steal the blessed sword Mani Katti from it's shrine. To reward her bravery, the priest gives Lyn permission to hold the holy sword herself. Honored, Lyn takes the sword into her hands. The Mani Katti glows upon her touch, signifing that she is the destined wielder of the blade. The priest emplores her to take it with her, and after a moment of hesitation, she agrees. Along the way to Caelin, Lyn finds many allies to assist her. She soon learns that her granduncle, Lord Lundgren, is poisoning her grandfather in order to claim the throne from him, and will stop at nothing to prevent her from reaching her grandfather alive.
His efforts prove to be in vain. After a difficult fight, Lyn slays the powerhungry fool, and finds her grandfather alive, but in bad shape. She pleads with him to stay alive, as he is her only living family member. Encouraged by her words, he continues to fight the effects of poison and eventually recovers from the brink of death. From this point until the start of the main story, Lyn lives with her grandfather as Lady Lyndis, and several of her friends stay with her as Caelin's knights. She takes on a lesser, but still vital role during Eliwood's or Hector's story (depending on which the player chooses), helping them to stop the game's main villan, Nergal, from opening the Dragon's Gate for his own nefarious ends. During this quest, Lyn awakens the true strength of the Mani Katti, which becomes the Sol Katti.
Lyn was created specificly for the story of Fire Emblem 7, and recieves no mention during Fire Emblem 6(which her game is the prequal to). As such, there's no real information on where she is during the course of Fire Emblem 6 or the 20 years between the games. If she gains an A support ranking with Eliwood, Hector, or Rath, she will marry them and become the mother of Roy(yes, that one), Lilina, or Sue, respectively.
Thanks to Wikipedia and it's contributors, which I used to refresh my memory of the game's story and orginize my thoughts.
_(((SPECIAL MECHANIC) Equipment))_
Lyn has many moves involving her bow and her sword, her moves changing based on which one she has. When she respawns or uses an attack that has her throw away an item, she switches back to her sword by default. Lyndis can change her selected weapon by using her Down Taunt, which takes 1.2 seconds to complete. Lyn still changes weapons, even if the Taunt is not completed. While she doesn't perform the animaton, Lyn does swap weapons in the air if the Down Taunt imput is performed, including the 1.2 seconds it takes to do so.
When Lyn picks up an item like a Beam Saber or a Pokéball, she holds the item in her left hand, while keeping her current equipment in her right. When Lyn performs an action that requires both her hands, she places the item behind her back. It disappears into the cartoon hammerspace all characters seem capable of until she finishes whatever she's doing, at which point she reaches behind herself again and pulls it back out.
_(((SPECIAL MECHANIC) Childhood Friends))_
What? Another mechanic? Isn't that a little overcomplicated? Not really. Lyn calls in her chilhood friend, Florina, using her Up Special. Florina has a limited amount of stamina, and attacks in tandem with Lyn during her aerials, sticking around until she's KOed. Simple. If you want the more in depth explination, just check the Up B description below.
Lyn's best asset is her manuverability. She has the third best move speed when compared to Brawl characters (Behind C. Falcon and Sonic.) and most of her attacks involve her leaping towards/away from foes or moving in a way that shrinks her hurtbox. She's going to need this, however. She's the lightest of all humanoid characters and her recovery isn't all that great. Her attacks do very little damage, and while she has good attack speed and range, she has only a scant few KO moves that don't involve risks.
Which weapon you use should depend on your opponent. Use Lyn's sword when facing an opponent who does best at long range, and use her speed to stay close. If you're up against an enemy who likes it up close and personal, Lyn's Bow should be used to chip away at them and her speed should be used to avoid them at all costs. Lyn has plenty of tricks in the air as well. Florina, a pegasus knight and Lyn's childhood friend appears when Lyndis uses her Up B. Florina follows Lyn and boosts her recovery to a somewhat respectable level, and fights in tandem with Lyn while in the air.
Size: 6.5/10
Lyn's figure is identical to Zero Suit Samus in both height and width.
Weight: 3/10
Lyn's the lightest of all the human characters by a decent margin, and needs to use her speed to avoid her opponents if she wants to survive for long.
Walk Speed: 4/10
Lyndis takes long, graceful strides as she walks.
Run Speed: 8/10
Amazing. Lyn is only slightly slower then Captain Falcon.
Traction: 7/10
She will trip, but not often.
Power: 3/10
Lyn focuses on speed more then power, many of her moves reflect that. She does have some attacks that deal decent damage, but not many.
Attack Speed: 7.5/10
Her Sacaen heritage and vigorous training has given her some real speed. Still, she's lifting heavy weapons and while very fit isn't vey muscular.
Range (Melee): 6/10
As a sword user, Lyndis can hit a fair distance away.
Range (Projectile): 6.5/10
While her sword, the Sol Katti, is her preferred weapon, Lyn has great skill with a bow.
Priority: 3/10
Lyn is a rare case of having disjointed hitboxes with low priority. Her other moves aren't much better. Lyn has to either strike before the foe's attack is launched or dodge.
First Jump: 6/10
Lyn's powerful legs give her a good first jump, just slightly smaller then Mario's.
Second Jump: 3/10
Her second jump, however, is weak by comparison. She gets about 2x the distance of one (and only one) of Kirby's additional jumps.
Fall Speed: 5/10
Lyn falls at the exact rate Mario does. No more, no less.
Landing Lag: 2.5/10
Lyndis recovers quickly from landing.
Crouch: 6/10
Lyn gets down on one knee, halving the height of her hurtbox, but doubling it's width. She does it very quickly, at least.
Crawl: 5/10
Lyn crawls with on hands and knees. She sticks up a bit while she goes, but her speed makes up for it.
Wall Jump: Yes
Wall Cling: No
Glide: No
Hover: No
Lyn rides down from the top of the screen on the back of her friend Florina's pegasus Huey. She hops off as the winged stalion lands, then waves goodbye to Florina as she flies off the stage. ("Be careful, Lyn!")
Lyn stands up straight, legs spread, holding her equipped weapon in her right hand. She stares directly ahead of herself, her arms to her sides. She moves up and down slightly as she breathes. Lyn retains a neutral, focused look on her face. ("Come at me.")
Lyn sits down and takes her weapon in one hand and a cloth in the other. She carefully cleans the weapon while examining it for ware. After a few seconds she smiles in satisfaction and returns to her Standing pose. ***Important: Lyn takes twice as long to enter her idle stance as other characters. See "Down B - Evade" below to see why. (Care for your weapons and they'll take care of you.)
Lyn walks with long, graceful strides at a leasurely pace. She keeps her arms to her sides, swinging them very slightly as she walks. She keeps her head up, and her hand remains on her weapon. (Approach with caution.)
Lyn quickens her pace, swaying her arms as she runs. She keeps her back straight and continues to focus on what in front of herself. Her weapon remains in her grasp, Lyn handling it with care. The flaps of her dress and her ponytail sway lightly as she runs. (This is goning to be a rough fight.)
Lyn puts away her weapon and breaks out into a full out run. She leans forward and swings her arms noticably as she runs, her clothes and hair flowing from the wind. (What? You were expecting her to run with a sword? It doesn't take a genius to know how bad an idea that would be.)
Jump 1:
Lyn squats down to about 2/3 of her normal height, then leaps up with all her might. Her legs remain extended downwards as she rises, and her arms remain at her sides. Lyn gazes upwards as she goes up, her hair flows behind her, and the flaps of her dress flutter gently. (Nice legs.)
Jump 2:
Lyn performs a mid-air flip, pulling in her left leg and keeping her right extended. She curls her body inwards as she flips and closes her eyes until the motion is completed. The flaps of her dress go between her legs, robbing any perverts of the view. (And the perverts go "Aw, man! D:".)
Lyn descends with her arms to her sides and her feet positioned towards the ground. As she falls, the flaps of her dress flutter behind herself, the front flap fluttering between her legs and protecting her modesty. (Nope, no fanservice here, either.)
She bends her knees on landing to absorb the impact. She squats low and leans forward as she does, reducing her hurtbox's size for a second. Lyn pushes herself to her feet and returns to her Standing stance without an ounce of difficulty. (Nothing to it.)
Mint Green. Lyn gets down on one knee and reaches to her side with her right hand, mirroring the stance she assumed when summoned via Assist Trophy in Brawl. ("Prepare yourself!")
Ledge Balancing:
Lyndis balances on her right leg, positioning the left back one pace and slightly off the ground. She extends her amrs to her side to keep her balance. She stares down off the ledge, nervous. ("That... I can't even see the bottom!")
Ledge Hanging:
Lyn puts away her weapon and grabs onto the ledge with both hands. Lyn repeatedly tries to pull her leg up onto the platform before dropping it. Because of the long flaps of her dress (once again) nothing riské can be seen, although perverts will at least get a good view of Lyn's legs. ("Aren't you going to have me pull myself up? Any day now would be ni-stop staring at my legs!")
Lyn's head and shoulders remain above water, while the rest of her remains submerged. She spreads her arms to her sides, but does nothing in way of using them to stay afloat. She kicks her legs back and forth to keep herself from sinking. ("Well, a quick swim couldn't hurt.")
Lyn moves her arms from front to back, pulling herself along. She remains upright and continues kicking, although she leans forward slightly. (...Wait. Hasn't she lived on the plains all her life? How adpet at swimming could she be?)
Lyn flails her arms wildly as she sinks. She gets her head back above water for a second and takes a big gulp of air, before sinking like a stone. (Oh.)
Lyn slides into the background, rotating her torso so she's facing the screen. Her arms and legs are spread to each side. ("Is that all you've got?")
Forward Roll:
Lyn jumps forward, turning to face the screen and leaning into the background. When she lands, she jumps again, turning to face the direction opposite of the one she was facing before she started.
Backwards Roll:
Lyn falls backwards and curls herself into a ball, rolling once before landing on her feet. This is the same animation Mrymidons from Fire Emblem: Path of Radience and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn use when they dodge an opponent's attacks. (Okay, she's a Lord, but we all know that there's no real difference. Until she promotes to Blade Lord, at least, that's when she gets a bow *ramble ramble ramble*)
Air Dodge:
Lyn twists her torso so it's facing the screen. Her head is turned in the direction she's facing, and her arms and legs are extended to her sides. She's slightly leaning into the background as she does so. (I really can't come up with a good flavor comment here.)
Lyn reels back from the strike. She leans back and clenches her teeth, and she has to take a quick step back to prevent from toppling over. (I know they make this section more intresting, but you have no idea how hard it is to spend 5 minutes coming up with a unique, funny quote, look at it, and rapidly hit the backspace key over and over and over again. It hurts the soul.)
Lyn's boot loses traction and slides back as she goes to step forward. Lyn over compensates, sliding her leg forward too far and lands on her duff. She looks appropriatly mortified. ("Oof! Sakurai!" Oh like that hasn't been said a thousand times. "Oh be quiet!" Yes ma'am)
Lyndis lies on her side, using her extended left arm as a pillow. Her right arm lays on the ground next to her midsection, still clutching the weapon or item she is armed with. Lyn bends her knees and curls her back slightly as she sleeps. (Sweet dreams, princess.)
Waking Up:
Yawning, Lyn lifts her head and looks out through groggy, half opened eyes. Her eyes widen and she hurriedly pushes herself off the ground and onto her feet, swaying lightly until she returns to her Standing pose. ("Did... did I just fall asleep in the middle of a fight?!")
Standing Up:
Lyn rolls to her feet, then pushes herself off the ground with her hands. Her weapon is gripped tightly in her right hand, and Lyn makes sure not to point it away from herself as she gets up. ("Oof... they're a lot tougher then bandits.")
Lyn closes her eyes and grimaces. She sways back and forth, doing her best to hold onto her current equipment and keep her balance. ("Ah! I didn't expect this kind of strength...")
Florina switches between looking straight ahead and at Lyn. She's holding her lance to her side, but keeps it low to the ground. Huey stands tall with pride(flapping his wings if he's over water), while Florins sits with a slight slouch and wears a smile with the slightest bit of nervousness in it. (just smile. that's it, stay confident. never let the opponent know you're nervous...)
Huey stands on the ground and stomps impatiently as Florina tries to keep him under control. Her lance remains lowered toward the ground, and she looks around nervously. ("U-um, are you sure about this, Lyn?")
Florina sits straight up with a rare burst of confidence, her lance to her side and aimed ahead of herself. Huey flaps his wings and gallops in midair. ("I won't back down!")
Florina grabs Lyn's left hand and pulls her up, visibly straining to hold onto the larger woman. ("Hang on, Lyn!")
Huey pulls his front hooves back and neighs. Florina grabs the reins tight in a panic and accidentally bashes her face into Huey's neck. She bounces back slightly, barely holding on and her eyes squeezed shut in pain. (Hope you feel real good about yourself, jerk.)
(Note: Florina is effected by sleep only when Lyn is.) Huey neighs quietly, then droops his head down. Florina panics and tries to wake him and Lyn up. ("W-what are you doing?! Huey! Lyn!")
Neutral B - Vulneary:
Lyn takes a out a small vial containing a deep green liquid from her pouch. As her player holds the B button, Lyn drinks from the container. Lyn can stop drinking by releasing the B button and hold B to continue, until the container runs out of liquid. Once she finishes drinking, pressing the B button again will make Lyn fling the empty glass in the direction she's facing. The bottle keeps going until it hits something, traveling the same speed and distance a normal thrown item does. Lyn can move and jump while she has the vulneary out, but can't while she drinks from it. Lyn keeps the vulneary in her grasp until she throws it or performs a different attack (Lyn switches back to whatever she had equiped before using this move). If Lyn puts the healing potion away to switch to another item, she starts with a fresh, full vulneary the next time this is used. After Lyn throws the glass bottle, she equips herself with her previous equipment.
As Lyn drinks the healing liquid, she
recovers 2% each second, running out after 3 seconds. The thrown bottle does
3% damage, flinching knockback, and low priority. Medium starting lag, but very little ending lag.
---One of Lyn's best moves. Healing only 6% per vulneary and with the risk of being attacked may not seem like much, but it can make all the difference between a lost stock or an almost lost stock. The throw is icing on the cake. Not very useful icing, but icing none the less.
Side B (Sword) - Dashing Swordswoman:
Lyn lunges forward and makes a quick horizontal swipe. Her initial lunge covers a distance of 2 Custom Stage blocks, and any foe hit by it will take no damage or knockback, but will be knocked down. The sword swing itself has medium reach and does
12% damage with medium knockback. Low priority. If Lyn is on the ground after she completes this attack and her player pressing the control stick left or right, Lyn will leap the same distance as her first lunge in that direction. This attack has short starting and ending lag, but a long lag between the sword swing and the second leap.
---Lyn players should keep this attack to a minimum. While it's a great approaching move and a decent damage dealer, spaming this move makes it too easy to predict and dodge/counter. Still, it's not a bad move on it's own merits and it can work out fine if you do use it often, but it's much better if you don't.
Side B (Bow) - Deadeye:
Lyn stands strait up, her body facing the camera and her head turned in the direction she's facing. She holds her bow parrallel to her body. The attack charges as the player holds the A button increasing the damage it does when it's released, but also boosting the end lag. If the control stick is pressed hard and quickly, Lyn will hold the arrow in place, no longer increasing the 'charge', no matter how long the A is held. If Lyn's player wishes to start 'charging' again, they can simply repeat the motion. Lyn can walk while charging, but no faster. Lyn can perform jumps while the A button is held, but cannot use any other moves until she finishes. Lyn can cancel this move by hitting the Shield button.
It takes 4 seconds of charging to reach the maximum. The arrow travels in a line, slowly going lower as it travels due to gravity's influence, going up to 6 Custom Stage Blocks in distance and losing 1 Custom Stage Block in height for every 3 it travels in length, and travels at the rate of Falco's blaster. Does
3%-18% damage and medium knockback. Short starting lag and very short to long ending lag. Medium priority.
---Woo, that's a lot of reading! Basicly, you can charge it, and both damage and ending lag go up as it charges. Lyn can pause the charge and unpause it any time she wants. She can jump and walk while charging, but not run or attack. She can cancel this entire thing at near any time. It's best used for mindgames, making the opponent cautious against approaching and unsure of when to dodge. You can charge for a long time, then cancel and hit with a uncharged bow to catch the opponent off guard. You can pause the charge early, so when a confident opponent dodges the arrow, they'll be left vulnerable because they didn't account for Lyn not suffering from the full charge ending lag. Alternate between this and her Neutral A (Bow) to confuse opponents. Hell, just cancel it for a faster or slower move. There's plenty you can do with this, so go crazy!
Down B - Evade:
Lyndis enters her standing stance (see stances section above). She will remain in this position until the player presses a button or moves the control stick. When the player presses the control stick left or right, Lyn will dive 2 Custom Stage blocks in that direction, with 0.4 seconds of Super Armor at the very start. There is a below average amount of starting lag as Lyn first enters this 'Evade Stance', but the dodge itself is instant. If Lyn tries to attack, jump, shield, etc. while in this 'Evade Stance', she suffers from a small amount of lag, in addition to whatever starting lag her selected action normally has. Lyn suffers short ending lag after dodging, but the longer she spends in her 'Evade Stance', the longer the lag will be. If Lyn dodges something using her 'Evade Stance', the word "Miss!" will appear over the opponents head for a split second.
Does no damage in any way.
---This move's main use, like many of Lyn's moves, comes from it's unpredicatbility. It's animation is the same as Lyn's standing pose. Because of this, you can stop and stand still for a few seconds to trick the opponent into charging in with intent to use this move's lag to their advantage, only for you to strike with one of Lyn's faster attacks. On the other side, you can actually use this move, then get behind them when they charge so you can attack while they turn around. Whatever you do, don't dawdle in this form. The lag is negligible at first, but after a few seconds it becomes a real hinderence.
Up B - Rescue:
Florina, Lyn's childhood friend, appears in the background behind Lyn riding her pegasus Huey. Florina reaches down and grabs Lyn's hand, trying to pull up the green haired girl with all her might. Florina and her pegasus Huey have 15% HP and a hurtbox the size of Donkey Kong. The pegasus knight pulls Lyn upwards at the speed of Mario's run for 3 Custom Stage blocks or until she runs out of HP. Lyn can press the B button again to have Florina drop her early, but this provides no benefit other then being able to land quicker.
If Florina has any HP left when Lyn lands safely, she will follow her in the background. While Florina is following Lyn, the latter's jumps are increased to 1.2x their normal height. When Lyn attacks in the air while Florina is nearby, the two women will attack in tandem. (See the Aerials section for specifics.) These effects continue until Florina loses all her HP. If Florina is called on again by this or any other move involving her, she'll have whatever HP was left over at the end of the last move. Florina can only be attacked when she enters the foreground to assist Lyn. If Florina is KOed, she can't be called upon again for 12 seconds.
Medium starting lag and ending lag, and does no damage in any way.
---Florina turns Lyn's aerials from weak to deadly. However, as far as recovery goes she's not much help, and if her very small bit of stamina in reduced to 0 then Lyn loses her recovery move for a long time. Be stingy about using Florina outside of recovery, or you just might regret it.
A (Sword) - Sidesplitter:
Lyn rotates her hips so her back is to the screen while looking right or the background while looking to the left. She pulls her sword arm back so the blade is in front of her torso and the tip just passing her side. She performs a horizontal swing in the direction she's facing, doing
5% damage with light knockback. Just as she starts the swing, the tip of her sword gains a sweet spot, doing
9% damage and medium knockback. A disjointed hitbox, hitting a decent distance in front of Lyn, and a very short range behind her.
---While the sweetspot is nice, it's very hard to hit with it. If you're going to try, run up to the opponent, then when you're real close turn and hit the A button at the same time. If you did it right, the foe may run right into it. Otherwise, you aren't going to pull it off. This is fairly quick, so you may be able to rack up some damage if you hit them repeatedly.
A (Bow) - Sharp Shooter:
Lyn enters the same stance as in her Side B. She aims an arrow in front of herself, and releases it when the A button is released. When holding the A button, Lyn draws the arrow back and holds it in place and can aim up and down, using the control stick. Does
7% damage with flinching knockback, short hitstun, and high priority. Has medium starting lag and short ending lag. The arrow travels straight, up to 4 Custom Stage blocks or until it hits something, and moves at the speed of Fox's blaster rounds.
---This attack has two purposes. First, it can be used to hit a foe attacking from the air or an angle that's difficult to hit. Secondly, mix it up between this and Lyn's Side B (Bow), in order to play mindgames with your opponent. If they attack from an angle, they get hit with this. If they charge head on with the intent to dodge, the different speeds between the two attacks will trip them up. Either way, the two provide great versatility in how you deal with far away opponents.
Forward A (Sword) - Driving Strike:
Lyn bends her knees and pulls her sword back, the tip still pointed in front of her. She thrusts the sword forward to impale her advisary with enough force to push her forward. A red aura appears around the blade as she thrusts, widening the hitbox. Lyn pushes herself forward 1 Custom Stage block when she uses this move, her sword reaching slightly more then half the distance ahead of her. Lyn can fall off a ledge with this move.
Very low priority, but very short lag on either end and a brief duration. Small knocback and 6% damage.
---Lyn noobs will likely spam this attack, hoping to rack up damage before the opponent can even respond. The low priority makes the would-be infinate combo easy to escape, and that's not even counting the fact that it's easy to dodge roll behind Lyn and strike her before she can turn around. Use this to approach, but never spam it. If your opponent predicts this, you're only giving them a free shot.
Forward A (Bow) - Quick Shot:
Lyn swiftly fires an arrow upwards in the direction she's facing. The arrow travels in an arc 2 Custom Stage blocks high at it's peak and 3 Custom Stage blocks long if it doesn't hit anything. The arrow moves at the same speed as Falco's Neutral B on average, moving slower near the top of the arc and faster at the start and end of it's path.
4% damage and flinching knockback with very little priority. Very short starting and ending lag.
---You can get a solid 2 or 3 hits on airborne foes with this attack, allowing Lyn to keep opponents away from herself. Lyn can land even more hits on opponents on the ground, but they can easily dodge roll under the arrows and the arc the arrows travel make it hard to hit them with this move in the first place, so I don't recommend trying. If the enemy is inside the arrow's arc, this move isn't even worth considering.
Down A - Mine:
Lyn reaches into her pouch. After digging around, she takes out a small red orb (Lyn can move around and jump during this time, but not perform other attacks). When this move is used again, Lyn puts it on the ground, the orb gleaming ominously. When someone (including Lyn) walks on the orb, it explodes. If Lyn uses her Neutral A while holding the Mine, however, she throws the orb one Custom Stage Block ahead of herself, where it detonates.
Medium Knockback and a blast radius equal to Donkey Kong's height. Medium starting lag as Lyn searches for the Mine and little ending lag. Medium priority. 6% damage.
---If your opponent is harassing you, you can throw the mine to get them off your back, or even purposely get Lyn caught in the blast to put some distance between her and her opponent. Use this to make it harder to move for your opponent, so you have more time to line up a shot with Lyn's Neutral A (Bow), charge up one of her Smashes or her Side B (Bow), or heal with her Neutral B.
Up A - Torch:
Lyn produces a lit torch from hammerspace, like many Smashers seem capable of. She swings it in an arc over her head, starting strait in front of herself and ending diagonally behind. The flame itself is a sweetspot, doing
8% damage and medium knockback, while the rest of the torch does
5% and flinching knockback. This move has short starting lag, but medium ending lag. The torch is a long reaching disjointed hitbox. Lyn switches back to her current equipment at the end of this move.
---This is an all around move that's helpful regardless of which weapon you're using. It has a bit more reach then Lyn's sword moves, and is less laggy then several of the bow moves. If your opponent is harassing you, making switching weapons dangerous, you can use this to fill in for either of the weapon's shortcomings, if only until you can pull a switch.
Dash Attack - Diving Kick:
Lyndis tumbles forward, swinging out her legs to strike in front of herself. She lands on her feet and continues her run after the attack ends. She slows slightly when she uses this attack, but her hurtbox shrinks and rotates, allowing her to pass under some attacks as if she crouched.
Very little starting and ending lag, with a short duration. Low priority, average knockback, and 6% damage.
---If your opponent is spaming a projectile or has Lyn backed into a corner, this attack can be used to escape it. It can also be used to push the opponent back a short distance, if they won't leave you alone.
Forward Smash (Sword) - Critical Hit:
While charging, Lyndis squats down and holds her sword to her side, ready to draw it samurai style. When the A button is released, Lyn vanishes. She reappears 1.2 Custom Stage blocks in front of the direction she was turned in, facing the other direction. Lyn strikes immediatly after reappearing with an upwards strike, hitting foe directly in front of her and foes low in the air above her.
Does 9%~18% damage, high upwards knockback, high priority, and medium hitstun. Has a short lag before Lyn vanishes, long starting lag before Lyn reappears, and long ending lag.
---Unlike most smashes, this is fairly safe to use on faster foes. The vanishing bit makes it hard to time a dodge and opponents will have to be careful not to get too close to Lyn lest they be struck by the move, so camping is just as dangerous. However, Lyn still suffers from long lag, and if she uses it too many times enemies will inevitably gauge the best distance to take when Lyn uses this move. Save this as a finishing move. This move's animation is very close to her Up Smash, allowing for mindgames. Of course, neither are moves you want to be close to when they go off, so it's not as effective as the Neutral A (Bow)/Side B (Bow) mixup.
Forward Smash (Bow) - Critical Hit:
Lyn pulls an arrow from behind herself and rapidly spins it in one hand. When the A button is released or the attack is fully charged, Lyn fires the arrow with her bow. The arrow travels 3 Custom Stage blocks or until it hits something at the rate of Fox's blaster shot.
Has high priority, medium horizontal knockback, and medium hitstun. Medium starting lag and long ending lag. Does 15%~25% damage.
---This has the highest damage of any of Lyn's moves, but it's also the riskiest. The short reach and long lag allow opponents to do anything they want to her if she misses, and it's very hard to hit with this move. Use it only on incapacitated opponents.
Down Smash (Sword) - Guard Break:
Lyn swings sword back behind herself and lowers herself to the ground, reducing her hurtbox to 1/3 it's normal height but twice it's normal width. She steadies herself with her free hand. When the A button is released, Lyn slashes forward in a horizontal swing with all her might.
Does 8~15% damage and below average knockback. A foe hit by this move while shielding recieves no damage or knockback, but their shield breaks regardless of the shield's remaining strength. Has short starting and ending lag. Medium priority.
---This is better against larger opponents, more then anything. When the opponent attacks, use this drop below the swing, then counter. If the opponent tries to shield, they'll be shield broken, leaving a well timed dodge the only way to avoid the attack. The attack isn't that strong, so foes can simply take the hit and charge again.
Down Smash (Bow) - Short Bow:
Lyn gets down on one knee and swithces her bow out for a smaller, more orniately crafted one. She pulls back an arrow as she charges this attack. When she releases, the arrow travels strait forward the same speed and distance of Link's Neutral B at full charge. The arrow will normally do
10% damage (regardless of charge time), medium knockback, and low priority. However, this attack has a 5%~75% chance (depending on charge time) to do 20% damage and large knockback with medium priority. Short starting and ending lag as Lyn switches from one bow to the other, and back again.
---A full charge is a waste of time. The optimal time is around 2 seconds out of 3, which gives the attack even odds of landing a critical, while saving you a second for every use. If facing an impaired foe, feel free to charge this attack up to it's fullest. Of course, you may want to charge less for more oppurtunities, or more for a higher criticla hit chance. It depends on the player and how much time you have.
Up Smash (Sword) - Lunge:
Lyn pulls her sword back behind herself and squats down low, just like her Forward Smash. When A is released, she leaps 2 Custom Stage blocks upwards and 1 Custom Stage block forward, moving at the speed of Captain Falcon's run. Lyndis swings her sword in a half circle motion, ending with the blade positioned directly above her head. This attack does
12%~23% damage and medium upwards knockback. High priority. Medium starting lag and no ending lag.
---Launch foes into the air with this move, then use the time before the opponent lands to get to a better spot or switch weapons. Skilled players can potentially use this to dodge attacks if they're high enough off the ground, then retaliate with the attack itself. This also combos exceedingly well with Lyn's bow version of her Up Smash, knocking them into the air so she can slam them down again. This move's animation is very close to her Up Smash, allowing for mindgames. Of course, neither are moves you want to be close to when they go off, so it's not as effective as the Neutral A (Bow)/Side B (Bow) mixup.
Up Smash (Bow) - Grapple:
Lyn points her Bow directly upwards and- hey! That's not an arrow! Lyndis fires a grappling hook with a rope attached straight into the air, which hooks onto the first thing it hits. Lyn yanks down on the rope, pulling whatever item or character she grabbed and slamming them into the ground in front of herself.
The opponent will hit the ground as if they were knocked down and take 8~18% damage. If the foe does not land on the platform, (the attack is used next to the ledge) they will fall as if they were on the recieving end of a footstool jump and take no damage.
If Lyn grabs onto an item, she simply pulls it down and grabs it. If she hooks a platform, however, she will let the rope dangle from it, serving as a ladder that all brawlers can use until the grappel itself is hit by something. The hook will travel a maximum of 4 Custom Stage blocks up, and can grab onto things going up and on the way down.
Has short starting lag and medium ending lag, but if Lyn misses she has to wait for until the hook falls to the ground before she can move again, resulting in massive end lag. Disjointed hitbox, the hook is about the size of a Pokéball and the rope is not part of the hitbox.
---I confess. Lyn never used a grappling hook, and I don't know any Fire Emblem game that has. That said, use this to pull an opponent out of the air and force them into a ground battle. Once Lyn pulls them down, switch to the sword or retreat to a better distance for her bow and put the hurt on your opponent. The secondary abilities don't have much use on their own, but keep them in mind. You'll never know what will come in handy.
Neutral Air (Sword) - Crescent Cut:
Lyn lifts the Sol Katti above her head, then swings downwards in a crescent shape, ending the cut behind herself. In short, 3/4 a circle. The damage done depends entirely on when and where the the Sol Katti hits the foe. From the start of the swing until its reached 1/4 a circle, the hilt and the left half of the blade does
3% damage and weak downwards knockback. The very center of the sword is a sweetspot, doing
7% damage and meteorsmashes the foe. The right half to the tip does
5% damage and small horizontal knockback. From the 1/4 a circle point to 3/4 a circle, The left half & the hilt does
2% damage and flinching knockback, the very center does
5% and medium knockback, and the right half and tip of the sword does
3% damage and flinching knockback. Medium priority at all points. No starting lag and short ending lag, but long duration. Long reach.
---This attack is simple in execution, even with it's complex statistics. The first part of the swing is better then the later part of the swing, and the middle of the sword is the best spot while everything left of the middle is the worst. Really, the best you can do with this is practice. Learn how to time it so you hit the opponent with the center near the start of the move. While you can hit enemies behind Lyn with this, I advise against trying. The swing takes way too long to get to that point, and doesn't really do anything notable once it hits.
Neutral Air (Bow) - Long Bow:
Lyn swaps out her normal bow for a larger, heavier one. She slowly pulls an arrow back, grunting in exertion required to hold the arrow in position. She releases, the arrow launching forward with a much louder sound then normal. The arrow flies in a mostly straight line, losing altitde at a rate of 1 Custom Stage block for every 5 it travels, and traveling indefinitely until it hits something. The arrow travels at the rate of Fox's Neutral B, and does
8% damage and below average knockback. Long starting lag, but short ending lag. Medium priority. If Lyn lands on a platform while using this attack, she'll continue the attack on the ground. Once she completes the attack, she switches back to her normal bow.
---This has the longest range of all Lyn's attacks. The starting lag makes it difficult to line up a shot, however, and it's fairly easy to move out of the way. With Florina, it's much easier to line up a shot in the air, making it harder to avoid. Otherwise, don't bother unless you're firing into a cluster of enemies big enough to guarentee you get something.
Neutral Air (Florina) - Helping Hand:
Florina takes hold of Lyn, grabbing the scruff of Lyn's neck with one hand and the other hand wraping around Lyn's midsection. Florina and her pegasus hold Lyn in place as she performs her attack, allowing for more hang time and making it easier for her to hit her target. Florina keeps her hold on Lyn until the attack is finished, at which point Florina pulls Lyn up the distance of one of Kirby's extra jumps and lets her go. Florina can only do this three times every time Lyn leaves the ground, preventing infinate recovery.
Does no damage in any way.
---This allows for a massive boost to Lyn's subpar recovery, allowing her to deal with an aerial battle to some extent. It also makes it easier to hit foes with the sweet spot of Lyn's Neutral Air (Sword) and just plain hitting with her Neutral A Air (Bow) However, Florina is open to attack during all of this, and there's little detering foes from using that to their advantage. Never use this when an opponent is nearby.
Forward Air (Sword) - Quickdraw:
Lyn leans forwards and performs a quick horizontal sweep with the Sol Katti, reducing the height of her hurtbox but increasing it's width. After finishing the motion, she returns to her normal animation and hurtbox size.
This attack has long reach, with short lag on both ends. Does 6% damage and flinching knockback. Medium priorty.
---This is Lyn's best stand alone aerial, doing a decent bit of damage while keeping the foe in range for a follow up swing. This is also the best choice to use in combination with Florina, stoping the foe long enough for Florina to get in her hit. Just be careful around fast opponents. Lyn will be in their striking range as well, and if they interrupt Lyn they can get to Florina before she can strike.
Forward Air (Bow) - Flying Arrow:
Lyn bends her knees and leans back ever so slightly, moving into a sitting position. She takes an arrow from the quiver on her back and lines up a straight shot in front of herself. She releases the arrow, the projectile flying forward an impressive 4.5 Custom Stage blocks in distance and losing only 1 Custom Stage block in altitude for every 3 is travels. The arrow moves at the same rate as Falco's Neutral B, and deals
9% damage and flinching knockback. Long starting lag, but no ending lag. Medium priority.
---This is the exact opposite of the sword version of Lyn's Forward Aerial, best at striking further away foes and pushing them even further away. While with the sword counterpart you want to use it so Florina can attack, with the Bow version you want to intimidate foes with the threat of Florina's attack so Lyn can use hers.
Forward Air (Florina) - Impale:
Florina enters the fray again to assist Lyn. She leans back and pulls her lance behind herself, then quickly leans forwards and thrusts her lance forwards as far as she can, grunting softly from the effort.
The attack reaches 1.3 Custom Stage blocks ahead of herself, dealing 8% damage and medium horizontal knockback. Florina suffers from long starting lag and medium ending lag. Medium priority.
---This attack's entire purpose is to be used with Lyn's Forward A Air. For the sword version, hit them with Lyn's quick slash, and Florina will blow them away with hers. For the bow, Florina will scare the foe away while Lyn redies her shot. It doesn't have much use outside of that, sadly. The horrible lag leaves Florina open to attack, and it's animation serves to warn foes away. This makes it hard to hit anyone with it outside of an opponent who underestimates Florina's reach or isn't paying attention.
Down Air - Sky Attack:
Lyn shifts her body so that she faces the ground with her arms extended out to each side. She plummets, her weapon positioned in front of herself and her image blurring from the speed of her descent. Her body becomes a hitbox as she falls at double Fox's speed, and Lyn continues falling at this speed until the player presses the A button, she lands, or she hits her opponent. Contact with Lyn inflicts
12% damage and strong downwards knockback, with high priority. Short starting lag, with medium ending lag. If Lyn lands on a platform in this state,
she takes 5% damage and suffers from very long ending lag as she peels herself off the floor. Lyn's fall speed returns to normal once this attack ends.
---High risk, high reward. Lyn will very likely KO her opponent if she hits them with this while they're over the ledge. However, Lyn is very likely to self destruct if she tries to set that situation up, and if she uses it over the ground, she risks damaging herself.
Down Air (Florina) - Safety Net:
As Lyn enters freefall, Florina bids her pegasus to follow. When Lyn ends her Down A attack or right before she makes contact with a platform, Florina instantly moves Huey underneath, catching Lyn and stopping her fall. If Florina catches Lyn in the air, she'll fly Lyn up 1.5 Custom Stage blocks before letting her green haired friend go.
Lyn does not suffer from the ending lag her Down A normally comes with, but will have medium ending lag after Florina releases her. Florina is vulnerable during this entire attack, until the end of the ending lag. Does no damage in any way.
---Florina eliminates much of the risk involved with the above attack, but at the same time is put at risk herself. She is perfectly vulnerable during this entire effect, putting Lyn's already threatened recovery at risk.
Back Air - Shine Barrior:
Lyn uses the Shine Barrior item! She turns and thrusts her arm out, creating a glowing cricle the size of Kirby right behind herself. The circle is solid and cannot be moved through by any character, even Lyn. The circle can be climbed on like a platform. The barrior lasts 8 seconds or until hit with a higher priority move. There can only be one Shine Barrior at a time. If Lyn tries to make a Shine Barrior where it would overlap with the opponent, that opponent is pushed back.
Long starting lag and no ending lag. Does no damage, knockback, or hitstun whatsoever. Very high priority. Does no damage in any way.
---This move can either be a blessing or screw you over. This can gimp the opponent's recovery, but may mess up your own recovery if you get sent flying right after. You can use the barrior as a platform to greatly boost your recovery, but so can your opponent. Because this is Lyn's highest priority move, she can't punch through it like other characters.
Back Air (Florina) - Back Kick:
Florina re-enters the fray and lightly nudges her peasus Huey on it's sides. The winged horse responds by swinging both of it's hooves back in a donkey-like manor.
Short starting lag and medium ending lag (applies to Florina only), and has a very brief duration. This move has short reach, but foes that do get hit recieve 7% damage and above average upwards knockback and hitstun.[/b]
---This is one of the more viable KO options available to Lyndis, and can also serve as a gimper in combination with Lyn's Back A, Florina pushing the opponent behind the Shine Barrior which makes recovery more difficult.
Up Air - Thrust:
Lyndis takes her equipped weapon and jabs upwards wth it, striking foes overhead.
While equipped with her sword, opponents take 5% damage and medium upwards knockback. When equipped with her bow, enemies take 3% damage and flinching knockback. Both have short starting and ending lag, and low priority.
---While the sword seems the obvious choice here, the bow version is actually better for damage racking. The sword knocks opponents away a decent distance, giving them plenty of space to move away from Lyn and to a more favorable position. The bow does only flinching knockback, so Lyn can potentially spam this move until she lands for great damage.
Up Air (Florina) - Blunt Blow:
Florina reaches up with her lance, bottom towards the sky, and twirls it once. The twirl has a
long reach, but does only 3% damage. However, hitting the foe pulls them down towards Lyn instead of knocking them away.
Short starting and ending lag, and low priority.
---This move is basic in appearance and use, but one of Florina and Lyn's greatest benefits. The lance will pull opponents into Lyn's own Up A, ensuring more damage and a potential chain that can last until they Air Dodge or Lyndis lands on the ground. This is also a good early damager combined with the sword, as the sword's knockback won't be strong enough to free mediumweight characters until 45%, and heavyweights can be caught. Of course, Lyn will land again eventually, so this can never be an infinite chain, and it's not hard to get out of via high priority attacks.
_((Grab & Throws))_
Grab - Vicious Grip: Lyn slides her left leg forward and lashes out with her left hand, grabbing the opponent on the neck if male and arm if female. If they don't have that, then she just grabs them where they would have a throat. Short reach, but very quick.
Pummel - Improvise:
Lyn's Pummel makes use of what she's equipped, each having a different use.
(Sword) - Skull Breaker: Lyn slams the hilt of her sword onto the opponent's head with a grunt of effort.
3% damage per hit, and an average hit rate.
(Bow) - Chokehold: Lyn fits her bow over her opponent's head, then presses the wood section of it against the opponent's throat. Lyn's player can mash the A button, dealing
1% damage for every press. This pummel has medium starting lag but is very quick.
(Vulneary) - Steralizing the Cuts: Without a moment's hesitation, Lyn smashes the Vulneary bottle on the opponent's face. Does
6% damage. Lyn releases the opponent, who suffers from long hitstun. Short ending lag.
---The Sword's pummel isn't anything special, but it's the one you want to use on opponents that have low damage. The Bow is far more effective for damage racking, but low damage opponents can get out of Lyn's grab before she can use it, making it a poor choice until 55% or so. The stun from the Vulneary is a great set-up for a Smash or another grab, or even to make a dash for that Smash Ball. Unfortuantely, that pummel is the hardest to pull off, as Lyn can't use any attacks between her Neutral B and her grab if she wants that effect.
Forward Throw - Roundhouse:
Lyn stirkes the foe with her current weapon, doing
3% damage (6% if equiped with the vulneary, which breaks on use of this move) then roundhouse kicks the opponent in the head for
10% damage and little horizontal knockback. Medium lag between the first blow and the second, short starting lag, and medium ending lag after the kick.
---Use this throw when you need to do some quick damage. It has the potential for a chain grab, but light-weight and medium-weight characters will only get thrown twice before being thrown too far to chain grab, and heavy-weight opponents land close enought to punish Lyn's ending lag with a grab of their own.
Down Throw - Moving Target:
Lyn throws the opponent up in the air, 1 Custom Stage block in direction she's facing and 1 Custom Stage block up. If equipped with her sword, Lyn will draw the weapon and leap at the foe at her run speed, delivering a mighty upwards slash. The blowl inflicts
12% and above medium upwards knockback, but Lyn will enter freefall after striking the opponent and suffer from double landing lag. The swing has medium priority.
While armed with her Bow, however, the throw will end very differently. Instead of bringing the fight to the opponent, Lyn draws an arrow from her quiver with a flourish and fires it at them. The projectile travels in an upwards arc that peaks at 2 Custom Stage blocks up and away, and ends after traveling 4 Custom Stage blocks in distance or hitting something. Lyn's arrow travels at the speed of Fox's Neutral B and does
8% damage and medium horizontal knockback. Medium ending lag and priority.
Lastly, while holding a vulneary, Lyn will simply throw the container at the foe. The vulneary travels the same arc and distance as the arrow at the rate of Falco's Neutral B, and shatters on contact with anything. Foes hit by the vulneary take
4% damage and flinching knockback, but above average hitstun. Virtually nonexistant lag and low priority. The opponent can airdodge once after being thrown, making it possible to avoid this move and counter during Lyn's freefall/end lag if they time it correctly.
---The sword throw will do the most damage and is the most reliable KO move, but be careful not to fall off the stage if you use it. The bow is the weakest version of this move in terms of damage, but the medium knockback can put some space between the opponent and Lyn. The vulneary deals enough hitstun to grab a slower opponent again, but opponents who fall slowly or very quickly can escape the hitstun quick enough to counter Lyn.
Back Throw - Powerful Strike:
Lyn spins around, flinging her opponent around with her. She retains her grip around the opponent and strikes them with an overhead strike using her current equipment as hard as she can. This attack's qualities depend on her equipment. With her sword, she deals
12% damage and strong horizontal knockback, but no hitstun. With her bow, she does
8% damage, medium knockback, and a full second of hitstun. With a vulneary, she inflicts
10% damage and no knockback or hitstun. Short begining and ending lag for all versions of this move.
---This is the only throw where the vulneary version is weakest. It does not knockback or hitstun, and Lyn suffers from short ending lag, leaving her open to attack. If your opponent has only slow attacks, it's alright, but otherwise avoid it like the plauge. The other two versions are much better. The bow stuns the foe long enough for Lyn to get to a better position, while the sword acts as a potential finisher.
Up Throw - Alley-oop!:
Lyn adjusts her grip on the grabbie, placing both hands on their scruff (or where they would have a scruff) and lowering them to the ground. With all her might, Lyndis flings them straight up.
The opponent recieves strong upwards knockback and medium hitstun, but no damage. Medium starting lag and short ending lag.
---What? No damage? Well, yes, this throw does no damage, but it has the highest knockback of any of Lyn's moves, and the opponent's newfound altitude will give Lyn plenty of time to do whatever she wants to do. She can take a moment with her vulneary to heal up, find a spot to place a mine or shine barrior, or call Florina in for better aerials.
Stand up attack (Lying on her back) - Sweep:
Lyn sits up and sweeps one leg front to back, hitting any opponents nearby her on either side. She stands up after completing the motion, dusting herself off. Does
5% damage to foes in melee range on each side. It does no knockback, but it makes them fall down as if they tripped. Very short starting lag as she sits up, and medium ending lag as she climbs to her feet. Low priority.
---Don't use this unless the opponent is right next to you, as the ending lag will leave you vulnerable if you miss. It takes longer for Lyn to get up with this attack then normally, so don't bother unless someone's in range.
Stand up attack (Lying on her stomach) - Double Hit:
Lyn gets on her knees and swings her weapon in front of herself, from down to up, then again from up to down as she stands up.
Each swing does 5% damage and flinching knockback, with decent reach. Medium priority, with short starting and ending lag.
---Really simple attack. This is a good way to score some quick damage and sets up nicely for a follow-up attack.
Stand up attack (Sitting) - Spring Stab:
Lyn rocks onto her feet. Then, once in a squatting position, lunges forward and thrusts her weapon out in front of herself. After she completes the stab, she lands on her knees and scrambles to her feet. Lyn propels herself forward 1 Custom Stage block, stopping on a ledge instead of going over.
Short starting and medium ending lag, with medium priority. Lyn does 6% damage and below average knockback.
---This is perfect for getting out of the way of a slow attack or striking an opponent out of reach. It's not much for damage or knockback, but it gets the job done.
Ledge attack (99% or less) - Flip Out:
Lyn flips herself over the ledge, kicking both her feet out in front of herself as she reaches the highest point of the flip 1 Custom Stage block off the ground. The entire motion takes slightly longer then a second, Lyn landing on the ground feet first and drawing her weapon once again.
8% damage and medium knockback, with virtually nonexistent starting and ending lag and low priority.
---While situationals aren't worth anything other then preventing camping, this situational is very useful. If you so wish, you can bait your opponent towards a ledge, jump onto it, then use this to score a decent hit. At high enough percentages and at the right position, this can even be a great finishing blow!
Ledge attack (100% or more) - Reversal:
Lyn keeps one hand firmly grasped on the ledge, and reaches over the ledge with her other hand. She reaches about 1/3 of a Custom Stage block from her ledge, grabbing for an opponent for about a second. If she grabs on, she yanks on the foe's leg with all her might, throwing them over her shoulder and pulling herself up. Otherwise, she gives up and returns to her normal ledge hanging animation. Does
no damage, but pulls the foe over the ledge, then does below average knockback in the opposite direction of the ledge. Short starting and ending lag. This attack has no effect on hovering opponents.
---Pretty good as a stalling tactic against low damage or heavyweight characters, and a decent set up on high damage or lightweight characters to use Lyn's Neutral Air (Sword) Meteorsmash effect. Just try not to do it when Lyn's out of reach, or the opponent can knock her off her ledge.
-~Together We Ride!~-
Lyn poses dramatcily with her weapon, smiling confidently. The knights Sain and Kent, the archer Wil, and pegasus night Florina (if she isn't already present and regardless of whether or not she was KOed recently) appear on the stage in colomns of light a la Marth's Entrance animation. For the next 10 seconds or until their individual stamina runs out, they will run rampant and assist Lyn in her fight. Anyone who is KOed will fade away in the same manner as killed characters/enemies in Fire Emblem, and all of Lyn's allies (except Florina) will disappear at the end of the duration. Florina acts as she does normally, but has 25% stamina instead of her normal 15%.
Sain and Kent are knights of Sacae who were searching for Lyn to deliver news to her about her grandfather's ailing health. Sain puts on an air of chivalry, but is really a bit of a scoundrel and falls in love at the drop of a hat. Kent, in contrast, is focused and polite, and commonly has to reign in his less sensible partner. The two Sacaen knights appear on horseback. Thay have the same hurtbox as Florina, Captain Falcon's run speed, Donkey Kong's weight and fall speed, and a single jump that gains the same altitude as Yoshi's second jump. They appear on the stage itself, and fight along side Lyn as Level 4 CPU controlled allies. Sain has 20% stamina, while Kent has 25%.
The duo have two attacks; The first is a sword swing striking foes a short distance in front of them with short starting and ending lag, flinching knockback, and medium priority. Sain does
7% damage with this attack and Kent does
5%. Their other attack is a simple lance thrust reaching 1.5 Custom Stage blocks in front of them. Their thrust has medium starting and ending lag, as well as medium priority. Sain's version deals
12% damage and light knockback, while Kent does a smaller
7% damage in exchange for a stronger, medium knockback.
Rounding out this merry band is the archer, Wil. Wil has 15% stamina and has a special AI, with a focus on avoiding his opponents like the plague and striking from as far away as possible. He has the run speed of Mario and two jumps the same height of Marth's, and his hurtbox is the same size and shape as Marth's. Wil has only one attack. He levels his bow dead ahead and fires a single arrow. The arrow travels the distance and speed as Link's fully charged Neutral B. This attack has medium starting lag, short ending lag, and low priority. The arrow deals flinching knockback and
3% damage.
---Florina operates much like she does normally, but her slight increase in stamina makes it a lot safer to abuse her grear aerials and can be a life saver if she was KOed right before the use of this Final Smash. If you catch an opponent between Lyn, Sain, and Kent, you have a very high chance of KOing them or at least making their damage meter skyrocket. Sain does more damage, but is more vulnerable, while Kent does less damage in exchange for greater longetivity. If Sain and Kent split up, have Lyn follow Sain in case he bites off more then he can chew.
Wil seems to be the weakest link, but he's actually the most valuable. His AI combined with the constant pressure Lyn, Florina, Sain, and Kent cause ensure he will survive until the duration of this Final Smash barring bad luck. For those 10 seconds, Wil will pepper foes with arrows, interupting their counter attacks and making them flinch long enough for Lyn to land a power move. At the very least, Wil's efforts will rack up the damage on opponents.
_((Playing as Lyn))_
Lyn's greatest strength is her versatility. She can fight reasonably well at any range and has enough speed to keep at the range where her opponent is weak. Of her two weapons, the sword is better up close, while the bow is best at long range. Her Down A and her Back Air are important to Lyn, slowing down pursuing foes long enough for her to switch weapons or heal with her Neutral B, or limiting their movement while she presses an offensive.
An aerial battle is best avoided. Alone, Lyn has weak, bland attacks in the air. If she calls in Florina, her aerials become her strongest moves, but she risks losing her Up B for a long tim. With her pathetic second jump, that would be catastrophic. Florina should be an absolute last resort. Of her aerials, Lyn's Forward Aerials and her Back Aerial are the only ones you want to use consistantly. The others are either limited in use or are risky for a number of reasons. When you do want to use one, short hop into it.
Most of Lyn's smashes do little in terms of damage. However, most of them involve Lyn ducking down, reducing the height of her hurtbox. This allows Lyn to avoid attacks from taller characters if she carefully times it, giving her smashes that are 'safer' then most. That doesn't mean you can spam smashes and be done with it. Lyn is still a decent sized target and is fairly light, so failing an attempt to spam a move will often end with Lyn flying through the air. For that reason, a Lyn user should vary their attacks as much as possible. Another advantage provided by doing so is that several of Lyn's moves have similar, or even identicle starting animations. This makes it hard to predict Lyn's attacks, and even harder to respond properly to them.
Lyn players should remember which attacks don't change in use when Lyn switches weapons, so if she is cornered with a weapon that's weak to the current situation and unable to switch to the other weapon she can still fight. For your sake, here's a list: Neutral B, Down B, Up B, Down A, Up A, Dashing Attack, Down Air, Back Air, Up Air, Forward Throw, Back Throw, Up Throw, and the Situationals. That said, Lyn players should also learn how moves do change. Some moves don't change how they oprerate, but have minor changes that make them more useful in one situation then another.
Lastly, remember what KO moves Lyn does have; Down A [risky], Forward Smash (Sword), Down Smash (Bow) [sometimes], Neutral Air (Sword) [hard], Down Air [hard/risky], Back Throw, Up Throw.
_((Playing against Lyn))_
The way you fight Lyn depends entirely on which weapon she's using. If she is fighting with her sword, attack from a distance or set traps to keep her away. If she's using her bow, get in her face. Force an air battle if you can. Lyn's recovery is subpar, and she has to choose between using her weak alone aerials, or calling in Florina to assist which beefs them up but puts her recovery special on the line.
Lyn has very even match-ups across the board, (lightweights are fast enough to neutralize her speed advantage, heavyweights are hard for her to KO and mediumweights can do both to a some extent), the only exceptions being Captain Falcon and Sonic, who outdo her in terms of speed and can pressure her well enough to eliminate her range advantage. Even so, she still does reasonably well against them, so pick whoever you're comfortable with. Lyn has a focus on mind games on top of everything, so most matches with her will come to who can predict their opponents better and who's more skilled with their character choice.
((Up Taunt))
Lyn twirls her current weapon, placing her free hand on her hip. If present, Florina will imitate the motion with her lance, and Huey neighs proudly.
((Side Taunt))
Lyn takes out a vulnery, similar to her Neutral B, and goes to take a sip from it. She pulls the glass away from her lips in confusion and holds it upside down, revealing it to be empty. She tosses it away, into the background. If Florina is with Lyn, she'll catch the bottle and put it in her pouch for later.
((Down Taunt))
Lyn swaps her equipent, sheathing her sword and taking the bow off her back, or placing the bow on her back and unsheathing the sword. Florina will get off of Huey for a second to help, putting away Lyn's current weapon while Lyn takes out her other weapon, then jumps back on when the taunt ends.
((Victory Animation 1))
Lyn practices some impressive strokes, facing the right side of the camera. After four swings, she sheathes her sword, wipes the sweat off her brow with the back of her hand, and turns to the camera with a satisfied smile.
((Victory Animation 2))
Lyn stands normally, staring at the screen. Loud wingbeats are heard from off camera. Curious, Lyn turns to the left side of the screen, then smiles and waves. Florina appears, riding her pegasus Huey and lands to the left of Lyn. She hops off Huey and hugs Lyn, smiling broadly. Lyn gently pats Florina on the back of the head. If this screen is left on long enough, Huey will sit up impatiently and turn towards the screen. He walks over, curious, then picks up the camera in his teeth and walks away.
Florina and Lyn can be heard trying to get the headstrong pegasus to put it down. Huey ignores them and walks off the stage, into what looks like a filming studio with plenty of people around. If Sakurai was not in the Brawl, he can be seen sitting on a chair, looking slightly exhasperated but highly amused while the pegasus walks around the studio in circles. The chair will be empty if he was in the Brawl, but otherwise there are no real changes to this animation.
((Victory Animation 3))
Lyn stands with her sword drawn. The EXP meter from Fire Emblem appears on screen and fills completely, then disappears. The words "Level Up!" appear over Lyn's head. Lyn smiles, places her sword back in it's scabboard, and turns her back to the screen as the words fade out.
((Loss Animation))
Lyn has her weapons put away, and is applauding the winner good naturedly. She seems slightly disappointed, but shows no ill towards the winner or anyone else.
((Kirby Hat))
Kirby gains Lyn's flowing green ponytail, and his eyes shift to a deep green. He obtains Lyn's Neutral B, the vulneary.
((Wiimote Noise))
The stereotypical metal "shing" that occurs whenever a cartoon/anime/videogame/manga/whatever character draws a sword from it's sheath.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjaL5-z_k5A (Rise to the Challenge, Normal Boss Battle)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us55r61R3qo (Together We Ride!, Ally Reqruitment Theme)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRETlQRNt7U (Softly With Grace, Four Fangs Boss Battle)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIgfilrpU6s (A Knight's Oath, (I don't remember))
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xgegq4ZK4CA (Campaign of Fire, Fire Dragon Battle)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQrcsfQgnoo (Everything Into Dark, Nergal Battle)
((Snake Codec))
Snake: Woah, nice legs!
Campbell: If you're done appreciating the scenery...
Snake: Right, so who is she?
Campbell: That's Lady Lyndis, though she prefers to go by Lyn.
Snake: So she's another royal? Seems to be a lot of them around here.
Campbell: While she's of royal blood, she grew up on the plains as part of the Lorca tribe, of the region of Sacae. Her parents and the rest of her tribe were slaughtered by bandits from the mountains nearby.
Snake: So she's been training with her sword and bow because she wants revenge?
Campbell: I think that was her motivation to begin with, but she seems to have put her abilities to more practical use, helping to save her world from a madman named Nergal, alongside her friends.
Snake: Good. Ghandi once said "Holding on to anger is like holding on to a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else. You're the one who gets burned." ...I've been talking to Mei Ling too much.
Campbell: *Chuckles*
((Scrapped Attacks/Concepts))
Down B (Sword) - Holy Water:
Lyn takes out what looks like a normal bottle of water and pours it over her head. Notice how I said what LOOKS like normal water. In reality, she just used Holy Water from the Fire Emblem series. For the next 10 seconds, Lyn takes 1/2 damage and no hitstun from projectiles, the reduction of both decreasing as the duration nears it's end.
Down B (Bow) - Repel:
Lyn takes a metal arrow with a rope attached to it and jams it into the platform she's on. This has no immediate effect, other then Lyn holding the rope with her free hand (or under her arm when she uses both hands). The rope reaches infinitely. When Lyn is airborne and has the rope in her hand, pressing Down B will cause her to pull the rope taut, stoping her fall if the rope is draped over a ledge when she uses this, or swinging her back towards the stage when it's not.
When she reaches the side of the stage, the rope will hang over the side and act as a ladder for Lyn and any other character to use. The arrow has 15% hit points and will stay on the stage until it is destroyed or it leaves the stage. When the arrow is destroyed, Lyn's rope disappears. Lyn can damage the arrow herself, and can't use this move again if there's already an arrow out. Short starting and ending lag as Lyn places the arrow.
_((Final Notes))_
This is actually my second version of the set. During the first set, I burned out and was working on it mostly when exhausted. After a while, I had a flash of inspiration, and remade the set with the mechanic. I feel like the mechanic is ripped from my Three Stooges set, but leaving it out would result in Lyn having a very boring Link/Marth hybrid feel to her. This feels much more like Lyn should, a graceful fighter who's good at dodging and has plenty of options for mindgames.
This is by far my biggest moveset, the text document I have it saved on coming in at over 70KB. I spent a great deal more time on her then my other movesets, I think it was to overcompensate for her limited amount of moves. I think my Three Stooges set is better, if only for the better readability, but Lyn is certainly the highest in quality. One thing I'm concerned about is the Playing as Lyn section, and I'm not so sure I did a great job explaining everything. If you have any suggestions on how to write a better one, or anything I should mention, please let me know. Thanks for reading, and good luck to everyone in the contest.
6/14/09: Added Color and bolding to all mentions of lag, knockback, and damage to make it easier to read. Added More Size BBcode. Thank you, Plorf & Phatcat203 of the Xat Chat. (Later, same day

Fixed some grammer errors.