in regards to upthrow upair regrab:
it is not a true combo. It will work on 99% of people but it has never worked on the top players ive played, and I also always jump out of it.
I actually now wait for the jump and upair them instead of regrab cuz im a smartypants and it feels so sick when u hit it. I guess one issue with that would be that they could shine out, but i dont think most people do that and i would just adapt to that if they did.
I don't really like ur reasoning for not grabbing. I will agree that i usually try to hit one bair or something before getting the grab to ensure the rest will kill, but I think kebler has a good point about it having the opposite efffect... if everytime u are grabbing at 0, you upthrow upair or do some other throw, they will probably think that the risk reward for getting grabbed at low percents isnt that bad since u dont seem like the kind of puff to rest. Also, if ur playing the mu vs someone decent, getting a grab at 0 is RARE, so i dont think its worth giving up. Also, if u notice they di more horizontally to sdi and di the rest at 0, u can just mixup their di by turning around when u hit them, and then they can die at 0 from it very easily
i also think a reason its not as good to avoid rest at 0 is because honestly most people are weary of rest from puff regardless of what you do