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Mafia Game Queue and Sign Up Thread - Mention me about queue updates please!

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Deleted member

....um, what i got going on is a lot different then standard mafia game :V
I'm talking about Uni saying I should host a Danganronpa themed round.

When I am only really versed in the first game's story/characters and would end up making a round just like one I've played before, which I don't want to do.


Full of Hugs and Fire~
Dec 19, 2013
Still rolling
I'm talking about Uni saying I should host a Danganronpa themed round.

When I am only really versed in the first game's story/characters and would end up making a round just like one I've played before, which I don't want to do.
oh okay

well since your versed in the first games story if ya don't mind ya can look over my intial drafts from 2 years? i would like for ya, holders, and pretty much everyones opinion on the old thing

still can't pull them up now, about in like 3 or 4 hours i can

Deleted member

I can, but I still need to take a good look at what Apollo sent me.


Full of Hugs and Fire~
Dec 19, 2013
Still rolling
Ooo Danganronpa, my interest is piqued. My love for death games in general fueled my love for mafia when I discovered it. Ace Attorney is a huge plus. I'd like to hear more about it.
ok then finally got around to it and able to
lily said:
*is glomped, hugging back*
I got absorbed into video games too much ^^;

The main things I remember are this:
  • Everyone picks a talent! This does affect how their character is able to perform ingame. Being the "Ultimate Athlete" would make you more physically capable, for example. Nothing gamebreaking allowed though.
  • To go with the talents, everyone needs a themed execution for the scenario in which they are voted. These can be made in advance as people submit their talents or when they are voted. The host does not have to be the one who writes them, but the player who's talent it is can't be the writer. Usually a paragraph long.
  • Create some kind of scenario to have everyone be trapped instead of just throwing people into it. One example we used was a "free cruise." There was enough of a world built up around this that you could spend the night phase investigating the world alone. (Think as if you became Kyoko, although there is no way to end the game by killing Monokuma. :lol:)
  • The game worked on a phase system. The important ones being Night (Only time murders could happen, thread was locked and players communicated their actions with the host via pm. If they interacted with another player it would all be done through the host. This can probably be worked around a bit better since convos here work better then PMs. Night phase ends either after a set amount of time or when investigation reqs are met.), Investigation (Occurs after a murder in the same way as the games. 3 people need to find the corpse. - Thread unlocked, and people investigate by posting actions in the thread that the host replies to. ie, inspecting a weapon for fingerprints. (Which you'd need the right tools for) The game advances when no actions are made for a set amount of time or everyone agrees to go to the trial.) and Trial, which is basically a debate/voting session. Think daytime Mafia. There's also a "peaceful/day" phase for exploring the environment. between night phases with no death or after trial/before night. We assumed nobody needs sleep :lol:
  • MAPS. MAPS ARE IMPORTANT. No matter how bad they look. being able to know where everything is relative to another helps massively with how people are able to testify during both investigation and trial.
  • If someone wins a trial, instead of everyone else dying they simply become immune. Lets the game go on longer and for more murder to happen!
There's probably more, but that's already a lot. It was complicated.
Natz~ said:
I DON'T CARE! i missed my sis :sadeyes:

sounds like a very bare bones version of the one me and konnie came up with :tired:

only though people don't pick their talents, we hand them out randomly, and unknowingly to others out to them. that way we come up for specific rules, advantages and disadvantages each talent has and no hassle, plus we came up with about 40 of them for a 15 manned game, enough variety to make every play unique~

and for executions its more of a winged thing, though if people wanted to give their own for their own death their much obliged, but i was suppose to give a written summery of how everybody dies~ and fun with it too~ :p

the "trapped" locations and scenarios are also a winged thing, we'll offer up bases hear what people say and take the best :tired:

and we'll also have phases too, really theres two different sets with different periods of the sets, set one is rest times. where the surviving group is free to talk with other survivors and "ghosts" (those who have died) in the main thread, but set out actions for the day in private pms only known to me and the person. the different periods are day, evening, and night, where during each, a player can do one action during each period. that is to say interact with the environment, objects, or other people. though when you want to commit murder, you get a few more privileges, you can only do it during the night phase, and you can't specifically target a person, only a general area. if the player manges to kill a person, or 2 persons, and they weren't discovered right away, they will be given 3 more actions following the next immediate set to try to cover up their crime. what will be judged by an action depends on whats done and how much work was actually put in. after a murder was managed, and their weren't witnesses during the night phase the players will be announced on a day to day summery that a person has been killed (said person will then become a "ghost" in the thread and they have the option to do anything they want since they will no longer be fed information) and have to find the body, if there were witnesses (being used loosely here, someone who found the body at night) the investigation set will begin immediately. rest sets only last about 3 days, on the 4th day someone will be "forced" to murder another to move the game if no one has done so before.

in the investigation set, in the main thread players will discussion among them selves who was the murderer, they can also do public action if 3 or more agree to do the same act, in which me or konnie will then revel what they have found publicly and this can continue to happen until the investigative set ends. in the pms, each player instead gets 2 actions each period of the day, evening, and night to investigative the environment to discover clues that may led to the discovery of the murder. the murderer them self can option to instead remove evidence through the pm, however someone can notice it gone if they found it before or see him/her remove it them self putting suspicion on them, risk verse reward eh? the investigative set should usually last 2 whole days.

after both sets go through we enter the trial phase where the players then argue, present their evidence they have gathered (the judge which will be me or konnie will confirm it) and decide who the murderer is. after a full day the players will then vote through their pms on who they believe the guilty party is, and will continue to do so until a majority of the votes sent in are targeted on a single person where no other votes can change it, or another day passes. if the guilty party was the black heat (killer) they get executed everybody else lives and happy~ if the guilty party was a white heart, the white heart dies and a randomly chosen person who chose guilty (except the black heart) will die with them, if the black heart lives they gain a one time immunity for each life they took for every murder attempt on them, or execution from voting guilty on a white heart (however if you get off once, but get caught on the next murder and still have your immunity, it won't save you on a black heart execution) this will thus go back to rest set.

and maps are konnies job, he keeps track of everything place and have a base map with everything assigned (environments, objects, peoples living quarters) and doesn't get updated till after an trail phase. this is used so people can find contradictions with the map before the murder and after the murder.

theres a lot more stuff to explain but this is the gist of it. a lot of stuff happens in the background that gets watched. so its kind of hard to explain. but i think the sense of urgency and unknown we'll imply on the audience and players them self will fit the actually game and make it even better :p

whew...that took awhile to write...but ya anyway think of it like mafia mixed with survival of the fittest with survivor thrown in, along with times of multiplayer ace attorney to boot
Lily said:
Sorry then D:

I gave a barebones explanation, due to never actually being a host myself ^^;;
What you described sounds fun, although everyone knowing each others talents is a main theme of DR. In the games, everyone knows eachother's talents right off the bat. (With one exception, but that's spoilers.) While their advantages/disadvantages weren't known, everyone knew the talents in play. Picking your own was fun, but if it helps for balance reasons, predefined are ok too. Executions were purely for flavor, and reading the execution for your talent is always fun.

They're also supposed to be 16 players, again, to keep in theme with the source. 15 would work though if we wanted it to be closer to Mafia.

I'm assuming that this ends in a single victor instead of multiple, which is absolutely fine. Picking specific targets would be an improvement though imo. If one player is being a huge part of investigations, a murderer would usually try to find and kill them. Making the killings "random" just seems... boring. Removes part of the strategy that goes on in a game like this.

Adding onto that, night interactions are important between players, for investigation purposes. Namely, creating alibis. (Or in some games, we allowed accomplices.) Cutting out the specific interactions, while easier on hosting, just harms the gameplay.
Natz~ said:
it really is to make things easier, having people choose their own would create hassle and blah crap of having to create their abilites, if we jsut make it flavor then it'll be a waste, having predefine while takes the creativity out for the person, makes things eaiser for the game as a whole. besides theres a lot people can pick for themselves then talents :p

and actually the actually player coutn isn't set each game, me and konnie agreed anywhere from 9 to 21 is good. 15 just was an average number. were not going to go along with sources, were doing what we think will be gerat :tired:

and actually no, a single victor is possilbe, but what were going to go for is to a point of where its impossible to kill anymore. which is actually more around 2 or 3 players, since if somoene kills at a 3 game would leave 2 left and would turn to a finger pointing game for a third party to decide, and a 2 person left would be who can kill the other the quickest. so its usually 3 or 2, or in rare cases 1 person left would be declared the survivors....unless a black heart has made it to the end. some unique perks to them if they make it to the end. such as the black heart with the highest kill count still standing murders the others left claiming the title for them self in a 'kill them all; :p

though we came across it and we just can't have single targets killings, because then people can just snip people off that they know will be a threat...or lets say if a person is being smart and is knowing what they will do, then everyone will be on them effectively making the the first dead, never standing a chance to win. or if a person is acting to dumb, they'll be killed off for a mercy for the group. this way its to make everyone have a chance to make it to the end since they can make it to where they can live during a night.. and its not really as random as you might think. lets say during a previous day you found out a person keeps you want gone keeps visiting a certain area, you can then spend the next days and evening preparing the scene then 'BAM' kill them right there at night. or you could try to get them in their room if you think they haven't left it too. the strategy isn't about picking off the people who you think will be a threat or can get away with, but rather finding out how you can get away with murder, preparing your crime scene for them, then offing them there, and trying to avoid walking into someone else own killing. the strategy is less picking people off, but finding their patterns and play them in your hands.

and there is night interactions, don't feel like committing murder? go chat up with someone to discover what they are up to. unless your talking about 2 people specifically talking to with eachother, then they can do that if they wish in their own pms, though if they want said pm valid in the trial phase me or konnie have to be in the pm ourselves. anything goes behind the scenes, even if your dead! since the only thing different between a "ghost" and a player is that the ghost no longer gets new information~ :b:

and creating alibis depends specifically on the player themself if they can find a situation to create it. this is a game where the only things limiting you are the map and its objects and your own imagination, plus if nobody visits your crime scene you get 3 shots are making yourself as innocent as possible :p

and accomplices...me and konnie don't really know how to go with that honestly :ohwell: we agree that the person who did the deed is the blackheart, but anyone else can play how they want. so if a person wants to help the black-heart they can...but if the game is structured to kill the accomplice (as in he is the only one to show up to the crime scene to get killed, or they get picked as the penalty death for a white heart execution) they still die, this is a free for all game which negotiations added into it. people can do what they want, but you do have to make sure you don't get axed yourself....it is a survival game to the end

complaints and things said have been responded and taken into account, got anything else? feel free to poke at anything, or come up with anything (and i'm talking to anyone :p) more gets thrown around the stronger things get
Lily said:
That covers a lot of the points I had. Main issue I have is being potentially forced into having to kill more then one person if you aren't aware another is in the room. Multikills are fine, but only if planned to be multikills.
How the games would end on the forum I played it on was typically anyone who successfully got away with murder once won, leading to usually around 3-6 winners per game, although there were circumstances where one person killed literally everyone, and only was able to win by doing so. (We called them the Traitor. They knew they were the traitor from the beginning of the game, and had to do very specific tasks to kill everyone. The host would make an announcement of sorts that there is a traitor, but no clues as to what they would have to do to win or who they are. Going with the cruise example from earlier, they would likely have to sink the ship and escape alone, which requires a massive amount of setup time to be found out in.)
Natz~ said:
ya in order to do a multikill is if you have to want and choose to do one when your planning to kill someone (though it may just fail if there is no one else but 1 person), doing a multikill gets rid of an witness who would eliminate your chance to cover up your crime (the 3 shot thingy) at the cost of having to cover for 2 bodies as oppose to one, and not only that but if you get away with it, you get an one shot immunity for both deaths (basically 2 chances to stave off death), and a larger kill count to keep yourself safe against other black hearts in the end game where you can't kill anymore. a lot more work to do but good payoff~...though the cover up chance falls flat at a 3rd person coming through (and lets face if, if 3 people enter your crime scene when you commit murder how the hell do you expect to get a chance to cover it up?) though even if there are witnesses, they can't identify you or have any personal clues as to who you are, they just stop you from covering your tracks.

and mines a bit differently than that one. since you can win by playing anyway you want, you just have to survive, you can win by being a goody two shoes who doesn't murder anyone and just make it to the end, or being the detective who solves all crimes, or by being a sociopath who wants to kill everyone, or by being a white heart backstabber by framing other whitehearts during the trial phase to get 2 people gone, or just by doing nothing but sleep in your room every single day. your only goal is to just make it to the end. however you chose to get to there is up to you. what i want to make the most in my experience is unexpectedness, uncertainty, and above all else creativity~
was able to dig up these old skeletons, but damn i forgotten just how rough these drafts were, it was literally just a conversation between me and lily was all i could of found, i know the advance drafts where i had it all written up formally were lost, and i did think i talked more about it elsewhere but go no idea where to find those....

ya so many days before a trial, letting the "ghosts" interact with people...yesh a few bad ideas thrown in the mix there now looking back at this

but oh well this is what i could recover from it all 2 years ago
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Deleted member

Oo.... Game of Thrones.
This time I understand mafias like these, so no worries.
( I still kind of understood Holder's mafia. )
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
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Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
ok then finally got around to it and able to

was able to dig up these old skeletons, but damn i forgotten just how rough these drafts were, it was literally just a conversation between me and lily was all i could of found, i know the advance drafts where i had it all written up formally were lost, and i did think i talked more about it elsewhere but go no idea where to find those....

ya so many days before a trial, letting the "ghosts" interact with people...yesh a few bad ideas thrown in the mix there now looking back at this

but oh well this is what i could recover from it all 2 years ago
Dang, having to come up with a map with various areas, rooms, and all the objects and things in them. That sounds like a ton of work! Even if you were to like, go through and copy all of the notable objects / aspects of rooms/areas in one of the actual Danganronpa games and put them directly in or mix them up into a different set-up, that'd still be incredibly exhausting. I get though that of course a lot of the details wouldn't be all there until I guess someone specifically points out something, but that also just creates constant situations where you'll probably have to come up with something on the fly.

I've always thought that the Danganronpa games themselves suffered a lot from having it so the punishment of picking the wrong student to execute in trials was for everyone but the killer to die. It meant that there was only one possible outcome -- the killer being caught each time. Having instances where they are punished but the game continues and the true murderer succeeded and is still among them makes for some fun possibilities and unfortunately the games don't ever do anything like that.

In terms of giving people personal objectives, I can understand both sides. On the one hand, giving players total freedom in terms of what they do in theory is really great, but as proven by my game, when people are given too much free space, their nature tends towards indolence. Players need to have something beyond themselves that gives them a sense of purpose and way to choose between options. Of course this creates the possible issue of giving people "roles" that conflict directly with how they'd freely move about otherwise, so before such a game begins I think players should PM their sign ups filling out various information to be used to tailor their Ultimate Student for them.

That same kinda logic can be applied to their talents, which are definitely a big part of the series and thus should be open and matter in terms of what they are capable of, giving them special perks, and these perks should probably tie in to some degree, at least in potential, with whatever goal it is they have. But this brings me to my next concern: characters conflicting with one another.

What if actions put in by the players are opposing? Not even in just murder, but generally trying to move or take objects, going from one place to another, etc. how is that dilemma solved? Randomly? Or would the players be assigned stats almost like RPG where basically the relevant qualities are pitted against each other and the higher number wins or something. In general its just hard for me to understand how interactions work when the map is shared, all of the stuff in it, and the players put their actions in privately. Killing in a certain area or a particular person, I just don't entirely understand how that is all worked out with all the gaps. Maybe I'm just having difficult comprehending what I'm reading here.
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
I think creative liberties would have to be taken in order to really make a Danganronpa mafia work.

Because when you think about it, there's really only one killer in those, right?

If they're caught on day one or two, the game was way too short for any of the fun stuff to really happen.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I think creative liberties would have to be taken in order to really make a Danganronpa mafia work.

Because when you think about it, there's really only one killer in those, right?

If they're caught on day one or two, the game was way too short for any of the fun stuff to really happen.
The old group did a Danganropa mafia. It was pretty great.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
How was it?

Could help Natz with her idea.

So weird to call her Natz when I've been calling her Katt for three goddamn years just so you'd get who I'm talking about lol
Well, Gunla Gunla hosted it. So if you can talk to him, that'd be best.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Hopefully, he's not as quiet as he is in the actual games :V
The games just move too fast at times for me lol, I'll probably catch up better during the summer.

Basically the thing with DR mafia:
  • Mafia was a cult (14 man game):
    • 10 town
    • 1 cultist
    • 3 third parties
  • Cult gained power when the town lynched people that weren't third parties (max of 2 recruits)
    • Third parties would not affect the cult
    • The night that a cult was lynched, they'd largely be nerfed
  • Kept the flavor pretty much to DR1:
    • The characters I excluded specifically were Junko and Naegi (I killed Naegi for flavor and acted as Junko for host flavor.
  • Didn't really make any crazy unique roles; I think the most unique ones were Maizono (cult leader) and Mukuro (amnesiac).
    • I did, however, try to not make role-flavor character parallels not too obvious - I did some easy takeaways like having Kirigiri as Jailor, Ogami as vig
    • The role of cult leader was completely randomized in terms of which character it would be - originally Maizono was to be an escort, but that was moved to Yamada once I picked the cult leader
  • I'd be down to work on a DR2 mafia with someone to help with things.
If you want to see my stuff, I'd be glad to give it to you.

Deleted member

Every themed Mafia game assumes deviations from the source material will have to be taken. It's just like an adaptation, you have to figure out what to keep and what to change because a 1:1 simply can't be done.

Which is why I'm interested in knowing how A Distant Demon A Distant Demon 's Fate/Zero Mafia will end up considering on what he has planned for it.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Every themed Mafia game assumes deviations from the source material will have to be taken.
Like how you didn't make Jack the Ripper a Serial Killer?

I know it fits her character to be adopted by someone and all, especially since this is basically what she wishes for, but COME ON! This is JACK THE FREAKING RIPPER! Serial Killer was literally the perfect role for her!
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Also, quick suggestion because I'm nitpicky as heck and like it when things looks organized, but...

Maybe this thread and the "On the Game of Mafia" one should be stickied? Would give them more emphasis, I think.
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Deleted member

Like how you didn't make Jack the Ripper a Serial Killer?

I know it fits her character to be adopted by someone and all, especially since this is basically what she wishes for, but COME ON! This is JACK THE FREAKING RIPPER! Serial Killer was literally the perfect role for her!
Because I already had a 3rd Party SK planned, but I had to cut her because she had the least priority of all roles and I didn't get enough sign-ins. Then I also had to cut Nameless and Gawain so it'd be hard to put her back after that.
Tbh, she was probably one of my favorite roles I made and the only reason she was low priority was her status as a 3rd Party and her relying on other specific roles to be useful(so I couldn't cut those other two or the 3rd Party Gilgamesh while leaving her in)

Here's the role btw
Class: Assassin

You are a mysterious figure, no one knows your true identity and you're most definitely not actually Artoria, King of Knights, trying to eliminate the competition. You come from a desolate future where the Saber class has taken over, Lancers are all extinct and Archers are locked up as criminals. Your goal is to prevent this bad future from happening: eliminate all Saber class Servants before the game ends.

-Once per Night, you may target an user, where one of 3 things may happen:
--If they're a Saber class Servant: you'll attempt to kill that player.
--If they're a Lancer or an Archer class Servant: you'll protect them for the Night.
--If they're of another class: nothing happens.
-You come up as clean most of the time, but as suspicious on Nights you target a Saber class Servant.

In hindsight, I think turning Jack into a 3rd Party SK could have been fun, and if I had to make adjustments now, her goal would be to eliminate all female roles with an investigation immune modifier.
But I'm making Fate/Mafia 2 to try to improve on the first one, as I realise there were a lot of issues on my game, so look forward to whatever crazy roles I come up with, except this time with Balance™*

*Disclaimer: game may not actually be balanced.

Deleted member

Because I already had a 3rd Party SK planned, but I had to cut her because she had the least priority of all roles and I didn't get enough sign-ins. Then I also had to cut Nameless and Gawain so it'd be hard to put her back after that.
Tbh, she was probably one of my favorite roles I made and the only reason she was low priority was her status as a 3rd Party and her relying on other specific roles to be useful(so I couldn't cut those other two or the 3rd Party Gilgamesh while leaving her in)

Here's the role btw
Class: Assassin

You are a mysterious figure, no one knows your true identity and you're most definitely not actually Artoria, King of Knights, trying to eliminate the competition. You come from a desolate future where the Saber class has taken over, Lancers are all extinct and Archers are locked up as criminals. Your goal is to prevent this bad future from happening: eliminate all Saber class Servants before the game ends.

-Once per Night, you may target an user, where one of 3 things may happen:
--If they're a Saber class Servant: you'll attempt to kill that player.
--If they're a Lancer or an Archer class Servant: you'll protect them for the Night.
--If they're of another class: nothing happens.
-You come up as clean most of the time, but as suspicious on Nights you target a Saber class Servant.

In hindsight, I think turning Jack into a 3rd Party SK could have been fun, and if I had to make adjustments now, her goal would be to eliminate all female roles with an investigation immune modifier.
But I'm making Fate/Mafia 2 to try to improve on the first one, as I realise there were a lot of issues on my game, so look forward to whatever crazy roles I come up with, except this time with Balance™*

*Disclaimer: game may not actually be balanced.
I call my role as Astolfo Alter, and my goal is to take out Uni, Pokechu, and White. :V


Full of Hugs and Fire~
Dec 19, 2013
Still rolling
Can I get a tl;dr? :p
to be honest thats probs for best lol, those quotes are messy and filled with some redundant stuff now

i'll give ya one once i rewrite the advance draft so yep guess i'm doing this now lol
How was it?

Could help Natz with her idea.

So weird to call her Natz when I've been calling her Katt for three goddamn years just so you'd get who I'm talking about lol
dude you can call me katt, i mean you still did when i was originally lumaokami first, and even change it jynx

**** red calls me katt and hes only known me for a month, and besides i say my name all the time most of the people around understand it :V

Dang, having to come up with a map with various areas, rooms, and all the objects and things in them. That sounds like a ton of work! Even if you were to like, go through and copy all of the notable objects / aspects of rooms/areas in one of the actual Danganronpa games and put them directly in or mix them up into a different set-up, that'd still be incredibly exhausting. I get though that of course a lot of the details wouldn't be all there until I guess someone specifically points out something, but that also just creates constant situations where you'll probably have to come up with something on the fly.

I've always thought that the Danganronpa games themselves suffered a lot from having it so the punishment of picking the wrong student to execute in trials was for everyone but the killer to die. It meant that there was only one possible outcome -- the killer being caught each time. Having instances where they are punished but the game continues and the true murderer succeeded and is still among them makes for some fun possibilities and unfortunately the games don't ever do anything like that.

In terms of giving people personal objectives, I can understand both sides. On the one hand, giving players total freedom in terms of what they do in theory is really great, but as proven by my game, when people are given too much free space, their nature tends towards indolence. Players need to have something beyond themselves that gives them a sense of purpose and way to choose between options. Of course this creates the possible issue of giving people "roles" that conflict directly with how they'd freely move about otherwise, so before such a game begins I think players should PM their sign ups filling out various information to be used to tailor their Ultimate Student for them.

That same kinda logic can be applied to their talents, which are definitely a big part of the series and thus should be open and matter in terms of what they are capable of, giving them special perks, and these perks should probably tie in to some degree, at least in potential, with whatever goal it is they have. But this brings me to my next concern: characters conflicting with one another.

What if actions put in by the players are opposing? Not even in just murder, but generally trying to move or take objects, going from one place to another, etc. how is that dilemma solved? Randomly? Or would the players be assigned stats almost like RPG where basically the relevant qualities are pitted against each other and the higher number wins or something. In general its just hard for me to understand how interactions work when the map is shared, all of the stuff in it, and the players put their actions in privately. Killing in a certain area or a particular person, I just don't entirely understand how that is all worked out with all the gaps. Maybe I'm just having difficult comprehending what I'm reading here.
well as ya read that was what konnie would take care of, but now that hes to busy trying to not die at his accountant like job i only got myself to rely on that :V
but honestly its not that bad, the idea is that at the start of the game you post a map with all the objects in the entire "trapped" place besides peoples rooms, and you let that visible to everyone, the only stuff ya don't lable are the objects that are in peoples room, an idea that i was actually threw into the advance draft and not of me and llilys talks are actually similar to D1 where monokuma actually gifts the students stuff, tool kits for men sewing kits for girls, i was thinking of doing that after every trial giving someone something random based as a reward to use in their plans, and since they spawn in their rooms no showing up on map, and the only way people will know is if someone else searches that room, also you don't update the map after till another trial so that everyones actions where they take or move stuff through the "trapped" place will not show up except in peoples own actions to search, even when someone dies its up to the players to figure out what happened and after the trial, throw away the things related to the murder do a little sweep cleaning and now put the updated map back in place, anyway back to the point of the paragraph i actually don't think it'll be that exhausting, its just lists after all, all we need tto keep track of are actually the stuff people mess with, and i'm perfectly willing to keep all that on paper somewhere, and ya i'll need to improv stuff (especially if people are searching for a trial and mess with things that aren't part of it still need to write something and make it evidence :p) either way katt is determined to make that work

ya, that really didn't work, i guess it was the visual novel style? where theres only one straight path to go down to so its just incentive to railroad that, still didn't really help and god can't have that in a game at all, though instead i think i did a fair balance, lynch the black heart only the black heart dies, lynch a white heart, that white heart dies and who ever voted guilty for them gets on a wheel selected and whoever comes up dies (of course if the killer also voted guilty they get excused the death if they come up and it gets rolled again yet their name will still be on the wheel for voting guilty they just don't get the punishment) i think thats a better balance to incite reprentation form the old game, and to actually help this games mechanics (this way people can't use the trials to lynch people they think are threats to them or good people or what, cause if they get them killed and its not the black heart you could be following back with them)

ya i was against the personal objective, the only really main goal i had in my game is to survive to the end of the game, a feat that only 1-4 people would only accomplish, though i do understand what ya see thats why me and konnie way back then we developed 40 like talents (don't ask to see them also got deleted, that lesson back then is what taught me to keep info in pms not draffts) everyone will have the same abilities, kill/set up trap in a room, investigate a room or objects, interact with objects, and check a player, everyone will have those abilities line out, and they can add afterwards what they want and how they want to do things, however the talents give people an extra bonus, and a negative, such as the nurse, i remember what we deduced that the nurse would be able to deduced exactly what the murder weapon was (unlike get a idea) based off the wounds, and the nurse would also be able to forge wounds on a target to make it look like something else killed them, however the nurses negatives would be that they would always appear nervous when checked (meaning they come off as someone hiding something) and have blood on them from work, two bonuses that help deduce their plans and actions, two negatives they have to deal with, everyone may have the 4 same basic abilities but your talant can help influence what you can do and how you can do things, and will just add in more things people need to investigate in game

i wasn't exactly against people making their own talants and perks and what not...just i had no idea how to make it work in game in a fair for everybody way, i just think still the randomized handing out pre generated talants is just better off that way

ah, nah that is actually put in by map and logic actually~ we know where everyone is, say someone is in the kitchen and someone is in their room, they both want to take the same knife at the same period of the day, well someone is in the kitchen are they not? they logically get it and the other person finds themselves in the kitchen with no knife to grab, its just logicallly understanding speed of who gets to the area first based off the map, now if both people actually contest for an object by being exactly equal distance away then its just random, it shouldn't be that common of an occurrence but it is a back up

also..i have no idea where your coming up with stats here...
ah simple, the map is static but the players and the objects in it aren't, and people aren't blind either, the knife situation i said above? ya player one who is in the kitchen gets the knife, however they stilll see player two come into the kitchen as well, maybe maybe not fully seen that they were trying to get the knife but they still see that during that time period of the day player one gets to note player two came to the kitchen, same with player 2 who gets to see that player one is in the kitchen, and since they wanted the knife but not there player 2 can naturally come up with player 1 took the knife, this is building up evidence that can be used in the trial later

and theres no killing particular people, i threw that out the window years ago, because then that allows the crap that happened in your game Day 1 and Day 2, people just killed who they thought were smart or immediately dangerous, here you don't get to pick who you murder, only where you murder, however thats not to say you can't plan, if say you know someones routine well you can spring them in the middle of it and end them there, but thats the only way and you could try to kill some random smuck who comes by or no one at all, if you do happen to get a kill your able to get additional actions to help clean up your scene, that is if a witness doesn't show up, if someone else shows up to the scene they will see the dead body and get an action as well and you can't get your actions to help cover up your crime, though a witness will never know who the killer is initially they simply just stop the killer from additional actions and get an extra action themself

thats all the questions, any other ones?


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
If GOT isn't ready for sign ups tomoz evening Uk time (so like 24 hrs or so), someone else can start.
Oo.... Game of Thrones.
This time I understand mafias like these, so no worries.
( I still kind of understood Holder's mafia. )
Its more complex than Holders...

Nope. If you didn't get an entirely open setup without any dynamic team and wincon changing you won't get GoT.
But don't worry ill let you in if theres a spot that needs filling.
I call my role as Astolfo Alter, and my goal is to take out Uni, Pokechu, and White. :V
why me :B
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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Thats thes best serial killer role Ive seen by far.

It has so much to it I love it. btw this text is small because ipressed something on my wacom while typing, not becase im in the shadows waiting to murder someone.

edit; fixed itself when posting lmao.
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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
I also think since Zeb is doing a master & servant thing, that maybe can implement the rules like if a master dies...servant has a limit of days to live...unless a master with no servant forms a pact with a lone servant etc.

Also command spells could...do something....idk.

Just some suggestion.
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