Edgeguarding Luigi won't be easy.
Story time:
...This story begins when I had a match against Ike in Arena Ferox. We were down to our last stock, but I was in the lead. We were brawling when he got a hit on me and flung me far, thankfully, not into the blast zone.
I reflexively charged my Green Missile, readying myself incase he tried to go out and attack me. But much to my surprise, he
didn't. He just stood at the edge, holding his sword above his head. I raised an eyebrow, but I shrugged it off and Missile'd away.
And again, even when I'm vunerable on my Missile, he still didn't attacked me. I was wondering what he'd do, but I wasn't able to think long, I quickly used my Luigi Cyclone and spun as fast as I could, and I rose.
But just when I made it to belowledge, where I mistakenly think I was safe, I heard a VERY loud roar and a BIG explosion. My body suddenly felt a massive amount of pain, burnt pain, and I was sent upwards REALLY fast. The pain was too much to handle, and I was knocked out cold. Then I heard, 'GAME!'.
Before anyone can tend my teleported body, I could barely hear, "AND THE WINNER IS..." "I fight for my friends" "IKE!". And then when I felt hands touching me, I fainted on the spot.
I shakily opened my eyes. I realized I was in medical room, and I still felt burnt pain coursing through my body. "Wha-", I said, as I tried to sit, but I winced.
"So you're finally awake", I heard a voice called. It was my brother, Dr. Mario.
"Bro... Where am I?", I asked as I looked at my surroundings. Rosalina smiled at me while Dr. Mario stood beside the bed. I can see Ike whistling on the corner, trying to ignore my presence.
"Medical room", Dr. Mario said.
"What happened to me? Did... I lose?", I inquired again.
"Unfortunately, yes", he replied. "As for what happened to you...".
"What? What happened?", I asked once more.
Dr. Mario silenced, before saying...
"...You got hit by a fully charged Eruption".
Pretty sure you guys can see what I meant

. (Though, the fanfic thing was pretty unneccesary... But IDC!).
And yes, this DID happened to me.
And yes, it sucks.
And yes, it gotta be hurt for our green plumber.