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Make Your Move 3.0: It's over, it's done, moving on.

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Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
*Finished reading Headless Horseman*

Still no objections to what I said earlier. It all holds true. As I said earlier when you announced it to me and as Mendez did, I wish there were more of the horse in it somehow. Perhaps his horse can be in as an assist trophy at least? As of now, it's just the bair. . .Speaking of extras, Pidgeot has more then it, despite the horseman being much more epicly awesome then Pidgeot. Add more now.

The play style is quite nice and the final smash is brilliant, although if anything I feel it's underpowered, as you stated at the end of it. If he's wielding one of the pumpkins when the final smash ends, does it become his permanant head? That'd help considerably.

It's one of my favorites, but it just doesn't have the characterization of Dracula, to be quite frank. The moves feel a bit ridiculous in some occassions for such a sinister character, such as Mendez said for example, the breakdancing, but the majority of it is still gold. Easily in my top 3, at least.
Extras - I've got a stage planned, and I could easily add some Assist Trophies and a few other little tidbits here and there. EDIT: And The Horseman definitely has more extras than Pidgeot. Just... not by much.

And that's okay. I wasn't trying to make a rival to Dracula, and the fact that anyone is considering it among the top movesets of the contest is more than enough for me to be happy. Personally, I think Dracula is quite a bit better.

But, ridiculous attacks (and I think there are actually few, aside from the one everyone keeps bringing up) aside, if you consider it in your top 3, I'm satisfied.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Spadefox said:
I don't know if that statement is positive or negative.
For me it's a positive, since I usually don't really enjoy the busy-work that is the Extras section.

And really, it shouldn't be much of a negative for anyone. If you really like the character, you either A) already know them well enough for Extras to be a moot point, or B) can research them on your own time.

'Warlord complained about Sora having no extras, but he hates the character. It's almost like Extras have gotten to the point where they're expected, rather than optional. THE HYPOCRISY IS DEAFENING

darkserenade said:
Asch the Bloody
Jade (Revamped)
Sync the Tempest
Largo the Black Lion
SSE (continued)

MasterWarlord said:
@Mendez: I praised Sora for a page's length in microsoft word despite it's short length and lack of extras. If you make more movesets like that, you'll still do fine.
That's the idea! :bee:

If I just keep making the actual moves awesome, people won't have reason to mourn the lack of extras!



Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
I guess it's all uphill from here. That was an awesome Headless Horseman moveset, King K. Rool. Great work.

Someone should do Jack Skellington. That would be epic. Maybe I will (and add it to my list of 15 planned characters for 4.0).


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2007
*sending Sundance lots of apple pies on Pi Day, as
I guess it's all uphill from here. That was an awesome Headless Horseman moveset, King K. Rool. Great work.

Someone should do Jack Skellington. That would be epic. Maybe I will (and add it to my list of 15 planned characters for 4.0).
15 Characters from a mere child? I hope they aren't fierce Diety Link status. Serious, don't expect too much, as many of these guys slated to do about the same amount as you. So I think I can expect about 5 movesets from you (8 if you just give the basics)

Anyway I'm currently finishing my delibird moveset of page 235, but can anyone see my avatar?

Also here are my ideas for MYM 4.0, From most likely to least:

Apollo Justice
Vera Misham
Klavier Gavin
Trucy Wright (all from the Ace Attorney series)
Pokemon Trainer
Monferno (Pokemon series)
Pikmin OC

Expect maybe the first five in a MYM contest sometime.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
15 Characters from a mere child? I hope they aren't fierce Diety Link status. Serious, don't expect too much, as many of these guys slated to do about the same amount as you. So I think I can expect about 5 movesets from you (8 if you just give the basics)
Yeah, really. I was planning on doing like, 20 'sets for MYM3, but only ended up with...7(?). It's fine to list things out like that, but just be prepared to crop that list as you realize you really don't have the drive to make all of them, Kholdstare.

Anyway I'm currently finishing my delibird moveset of page 235, but can anyone see my avatar?
Yup, it's Mr. Odoroki, in all his pointing glory.

Also yeah, you might want to get crackin' on Delibird, as the deadline's really, really, really close.

Apollo Justice
Vera Misham
Klavier Gavin
Trucy Wright
kitsuneko345 = my favorite person ever

Feel free to take any amount of inspiration from (to my knowledge) the only other Ace Attorney moveset in any of these contests! ...Actually, speaking of, wasn't MarthTrinity planning on doing a Miles Edgeworth moveset? That should really happen sometime...

Deleted member

WTF? I leave this thread to go Trick or Treating and theres 3 pages already. Eeessshhh...

Everyone got the same deal. Their SSE picture is their Avatar, or at least some derivative of it. MasterWarlord changes his avatar every freakin' day, but it was Olcadan when I added is SSE.

So, sorry, no Drake & Josh for you

....i would quote more....but i'm too lazy.

Also, i was listening to songs for my future Three Days Grace moveset, and you guys should listen to this. <------That song is TOTALLY AWESOME!!! LISTEN TO IT!!! NAO!!!!

Now, to finish my new SSE chapter and get back to work on Savyna....


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
Am I missing a spoiler party or something?

Anyway, I read the Headless Horseman moveset. I absolutely loved it. The personal item mechanic, although eerily similar to Donna, was executed far better. One question though;

How does Headless Horseman interact with the heads of other headless horsemen?

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Am I missing a spoiler party or something?

Anyway, I read the Headless Horseman moveset. I absolutely loved it. The personal item mechanic, although eerily similar to Donna, was executed far better. One question though;

How does Headless Horseman interact with the heads of other headless horsemen?
Talking in spoilers is awesome! Don't believe me? I HAVE PROOF:

darkserenade said:
Everybody, post in spoilers text, it's awesome.

Anyway, I would also like to know that, K.Rool. And what happens if Cook Kirby adds it to his pot? Can Dedede/Wario eat it? Does it regenerate if it gets thrown off-stage, or do you have to wait til' you respawn?

I have so many questions, and yet so few answers.


While I'm quoting you, Junahu, I'd just like to say that I checked out your OC Thingamabob today for the first time since you first showed it off, and I'm quite the impressed little bugger right now. Very cool. Looking forward to the MYM4 incarnation/whatever you end up doing in that.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 5, 2008
Da Burgh
Wow. I just read the Headless Horseman. Perfect for Halloween. Seriously, it made me joygasm.

I love spoilers!

On another note, I'm planning on doing a self-insert, but it might be a little different than what you'd expect. For a hint, look at my username.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Mendez, I told you to review Ty a while back and got no reply!
You didn't send me a PM though. If you did...well, I didn't get it. And if you posted it in the thread, chances are I didn't see it anyhow. My MYM3 reviews are over though, so you'll have to go without a proper review. Sorry dude. :ohwell:

EDIT - I can't wait to see a 'set for the number 728. That's going to rock my socks, I just know it!


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
Am I missing a spoiler party or something?

Anyway, I read the Headless Horseman moveset. I absolutely loved it. The personal item mechanic, although eerily similar to Donna, was executed far better. One question though;

How does Headless Horseman interact with the heads of other headless horsemen?
Glad you liked it, Junahu! That means a lot, coming from the maker of Donna. If it makes a difference, let me say that I wasn't thinking at all about her when I thought up the playstyle of The Horseman. It just seemed natural to me, seeing as in most media, he's seen throwing his own head at people.

And he doesn't interact with others' heads. Alt. costumes make the colour of the jack-o-lantern slightly different, and you can't do anything with a different coloured head.

MENDEZ: It can be put into a pot only if floating around loosely, not if it's on his head. Can't be eaten; that would make that an impossible match-up. If it's thrown away, you don't get it back until you respawn, which is why it's so important to protect it.

That last one is pretty simple, but for the others... I guess I didn't figure anyone would think so in-depth about it. Yay.

pensfan: Why thank you. :)

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
What time in Pacific Standard Time will the contest be over by?
It should be over at around 9PM PST, if my math is correct (that said, some of you know how I be when it comes to math...so maybe you oughta' just double check the good ol' Time Zone Converter just to be safe).

@pensfan: Final Smash: 729 - 728 summons the immortal energies of conceptual statistics, transforming into the almighty 729! All stats, damages, hits, jumps, and even appearance have 1 added to them for 729 miliseconds.

Seriously, if you can pull off such an abstract concept in a moveset, you'll be officially registered as Mendez Cool©!!


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Deliberd is very nice. Not a bad way to end MYM3.

So, does anything special happen when the deadlines's reached? I heard that at the deadline of MYM2, the gates of hell opened up and all of the MYM2 move sets had to battle Cervantes, who won through his secret attack, SKYSCRAPER OF TEXT!. :laugh:

Chris Lionheart

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2008
Make Your Move
I wouldn't base MYM2's quality on the winners. People voted for things they liked, not movesets they felt were well-made. There were some quality movesets in that contest, like it or not. All of us who were there recognize that improvement has been made, but being essentially told that our works may as well have never been created... Well, yeah, that feels good. :ohwell:

The sad thing is, I could probably take a moveset I'd created for MYM2, but not submitted, enter it here, and I'd probably get "Not your best, Kibble, but pretty good," but looking back at MYM2's thread, you can call it crap. To be frank, I didn't up my quality standard by that much. I wrote a bit more about some moves, got a tad more creative, and organized a little better. That's pretty much it, and yet people will name me as one of the above-average moveset-makers of this thread. Not on par with Mendez and Warlord, obviously, but still above average.
That pretty much sums up my feelings exactly.

And that is why I can consider you the equivalent of myself (except where you make Kirby, I make Fire Emblem).

Which in retrospect, thats probably why my movesets weren't top 10 in MYM 2.0... everyone was biased against my FE characters.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
That pretty much sums up my feelings exactly.

And that is why I can consider you the equivalent of myself (except where you make Kirby, I make Fire Emblem).

Which in retrospect, thats probably why my movesets weren't top 10 in MYM 2.0... everyone was biased against my FE characters.
You forgot to respond in spoilers

Chris Lionheart

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2008
Make Your Move
Umm... I think it can be added later on (but you may want to have someone else confirm this.)

Oh btw, I have to go to a huge marching band competition tomorrow. Its the biggest event of the year for our band. Wish us luck. :)


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Good luck. Yeah, you and your Fire Emblem is pretty much like me and my Kirby. Which is to say, it freakin' rocks!!

I only played one FE game, but it was TOTALLY AWESOME!

PS: Constant spoilers rock suck.


Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
Good night everyone, and have a truly haunting Halloween. I will have a moveset ready the moment MYM 4.0 opens. Maybe I will get first post in it. Maybe.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Now I'm curious... which one did you play?
Um... I don't know the name (shows you how much I know), but it was the one with Eliwood, Lyn, and Hector... And my favorite character, who I made a moveset for in MYM2: Erk.

Come to think of it, isn't that the one that's widely considered one of, if not the, worst Fire Emblem. I dunno, just seems like I've heard that. I loved it, though.


Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2008
MYM, Ohio
Umm... I think it can be added later on (but you may want to have someone else confirm this.)

Oh btw, I have to go to a huge marching band competition tomorrow. Its the biggest event of the year for our band. Wish us luck. :)

you're in a marching band???? That's me as well lol

/spam :bee:

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Um... I don't know the name (shows you how much I know), but it was the one with Eliwood, Lyn, and Hector... And my favorite character, who I made a moveset for in MYM2: Erk.

Come to think of it, isn't that the one that's widely considered one of, if not the, worst Fire Emblem. I dunno, just seems like I've heard that. I loved it, though.
That's outside of Japan simply called "Fire Emblem", in Japan I think it's "Rekka no Ken" additionally. It was the first FE to be released outside of Japan.

And I'm Sonic to your Kirby and Chris' FE XO

Chris Lionheart

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2008
Make Your Move
Um... I don't know the name (shows you how much I know), but it was the one with Eliwood, Lyn, and Hector... And my favorite character, who I made a moveset for in MYM2: Erk.

Come to think of it, isn't that the one that's widely considered one of, if not the, worst Fire Emblem. I dunno, just seems like I've heard that. I loved it, though.
Thats Fire Emblem 7, otherwise known as Rekka No Ken.

It was widely considered one of the best Fire Emblems, and the 16th best game for the GBA.

The one that came after it, FE8, The Sacred Stones, is widely considered to be one of the worst, if not THE worst Fire Emblems, though it is still a good game.

And yes, I'm in a marching band. We've got a really awesome circus (Cirque De Soleil: La Nouba) themed field show.


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
okay, since i'm doing a Tails Doll moveset after I finish my Dr Robotnik which is for MYM4, heres a mechanic I thought of for it (I'm using that stupid curse which people said Tails doll had!):

Down B: CuRsE Enhancer:
Apperance/animation: as Tails Doll uses this move, Tails Doll crouches down slowly and lowers its arm down as well, and as it is going down, Tails Doll closes its eyes for a very short amount of time, and when Tails Doll opens its eyes, it stands straight up, and lifts its arm up as far into the sky without stretching its arm. When Tails Doll does this, a big (about 1.3 times bigger than Tails Doll), black wall which can be seen having lighting bolts going around inside the dark wall, and if you listen closely, you can hear lighting bolts noises coming from the dark wall.
Stats/Effects: What this move does, is that if ANY move, including projectiles, melee attacks etc, can be absorbed. When this happens, you see a bit of the dark wall spread back into Tails Doll arms/head. And what this does, is that there are 5 levels of curse power, which are described below (like how much times do have to absorb a move to go to the next level {you always start at 0}, and how the level is generally like), and with each level making certain moves stronger at which level the curse is, this could be that a move has less lag than before, the range of a move is longer, a move can kill you easier etc. The information underneath this text shows how the level goes up to the next stage. The features stay or improve with each level upgrade. This has very little start-up and ending lag, and you can hold it for an maximum of 2.3 seconds.

A projectile makes the level experience goes up by 0.5.
A weak attack makes the level experience go up by 0.7.
A smash attack makes the level experience go up by 0.9.
A fully charged smash attack makes the level experience go up by 1.3.
An aerial attack makes the level experience go up by 0.8.

Level 1 Curse: The total level experience you need to have to get to this level is 1.7. The general idea this level of curse does is add the darkness effect on to more non-attribute moves, and also slightly increase the damage and knockback of certain moves. The improvement isn’t very drastic, and some moves still have their previous weaknesses. (You can tell this is level one is that the wrists on Tails Doll arms have darkness coming from them)

Level 2 Curse: The total level experience you need to have to get to this level is 3.2 (1.5 from the last level of curse). The general idea of what this level of curse consists of is that it some moves become quicker, so that the moves come out quicker, and have lesser ending lag or landing lag, also the range of some moves increases a bit as well. Since some moves have less lag and more range, this means that Tails Doll can combo easier than before since of the more range and less lag. (You can tell this is level two is that the wrists on Tails Doll arms have more darkness coming from them than before, and the speed it comes out from the wrists has increased)

Level 3 Curse: The total level experience you need to have to get to this level is 4.8 (1.6 from the last level of curse again). The general idea of what this level of curse consists of is that a few moves have an different effect now, like doing constructive hits rather than just one, or vice versa. Some moves are totally different now because of the curse level. And also more moves have more damage and knockback, and also more less lag on the moves. Since the moves are stronger and have less lag, it becomes easier to combo into other moves, and since some moves has changed completely, it changes the way Tails Doll works, making him unpredictable. (You can tell this is level three is that the darkness has gone up to Tails Dolls elbow now, and going at the same speed as level two)

Level 4 Curse: The total level experience you need to have to get to this level is 6.6 (1.9 from the last level of curse). The general idea of what this level of curse consists of the range has massively increased, so that some moves have disjointed hit-boxes, and a few moves now have a sweet-spot in it (most of the time the sweet-spot is in the darkness which appears), which are very strong. This means that you can attack further away than before, which also means you can’t get hit where your standing, spacing with this level of curse is crucial. (You can tell this is level four is that the arms on Tails Doll arms are completely covered in darkness)

Level 5 Curse: The total level experience you need to have to get to this level is 8.8 (2.2 from the last level of curse). The general idea of what this level of curse consists of is that more moves can pack more of a punch in damage and knockback, and have lesser start-up lag, but since Tails Doll has become quite strong, he has gained more ending and landing lag, but since it still has great range, spacing is more useful now because of the ending lag. (You can tell this is level five is that including levels four darkness, the eyes and the back of Tails Doll head has darkness coming up from behind, in the shape of a flame)

So, what do you think of the idea, do you like it? Oh, and I will add a "The uses of this move" section (basically the notes section) later on.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
Nice Delibird, kitsuneko! Very nice indeed. Although my earlier point stands; his mechanic can only really be made the most of in team battles. Unless you just repeatedly Down Aerial'd them, but that's risky.

It's very easy to Delicide, isn't it? Just stick 'em in your bag and jump on off the screen.

Still, many interesting concepts, a nice inclusion of Ice-type moves without going overboard, and a mechanic that sounds like it'd be ridiculously fun in any free-for-all or team battle.

I think that your curse mechanic is a bit hard to keep track of, frogman. Other than that, looks very intriguing and fun to use.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
So now that the deadline's passed, can I start "advertising" stuff? I spent about an hour last night prowling through the thread picking out ones I liked, as well as tracking down some of my personal favorites.

Also FE7 was the sh*t, but I'm pretty sure basically every non-English fan hates it because of how easy it was and how long the "tutorial" was.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2008
Where the games begin and end
woo! I have returned with great failure. lol. I was so busy this week I couldnt add my updates to my unfinished movesets. I guess my first three are in only. But that is cool. I wasnt in this to win. So what's the status?

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
woo! I have returned with great failure. lol. I was so busy this week I couldnt add my updates to my unfinished movesets. I guess my first three are in only. But that is cool. I wasnt in this to win. So what's the status?
It's over! :bee:

The submission deadline passed at the turn of the day last night. Right now, we've got a week until voting starts on the 7th, during which time we're basically advertising movesets in an effort to get people to vote for them.
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