Homosexual marriage is a monstrosity. Okay, so you like men (or if your a woman you like other women). Marriage is meant for man and woman (otherwise reproduction could happen between same-sex couples) and thus the right belongs to them. Noones stopping you from living or having.... well I'm not going there. Why demand more? Answer me that... why spit on the values of marriage if it means you'll be paying higher taxes?
I'll give you an example:
Paula and John are married, but they hate each other after a year or so. They divorce, one taking their child, who will be raised by only one parent, and isn't able to see the other one regularly, if at all. Maybe both start drinking.
Another example:
Jeff and George are a couple for 7 years now. They love each other, live together, support each other, however, don't have the same rights as Paula and John had, when they were married. When Jeff has an accident, his boyfriend is not allowed to see him in hospital outside of the regular visitor times. Which is horribly unfair. Not to mention other rights and advantages they'd have when being married.
Marriage doesn't mean a festivity at a church, marriage means being bond together.
I don't see how the fact with whom I am having a relationship is affecting YOUR life. I just don't understand why YOU would want to alter MY life like that, just because you are not homosexual. You wouldn't want ME to tell you whom to get married with, either, right?