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Mafia and Werewolves Gamethread


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2020
ok first off lemme


now let's go

Yeah, he took an i from my name! I had to replace it with a y instead. :)
oh boy Wiisp and Whysper
I'll try to not confuse you two

So let's all claim now
was that serious
because I kinda hate this suggestion

Eido - anyone with a join date later than 2014 is a nobody to me.

No, I think I found mafia.
So you think Swiss just looked at you and was like "hmm yea this dude I'm gonna hound him HARD to draw all attention to me very early on" while he was mafia.

Swiss x Rhand seems silly.
Not sure if Swiss would go that hard if he was scum and I don't like the way Rhand is reacting but this feels like a bunch of nonsense to me for now.

I feel a townlean for Gorf, I find him kinda sheeping Swiss' tunnel townie.

This is my second game. First game was Apex here.
How old are you again and do you have any experience with Town of Salem or similar games?

I'm voting randomly for now.

You said Whysper can die too. Is that something you're able to elaborate on? It seems strong.
I don't get why move your vote into someone else if you're still voting randomly.
Specially when you seem interested into serious discussion around the player you're voting.

Vote: Detective Mao

nice Omori avatar
dude they didn't even even notice me :rinsad:
notice me senpai pls

I will say though, rhand is absolutely not panicking, regardless of his alignment
Why you say that? He seems to be a bit distressed to me.
Larger messages, really defensive and focusing on punching back, replying quickly, a bit of denial and frustration.
NAI? sure
not panicking? eeeh

Because the things you said are not things you would have said if you weren't town.

Conclusion: you are town
Do you know their meta? Care to share what are these "things" exactly?


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2020
ok why the **** are drafts not saving automatically (or taking forever to do so)
I keep losing bits of stuff I wrote/quoted when changing pages
**** you xenforo yeet


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
We need content from the very inactive participants that have posted once or not at all (game related). It’s making it hard to overall sort thoughts without anything to check people out on.

As of right now I would vote SR out of everyone present.

Need to see more Wiisp to place.

Fine with Mao, Rhand, Swiss (for the moment), Gorf

Could be persuaded FF, due to entrance, cause I haven’t seen anything additional yet. That’s subject to change as I see progression and answers to my call out as well.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
Chaco Chaco you able to summarise your points on Scarlet? I feel lost in the thread and it's becoming difficult to jump between posts.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
ExLight ExLight I've been playing a lot of Among Us. It's how I started finding out about Mafia. This is my second game.

I don't have much to say on the Whysper vote. The game had started and I was being loose with my vote.


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2020
Are pressure wagons out of character at MTGS? If not then why do you knee jerk so badly to one with two votes?
idk his meta but to be fair

I panic like a ***** over two or three votes
the fact I've been mislynched D1 in like half of my town games probably tells a lot on how it usually ends up maybe

Thank you but I can't take all the credit, Gorf has been productive too.

This is me being hands off btw.
he's... he's just kinda parroting you though...?

don't like this post, feels like pocketing

^ still wonders why I call him town
I mean I like activity despite rolling scum
and I feel like anyone that values a bit of sportsmanship over winrates would prefer to play with active players and lose over winning in a dead game.

anyone with a join date after 2006 is a nobody to me :p

if you're scum you deserve an academy award for perfect noob town acting holy **** lmao
I don't think they're new to the game though?

Vote: Gellnick

They feel awkwardly positioned on the side of the discussion, like they are struggling to break in to it.
Why comment that about him but not about me considering I did the exact same thing but even worse maybe?

Chop Chop Chop Chop can you edit the thread title to include the exact date and time of the dayphase deadline please?
agreed, yes please Chop Chop Chop Chop

whenever I decide that is)
get a bit of decency and stop being a ****ing lazy host will you

#122 exlight dislike

#177 dislike exlight -
could try to make an argument asking me to elaborate or make a point against it instead of going the "me no likey" route despite me being right k thanks

Exlight will jump on this wagon which is good, so will anyone catching up over the next few hours I'm sure.
which wagon
lol I'm actually scumreading you more than him


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
ExLight ExLight Your posts looked a bit more troll-y, like you didn't care about your appearance in the thread. I found Gellnick's to be worse than yours because they looked more careful.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Fine with Eido at the moment as well, forgot to add that before.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
Yeh lol. There must be mafia in those pushes. Even if you’re not town because it’s multiball.
I haven’t felt like LHF in years (if ever). This feels weird.
Who are you referring to here in the bolded?

You got any insights in to how you feel the Mafia would have played around Swiss' attack on you?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
that is my **** list right now
I am not calling anyone a town lean, since I rely a little on meta, and I have very little or no experience with any of you
Whysper's name looks strange here. I've noticed Whysper is low on a few lists, despite posting nothing.

Can you explain this read?

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Rhand can you be very clear on your read on Chaco.

This is also your chance to temporarily stop your bandwaggon - I strongly advise you vote Chaco.

Exlight will jump on this wagon which is good, so will anyone catching up over the next few hours I'm sure.
chaco wagon isn't picking up much steam from what I see, does that change your outlook on the slot?

@Swiss Yo I’m comfortable with Wiisp. He called your methods gross, but gave you space to keep going.

As you kept going, he continued to defend Rhand.

Does Scum Wiisp set himself up his grave like that? The connection feels too obvious.
can you unpack the bolded for me?

It feels like rhand/wiisp read things incredibly literally by in mafia in general, and aren’t used to people showing confidence in something to gauge a reaction of it from people to base reads off of.

like really you think it’s pointless to say townreads and make pushes to see reactions? Like what people say is absolute, that stated reads/thought processes can’t be flexible or change or have deeper meanings than what is presented. It’s really consistent with both of you and I can’t tell if it’s scummy or just a clash in style of mafia
yep, rhand and wisp very clearly are used to being the tone/pace setters in their games and are kneejerk OMGUSing slots that don't just roll over and capitulate to them

ya ok boomer
and what are you, 13? because that's the level of maturity I get from your posts

explain to me how NAI and not worried somehow clash as thoughts
care to point me to where I ever said you thinking rhands play was NAI and you thinking rhand was not worried about the pressure on him are clashing points? good luck finding it because I never said that. what made you jump to the conclusion I was saying they were contradictory points? what I was pointing out was that it was strange for you to at first say this

U don't need my insight, I'm finna let you do your thing and see where this goes, I'm not particularly good at reading Rhand, all I can say is this behavior is particularly NAI so far.
followed by this:
I will say though, rhand is absolutely not panicking, regardless of his alignment
you say you aren't particularly good at reading rhand and that we "dont need your insight," but then you turn right around and very confidently say rhand is definitively not panicking. that's a very protective move toward the rhand slot that doesn't seem to follow for someone who is claiming to not have a strong read on the slot. additionally, it definitely is you literally giving us your insight as to rhand's meta after you literally said in the previous post that we "didn't need your insight." you're saying one thing and doing the opposite

in what way? you can't read me on replacing out
I would never claim to replace in thread
and I would not hinder my replacement in any way
I think my attitude changes a bit for stuff like lost wolves, and 3p factions, but like factionless 3ps, unless perfectly balanced, either have the game revolve around them being way too strong, or they are just too weak.
do you... not understand how replacing out works? if you were to replace out of the game, there is no way to do that without everyone in the game knowing about it. you can't just give your site profile away to someone else. if you were to replace out, the mod would have to announce that you left and that X new player was taking your spot. there is literally no way to secretly replace out. thus, if everyone knows you hate 3P roles and that you will always replace out if you get one, then if you do in fact get a 3P role and you requested replacement, everyone would reasonably conclude that your slot is anti-town and yeet it. so yes, your childishness and selfishness would absolutely "hinder" any replacement taking your spot in a scenario where you leave a game just because you're a toddler who can't handle playing roles you don't like.

I am trying to see worlds where this is tonally not fake, but I don't see it yet
its the world where I just played like four consecutive games with a playerbase largely comprised of visitors from the XKCD site and they all commonly would make comments like this (e.g. academy award/oscor worthy acting) when we were discussing the possibilities of being turbo snowed, it just rubbed off

I am nothing like Osie, because 1, I am a better town player
I miss having the hubris of a teenager

and if that is a typical town!Frozen opening then the hard body crew is actually lacking in the skill department
oh this is cute, especially after reading this:
if one more person calls me a wolf, I am just going to claim and move on from this thread for a bit, since the continuing play so far, has not actually made me want to continue trying
^ this is what skilled town players do right guys? right?

what even is a pressure wagon? like if you have no case, how exactly do expect people to respond? There is a very small subset of players on MTGS that react to votes, and I am one of them, and it tells you literally nothing because its completely nai for me

you vote who you think is a wolf, not who you want to pressure
guys can you believe it? Wisp is SO GOOD at this game that he'll NEVER give away tells under pressure. trying to pressure him to get a read is literally impossible, don't waste your time, he's just that much better than us, just take him at his word :rotfl:

you vote who you think is a wolf, not who you want to pressure
imagine thinking these are mutually exclusive

There is nothing left to discuss what else do you want me to say on Frozen
heard it here first folks, once you tunnel someone within the first 5 pages, there is literally no other scumhunting to be done. the hallmark of the most skilled townies is definitely to tunnel a slot and let everyone else do the work right?

I will focus on what the hell I want
and don't interact with me like I am a child
you guys want me to play the game your way, so feel my wrath
did you unironically expect anyone to NOT treat you like a child after making a post like this?

It feels like rhand/wiisp read things incredibly literally by in mafia in general, and aren’t used to people showing confidence in something to gauge a reaction of it from people to base reads off of.

like really you think it’s pointless to say townreads and make pushes to see reactions? Like what people say is absolute, that stated reads/thought processes can’t be flexible or change or have deeper meanings than what is presented. It’s really consistent with both of you and I can’t tell if it’s scummy or just a clash in style of mafia
Could be persuaded FF, due to entrance, cause I haven’t seen anything additional yet. That’s subject to change as I see progression and answers to my call out as well.
your call out? as in you being suss of me because I got an early town ping from you? you aren't lock town to me at all, but that post read genuinely towny

I like wam's entrance, townlean there

feeling stronger about town!gorf

whysper starting the game with cryptic salutations and then disappearing after is gross af

swiss ignoring my questions directed at him about why he felt the setup was stacked and why we should massclaim is also grimey

still nothing from 3dsninja or gellnick

does anyone with more experience playing with Exlight know if he's the type of scum to play the "lol I'm so not afraid of pressure I CANT be scum" approach as scum?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
Frozen, Wiisp giving space comes from here:

This was after he found Swiss' methods gross.

So I am thinking about why he would allow Swiss the space to keep going, whilst continuing to be obvious in his defence of Rhand.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
As of 326 I get instinctual noobtown vibes from exlight, but 1) he’s not that much of a noob and 2) I feel like he’s focusing on strange things that a noob wouldn’t focus on. it’s making me wonder if he’s wolf tryna put in some unique input on top of things that have already been said and not doing a good job at it. And I mean noobtown in the same way that I’d probably read red ruy as noobtown if he was town despite him having played for like 10 years. I might just defer to Swiss for my read there

For the record I don’t think Swiss was really pocketing me or I was parroting Swiss, he saw something and I saw it too and we agreed, and for the first couple of pages we were driving a lot of the content
ExLight ExLight I've been playing a lot of Among Us. It's how I started finding out about Mafia. This is my second game.

I don't have much to say on the Whysper vote. The game had started and I was being loose with my vote.
Forum mafia is the ideal way to play mafia imo. Stick around it’s baller

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Whysper's name looks strange here. I've noticed Whysper is low on a few lists, despite posting nothing.

Can you explain this read?
It’s cuz everyone knows your boy Gorf found scum from page 1 and they’re parroting me

Damn. Tryna decide if I should pocket Swiss or ff for the rest of the Day. Possibly leaning Swiss cuz he’s more active but ff has a way of saying things that makes me feel all tingly inside

Chaco feels kinda softer than I thought he was gonna be by his tone, idk how to explain it. He’s not doing as much as I’d like. Like yo you can’t just scumread scarlet, not get any support, and continue to scumread him without really tryna make something of it. I’m null townleaning based on tone but that’s the read I’m most interested in tryna come to terms with rn


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Vote Count 1.0

rhand (4) - frozen, mao, swiss, gorf
swiss (1) - rhand
whysper (1) - eido
exlight (1) - chaco
mao (1) - exlight
chaco (1) - sacarlet

Not Voting (5) - ninja, wam, wiisp, whysper, gellnick

With 14 alive it takes 8 to execute. Day 1 ends Sunday 8:00 pm PT.
Vote Count 1.1

rhand (4) - frozen, mao, gorf, wam
chaco (2) - sacarlet, swiss
swiss (1) - rhand
exlight (1) - chaco
mao (1) - exlight
gellnick (1) - eido
frozen (1) - wiisp

Not Voting (3) - ninja, whysper, gellnick

With 14 alive it takes 8 to execute. Day 1 ends Sunday 8:00 pm PT.

Vote Count 1.2 (current)

rhand (3) - frozen, gorf, wam
wam - (2) rhand, scarlet
wiisp - (2) mao, swiss
gellnick (1) - eido
frozen (1) - wiisp

Not Voting (5) - ninja, whysper, gellnick, exlight, chaco

With 14 alive it takes 8 to execute. Day 1 ends Sunday 8:00 pm PT.

scar #wam
gel #swi
rha #wii
fro #rha
mao #rha
swi #rha
eid #cha
gor #rha
rha #swi
eid #why
cha #exl
exl #mao
gel #unv
sca #cha
eid #gel
wii #fro
swi #cha
wam #rha
wam #wii
wam #rha
rha #wam
mao #wii
swi #wii
sca #wam
exl #unv
cha #unv

Message Title: M&W Rolecard

Vanilla Townie said:
Vanilla Townie

You have no abilities except for voting.
Werewolf Goon said:
Werewolf Goon

You have no abilities except for voting.

You are Partners with Xiivi and share a chat with them https://discord.gg/wHYAmiSolnlY
Mafia Goon said:
Mafia Goon

You have no abilities except for voting.

You are Partners with Chop Chop and share a chat with them https://discord.gg/sXysInGlesnryoU

Last edited:


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2020
rhand is not panicking, he doesnt panic
I don't have to have a read on that slot to tell you that

and no, you have no right to read into why I replace, ever
I have replaced for many reasons
you can believe any reason you want, but if you ever state the thought, "Wisp replaced, so x is a 3p", you should immediately be modkilled for bring OOG in the game


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2020
better response than your first, but I am raiding currently
ill do a better reread when I'm done or tomorrow


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Chaco feels kinda softer than I thought he was gonna be by his tone, idk how to explain it. He’s not doing as much as I’d like. Like yo you can’t just scumread scarlet, not get any support, and continue to scumread him without really tryna make something of it. I’m null townleaning based on tone but that’s the read I’m most interested in tryna come to terms with rn
Cant continue when they’ve essentially shut down any content further since. I can’t case something when I say hey that feels grimy and they shut down shop on it and haven’t had content since really. I see it because my alignment is known to me and the push is odd and out of left field, but it’s not visible across the board cause I’m an unknown at this conjecture. As they progress I’ll be on it still, don’t worry.

As far as gamestate overall what do you want me to do? I can try and drag activity out of other slots and just pose questions but I just don’t really have the time for that right now. So I’m kind’ve just tracking what’s going on overall.

There’s some brutal inactivity here that’s crunching my ability to do much tbh. So I don’t really see how you’re saying I’m not doing much when the game as a whole is kind’ve dead

Call out is lack of better term, #HBC | FrozeηFlame #HBC | FrozeηFlame , you know I’m gonna be forever weary of the shirt pocket now. Wanted to see your response to that, which is fine for now.

Overall Mao seems townie from town and delivery, no firsthand interaction at this point so second hand read based off reading into their conversations with others.
Eido seems town toned and tracks with how he played as town before.
FF don’t have enough to go off of to sort yet, it’ll take seeing case development and attacks from him to really know 100%. Not worried about sorting FF fast though, cause my read of him evolves a lot as the game goes. When I sort FF fast I’m wrong.
Swiss is kind’ve been an antagonist to get reads but outside of that is leaving trails in likes/dislikes.
Whysper is off the radar.
3DS will likely replace out.
Rhand I’m cool with right now. He seems to be trying to understand which has me town leaning him from his interaction with myself.
Gorf seemed different than most recent scum meta and continues to be inquisitive and active force in the game. No real moment where he’s been sorted as heavily town though, not scum either. Active but neutral.
ExLight hasn’t posted enough serious content for me to figure anything out.
Wam seems like Wam right now and I have to see is slips to sort him. Hasn’t had any perspective slips yet.
Gellnick is a huge ???.
Wiisp isn’t pinging me like they have other people, but then again the way they type is harder to read inflection from which I go off a lot.

SR gives insight into Rhand/Swiss connection. I just don’t think town reacts in that way and shuts down when met with resistance, it’s like the complete anti tunnel you’d expect from town trying to drive a case forward and then end with I’m comfortable here and never mention it again. If you’re comfortable there you would’ve stayed there or posted thoughts until why you changed. I’m just not seeing everyone glaze over it and move on. I know it’s easier for me to see cause the baseless attack was on me, but the following conversation just doesn’t track as town to me at all, it screams backpedal and hope it’ll be forgot since it’s early D1.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
I’m out for tonight as well, tomorrow’s busy for me, I’ll be around later in the day at some point.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
i don't think we necessarily need it, but we should have a sample vt role pm, to prevent mod gaming
im personally in favor of AT LEAST an even playing field with all the wincons presented. Like if traitor was closed, I wouldn’t be complaining. And I’m only complaining to a degree about the joat roles not being in a role pm but I can live with that. We should all have insight as to how the traitor wins; whether he can or can’t win alone if the other 4 scum die, or what the conditions are around possibly being recruited by scum, etc

logging out


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2020
im personally in favor of AT LEAST an even playing field with all the wincons presented. Like if traitor was closed, I wouldn’t be complaining. And I’m only complaining to a degree about the joat roles not being in a role pm but I can live with that. We should all have insight as to how the traitor wins; whether he can or can’t win alone if the other 4 scum die, or what the conditions are around possibly being recruited by scum, etc

logging out
fair point, probably all we need is all the win-cons outlined


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2021
Ok, I'm here. Wall of text incoming.
Also, warning: If none of this makes sense, that's because it's my thoughts on the posts. If you have questions, ask me and I'll try to explain more fully.
Eido - anyone with a join date later than 2014 is a nobody to me.

I know this started as a bandwagon but I'm actually happy with a rhand lynch here
Not entirely sure what Swiss is doing here, imo rhand wasn't and still hasn't done anything wolfy
Comfortable with Wiisp / Scarlet / Swiss.

There's not enough info for me yet on the impact made by Swiss across the playerlist. I have ideas, but there's no content from a big chunk of the roster.

Vote: Gellnick

They feel awkwardly positioned on the side of the discussion, like they are struggling to break in to it.
lol thanks, always a pleasure to be voted. I'm still trying to get used to this site, also this is the first time I've played mafia in over a year so I'm still getting back into it. Anyways, let's continue.
@Wam gellnick gellnick @3DSNinja all need to do something
This is getting dumb. I’m not going to keep on repeating forever that I wasn’t bothered by that vote. I just wasn’t.
Tone reading someone who isn’t native to the language off a jokepost and treating that as gospel is bad.
Not listening to the people (Wiisp and Scarlet) that actually know me is equally bad.

Swiss stopped interacting with me when I called him out on the post where he attacked me for (not) doing things he’s also (not) doing. How you all decide he looks better than me in this is beyond me.
I noticed this as well, I'm not sure what I think of Swiss right now. Swiss seems to be flipping from player to player, trying to pressure, but when someone puts pressure on him, Swiss flips to someone else. Not sure how I like it.
#122 exlight dislike

#123 Wiisp dislike

#124 good content but too hands off, get stuck in Eido. You being cautious because you're not a vanilla I assume - but we still need to push.

#133 dislike gellick

#138 I wait with baited breath to finally see someone else's reads. Like Mao

Scarlet Null

#147 good push on Chaco. Scarlet +

#150 dislike Chaco

#158 yes wiisp I think you should claim

#159 dislike chaco -

ignoring wiisps posts

More content please Eido

#177 dislike exlight -

#179 ff dumbtown

#182 like Eido but you don't type enough. Let me get inside that brain of yours.

still ignoring wiisps posts

3DSNinja afk
ExLight --
gellnick -
Scarlet Rage null
Wam afk
Swiss werewolf
Wiisp indy/scum
Rhand -
FrozenFlame +
Chaco -
Whysper afk
Eido - not vanilla town +
Gorf null
Detective Mao - town ++

Would prefer the Exlight wagon but whatever

Vote: Chaco

Wiisp is top of my list to die.
Rhand can still go - only reason I think he may be town is because Wiisp keeps defending him, hoping he'll flip town.
Scarlet should be a (+) but has a brain so keeping them null
Exlight needs to gear up or go down.
Scarlet, disagree with reasoning as to why Chaco is scum but that doesn't matter anyway.

Chaco is a fairly weak willed player so a good few votes on him should reveal all.
Ok, so you're a werewolf? lol
Other than that - Eido's Town for sure, I agree with that. rhand's also def town.
Why did you vote Chaco when wiisp is the top of your kill list? This is a real red flag to me.
Vote: Swiss
Rhand can you be very clear on your read on Chaco.

This is also your chance to temporarily stop your bandwaggon - I strongly advise you vote Chaco.

Exlight will jump on this wagon which is good, so will anyone catching up over the next few hours I'm sure.
Your certainty that Exlight will join makes me think you know something the rest of us don't, werewolf or Mafia?
Just to be clear is there anyone here who is going to step forward and defend Wiisp?
Not right now, but I'll look again.
Reading through at lunch.

10 years on and off. This forum a couple of games. Also I get lynched day 1 a lot...

Weird post for day 1, page 1.

Eh based on page 1 alone.

Vote rhand

At least one of rhand and swiss are scum.

Page 2:

Why? pressure day 1 is a classic tactic.

Idle speculation if rhand is scum post above makes wiisp a potential buddy.

Actually thinking about it I think the above is bad irrespective of rhand"s alignment.

vote wiisp

pick a side rhand scum or town?

Page 3:
Mao and gorf town based on tone. Gorf seems different from the 1 time I have seen scum gorf.

Rest of the catch up later.
I'm inclined to agree that Swiss is scum. Still, somehow this makes Wam seem like they're scum and trying to throw suspicion onto Swiss or Rhand. Just a gut feeling.
Page 4:

How comfy is that fence?

Big fence...

Probably the towniest post I have read so far.

I don't get scarlet rage's chaco case. But I dont see it coming from a scum scarlet perspective.
Yeah, I was sitting on a fence till I reread the entire game again. Am I sitting on a fence now?
Page 5

Chaco response to the case is reasonable.

Eido is town. There is no way novice scum go gellick here.
You'd be surprised, Eido could be pulling exactly what I pulled in my first ever scum game, or something similar. That was fun.
Page 6

Hate the post above. At this point it felt to me like the thread was moving on and this post it's so defensive from someone who cares about surviving not hunting.

Vote rhand

Nope at this point happy with either a rhand or wiisp lynch.
I'm not happy with a rhand elim, rhand is one of the few players I think I can confidently say is Town.
Yeh lol. There must be mafia in those pushes. Even if you’re not town because it’s multiball.
I haven’t felt like LHF in years (if ever). This feels weird.

I’m catching up.
There's guaranteed a mafia pushing someone, the statistics make it impossible for mafia not to be voting and it's highly likely that there's at least one scum pushing someone.
Well if I'm mafia, you are dying tonight if you outlive today's shenanigans, that's a fact lol

But sadly I'm not
WIFOM. My favorite. I'll wait for the next day to come then, this ought to be interesting.
I’m still laying in bed tryina get the courage to sit on the PC and read all this nonsense sigh
I feel your pain.
Continuing on with Swiss he’s just trying to have people kick the goads to get reads. He’s fine for now.
I'd disagree, Swiss does seem somewhat impulsive but I'm thinking it's somewhat AI.
That someone apparently is the bestest player ever ;)
IDK about this
Ps I am now town leaning on swiss.
good to know, Swiss/Wam team?
I'll come online later tonight but my head is here:

Swiss / Wiisp / Scarlet / Mao / Gorf
Frozen / Rhand / Wam / Chaco / ExLight
3DSNinja / Gellnick / Whysper

Not ordered. Comfortable with the top row.
Middle row feels ambiguous. I'm thinking about this row.
Bottom row straight up inactive. Gellnick still stands out to me here.

@Mod: we able to get a votecount?
Yes, votecount would be nice. Side not, it's an honor to stand out. I'll try to be more active lol.
Why comment that about him but not about me considering I did the exact same thing but even worse maybe?
Yeah, I've been wondering about this but I'm still fairly confident eido is town.
get a bit of decency and stop being a ****ing lazy host will you
Yes, please.

Reads list of a sort:
  • Eido
  • Rhand
  • Me (of course)
  • Swiss
  • Wam
Everyone else

Yes, I realize that it's not really indicative of much. Null is either I still haven't been able to get a read or not active.

Also, is Gorf's text always green for anyone else?


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2020
anyone have a wolf!Swiss game for me that I can read?
I kinda want to offset Swiss' overall play vs that one post and vote
its definitely the worst thing in his iso, but currently I do not see his play coming from a wolf

him and wam specifically have both made comments that don't align with their thoughts
that is something I have noticed

gellnick gellnick
explain to me why everyone else is null? what specifically put me and Rhand as town
Mao is being relatively town read by everyone participating in this game, I can't fathom calling them null
They certainly exist, and are making posts
so has Gorf, and Scarlet made a case on Chaco
speaking of Scarlet

S Scarlet Rage
I remember you saying you'd be back later, just a reminder to tell the class why you voted Wam when you can


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2020
Vote: Chaco

Chaco seems content to push both sides of Swiss v Rhand. First he comments Swiss is a legendary scum player. Then he creates an unreasonable burden on Rhand to express a scumread. He wants that fight to keep going.
I'm just going to quote this post since I was ctrl + f'ing chaco
after rereading his posts up to your post, I think you are heavily overstating his play here
he actually gave thoughts on Rhand in regards to why he didn't like a specific post, so I wouldn't consider that at all as, "Wanting to watch the world burn"

anyways, I have no idea how to take this, since I can't really differentiate between possible motivations here
I do not see why you believe what you did like at all


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2020
also don't know how I feel about Gellnick calling Rhand one of his town leans, shrugging off the train on him which feels like a massive discredit, while also not really stating why he believes any of this

Detective Mao

Smash Apprentice
Jan 26, 2021
Good morning. Just came here to do this

Vote: ExLight

Reasons will come when I have time to explain them, as I'm currently in a hurry
I mostly didn't like their catch up -post

I like Wiisp a little bit more now that I'm seeing more analysis, and his actions make more sense now that I'm taking into account style differences
Not enough to put him into townleans, but enough to not make me want to kill him right now
I'd also advise you not to act out
(like a child)
just because people have different playing styles, and instead find compromises as that's an essential quality to have if you want to win. Getting the whole thread caught up in it actively hinders us from doing anything else, so I hope you won't do that again

Why am I still writing I'm im a hurry

Detective Mao

Smash Apprentice
Jan 26, 2021
Okay, I have more time now.

I'd normally rather wait for people to come online, but I believe monologizing is an important skill to have, so I'll... do that, I guess. It's something I need to improve on.

Detective Mao

Smash Apprentice
Jan 26, 2021
Swiss x Rhand seems silly.
Not sure if Swiss would go that hard if he was scum and I don't like the way Rhand is reacting but this feels like a bunch of nonsense to me for now.
ExLight's wallpost didn't really have any hard takes. Again, they're doing a lot of questioning and sideline commentary, but all of it feels like they're trying to look like they are producing content when they're really not. This is the same thing I pointed out earlier. The quoted part pinged me in particular, because it's just... the exact same thing I said? Almost word for word. None of his takes feel original, he's just repeating what others have already said.

I want to also say that not having any takes is really a problem in this game. There are a selected few who are giving out reads and talking, and there are some who stay quiet. It makes it harder to find town AND wolves alike, because who's there to stop them from just letting things play out by themselves? Well, me. Hopefully.
There should be 5 evils in this game, and I find the most active players towny, save for the few I've mentioned. If there are town among the inactives, then you should really speak up and interact with people to make yourself known.

Cant continue when they’ve essentially shut down any content further since. I can’t case something when I say hey that feels grimy and they shut down shop on it and haven’t had content since really. I see it because my alignment is known to me and the push is odd and out of left field, but it’s not visible across the board cause I’m an unknown at this conjecture. As they progress I’ll be on it still, don’t worry.

As far as gamestate overall what do you want me to do? I can try and drag activity out of other slots and just pose questions but I just don’t really have the time for that right now. So I’m kind’ve just tracking what’s going on overall.

There’s some brutal inactivity here that’s crunching my ability to do much tbh. So I don’t really see how you’re saying I’m not doing much when the game
I'm ready to let Chaco be based on this page alone. They're laying out their thought process quite clearly here, and while they also acknowledge the problem of inactivity, they also have their own takes that seem genuine. The way they go on about things seems careful, yet natural, and not like a wolf trying to be cautious. It's essentially nothing more than a toneread, since I haven't directly interacted with them yet, but it's enough for now.
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