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Make Your Move 17: Next contest begins March the 24th; get your Iron MYM'er 1st day sets ready!


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
I might come back for a few sets:

Petey Piranha



Other Nintendo Series:
Badge Arcade Bunny

Angry Birds

Non-Video Game:
Dr. Doofenshmirtz
Magica the Spell
Gyro Gearloose and Little Helper
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 30, 2014
How exactly do you use spoilers, I don't want to know just to post my probable future sets but I would like to know in general


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
Switch FC
Friendly reminder that voting is planned to close on Monday, Feb 29th, at the end of the day PST. Only ChaosKiwi, Jamietheaurauser, Conren and Munomario777 still need to vote.


Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2015
So, during this contest I have only made 2 sets, both are my own characters, and I am proud of both of the sets.
Alica Vassin and Akullotsoa are opposites: Fire and Ice. This was definitely my goal here when I thought of these two imaginary characters, to have a fire cat and an ice wolf. Even if they don't get into the top 50, I don't care. Of course I would be very happy if they got into the top 50, I'm not saying I don't give a **** if they get in there, but I'm saying that I don't mind if they don't get in, because I am happy with my work. And I know now that any set can be edited and improved, even ones from the last contest, and it's not all about the votes.
My next set will be either Blossomus or Mutant Creeper. Or maybe Mutant Skeleton, I dunno. I feel more inspired to make Mutant Skeleton but I don't want to delay the Mutant Creeper set for any longer.
If you guys have any feedback on my now edited Akullotsoa set, are you allowed to post it while the voting is still on or do you have to wait until after the voting ends?


Ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars
Jun 5, 2013
taco bell, probablyn't
That's a good outlook on life in general, not just MYM, before anyone else you should care about what makes you feel proud or improved. People can definitely still comment during the voting period but it won't make any big differences at this last stage of the contest. As for the mutant creeper / mutant skeleton conundrum you're having, don't feel obligated to do a set simply because it came first / was advertised if another set captures your interest and you are more inspired for. The set I just finished working on has been in the works since just before I started Castform in MYM 16, and will only just now get posted next contest. Sometimes you are simply more inspired to do a different set, and in my opinion that should be the set you prioritize. Better to do something you have passion for than something you feel obligated to do. Besides, even if you don't do the mutant creeper set now, or even ever, nobody here is going to shake you down for not going through with a set if you aren't feeling it (well, Kiwi might, but...). Before anything else, this is an activity for fun, and if you aren't enjoying writing your set it should be in your best interest to perhaps move on for the time being. I mean, that's why I was gone for so long this contest, I just wasn't enjoying setwriting and it didn't make sense to force it on myself.

TL;DR: You do your sets in whatever order you want. They are your sets, and you can back out of something even if you said you'd do it because your enjoyment should come first.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 30, 2014
That's a good outlook on life in general, not just MYM, before anyone else you should care about what makes you feel proud or improved. People can definitely still comment during the voting period but it won't make any big differences at this last stage of the contest. As for the mutant creeper / mutant skeleton conundrum you're having, don't feel obligated to do a set simply because it came first / was advertised if another set captures your interest and you are more inspired for. The set I just finished working on has been in the works since just before I started Castform in MYM 16, and will only just now get posted next contest. Sometimes you are simply more inspired to do a different set, and in my opinion that should be the set you prioritize. Better to do something you have passion for than something you feel obligated to do. Besides, even if you don't do the mutant creeper set now, or even ever, nobody here is going to shake you down for not going through with a set if you aren't feeling it (well, Kiwi might, but...). Before anything else, this is an activity for fun, and if you aren't enjoying writing your set it should be in your best interest to perhaps move on for the time being. I mean, that's why I was gone for so long this contest, I just wasn't enjoying setwriting and it didn't make sense to force it on myself.

TL;DR: You do your sets in whatever order you want. They are your sets, and you can back out of something even if you said you'd do it because your enjoyment should come first.
Great point Dr. Slavic, out of the two mediocre sets I made this contest Hoopa and Mashtooth, one was out of passion and one was because I felt obliged to do it, even if they both sucked the former had alot more feeling and effort put into it while the latter was just rushed so I could have something for the Iron Mymer.

Also if you think of a really cool playstyle but don't know a character who would fit the role, don't deliberately research the internet on a random character from a series you barely know and slap the playstyle on them, It's often best to choose a character you like and shape the moveset around their personality. That's not to say playstyle ideas are awful, if you really like the concept you may eventually be able to apply it someday or if you don't feel like waiting simply make an OC to fit that playstyle, after all it's hard to hate your own creations.

Even if it is simple we need a reminder that it's best we work on what we want, when we want in mym, or else the whole contest is a dull experience for all.


Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2015
That's a good outlook on life in general, not just MYM, before anyone else you should care about what makes you feel proud or improved. People can definitely still comment during the voting period but it won't make any big differences at this last stage of the contest. As for the mutant creeper / mutant skeleton conundrum you're having, don't feel obligated to do a set simply because it came first / was advertised if another set captures your interest and you are more inspired for. The set I just finished working on has been in the works since just before I started Castform in MYM 16, and will only just now get posted next contest. Sometimes you are simply more inspired to do a different set, and in my opinion that should be the set you prioritize. Better to do something you have passion for than something you feel obligated to do. Besides, even if you don't do the mutant creeper set now, or even ever, nobody here is going to shake you down for not going through with a set if you aren't feeling it (well, Kiwi might, but...). Before anything else, this is an activity for fun, and if you aren't enjoying writing your set it should be in your best interest to perhaps move on for the time being. I mean, that's why I was gone for so long this contest, I just wasn't enjoying setwriting and it didn't make sense to force it on myself.

TL;DR: You do your sets in whatever order you want. They are your sets, and you can back out of something even if you said you'd do it because your enjoyment should come first.
Great point Dr. Slavic, out of the two mediocre sets I made this contest Hoopa and Mashtooth, one was out of passion and one was because I felt obliged to do it, even if they both sucked the former had alot more feeling and effort put into it while the latter was just rushed so I could have something for the Iron Mymer.

Also if you think of a really cool playstyle but don't know a character who would fit the role, don't deliberately research the internet on a random character from a series you barely know and slap the playstyle on them, It's often best to choose a character you like and shape the moveset around their personality. That's not to say playstyle ideas are awful, if you really like the concept you may eventually be able to apply it someday or if you don't feel like waiting simply make an OC to fit that playstyle, after all it's hard to hate your own creations.

Even if it is simple we need a reminder that it's best we work on what we want, when we want in mym, or else the whole contest is a dull experience for all.
That's what I like about this contest. It's like an after-school club that you don't have to sign up for. Iron MYMer is not compulsory, and I doubt I will ever do it, but once again you don't have to sign up to do it so I may end up doing it.
I am going to release Mutant Creeper first, definitely, I just have cool ideas for the Mutant Skeleton too (I thought of a Side Special not cloned from Neutral Special).

Muskrat Catcher

Smash Journeyman
Jan 13, 2015
Aliso Viejo, California
Well since its the end of the season I might as well come out of the shadows. I have been lurking this thread even though I stopped making sets, and I want to take a retrospective of my own two sets and self-rate them

Muskrat Catcher's PC of green pokémon

I actually started thinking of a moveset for Flygon in smash long before I even found out about this thread and the MYM community, and I took a LONG time making sure that I was completely happy with every move. I really do feel like I put my heart into this set. After I finished it, I anxiously awaited the reviews, and I got perhaps a bit too happy or sad based on the ratings. However, is this set a good set? Eh, I would actually rank it pretty average in comparison to most of the other sets here. I created this set when I was still a casual player, and I was not that familiar with characters that I didn't play, and I didn't play that many characters to begin with, so I did a bit of a mediocre job at balancing the set, and I now see ways I could have better described a few moves. Also I had only read a few sets before I posted my own, so the organization and presentation wasn't the best (like the bright yellow coloring the entire set was written in for a while. Such an eyesore!). Also, I never clearly defined Flygon's playstyle in a dedicated section. Rather, I built it through the moves, but I realize that to others, it may not have been as clear as I saw it. However, I am very, very proud of this work, and I am not going to change anything (except maybe state that Nair stops Flygon's horizontal movement. I never really said that)
Final verdict: I love it, but it was still a first set, and had the flaws of a first set.

This set however, I am not as proud of. I began thinking about it when the iron MYMer was announced for that month, but decided that it would be too difficult to make up an entire moveset. Skip forwards to three days before the deadline and suddenly I get motivation and inspiration to make the set. I thought of a few good moves and mechanics and wanted to use them. You can tell which moves are the ones I thought of during that period, and which ones were just made up to round out the moveset. I also had plans to really capitalize on the overgrow mechanic, but cut them because I didn't have enough time to write stuff. Some moves in this set would obviously be really good, and spammable, and some would not be used at all, making Serperior's playstyle really lame and not what I envisioned. I feel like I tried to make Serperior unique too much with a lot of the moves, and it was obvious that I was just taking some other character's move and slightly modifying it. And at the end of the day, I just didn't have the same love for Serperior as a character that I did for Flygon, so my heart wasn't in it. Overall, this set was a learning experience. I learned a lot about pokémon syndrome, I learned that I shouldn't start an iron MYMer set so late, and I learned about the importance of focusing on the core mechanic/playstyle of my set, and capitalizing on it as much as possible throughout the set. However, the set is still better than Groudon, so not the worst pokéset this season, but flawed and rushed for sure.
Final verdict: A learning experience. Won't make these mistakes again.

I don't have any plans to make more sets in the near future, but hey, who knows? Maybe I will find another character that I love enough to put the full effort into creating a moveset for. I have no idea if that will ever happen, but I will continue to lurk here, read movesets, and witness the drama. I really like the MYM community, but I just don't have the time and dedication to be a moveset creator.
I am excited to see the voting results for this season! Good luck to everyone involved!


Thane of Smashville
Jul 5, 2010

oh, and one last thing, this one's a bit more specific



Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Voting period is now officially over! A big thank you to everybody who voted and took the time to read enough movesets. The top 50 should be up in just a day or two if there aren't any problems.

The list of people who voted is as follows: MasterWarlord, FrozenRoy, Smash Daddy, ForwardArrow, Dr. Slavic, Bionichute, Conren, Munomario, Rychu, Reigaheres and ChaosKiwi.
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Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
Switch FC
A thick fog rolls over the area...

Where am I...? You wonder, straining your eyes as you get to your feet. You had just been walking, on your way to the Top Fifty Ceremony, and then...and then...

Nothing. Your mind is an empty, purple haze. You take a step forward, the faintest image of a path in front of you.

Minutes pass. An hour. Two hours. Time becomes a blur as the only sound that fills the room is your own reverbating footsteps. You feel your mind clear, just a little, stuck inside the haze of your own thoughts...yes, you had entered some of your own sets in the contest, you were very excited to see how they would do. You stayed up all night, tossing and turning in bed, contemplating...you enjoyed your sets, you felt your quantity was fine, quality solid, had you any chance to take home the gold? It had gnawed at you...a deep, burning desire inside the confines of your heart and the firing synapses of your brain.

A light mechanical whir springs to life around you. Your entire body shakes, and so too does the ground soon. You barely manage to leap away as the mechanical looking monstrosity appears before you, billowing fog around it, only feet away from you!

A single, green eye opens from inside the mechanical eyelid, staring at you deep. Your heart skips a beat before pounding harder than you can remember.


The voice is booming, bellowing, it echoes out as if said from within a deep chasm of the soul, the tiniest grinding of gears filling the background. Your skin crawls up your back.


You gulp. What is this thing...and what is it talking about?!


Your eyes widen. It's eye shuts. You gasp as the ground beneath you cracks into a chasm, falling with a scream, and everything goes black...

. . . . .​

You see a dark room as your eyes flutter open. Water drips from the ceiling with an almost tortorous slow noise. What a horrible night to be lost...

Your body only hurts a little as you get up from the cold stone tiles. Your head feels clearer now, if only just, though it sure is hurting...you wonder if you impacted it in the fall. You did fall here, after all, yes? After...after...

That's right, the eye. Your mind was hazy before, but with newfound clarity, you remember. You have seen it before. Ameno-Sagiri. You've read about it, a deity-like figure, and a few years ago...well, it hade a rather smashing appearance at the Top Fifty Ceremony a few years ago.

But why would...? You shake your head. Nevermind that. This place is rather unsafe and dark looking. You wander and search the room you're in...a few exits, no windows, some furniture. Little is uncovered, except...

Your eye practically flashes as you see it, wedged beneath the tiles of the floor below you. Thick, brown, freshly coiled...a rope? No, no, it has a handle. A whip! You feel so much safer that you fail to notice the blood spilt around it, reaching a hand forward to pick it up...

A scythe slams and screeches against the floor, mere inches from your hand. You yelp in fright, turning to look at your assailant, the whip out of your reach!

"Ah. Ah. Ah. I wouldn't touch that if I were you." Color drains from your face as you gaze upon the creature, which floats in front of you, looking all like the purest incarnation of Death. "I just acquired that from its owner...and you won't need it where you're going." The creature said with a dark chuckle, bringing his scythe to him. You gulp, too afraid to inquite.

"You still haven't figured it out, have ya, kid?" It asks. You shake your head in a frightful reply. "Ahaha! It's the end of the line, kid!" A portal opens up behind you, a swirling maelstrom of purples and blacks, and the scythe of Death itself pierces your flesh, sending you flying into the portal. "Well, not quite...but it's certainly too late to turn back, at least."

Everything goes black once more...

Your body plunks into something liquid-y...your hand panicks, rapidly going over your torso, yet only the smallest of stab wounds can be felt...not fatal, at least. A pungent, repulsive smell reaches your noise and you nearly hurl. Great. You're in sewer water.

As you get up, you notice a ladder, and the sound of a horn blairing, playing a pleasant, yet slightly discordant melody...somehow, it feels familiar...you look up to the source. And then it hits you.



How could you have missed the hint!

1) Fassad by Smash Daddy

2) Mr. Badd by Smash Daddy
3) Forlorn Junk Heap by FrozenRoy
4) King Korol by Smash Daddy
5) Lord Morgan by MasterWarlord
6) William Birkin by Smash Daddy
7) Ladja by Smash Daddy
8) Caribou by Smash Daddy
9) Slon the Rook by MasterWarlord
10) Dr. Marcus by Smash Daddy
11) Blocks by MasterWarlord
12) Lubba by MasterWarlord
13) Trevenant by JOE!
14) Kon the Knight by MasterWarlord
15) The Mountain by MasterWarlord
16) Polpo by MasterWarlord
17) L'Belle by Smash Daddy
18) Count Dooku by FrozenRoy
19) Karthus by ForwardArrow
20) Copypaste by Smash Daddy
21) Koenma by Smash Daddy
22) Regina Curtis by Katapultar
23) Parasect by BridgesWithTurtles
24) Undyne by Reigaheres
25) Tri Force Heroes by Munomario777
26) Tails by Munomario777
27) Abomasnow by UserShadow7989
28) Abnes by Katapultar
29) Daisy by Jamietheaurauser
30) Regirock by Dr. Slavic
31) Knuckles by Munomario777
32) Sealsdramon by FrozenRoy
33) Syrma by Katapultar
34) Sceptile by JOE!
35) Star Man (DC Comics) by ChaosKiwi
36) Hanasakaji by Bionichute
37) Lip by Conren
38) Princess Nautilus by ProfPeanut
39) Big Massif by Bionichute
40) Ganondorf 2.0 by Munomario777
41) Raiko Horikawa by zero_breaker
42) Batman by Rychu
43) Inkling by Munomario777
44) Fiesta by Bionichute
45) Hawlucha by Munomario777
46) Pearl by Dr. Slavic
47) Hoopa by ϟPlazzapϟ
48) Steven Universe by Reigaheres
49) Olimar 2.0 by PixelPasta
50) Alakazam by FrozenRoy​

Congratulations to Smash Daddy for winning his THIRD Make Your Move!
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Deleted member

Thanks Roy, and thanks everyone who voted. It means a great deal to me that I got another win and this one makes me especially proud. My aim this contest was to have the best contest I'd ever had, and to finally put out a group of sets that would challenge my very best. It was always the goal to get ten sets, but it was a challenge to meet that mark, it's a great feeling seeing so many of them in the top ten, besides the amazing win to top it all off. I wasn't expecting something quite as special as that prelude and the big fat congratulatory message. Of course, this top fifty belongs to everyone who participated, but I'm very flattered, thanks Roy.

I'm incredibly grateful for what this community has done for me over the past six years, I've made a lot of good friends, we've shared many good times together. I wanted to give back this contest, hopefully my movesets did manage to inspire some of you for the next contest, and I'm sure we'll be reading all the sets this contest for years to come. It really is not easy to keep inspired and motivated in making sets, but I was able to find a renewed passion this time around and had more fun than I've ever had before making sets, which made it possible for me to make more sets than ever before.

Bio made some fun sets too, and I have to give credit for his awesome reading and ranking, probably the best thing he's ever done. I also have to hand it to everyone who voted in having made a great contribution to MYM this contest, either through sets, commentary or simply reading the whole catalog. I really owe you a lot for reading all my extremely long sets. I also have to give some credit to Muno for all the sets he made this contest, I don't think we'd have a top fifty if not for his huge quantity of sets, and he made some very enjoyable ones along the way, breaking past all our expectations.

This was a more than worthy addition to the contests overall, with some great sets like Lord Morgan and Forlorn Junk Heap, two of the best sets from Warlord and Roy, very happy to see those got into top ten. Joe also showed he's still got talent with Trevenant in the top fifteen. Not to mention the plethora of Warlord sets that barely failed to make it. The fact this contest's top ten was that competitive only makes it a greater honour that so many of my own sets got to be there! Good job everyone, now lets make the next contest even greater.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2008
Gonna make this a quick post, cus I have to head off to work soon.

Massive congratulations to Smady for what is effectively the best contest anyone has ever had in MYM. You've always been known for consistent quality sets, and now we get to see what it's like when you actually go all-out and pump out as much as the most active. It's like you were trying to compensate for those times you posted 1 set per contest, and man you waited for the right time. It's amazing, because although your movesets this contest largely stick to heavy set-up/minion characters everyone likes you show that you can do much more than that, with a heavyweight set like Birkin, low-potential offensive character like L'Belle and even a -protagonist- like Koenma who doesn't get the villainy that MYM'ers like. You could have stopped with Mr. Badd, heck even Dr. Marcus, but you just kept going and provided one of, if not the best Top 10 in the history of MYM (well, aside from the lack of diversity of MYM'ers in the list, but hey that's okay). You single-handedly saved this contest, and was its hero.

Shout out to Warlord, who remained consistent with his set quality and quantity (how does the guy even do it?), and Froy for placing very high - second only to Sho and hilariously another garbage-related set to a degree. You might have a trend going there, were they your only garbage-themed sets.

As for myself, I was actually pretty happy with what I did, because all my sets placed and that makes me happier than if one or a few didn't place. Would have loved Jamie's votelist, but am very happy with Regina's placing that's a good start for the Atelier series and overlaps with Jeanne D'Arc and tied for 4th highest placing female character on Kat sets. Also cools that I placed with the highest female character. Wasn't very active, shied away from the chat, but with my chat presence these days I reckon I'm improving and with my chat/laptop issues out of the way and a routine set I'm more willing than before. Would say more, but I'm running out of time, so here's one last thing before I go:

Not as good as my previous stuff, but it's always fun and quick.


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2011
Well that's the end of MYM17, and all in all, it was a better contest than it had any right to be. There was a pretty bleak feeling period early on where few sets were being created and of them, fewer were of high quality. So props to Smady for basically saving the entire contest with what I'm going to agree with Kat on to be the single greatest performance any single individual has put up in any MYM. The top end of this contest is insanely high quality and while Warlord and Froy made their contributions to that, it was mostly on him that we ended up with such a great contest. I don't have anything as great as that Top 50 introduction to thank you with, but I always knew you had the potential to do something like this and I'm so glad you finally sat down, put your mind to it, and pulled it off.

That's not to say nobody else impressed me this contest. While it was a bit of a slow start Warlord's quality was pretty impressively consistent, the low end being the fairly enjoyable Polpo while the upper end Slon and Morgan were both really innovative as well as well executed. Froy also came out of nowhere and despite not being present for a lot of the contest, managed to look respectable with Forlorn Junk Heap and also, albeit less importantly, Count Dooku. I also would like to say that, while I may not have been the most encouraging to him at times, I think Muno did a very impressive job with how many movesets he made, and a few of them are actually pretty fun too. He also helped fill dead periods where nobody else was posting sets, something that even if its not always impactful at least puts a little life back into the contest. And while the upper reaches of the Top 50 are insanely crowded with Smady/Warlord sets, so good on JOE for making something well liked enough to break into that group. It might not have made Top 10, but 13th is still a plenty solid placing.

There are some other fun things that happened this contest, a lot of people started up their own rankings and you know what, it ended up a bit better than I thought it'd be. Bionichute's gave me a good few laughs, and I was surprised by how comprehensive people like Reiga and Slavic's rankings could be. Speaking of Reigaheres and Bionichute, both of them had solid placings and I like some of the directions I'm seeing out of their more serious movesetting. I know MYM is full of harsh critics, but as long as you manage not to defeat yourself before you start, I see a lot of potential in both of you.

I'm not going to beat around the bush with this, I was an absolute joke this contest and I'm ashamed of my performance. There were people who picked up the slack for me and I appreciate the fact that you were all kind enough to vote Karthus into 19th place, but this borders on disgraceful for me. There's always next time though, and I'll do my damn best to make sure that I won't let you all down again.


Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2015
Well done to anybody who's sets got into the top 50! :)
Sadly mine didn't. Thanks guys
I am looking forward to the start of next contest, where I will hopefully be releasing sets of the Mutant Creatures. If you haven't heard, the Mutant Creatures are from a mod titled that in Minecraft, which makes mutated, buffed versions of some monsters (and the Snow Golem), and I thought these would be great to make sets from in SSB. They are boss sets which are obviously not designed to be balanced; the Mutant Creeper takes knockback but ignores hitstun (sorry Sheik) and the other mutants have heavy armour which means they ignore knockback unless it is very high. These can be 1v1, 2v1 or 3v1 bosses, it doesn't matter, but 3v1 is harder for the player using the boss. Of course these characters will have their weaknesses that can be taken advantage of in 1v1s to make the battles not completely impossible.
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Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
Switch FC
Make Your Move 18 will begin on March 24th, Thursday, and will be posted by the contest winner, Smash Daddy! See you and your Iron MYMer entries then!


Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2015
Oh **** I should finish my Mutant Creeper moveset so I can post it quickly after the contest starts! Wouldn't it be cool having that set as the introduction to MYM18.
Having a boss set that only has one standard attack just in different directions and with different stats will be interesting, and I will look forward to seeing what you guys think as I think making Mutant Creatures sets is a great idea, because I'm familiar with them and also because I don't have to worry much about balancing because they are boss sets.


Smash Rookie
Aug 24, 2014
The Earth of course
Just coming in to say that lately I've been having some huge difficulty logging in to my usual ϟPlazzapϟ account with two thunderbolts no matter how many password changes I used. So I'm basically using a new account without the thunderbolts, thus anything you were gonna tell or message my old account please message this one. Other than that nothings really changed.
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Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2015
Just coming in to say that lately I've been having some huge difficulty logging in to my usual ϟPlazzapϟ account with two thunderbolts no matter how many password changes I used. So I'm basically using a new account without the thunderbolts, thus anything you were gonna tell or message my old account please message this one. Other than that nothings really changed.
This is better, because if I want to mention you in a post to get your attention I don't have to find the thunderbolts and copy them into my post. Plazzap Plazzap

Deleted member

Here's the final User Rankings count, counting all the points from the last week. Credit to FrozenRoy FrozenRoy in compiling all the data, I just did the formatting and am posting it because of his computer problems. Congrats to Muno on his amazing contest, and everyone else who participated. Five days until Make Your Move 18 starts!

MYM17 User Rankings - Final Update

Raw Data

Movesets: Triforce Heroes, Sonic the 2.0, Aiden Pierce, Shovel Knight, Mario 2.0, Ganon 2.0*, Hawlucha, Rayman, Octoling, Captain Toad, Tails & Knuckles

Smash Daddy
Movesets: L'Belle*, King Korol, William Birkin*, Dr. Marcus, Koenma, Ladja, Copypaste, Mister Badd, Caribou, Fassad*

Movesets: Kon the Knight, Slon the Rook, The Mountain, Lubba, Lord Morgan*

Movesets: Chibi-Robo, Android 19, Starman (Wrestling), Starman (Earthbound), Starman (DC Comics), Ryu, Crazy Dave*, Doc Louis

Movesets: Nightshade, Darkseid, Hanasakajii*, Big Massif*, DJ Octavio*, Chop Chop, Fiesta*, Kamen Rider Accel

Movesets: Superman, Starman, Batman, Chief Mendez*, Jack Krauser, Jolteon

Movesets: Mordekaiser, Karthus

Movesets: Sealsdramon, Count Dooku, Forlorn Junk Heap*, Alakazam

Movesets: Alica Vassin*, Akullotsoa

Movesets: Steven Universe, Amethyst, Peridot, Undyne*

Movesets: Hoopa, Mashtooth*

Movesets: Raiko Horikawa, Fried Ricer*, Kijin Seija, Sekibanki*

Dr. Slavic
Movesets: Exeggcute and Exeggutor*, Pearl, Regirock

Movesets: Princess Daisy

Movesets: Syrma, Regina Curtis, Abnes

Muskrat Catcher
Movesets: Flygon, Serperior*

Movesets: Sceptile, Trevenant

Movesets: Princess Nautilus*, Splashmaster

Movesets: Superman, Barney the Dinosaur

Movesets: NiGHTs, Springtrap

Movesets: Junk Synchron and Junk Warrior, Groudon

Kirby Dragons
Movesets: AIBO, Franky

Movesets: Parasect*

Movesets: Plague Knight*

Movesets: Lip*

MMovesets: Abomasnow*

Purin a.k.a Jose
Movesets: Uggly Dog

Movesets: Toa Tahu

Movesets: Captain Toad

Movesets: Pikmin & Olimar

Squid Bee
Movesets: Isaac

Tim the Enchanter
Movesets: The Spanish Inquisition

Movesets: Edward Elric










Moveset - 30 points
Iron MYMer Entry - 15 Points (Iron MYMer Entries are marked with a *)
Joke Moveset - 10 points
Comment - 5 points
MYmini - 4 points
Advertisement - 3 Points per ad
Post - 1 point​
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Smash Rookie
Aug 24, 2014
The Earth of course
Might not make the beggining of MYM 18 as I've been busy with some other things lately

I'll probably drop in the middle of the contest though to post a set or two though


Smash Lord
Sep 3, 2007
Holy cow, I'm amazed and impressed MYM is still goin. Sad that I missed this one, but I'm gonna try to submit to the next one. Been a while since I entered, I'm guessing the standards have gone nowhere but up. I'll have a lot of ground to cover for sure!


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2008
Holy cow, I'm amazed and impressed MYM is still goin. Sad that I missed this one, but I'm gonna try to submit to the next one. Been a while since I entered, I'm guessing the standards have gone nowhere but up. I'll have a lot of ground to cover for sure!
I remember you from the really old MYMs, the guy who posted Chernabog in MYM6, Kael the Invoker in MYM7 and that Silent Hill enemy in MYM9. Movesets are way more balanced, self-aware and generally more in-smash than around the last time you posted, not to mentioned like, 100x longer, so they take longer to write and thus the contests are much slower than back in the old days. You'd need to be pretty committed to read and post a bunch of sets, but having someone from the old days come back would be really awesome, even if you just post 1 set for a start.

Also, MYM18 will be posted fairly soon by Smady. A link will be left here for ease of access when that happens.
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Smash Lord
Sep 3, 2007
When the next MYM comes around I'll lurk for a bit so I can be sure I know what I'm getting into, then I'll wow you with the best set eva. Gonna be tough to top my Nemo (best moveset I can remember submitting) but I'm up for it =D
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