Hey guys, Bidoof is going to be ready soon!

What's fun with him is that he doesn't really have signature moves, or specific powers! I must take some random Pokémon moves that will fit him well. ( With the help of his official moveset and Tms he can learn

Necromancer by mindsmasher : Good job! This is a really good set for a newcomer. But like Kibble said, it could use more details on some moves, mainly on things like the aerials... use Capitals and Good Grammar! One of the first time I see a newcomer having their first post a set! But it's still really good and has a lot of potential, with some fixing and improving,you could maybe do a set that would reach the Top 50!
Chicken : Welcome to MYM!

I feel we're goona have a lot of fun with you!

I'm looking forward to Duster, Ice Dragon and all the others, in MYM5! I hope you'll have a good time with us and enjoy your stay! I hope you'll like my upcoming Bidoof moveset!

For some movesets with really good basics and details, see sets like those of Baloo. For extra detailed and organised movesets, go see Master Warlord, King K. Rool or Tanookie, our best newcomer!