I've decided to go ahead and add my endgame chapter, seeing as how I'm going to be very busy with band stuff this week.
Endgame- Moments of Fate
The entire universe has been dragged into Subspace. Even though everyone was caught in the explosion, noone was harmed. It would appear as though the climax has arrived.
Chris Lionheart: What just happened?
Zelda: We've arrived in Subspace.
Zelos Wilder: I don't know many of you, but lets take care of this Tabuu person... oh I almost forgot. I'm going to give you all codenames.
Zelos points to each person and gives them a codename:
Mia- "Beautiful"
Peach- "Blondy"
Zelda- "Princess"
Ike- "Blue"
Marth- "Mr. Manly

Link- "Silent one"
Sonic- "Speedy"
Tails- "The Fox"
Mario- "Red"
Luigi- "Green"
Pit- "Angel"
Ty- "Tiger"
Indy- "The Explorer"
The Third Agers- "The knight" (Berethor), "Cutey" (Idrial), "The Archer" (Elegost), "Shortstuff" (Hadhod), "The other chick" (Morwen), "The other knight" (Eaoden)
Sain- "The annoying one" (Zelos doesn't like competition)
Shinon- "The rude one"
Donna Letman- "Camera girl"
Anise- "Little one"
Lastly, Zelos points to Chris.
Zelos Wilder: And you are "Loverboy"
Chris: ...... These nicknames suck. Well if thats it, then lets get this over with.
A mysterious female voice: Hey can I have a codename.
A young girl walks in.
Zelos: Ugh.... you can be the ugly one.
This makes Erutashi really mad. She starts chasing Zelos.
Erutashi: I'm going to rip your nuts off!!!
Zelos: Oh ****! I need those!
Zelos and Erutashi run ahead of the rest of the group, leaving everyone else to follow.
Level 1- The Subspace
Part 1- The Subspace Throne
Playable Characters- Everyone who met at the Foxhound Base (do I seriously have to type them all) except for Zelos (Erutashi is not yet playable either)
Objective- Arrive at the Subspace Throne
This is a side-scrolling mission, effectively just the first part of Subspace from the brawl SSE (no I'm not going to make you go through that Great Maze crap.)
The enemies are all from the Subspace Army.
At the end of this level, this new super group arrives at the Subspace, and find Tabuu sitting in his throne. Once they've arrived, many Subspace Army enemies appear, but Pit's angels start fighting them off.
Tabuu: Good.... you've all arrived. Now.... meet your fates!
As Tabuu says this he opens up many rifts, each one containing a different destination. Each of these rifts pulled a group of characters to a different destination:
Old Valios- Chris Lionheart, Ike, Mia, Zelos Wilder, Marth, Shinon
The Water Temple- Link, Zelda
Castle Dracula- Simon Belmont
Bowser's Lair- Mario, Luigi, Sain, Peach
Master Betty's Ship- The Chosen One
These Characters remain at the Subspace Throne to fight Tabuu:
Pit, Indiana Jones, The Third Agers, Sonic, Tails, Ty The Tazmanian Tiger, Donna Letman, Anise, Erutashi
This results in a bunch of boss fights that (chronologically) happen at roughly the same time.
Level 2- Tabuu
Indiana Jones: So you're the one who's caused all this.
Tabuu: Yes.
Tails: But why do you desire our destruction.
Tabuu: Its simple... I want to be king... of everything! After you meddling heroes stopped me last time, I plotted my revenge. I recruited all of your greatest enemies, as well as some of the most powerful champions of evil in the universe to crush you. They all think they are getting such a great deal. But after you are all vanquished, I will betray them and rule their kingdoms. Now... prepare to die.
Tabuu flies up and uses his off waves, which have regained the power to trophy-ize everyone.
But he is interrupted as a giant PK thunder (really 3 combined into one) strikes him, weakening him considerably.
Three more characters join the frey.
Lucas, and
Part 1- Boss Battle- Tabuu
Origin- Smash Bros. Brawl SSE
Playable Characters- Pit, Sonic, Tails, Indiana Jones, The Third Agers, Erutashi, Donna Letman, Anise, Ness, Lucas, Paula, Ty The Tazmanian Tiger
This battle with Tabuu is different from the Brawl SSE battle. Tabuu will ride in his throne, a giant floating chair that matches his color.
His attacks are:
Off-Wave (Mini)- Tabuu fires a small sonic wave that travels in the direction fired (can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal). This wave bounces off of floors. This move has Low....Medium knockback and does 5......15 damage.
Off- Wave (Mega)- This is effectively the same as Tabuu's Off-Wave in Brawl. He and his throne teleport to the background. He lifts up his hand. Each time he waves it (3 times) he fires a wave. Dodging this requires the exact same timing as in Brawl. The damage and knockback are the same as in Brawl.
Chain of Light- In Brawl, this could probably be considered Tabuu's most broken attack, but I've weakened it. Tabuu pulls out the giant golden whip, spinning it over his head three times before lashing out at the stage (this makes it more predictable). The damage and knockback are the same as in Brawl.
Shuriken Boomerang- Same as in Brawl.
Dragon Cannon- Same as in Brawl
Electrical Shield- Same as in Brawl
Chair Spin- Tabuu's throne flies across the stage (with him in it), spinning around. This is effectively the same as Golden Brackets.
Size- Including the Throne, he is rougly 1.2-1.5x his Brawl size
Mobile- Yes (Flies)
Difficulty- 4/5
Level 3- Bowser's Lair
Mario, Luigi, Sain, and Peach are warped to Bowser's Lair.
Part 1- Seeking Bowser
Playable Characters- Mario, Luigi, Sain, Peach
Objective- Find Bowser
This is like a Mario game, which takes place in a cavern like level, complete with lava pits.
The enemies all come from the Mario games.
After making their way through the dungeon, Mario's team comes across Dry Bowser, who transforms into his Giga form.
Boss Battle- Dry Giga Bowser
Origin: Dry Bowser... but really big
Playable Characters- Mario, Luigi, Sain, and Peach
Dry Breath- Bowser breathes out black fire. The range is about 1 of his bodylengths. DI out of this if you get hit. 3...5% per second. No knockback, but does cause flinching.
Dry Fireball- Bowser spits out a huge black fireball. Can be double jumped over fairly easily. Low....Medium knockback and 7.....15% damage
Claw Swipe- Bowser swipes his claw forwards. Decent knockback. Exactly the same in hitbox and appearance as the claw swipes used by Bowser's Final Smash version of Giga Bowser. Bowser brings his arm back before slashing, so it isn't hard to predict. 10.....25% damage and Medium....Very High knockback.
Stomp- Bowser attempts to flatten you with his foot. No knockback, but it does have the same effect as Donkey Kong's Side B. 10....25% damage
Shell Slider- Like a large-scale version of Bowser's Up B. Triple Jump to avoid. 10....25% damage and Medium....High Knockback
Size- As big as Galleom if not bigger.
Mobile- Yes, but slow.
Difficulty- 3/5
Even though you technically win this boss battle, Bowser is to mighty for the four people to defeat.
Bowser roars menacingly.
Suddenly barking is heard. A horde of dogs run and start tearing bones off of Dry Giga Bowser.
Bowser roars in desperation several times while the many many Nintendogs turn him into a chew toy.
Level 4- The Water Temple
Link and Zelda are warped to the water temple. Zelda, bearer of the Triforce of Wisdom, knew that the only way to leave would be to defeat the boss.
Part 1- The Temple
Playable Characters- Link, Zelda
Objective- Make it through the water temple.
This is loosely based off of the water temple from The Twilight Princess.
The enemies are all from the Twilight Princess water temple.
To get through, you will have to flip switches manipulating the water levels.
Higher water levels allow you to reach new heights, while lower water levels are necessary to reach low paths.
You can drown in this level, but only if you don't put in any controller input.
After that part, a cutscene shows Ganondorf finding the temple's treasure, a great Trident.
Trident Ganondorf
Link and Zelda enter the room.
Ganondorf: Finally.... my revenge is nigh.
Link charges Ganondorf.
Zelda: I'll help as much as I can.
Zelda creates a sword of light with her magic.
Zelda With Sword
Part 2- Versus Ganondorf
Playable Characters- Link, Zelda (with sword)
Objective- Defeat Ganondorf (1 stock match)
After being defeated Ganon becomes his stronger form.
Boss Battle- Ganon Part 1
Origin- The Ocarina of Time
Playable Characters- Link Zelda
Ganon doesn't have a particularly special moveset. He attacks with extremely powerful but slow slashes horizontally or vertically.
This part of the boss battle is really unique in that you don't have to win. Either way the result is the same.
Size- I'm no Zelda expert.
Mobile- Yes
Difficulty- 0/5 (since you don't really have to win)
After winning (or losing) a cutscene shows that Ganon is to powerful for the duo to handle.
Zelda: We only have one option..... I'm going to have to give you power.
Zelda uses magic to empower Link, transforming him into.....
Boss Battle- Ganon (Part 2)
Playable Characters- Fierce Diety Link
His attacks remain the same.
The only thing that changes is that you are now only able to use Fierce Diety Link, who has no A moves.
up B = great spin
just like links
B = fierce diety swings his sword and a dark wave is sent
Side B = he jumps sideways and stabs
down B = fierce diety strikes his sword on the ground and a dark wave circles him
All of your moves are incredibly powerful and broken, dealing 100% damage each.
Ganon's stats-
Size- (I don't really know)
Health- about 2000
Difficulty- 2/5 With Fierce Diety's extremely vague and broken moves, this will be easy.
Ganondorf starts to disappear after you defeat him.
Ganondorf: We will meet again. I will have my revenge!
Level 5- Dreamland
Nightmare has once again attacked Dreamland.
The Kirby Team had long since left to attack Tabuu, but fortunately Metaknight comes with his Halberd to bring them to Nightmare.
Nightmare: Tremble in my darkness!
Boss Battle- Nightmare
Origin- Soul Calibur
Playable Characters- Powers Kirby, Waddle Doo, Sir Kibble, King Dedede, Kirby Friends Metaknight
*I'll need MW to make a boss moveset for him*
Currently it will just be Nightmare but with a constantly active Soul Charge.
Size- Towers a foot or two above Ganondorf and is about 2 feet wider than Ganondorf.
Health- Average Boss Health
Difficulty- 4/5
If you lose the boss battle, Nightmare will say "Your pathetic souls are worthless!"
If you win the boss battle, Nightmare will be vanquished.
Dedede picks up the Soul Edge, seeing it as a way to "Clobbah dat dere Kirbeh."
A second boss battle results.
Boss Battle- Possessed Dedede
Origin: The Soul Edge has become a giant red hammer for Dedede.
Playable Characters- Metaknight, Kirby, Waddle Doo, Sir Kibble, Kirby Friends
Dedede uses his Brawl moveset but powered up considerably thanks to the Soul Edge.
Hp- Average Boss Hp (maybe higher)
Size- Same as his regular size.
Difficulty- 2/5 (This shouldn't really be a problem considering the sheer number of characters you have.)
Level 6- The Chosen Battle
The Chosen One has been warped to Betty's Lair.
After Betty's DJ turns on the radio, which plays the song "Black Betty", a boss battle happens between the two.
Boss Battle- Master Betty
Origin- Kung Pow- Enter The Fist
Playable Character- The Chosen One
Betty attacks using an almost character-like moveset (though much more predictable) fighting with punches and kicks. His attacks are all slow but powerful.
When his health gets under 33%, Betty will take out a pair of Iron Claws (they hurt like crap man), which he swings around on a chain to attack with. These are much more painful and far reaching than his punches and kicks (though even more predictable).
Occassionally Betty's fist will glow and he will use a punch called the Paralyzer, causing you to temporarily become unable to do anything but flop your arms and legs around. This ends after several second or if he hits you. Betty will say "Take that floppy." after using this.
Health- About 300
Size- Human size
Mobile- Yes
Difficulty- 3/5 (Not really a hard fight if your a decent Chosen One user.)
After being defeated, Master Betty falls on to the ground saying "Ouch.... I fell and hurt my tummy.... Neeerrr!!!!" before dying.
Level 7- Space Battle
Even millions of light years away in space, Samus was not safe from the blast of the Subspace Bombs.
She flies towards trophy land at incredible speed.
But as she enters the atmosphere, Ridley strikes her ship, causing it to violently spiral down.
Samus must now fight Ridley alone.
Boss Battle Ridley
Origin- Metroid
Playable Characters- Samus or Zero Suit Samus (you get to pick before entering the battle).
Ridley plays just like in the Brawl SSE.
Health- Average boss health.
Size- Pretty big (same as in Brawl)
Mobile- Yes (flies across the screen to get around.)
Difficulty- 3-4/5
Ridley flies away after being defeated.
Samus: Woah... that was close.
Level 8- Castle Dracula
Simon Belmont appears in Dracula's castle.
Dracula: Welcome to my home, Simon. Would you like a glass of "wine"?
Simon: The only blood I came for is yours.
Dracula: Such big words, for one so powerless. I almost hate to fight one such as you.
Part 1- Simon Vs. Dracula
Playable Characters- Simon Belmont
Opponent- Dracula
Objective- Defeat the opponent, Stamina match
Dracula: ... Looks like I must resort to using the power that Ashencroft hath bestowed on me.
Dracula becomes True Dracula, a fierce demon bat with a thirst for blood.
Dracula: Time to die, Simon.
Boss Battle- True Dracula
Origin- Van Helsing
Playable Character- Simon Belmont
Blood Frenzy- Dracula leaps forward, madly clawing and biting. Several hits in appearance, but in reality only one is given in affect. This is predictable and slow. Medium....Very High Knockback and 10....25% damage
Flight- Dracula flies across the screen. Same in effect as Ridley's similar dashing move.
Claws- A basic claw swipe. 5...15% damage and low....medium knockback
When Dracula's health drops below 20% he gains a new attack.
Curse of the Vampire- Dracula rears his head back and attempts to bite you. Slow and predictable. Move or dodge to avoid. High.....OHKO knockback and 20....50% damage
Health- About 300
Size- Human size (roughly that of Marth), with a large wingspan.
Mobile- Yes
Difficulty- 4/5 (Probably one of the hardest boss battles in the SSE.)
After being defeated, Dracula one again flies away from battle. His normal personality kicks in.
Dracula: Such a vile creature you are, Simon. You've injured me. We will meet again.
Simon: Come back!..... COWARD!
Level 9- The Poke'mon Kingdom
When we last left off on the Poke'mon group's journey, they were in Mewtwo's castle when the great explosion occured.
The force of the explosion somehow caused Pidgeotto to evolve into
Part 1- Get to the Throne Room
Playable Characters- PT, Wes, Team Big Shots, Mew, Lucario, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Pidgeot Frosslass, Mightyena, The Ice Climbers
Objective- Get to Mewtwo
A really straight-forward side-scrolling level. You will have to defeat an occassional poke'mon enemy, but really its simple.
After this part, the Poke'mon group arrives at the throne room to find Mewtwo sitting on the throne.
Mewtwo: Why do I have company? I suppose you're here to challenge me.... DIE!
Mewtwo casts his hands forward releasing an amazing burst of power, which trophizes everyone in the team except for Mew and Lucario.
An epic fight starts between the three legendary pokemon.
Boss Battle- Mewtwo
Origin- Pokemon Red + Blue
Playable Characters- Mew, Lucario
Shadow Ball-
Mewtwo raises his hand in the air, forming a powerful ball of physcic energy. He then throws it either horizontally or vertically (aimed at you). Jump over to avoid. 10....25% damage and Medium....Very High knockback.
Hyper Beam-
Mewtwo casts his hand forward and fires a powerful ray of energy.Jump over or dodge to avoid. It can be fired in all directions. Much faster than Shadow Ball but it leaves him vulnerable afterwards for several seconds. 10...25% damage and Medium.....Very High knockback
Shadow Claw-
Basicly a ground version of Mewtwo's Fair in Melee.
The same as Mewtwo's down B in Melee.
The same as Mewtwo's side B in Melee.
Mewtwo vanishes and teleports to a random location on the screen. He will occassionally spam this just like Tabuu.
Health- Average Boss Health
Size- Barely taller than a human and somewhat skinnier.
Mobile- Yes
Difficulty- 4/5
Contrary to the battle's results, Mew and Lucario could not handle Mewtwo's newfound power. It looked like the end of the line for the Poke'mon Group.
That is until a racecar bursts through the wall, travelling at several thousand miles per hour. A man leaps out of the cap in midair.
Captain Falcon
Captain Falcon: Falcon PAWWWWNNNCCHHH!!!!
Mewtwo, taken off guard, was struck for heavy damage by Falcon's flaming fist.
Mewtwo: Hah.... I still have enough power to take on all of you.
Captain Falcon removes his helmet, revealing himself to be none other than....
Mewtwo: Oh ****! I give up.
Level 10- The Factory
Several major fights happen here at rougly the same time.
Section 1- Wolf
Wolf: I've been waiting a long time for this moment, Fox.
Fox: Why would you betray us.
Wolf: Its simple really. I help Tabuu, and I am bestowed with incredible power. Now its time to use that power against you.
Wolf transforms into a frightening monster.
Boss Battle- Werewolf
Origin: A long time legend, but this particular werewolf is from Van Helsing.
Playable Characters- Fox, Krystal
Wolf has become to stupid to wield a gun in this form. He know strikes with viscious fangs and claws. He has a fast movement and attack speed, but most of his attacks (the only exception being the slow fang attacks) are not very powerful.
Claws- 5...15% Low...Medium Knockback
Fangs- 10....25% Medium....Very High Knockback
Health- Average boss health
Size- Taller than Ganondorf and about as wide.
Mobile- Yes (and quite fast to)
Difficulty- 3/5
Section 2- The Apprentice
Boss Battle- The Apprentice
Origin- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Playable Character- Snake
Lightsaber Swing- A basic lightsaber attack with average speed. 5....15% and Low...Medium Knockback.
Lightsaber Throw- Throws the lightsaber like a boomerang. It travels the length of Final Destination. 5...15% and Very Low....Low knockback.
Force Push- Pushes the foe forward if they are enough. No damage. Medium...Very high knockback.
Force Pull- If the opponent is in range (about 1/4th of FD), The Apprentice pulls them closer to him. No damage.
Force Choke- Casts his hand forward. If the foe is close enough, they are choked, dealing 3 hits of 3....5% damage. No knockback.
Force Lightning- Casts his hand forward and fires bolts of lightning about 1 body length in front of him. Low beginning lag but high ending lag. 10...25% damage and Medium.....Very High knockback.
Force Jump- Jumps all the way to the top of the screen and then rapidly falls downwards, smashing anyone below him. To avoid, simply move out of his trajectory. 20.....40% damage and High....OHKO knockback
Health- 300
Size- Average human size.
Mobile- Yes
Difficulty- 4/5
After winning Snake calls Colonel with his Codec.
Snake: Colonel.... mission accomplished.
Section 3- Darth Vader
Sagi and Zero have gotten in a fight with Darth Vader.
Boss Battle- Darth Vader
Origin: Star Wars
Playable Characters- Sagi, Zero
Lightsaber Swing- A basic lightsaber attack with somewhat slow speed. 10....25% and Low...Medium Knockback.
Lightsaber Throw- Throws the lightsaber like a boomerang. It travels the length of Final Destination. 10...20% and Low....Medium knockback.
Force Push- Pushes the foe forward if they are enough. No damage. Medium...Very high knockback.
Force Pull- If the opponent is in range (about 1/4th of FD), Darth Vader pulls them closer to him. No damage.
Force Choke- Casts his hand forward. If the foe is close enough, they are choked, dealing 3 hits of 5....7% damage. No knockback.
Force Lightning- Casts his hand forward and fires bolts of lightning about 1 body length in front of him. Low beginning lag but high ending lag. 15...30% damage and Medium.....Very High knockback.
Hp- 600
Size- Human Size
Mobile- Yes, but slow
Difficulty- 4/5 (effectively just a slower, more powerful version of The Apprentice).
Level 11- The Epic Battle
Chris Lionheart, Ike, Mia, Zelos Wilder, and Marth are warped to Earth.
They appear near the former Valian Capital (the capital before the invasion).
The timing couldn't have been better, as Chris's rebel army was marching on the castle at that very moment. Needless to say, they were suprised to see their Prince again.
Arden: My cousin! Where have you been? Who are these people?
Chris: I... was away. I'm afraid I don't have time to explain much more than that for the time being. These people are powerful friends. You can trust them. Now answer me this... what are you doing here?
Arden: After you had disappeared, we presumed that you had been killed. We came here to get our revenge, even if it means losing our lives.
Chris: So loyal... and so foolish... WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!? *sighs* I apoligize. I should be glad that you are here. I will need your blades one last time.
Arden: We will be happy to serve.
Things looked hopeless for the valian knights. The city was guarded not only by Ashencroft's barbarous legion, but also by Sauron's orcs.
There was, however, a ray of hope, as Sauron and Ashencroft weren't on the best of terms.
Ashencroft: Here come those foolish rebels.... let them feel the wrath of our combined armies.
Sauron: You are no longer my boss.... Our alliance ends here. I will rule your planet and Middle Earth. Attack him my pet...
While Ashencroft fights the Balrog, the orcs turn on the Barborous Legion, creating absolute chaos in the evil ranks.
Chris: Heres the plan. Our only hope of proving victorous is to take advantage of this chaos and striking both armies head on. We need to break through the enemy ranks. From there, I will go on alone and find the leader. Once he is taken out, the enemy formation should completely crumble. Alright valians.... CHARGE!
Boss Clash: Ashencroft Vs. The Balrog
This is hands down, the most epic thing to ever be in an SSE. You will control Ashencroft using his boss moveset against the Balrog.
Both your power, and the Balrog's power, scale with difficulty.
Ashencroft's Moveset-
Flaming Sword- Ashencroft's sword is ignited for the entire fight, causing a lingering effect after all slashes.
Demon Slashes- Basic sword attacks used randomly during the fight. The knockback is small. 5>20%
Press A to use.
Apocalypse Slash- Ashencroft lifts his sword high above his head and slams it into the ground, creating a huge eruption of fire (like a fully charged Roy Neutral B in Melee except bigger.) Slow attack. 20>50%
Press B to use.
Demonic Assault- A basic horizontal slash made while flying to the opponent (like Quickdraw). 10>30%
Press Side B to use.
Hellfire Aura- An aura of flame temporarily surrounds him, hurting foes in melee range (lasts 5 seconds). 1%>5% per second
*Constantly active during this fight only*
Inferno Edge- Sends a wave of fire out of his sword that travels straight across the stage. 10>20%
Press Down B to Use.
Rising Volcano- Points forwards with his sword. A burst of molten fire erupts under his opponent's location. 20>50%
Press Up B to use.
Parry- (Intense Only)- Block a blow, completely nullifying damage (works like a side-step).
Press L or R to use.
The Balrogs moveset is:
Whip of Fire- A very far reach whip. He swings it over his head before lashing out. 10->25%
Flaming Sword- The Flames of Udun form a sword. This is powerful but doesn't have great range or speed in comparison to Whip of Fire. He slams the sword into the ground. 15-30%
Roaring Inferno- The Balrog unleashes a torrent of flaming breath. Long range in front of him. Deals 5->10% per second that you are in it. Causes flinching. No knockback.
Pillar of Wrath- The Balrog flies into the air and slams into the ground in the center of the stage, releasing fire everywhere. This must be side-stepped or aerial dodged to be properly avoided. 20->50% Intense
Both characters are immune to knockback and flinching.
Each boss has a total of 1000 hp.
Ashencroft is just a bit larger than Ganondorf.
The Balrog is as big as Galleom.
Difficulty- 3/5 (Shouldn't be to hard.)
Ashencroft slays the Balrog, proving that he is the greater demon.
By the time the fight ended, Sauron had already left the area and headed to the battlefield, where there was an epic three-way battle between the Orcs, the Barbarous Legion, and Chris's rebels.
Ashencroft: I must be going... I have other matters to attend to... I trust that you will be able to handle this, Zelgius. Ike is on the field of battle afterall.
The Black Knight: Leave this to me.
True to his plan, Chris Lionheart breaks through the enemy lines and heads for Castle Lionheart, the former royal house. He suspected that Ryann would be held there.
While Chris heads for the throne, The Black Knight and Sauron clash it out, each unable to even scratch the other's armor.
Ike and Mia show up to challenge The Black Knight and Sauron, respectively.
Boss Battle- The Black Knight
Origin: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance And Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Playable Characters- Ike
Alondite Slash (H)- A basic horizontal slash made with the Alondite. Great range. Slow. 10....25% damage and Medium.....High knockback
Alondite Slash (V)- An uppercut slash made with the Alondite. Great range. Slow. 10....25% damage and Medium....High Vertical Knockback.
Sword Wave- The Black Knight slams his sword at the ground, releasing a large wave from his sword that travels across the stage. Jump over it to avoid. Fairly fast. 5....15% damage and Low.....Medium knockback.
Luna- The moon appears in the background. The Black Knight then performs a very slow and predictable but devastating slash. Very High....OHKO knockback and 20....50% damage
Eclipse- An lunar eclipse occurs in the background. The black knight then performs a super charged version of the sword wave. Medium....Very High knockback and 15....30% damage
Size- A bit larger and considerably wider than Ganondorf
Hp- Average boss hp.
Mobile- Yes, but slow.
Difficulty- 3/5 (He's not very great, but then again, neither is Ike).
The Black Knight: It looks like I just can't beat you.... good job Ike.
Ike: Zelgius... you were my most powerful enemy, and my last teacher. Good bye.
Boss Battle- Sauron
Origin: The Lord of the Rings
Playable Characters- Mia
Great Sword- Sauron swings his sword. It is farther reaching and less powerful than his mace. Very Slow. 15....30% damage and Medium.....Very High knockback
Great Mace- Sauron swings his mace. It is shorter but more powerful than his sword. Very slow. 20....40% damage and High.....Extremely High Knockback
Hp- Average Boss Hp
Size- Towers a foot or more over Ganondorf and isn't about as wide as Ganondorf.
Mobile- Yes but slow.
Difficulty- 2/5 (This really shouldn't be hard due to the very predictable nature of his attacks coupled with Mia's speed.)
Sauron: I possess the power of the Nazgul..... no man may kill me.
Mia: I am no man! *Thrusts her sword into Sauron's helmet*
Sauron: What!? No!
Sauron dies much like the Lord of the Nazgul.
Level 12- 15 Years Of Fate
Chris Lionheart arrives at Castle Lionheart. He kicks down the door and enters. He was correct in assuming that his foe would be here. The destined battle has begun.
Chris: You.... let Ryann go now!
Ashencroft: Who art thou to make demands of me? You are not but a miserable boy. Let me tell you a little story.
Chris: ....
Ashencroft: It was 15 years ago. I believe you remember it well. Your kingdom was invaded. So many innocent lives were claimed that day, including your family. You were nothing but a child then. I remember the look of fear in your eyes as I cut each of your loved ones down, one by one. As I went to kill you, your foolish mother stood in my way, taking the force of the blade for you. I remember how you ran. You were nothing but a pathetic little child, who was fortunate enough to be saved by his mother's sacrifice and rescued by his uncle.
Chris: ENOUGH!
Ashencroft: *Laughing* Yes... you're angry good.... anger makes you strong.
Part 1- Chris's Anger
Playable Character- Chris Lionheart
Opponent- Ashencroft
Objectives- Win (Or Lose) Stamina Match
This is an interesting match in that you don't have to win. The results will be the same.
Chris: My sword..... it doesn't even scratch you!
Ashencroft: You fight well, it is only a pity that your hatred isn't strong enough. Nevertheless, you have earned the honor of seeing my face.
Ashencroft removes his helmet, revealing himself to be one of Chris's most powerful knights.
Chris: Curt? How could it be you?
Curt: Think for a moment....
Chris: *facepalms* It should have been so obvious! You're attitude.... you're beliefs.... none of it matched a true valian hero. How could I have been so trusting of one such as you?!
Curt: You are to trusting, Lionheart. But there is more to me than this. First.... let me tell you the prequel to that story. It was years before the invasion. Your father was on his first assignment as Prince, trying to prove himself worthly of the throne. News had reached the capital that a village had been completely destroyed. Young Christopher took a battalion of troups to investigate. The cause of the catastrophe was an eruption, as he soon found out. I was the only living thing in the entire village, and he was to quick to trust me. I soon proved myself to be his most powerful knight... more powerful than he could ever be. What he didn't know was that I was born of that eruption.
Chris: Born?
Curt: Let me show you my true self.
As Chris and Ryann watched in horror, the pupil's of Curt's eyes became blood red. Even more frightening, however were the huge black feathered wings that bursted through his armor.
Chris: .... What are you?!
Ashencroft: I am the one who has risen from the ashes... I am fire.... I AM ASHENCROFT!
Ryann: He's a demon! Run Chris! Escape while you can!
Chris: I can't.... I won't leave you.... Ok Ashencroft... I bet you're more powerful than I... but I can't afford to lose!
Ashencroft: You should have listened to the girl.... You are a fool.
Boss Battle- Ashencroft
I'm not going to include a picture, seeing as how I don't have a real one.
Origin: My own mind.
Playable Character- Chris Lionheart
Flaming Sword- Ashencroft's sword is ignited for the entire fight, causing a lingering effect after all slashes.
Demon Slashes- Basic sword attacks used randomly during the fight. The knockback is small. 5>20%
Apocalypse Slash- Ashencroft lifts his sword high above his head and slams it into the ground, creating a huge eruption of fire (like a fully charged Roy Neutral B in Melee except bigger.) Very high knockback, can OHKO in Intense. Slow attack.
Demonic Assault- A basic horizontal slash made while flying to the opponent (like Quickdraw). Decent knockback. 10>30%
Hellfire Aura- An aura of flame temporarily surrounds him, hurting foes in melee range (lasts 5 seconds). 1%>5% per second
Inferno Edge- Sends a wave of fire out of his sword that travels straight across the stage. Good knockback. 10>20%
Rising Volcano- Points forwards with his sword. A burst of molten fire erupts under his opponent's location. Very high knockback. 20>50%
Parry- (Intense Only)- Same effects as the Parry in this moveset. Doesn't overuse.
Hp- Average Boss Health
Size- Rougly that of Ganondorf. Wingspan is between 10-20 feet.
Mobile- Yes
Difficulty- 5/5 (A real pain in the ***.)
Despite the results of the battle, the true results are shown in the cutscene.
Chris Lionheart is knocked to the ground, his sword is out of reach.
Ashencroft: Prepare to meet your God.
An arrow flies through the air and strikes Ashencroft in the shoulder, enfuriating him.
Ashencroft: Perhaps I can entertain you before you die.... Now, watch as I kill the one you love.
Chris had to make a decision at this point. He could either run and grab his sword, allowing Ryann to die, but giving himself a chance for survival, or he could attempt to save Ryann's life, likely condemning himself to a swift death.
Chris: I choose..... her.
Ashencroft and Ryann fought, but it was a short fight. Soon, he had her on the ground, just like Chris. He pulls back his sword. Ryann closes her eyes and braces herself for the impact of the cold steel.
When she opens her eyes, she sees Chris standing between her and death. For a moment she was overcome with relief, but this was short lived.
Her gaze shifted to Chris's back. Ashencroft's sword was impaled through his stomache. (If this game showed blood then there would be a considerable blood loss.)
Ryann: No! Chris!
Chris turns his head so he can see her.
Ryann: Why? Why did you do that?
Chris: I'ld do anything..... for you.
Ashencroft: You're a fool. Once your life has left your body, I will kill the girl to.
Chris: Can't you see? You've lost?
Ashencroft: What?!
Chris's concealed dagger leaves its sheathe in his gauntlet. With his remaining strength, the Lionheart thrusts his dagger into the foe, while holding on to the sword impaled in his stomache with his other hand. Ashencroft has no way to flee. The dagger strikes Ashencroft's heart, killing the demon instantly, and sending him back to hell.
As Ashencroft falls lifelessly to the floor, Chris also falls to the ground, barely alive. The blade had missed his vital organs, but he was rapidly losing blood.
Ryann: Chris... don't go! Hang on!
Chris: Here, Ryann take this. A little something to remember me by if I don't live to see another day.
Chris removes one of his gauntlets. A gold ring was on his ring finger.
Chris: This belonged to my mother. She gave it to me before she died. I want you to have it.
After saying this, Chris's eyes closed and everything faded to black. He was not yet dead, but his breath was slow.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter..... Dam that took hours to type.
There is but one chapter left, the Epilogue.
Will Chris die?
What becomes of each character afterwards?
It will all be answered there.