I don't know how that works, but thanks.@Xastrn:
J 34
Xastrn 31
Overswarm 24
spellcasters 22
Circus 20
Raziek 15
Nabe 15
Red Ryu 15
¯\_S.(ツ).L.I.D._/¯ 9
John2k4 9
T-block 7
Panta 6
dabuz 5
X1-12 5
Soupamario 3
Asdioh 2
Gheb_01 2
Ryker 1
th3kuzinator 1
Frio 1
Just subtract the posts that occurred prior to the game starting and you have an accurate count.
I'm going to guess that half our scum are in the bottom half of that list.