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Lucina Thread [Closing]

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Great King of Evil
Feb 18, 2013
The Valley
What? She shoots a gaint laser out of her eye?
What? Lucina confirmed to have done the fusion dance with Falco in order to shoot lasers? That would explain why some people are doubting his return to Smash. Makes all the sense in the world now :troll:


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Lucina is going to be the fastest FE rep since Marth's speed got nerf'd. :)
Could be interesting to see the combination of a disjointed hitbox and the ground speed of Little Mac or Falcon.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
That sounds broken.
Never. That is not enough to decide if a character is broken or not.

Do they have fast attacks?
Do they have good recovery?
What is their weight?
How high can they jump? How fast do they fall?

Captain Falcon was the fastest character on the ground for two games, but he has always been balanced by having primarily slow attacks. Similarly, having a disjointed hitbox, a sword, does not instantly make a Marth out of a fighter. Link's Master Sword is reasonably long, for example, but he has a stiff standing stance that does not afford much reach. When I designed my Lucina moveset, I deliberately gave her primarily horizontal slices, affording only a narrow and precise hitbox. :)


Great King of Evil
Feb 18, 2013
The Valley
I see. Also, where the custom moveset you made?
I DELIVER! Moveset below.

My concept of Lucina is a character all about mobility, mix-ups, and combos. As a woman from a post apocalyptic future, there is little elegance in her scrappy style of combat, but she still has some finesse none-the-less. Lucina is a fighter with average run speed, above average weight, a high initial jump and a poor double jump. Lucina is a fast-faller.

Before we begin, I should note Lucina has a special feature: "Exalted Right" is a passive quality unique to this fighter. Every successful strike to an enemy empowers her sword, gaining the trademark blue glow. At maximum power, her portrait is bordered with blue flame. While at full power, Lucina gains a small but noticeable increase to both movement and attack speed. Receiving damage or inactivity causes Exalted Right to fade.


Lucina draws a javelin in her other hand, which functions as a unique weapon item and is aesthetically similar of that seen in Awakening. Pressing B again while it's in hand throws the javelin, and you can hold B for extra power/distance. You can also throw it with Z just like any other weapon item, and while it's not as strong this way (just flips around in the air like any other thrown weapon), can be thrown in all directions. Her jab prods the lance, forward tilt brandishes it across, and forward smash results in a strong thrust with so much impact that it shatters the javelin.

If other fighters pick it up, they just swing it around like any other weapon, nowhere near as effective. Lucina can only have three javelins on screen at a given time.

This move causes Lucina to sheathe her sword and dash forward similar to Fox Illusion, but leaving a blue trail. What happens next is where this differs vastly.

Press A at the start will transist the move into a sliding kick. This stops Lucina on impact, pops the enemy upwards, and has little lag on hit.

Press B at the start to expend the Exalted Right effect and cut enemies on her path. Those caught en route don't take much damage, but enemies at the end suffer a blow of immense strength. If Exalted Right is at full power, this attack has vertical launch power akin to other lethal moves, like Luigi's Fire Jump Punch or Jigglypuff's Rest.

Lastly, you can press R to fake out, creating a blue trail but Lucina merely reappears at her point of origin.

Should no action be taken, Lucina will merely pass through enemies. This doesn't have much delay, but the blue trail sticks to Lucina for few seconds, and Rout cannot be used again until it's gone.

The trademark Counter mechanic breathes the spirit of Fire Emblem into Smash Bros! But this one is different. Countering while a Javelin is in hand will cause Lucina to throw it at full charge and at immense speed. If she is empty-handed, she instead tries to grab the attacker, with bonus reach compared to her normal grab.

Exalted Aether
Lucina turns as she throws her sword laterally into the air, and back-flips into the air to catch it, much like in the cutscene. This does not hit enemies immediately in-front of Lucina, like Ike's Aether does, has much more horizontal distance than vertical, and Lucina does not naturally come down with an attack. Instead, at any point after Lucina has caught her sword, you can press B to come down with a sword plant to catch her foes off-guard.


A corkscrew 360° swish of the sword that combos into itself rather well.
:GCA::GCR: (forward)
Readies her sword before delivering a horizontal cut. A bit of wind-up, but a lot of power.
A backward kick followed by a followup horizontal sword slice.
Sheathes her sword and faces downwards before delivering a fast and deadly arcing slash below for a meteor smash.
Swishes her sword above before slashing in an arc. Multi-hit attack that lacks launch power, but has decent damage.


Delivers rapid horizontal slashes. Like other jab attacks, it automatically leads to an ender. In Lucina's case, it ends with a shoulder check.
:GCA::GCR: (tilt)
Diagonal downward cut followed by an upward slash in quick succession.
Hand planted on the ground, she delivers a low horizontal cut with good reach.
Two quick arcing slashes above.
Leans back before stepping forward and delivering a fierce thrust. Has immense reach.
Does a fierce spin slash. It's not ideal for hitting low or rolling foes that are small in size.
:GCA::GCU: (smash)
Does a short-ranged two-handed sword thrust, turns away from her sword and swings in an arc above, like this. The initial thrust sets them up for the upwards cut.
:GCA: (dash)
Vanishes and re-emerges a short distance ahead, cutting down those in her way.


Hooks her foes with the hilt of her sword.
Kicks them away and follows it up with a slash
Grabs them by the arm, spins them around once before letting loose.
Stomps the enemy into the ground, leaps into the air off-screen before coming down on them with her sword as they try to stand up. The best throw for damage.
Holds them up-high and delivers a sword thrust to send them upwards. Good for vertical kills.

No taunts, victory poses or Final Smash because they are simple enough to figure out! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
^ :4greninja:

I've come up with a number movesets for both Chrom and Lucina at this point. So much untapped potential. *~*


Great King of Evil
Feb 18, 2013
The Valley
I'm just excited to see how the newcomer (whoever we get - pretty certain at this point that we're getting one) turns out. They've impressed me so far with these batch of newcomers. As many people have complained about the newcomer selections, I've noticed that many have warmed up to a lot of them based on their design/moveset. There's a lot that could be done, so the whole "Clone of Marth/Roy" moveset argument should really just go away. My body is ready.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I'm just excited to see how the newcomer (whoever we get - pretty certain at this point that we're getting one) turns out. They've impressed me so far with these batch of newcomers. As many people have complained about the newcomer selections, I've noticed that many have warmed up to a lot of them based on their design/moveset. There's a lot that could be done, so the whole "Clone of Marth/Roy" moveset argument should really just go away. My body is ready.
I just like how they've been willing to break the rules and shake things up.

My idea for the javelin came from that. We have character-summoned items like Peach's turnips, Link's bombs, and Pac-Man's fruits that you can summon and throw... but not any weapon-class items, unless you get lucky and pull out a beam sword with Peach. Also works out nicely since I know people also wanted to see lances represented in some way. Could even have a non-throwable lance with more reach as custom special move.

Only scratching the surface with the number of things we could have that have never been done before.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Hints of Lucina
1. Amiibo icon

2. Lucina's boss map

3. Nerf'd Marth

Hints of Chrom
1. Inaccurate 2nd round leak from Gematsu
2. ????
3. ????


& honestly I can see Lucina & Marth pulling a Link & Toon Link situation. Marth & Masked Marth. :040:
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Jocario Zero

Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2014
Switch FC
Cyborg-Lucina.....The hell happend here while i was gone......ಠ__ಠ (would main that btw)

Robertman2 i demand to see that document!!


Great King of Evil
Feb 18, 2013
The Valley
In the morning. I'm too lazy to get out of bed.
Also, where do you guys find those wonderful pictures of yours?
Sounds good.
And I'll give you the Timmy Turner answer by saying "Uhh...Internet!" in response to your question :troll:

But really, Google Images has all. Though I do find some gems posted elsewhere and make sure to preserve their glory in case I ever feel the need to share them with others at a later time.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
You know, an idea just popped in mine head: If Lucina is an alternate skin for Chrom or a separate character, it would be cool if Lucina was like Vega/Balrog from the Street Fighter series, in that she starts the match with her mask on, but after she takes enough hits her mask will fall off--and, if the player wishes, they can start the match with her mask off. That, in mine opinion, would be a great reference to the Fire Emblem: Awakening cutscene in which Lucina's mask is broken by a faceless assassin.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Other than the "accurate" 2nd leak, what other arguments put Chrom over Lucina?


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Just to bring up the amiibo thing again.

I find it all immensely silly.

Let me ask you this: Would you seriously expect Smash Bros to not at all refer to Lucina in some way? A lead protagonist from the best selling entry in her franchise? Do you truly believe they are giving away sacred information, and that no one would dare guess there would be at least a trophy? It would be logical for them to assume people expect her to show up in the game in some form, especially after showing off Arena Ferox.

Especially since the images use art from so many different sources, not specifically Smash Bros.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Just to bring up the amiibo thing again.

I find it all immensely silly.

Let me ask you this: Would you seriously expect Smash Bros to not at all refer to Lucina in some way? A lead protagonist from the best selling entry in her franchise? Do you truly believe they are giving away sacred information, and that no one would dare guess there would be at least a trophy? It would be logical for them to assume people expect her to show up in the game in some form, especially after showing off Arena Ferox.

Especially since the images use art from so many different sources, not specifically Smash Bros.
This. I haven't had time to explain this, but the amiibo teaser pic also features art from Metroid Prime 3 and Twilight Princess, two games I don't think are (directly) involved with Smash Bros.

Plus, obviously the picture isn't entirely related to Smash Bros. anyway.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Smash Bros doesn't really care about spoilers. Sheik was a rather huge OoT spoiler back in the day, and Brawl spoiled almost every suprise in Mother 3 including Porky and Masked Man's identity.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Just to bring up the amiibo thing again.

I find it all immensely silly.

Let me ask you this: Would you seriously expect Smash Bros to not at all refer to Lucina in some way? A lead protagonist from the best selling entry in her franchise? Do you truly believe they are giving away sacred information, and that no one would dare guess there would be at least a trophy? It would be logical for them to assume people expect her to show up in the game in some form, especially after showing off Arena Ferox.

Especially since the images use art from so many different sources, not specifically Smash Bros.
^Exactly, the biggest thing the Amiibo thing proves is that Lucina will be in SSB4 somehow. This doesn't 100% prove that she will be a playable character but she WILL be present in SSB4.

& Arena Ferox is Lucina's map, correct. She's literally the boss of the map. :124:

Where's Chrom's amiibo icon? oops. :039:


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
OK, let's just say her icon is to represent Awakening or an amiibo for SMTxFE. She's still chosen over Chrom because IS favors her. :040:
That, I agree with, to an extent.

I don't know if it will get her into Smash Bros. over Chrom, but the devs of Awakening definitely favor her over everyone else.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014


promo images

packaging & contents


dlc story

up next: ssb4 :039:


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Also, for reference, here's the amiibo preview...

It hasn't mentioned SSB4 yet, and there's no SSB4 art here, either. Admittedly, seeing "Marth"'s art here did get me a little curious, but I know not to set myself up for disappointment (except for E3, but that's hardly my fault)


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Some of the amiibos may not have any specific interactions with a game.

For example, that picture of Fire? Game & Watch games are so low-tech that they could store it onto an amiibo, and the Wii U Gamepad's RAM alone is more than enough to allow you to play the game right there and then. They could sell a series of Game & Watch of amiibos, each one capturing a classic 80s portable gaming experience.

For a Lucina amiibo, while it could have interaction with Smash Bros or SMTxFE, for all we know it merely plays an animation like the one seen when you complete the Fire Emblem: Awakening Puzzle Swap. Or they could even store a NES-esque recreation of Fire Emblem: Awakening, chapter 4, where you and a friend get to take turns controlling a limited set of units, fighting for the khans of east and west.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Also, I found this PSA of Lucina for Brawl that looks really awesome and I would love the real deal (if) to be similar

It makes me want her even MORE. That Chrom PSA though is not so great.

Lucina would be a better pick for those cuffs alone.
I know, right? They are awesome! If I knew how to make clothes, I would put those cuffs on everything.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Rate their chances for Robin & Lucina is tomorrow.

Bring it on.

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