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Lucina Thread [Closing]

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Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
That one's lovely, too! Also, wow, I think that's the first time I've seen art for a Chrom/Sully playthrough (notice Kjelle).

I think either would be a perfect fit. The one I posted is more Morgan-centric, but the other one also features Lucina unlike the first set. I just have a soft spot for that third pic because the effect of the Morgans wearing the Tactician robes over their Sorcerer/Wyvern Lord clothing is neat.
i just updated my fanfic to use the third pic you linked as the cover art.

Also, out of curiosity, up to which chapter did you read yesterday?

Hunter Nightblood

Smash Apprentice
Sep 23, 2014


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
i just updated my fanfic to use the third pic you linked as the cover art.

Also, out of curiosity, up to which chapter did you read yesterday?
All of them so far.
I think it's all of them. The last one ended with Morgan getting upset and fleeing the tent after she found out where she came from.

I'm enjoying it still, though I kind of knew the twist with Morgan because of the entire premise of the fic. I'm curious to see how Marc ties into it more, though.

And speaking of your fic, I actually read a couple of the conversations for the Hot Spring Scramble for characters I haven't gotten the chance to do it with yet, and I can safely say I prescribe to the theory of Morgan being from TFP. All the hints point to it. I'm a bit bummed M!Morgan doesn't get any moment like that (especially with Cynthia, since mine S-Supported with her), but I think it's safe to assume he's in the same boat.

EDIT: As in online. I haven't read Robin/Lucina yet for when they're married so I can discover it myself soon hopefully.
Last edited:

Unkown Hero

Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2014
Omg, do I change the cover art of my story to be the third one? Since its so perfect!

Edit: Also, besides hair colors on some of the other characters, this also works so damn perfectly for my fanfic.

But again, should I use the third picture Gracidea linked as the cover art from my story? What do you guys think?
:urg:. No, poor Morgans, I can't look, they're breaking my heart.


Criminal among Criminals
Oct 15, 2014
San Antonio, Texas.
Double post, ignore this.
You cant ignore that. There's no way.
On subject here (at least whatever sort of 'on subject' term means to this thread), i'm surprised to say that my FE:A DLC is completely gone.

More on subject here; There's a distinctive lack of Lucina fighters in For Glory 1v1's. I'm disappointing. Its hard to learn how to counter an enemy if you cant fight them.

Unkown Hero

Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2014
You cant ignore that. There's no way.
On subject here (at least whatever sort of 'on subject' term means to this thread), i'm surprised to say that my FE:A DLC is completely gone.

More on subject here; There's a distinctive lack of Lucina fighters in For Glory 1v1's. I'm disappointing. Its hard to learn how to counter an enemy if you cant fight them.
Yes you can, you do it like this....

Anyway, I not sure why there aren't many Lucina players since I can't play For Glory, thou I'm curious, who is the most common character you have encountered (please not little mac). Also, since this is a social thread, there really is no such thing as a 'on subject' topic, trust me, I learnt that the hard way.


Criminal among Criminals
Oct 15, 2014
San Antonio, Texas.
Yes you can, you do it like this....

Anyway, I not sure why there aren't many Lucina players since I can't play For Glory, thou I'm curious, who is the most common character you have encountered (please not little mac). Also, since this is a social thread, there really is no such thing as a 'on subject' topic, trust me, I learnt that the hard way.
Most seen? Hm.. Hard question really.


There's no such thing as a nornal person
Feb 28, 2011
i'm surprised to say that my FE:A DLC is completely gone.
Do you have an issue with your SD card or something?
I have found out that you can use a different SD card and you can re-download the DLC for free, so long as you have a physical copy of the game. I just re-downloaded my DLC tonight and have been grinding to make up for lost time.


Criminal among Criminals
Oct 15, 2014
San Antonio, Texas.
Do you have an issue with your SD card or something?
I have found out that you can use a different SD card and you can re-download the DLC for free, so long as you have a physical copy of the game. I just re-downloaded my DLC tonight and have been grinding to make up for lost time.
I recently got a new 3ds + card, I'll try my many SD cards and see if it works.


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
I'm almost done with the sleep talking one shot. Have an advance.

Robin-Lucina one-shot

It was nightfall. The area was quite silent, with only nature making any sort of noise to be heard. At this hour, every Shepherd had turned in for the next day.

Everyone but Robin.

Before turning in, Robin enjoyed a leisurely stroll around camp, watching everyone sleep and generally thinking about strategies for the next day or revising old ones. That is, of course, until he reached one certain tent.


Robin would always linger around her tent longer than the others. He always wondered why. They did fight side by side a lot, but not enough to like each other...at least not yet. That night, Robin stood around Lucina's tent a little longer.

“I've always wondered what keeps me here." He thought.

He was snapped out of his thought by a small voice.


Robin almost jumped at the sound. Someone had called him. But who? Looking around revealed nobody, at least to the naked eye, and it came from awfully close too. He was almost ready to panic, until the voice was heard again.

“...hold me..."

He found that the source of the speech came from Lucina's tent. But how? He knew full well that she had turned in early, so that scenario was out of the question. Casting aside his nervous feelings, he made sure nobody was around as he quietly peeked inside Lucina's tent.

Sure enough, she was sleeping soundly, but at the same time muttering a mix of unintelligible gibberish and coherent speech. The question there was how and why.

"Lucina? Are you ok?” Whispered Robin, trying to confirm a thought in his head.

Lucina lay motionless at the question. Robin was beginning to doubt his theory, but afterwards, she made a small, out of context, but coherent reply:


It clicked to Robin: she was sleep talking.

“Never thought that happened to her. Still, finding out why is the more important priority.” He thought to himself.

Seeing Lucina fidget in her bed a little, he whispered: “I'll come back in the morning." With that, he removed himself from the tent and quietly went back to his, unknowingly leaving Lucina with a smile on her face.

The next day, after a few encounters with Risen, Robin sat in his tent, thinking about last night. Was she really asleep during all that? Did she actually love him? These were questions he wanted the answers to, but couldn't get. His thoughts were interrupted, however, by a visitor:

“Robin? It's Chrom. Can we talk?" said Chrom outside the tent.

Robin's face instantly turned nervous. If Chrom knew about his questioning over his daughter, while asleep no less, he might be furious. Regardless, Robin tried to keep cool as he stood up and exited his tent to greet the Shepherd leader.

“Hello, Chrom. What can I do for you?" said Robin.

Chrom looked upon him with curiosity as he begun to speak.

"You've been acting...odd, to say the least, Robin. Mainly around Lucina, I've noticed. Is there something you want to tell me?" He asked.

Robin's face remained unchanged, but his mind was paralyzed at the thought of a possible scolding from Chrom. He wanted to be on good terms with Lucina's father, so he quickly thought of a believable lie.

“I've...grown to realize, Chrom, that with the more future children we recruit, the more important it is that we protect the one who led them here. I wouldn't want to see their morale drop because something happened to Lucina. That's why I've been more wary around her. Well, and that she's your only child." He explained.

Chrom put on a smile as he thought of Robin's response.

"That's fine, Robin. Here I was beginning to think that it was for some other reason."

Robin began to blush lightly at his comment. He knew full well that Chrom was on to something. “Um...yeah, sure! I wouldn't want anything else than to keep all of us alive!” He said, nervously walking away.

Chrom stared at the walking tactician with pure confusion. "Was it something I said?" He thought to himself. Brushing it off, he went off to do some work.

Later that evening, Robin had turned in early, exhausted from planning. This time he had no intention of taking a stroll through the night and preferred to rest up. It was a good thing, too, because someone else had taken that initiative: Lucina herself.

Walking towards Robin's tent, she meant to thank him for the single flower he gave her after the last Risen encounter, but never found the time to do so. Now that everyone else was asleep, she could tell Robin in secret.

“Okay...just a thanks and I'm gone. Nothing more.” She thought to herself. She approached Robin's tent, only to find that there weren't any lights on. “Darn! I've missed my chance...now I'll have to wait another day.” She said to herself. Her annoyance was interrupted with a small voice:


Like Robin before her, she very nearly jumped at her name being called from a close distance. Quickly scanning the area, she saw no one else around, so the only source was Robin's tent. But why call to her in his sleep? Regardless of the answer, she peeked inside. Sure enough, Robin was sleeping like an angel, just with occasional sleep talking.

"Robin?" She whispered. No response. At least for five seconds. "Stay...with...me..." Said a sleeping Robin. Lucina's expression went from curious to blushing as she heard those words. Was he in love with her? No, surely just a coincidence. But there was an easy way to find out.
“Robin...do you like someone?” whispered Lucina to the sleeping Robin.

She waited.

“That...is a secret...” Answered Robin between snores. Lucina's face lit up quite a bit, what with possibly having discovered his hidden little detail and all.

“I'll be back sometime, Robin. Sweet dreams.” Said Lucina, departing from his tent.

Lucina walked away with mixed emotions. On one hand, she was curious to know who Robin was attracted to, while being anxious for the same reason. Maybe doing it one more time wouldn't hurt anybody.

Chrom was uneasy the following day. He was already suspecting Robin of something judging by his reaction to mentioning Lucina that other day, but now that Lucina was behaving just as awkwardly around Robin, he knew that they were onto something. Clearly there was a deeper subject at hand, and he wanted the truth.

Chrom walked around the camp at sunset, thinking of how to get the information he wanted. Robin would be pretty nervous if Chrom approached him personally, so he needed a spy. Someone inconspicuous.

He knew exactly who.

Lucina felt uneasy the following night. All but three people were accounted for, but to her knowledge, Chrom had taken them on reconnaissance duty before turning in. The uneasiness from that fact aside, she got more nervous when he stood in front of Robin's tent. She knew he was asleep, but didn't want to get caught red handed. Taking a deep breath, she entered the tent.

Robin was sleeping peacefully, not muttering this time around. Relieved, Lucina sat down on the ground next to Robin, began to whisper.

"Robin? I'm here", she said. After a few seconds, Robin began twitching slightly. "Lucina..." he muttered.

Lucina's face lit up like the other night. Robin was hers for the asking.
"Robin, who do you like? You can tell me.” She whispered.

The question made Robin fall completely still. Who knew what...or whom, he was dreaming about to suddenly stop cold at such a question.
“Still...a secret." he said. Such a vague answer did nothing to reduce Lucina's warm smile.
“Some other time, then. See you around, Robin.” she whispered.

Lucina got up and began turning around to leave, only to be stopped by a plea.
“Don't...go...” said a sleeping Robin. “Please...”
She stopped. Turning around, she saw Robin trembling with a sad expression that almost looked ready to cry.

Lucina felt a bit guilty. Seeing Robin sad because of her was bad enough, but she couldn't leave him there, possibly in a bad dream, either. Surely there was something she could do.

Her heart raced as she thought of a way to calm him down. Bringing herself close to him, she leaned forward and lightly kissed his cheek, praying to Naga that it wouldn't wake him. Thankfully, it stopped his trembling, putting a smile on his face, and it didn't break his sleep. Now at ease, Lucina quietly stepped out of the tent and let out a sigh of relief.

Heading back to her tent, Lucina wondered if Robin had possibly awoken after her little stunt at his tent. Even if he did, there wasn't much of a chance that he'd find out it was her. Brushing the thought aside, she arrived at her tent and prepared to finally get some shut-eye.

"Lucina? Why up so late?" asked a voice.

Lucina jumped at the voice and turned to see...Nah, of all people.

"N-Nah?! Were you following me?!" asked Lucina in an exasperated yet low voice.

Nah looked at her in confusion. "Actually, the answer is yes and no. It's no because I wasn't originally following you, since I just came back from praying, but the answer became yes when I saw you coming from Robin's tent." she explained.

Lucina was forced into a mental corner. There was a witness to her actions now, which could spell disaster if rumors spread.

“So what were you doing there, anyway?” asked Nah. "It's not like you to sneak into tents at night, much less Robin's. That's something Tharja would do."

Lucina was left speechless at the fact that she probably knew everything.

"Just watching over my father's most trusted ally, Nah. Nothing special.” said Lucina, trying to mislead her.

Nah didn't look convinced.

"Doesn't exactly explain the blush you had when you left."

Lucina was left embarrassed. Not just because she was being found out, but because a child was doing it. And with little trouble, to boot.

“You know everything, don't you, Nah?" asked Lucina.

"Everything about what?"

"Everything that's been going on these past few nights, Nah."

Nah just looked upon with curiosity.

"If something's been going on these past few nights, Lucina, then I'm out of the loop. I've only seen you this once. What has you worried?"

Lucina looked around nervously, seeing if anyone besides Nah was watching them. Didn't look like it.

“Ok, Nah...I think Robin likes me. These past few nights he's been sleep talking, both times about me. My presence only seems to make him happier, too. I don’t know how to share my feelings to him." explained Lucina.

Nah looked at her in surprise. "Lucina...you and Robin? That would be perfect! And really, if you've been the one all this time, let him have a go at you next night. Maybe surprise him."

Lucina blushed harder. “But what would Chrom think? I don't think he even knows!”

“Lucina, it's your father. He'll find out sooner or later. For all you know, he's found out and will tell you tomorrow. Just make a move on Robin already!" said Nah.

Lucina felt much more relaxed. Some weight was taken off her when she admitted this to someone not called Robin or Chrom.

"Nah...thank you. I...should be getting some rest."

"Oh, don't thank me, Lucina. I had the same thing with Gerome."

With that, Lucina retreated into her tent, laid in bed and tried to fall asleep. The thoughts of Robin liking her were quite comforting and relaxing, but at the same time nerve-wracking since she could just as easily be wrong. Eventually, she closed her eyes.

Elsewhere, Chrom sat in his tent, waiting on his little spy. He just wanted the truth, be it good or bad. Suddenly, a voice outside made a plea:

“Chrom, I'm back. Permission to enter?"

Chrom's face lit up. "Granted."

The Shepherd entered the tent, ready to report to Chrom about his findings.

"Well? What did you find?” asked Chrom.

“Lucina...seems to like Robin, my lord. Judging from that conversation with Nah she had, Robin shares the same feelings, apparently.”

Chrom's face changed to a surprised expression. His daughter with his tactician?

“I see...I trust you weren't spotted?” asked Chrom.

“That's my specialty."

“Alright, go get some rest. Thanks for the help...Kellam."

Kellam turned and left the tent, relieved of duty, leaving Chrom pondering once he got in bed.

“Tomorrow I'll talk this over with her." he thought to himself.


Apr 9, 2014
I'm almost done with the sleep talking one shot. Have an advance.

Robin-Lucina one-shot

It was nightfall. The area was quite silent, with only nature making any sort of noise to be heard. At this hour, every Shepherd had turned in for the next day.

Everyone but Robin.

Before turning in, Robin enjoyed a leisurely stroll around camp, watching everyone sleep and generally thinking about strategies for the next day or revising old ones. That is, of course, until he reached one certain tent.


Robin would always linger around her tent longer than the others. He always wondered why. They did fight side by side a lot, but not enough to like each other...at least not yet. That night, Robin stood around Lucina's tent a little longer.

“I've always wondered what keeps me here." He thought.

He was snapped out of his thought by a small voice.


Robin almost jumped at the sound. Someone had called him. But who? Looking around revealed nobody, at least to the naked eye, and it came from awfully close too. He was almost ready to panic, until the voice was heard again.

“...hold me..."

He found that the source of the speech came from Lucina's tent. But how? He knew full well that she had turned in early, so that scenario was out of the question. Casting aside his nervous feelings, he made sure nobody was around as he quietly peeked inside Lucina's tent.

Sure enough, she was sleeping soundly, but at the same time muttering a mix of unintelligible gibberish and coherent speech. The question there was how and why.

"Lucina? Are you ok?” Whispered Robin, trying to confirm a thought in his head.

Lucina lay motionless at the question. Robin was beginning to doubt his theory, but afterwards, she made a small, out of context, but coherent reply:


It clicked to Robin: she was sleep talking.

“Never thought that happened to her. Still, finding out why is the more important priority.” He thought to himself.

Seeing Lucina fidget in her bed a little, he whispered: “I'll come back in the morning." With that, he removed himself from the tent and quietly went back to his, unknowingly leaving Lucina with a smile on her face.

The next day, after a few encounters with Risen, Robin sat in his tent, thinking about last night. Was she really asleep during all that? Did she actually love him? These were questions he wanted the answers to, but couldn't get. His thoughts were interrupted, however, by a visitor:

“Robin? It's Chrom. Can we talk?" said Chrom outside the tent.

Robin's face instantly turned nervous. If Chrom knew about his questioning over his daughter, while asleep no less, he might be furious. Regardless, Robin tried to keep cool as he stood up and exited his tent to greet the Shepherd leader.

“Hello, Chrom. What can I do for you?" said Robin.

Chrom looked upon him with curiosity as he begun to speak.

"You've been acting...odd, to say the least, Robin. Mainly around Lucina, I've noticed. Is there something you want to tell me?" He asked.

Robin's face remained unchanged, but his mind was paralyzed at the thought of a possible scolding from Chrom. He wanted to be on good terms with Lucina's father, so he quickly thought of a believable lie.

“I've...grown to realize, Chrom, that with the more future children we recruit, the more important it is that we protect the one who led them here. I wouldn't want to see their morale drop because something happened to Lucina. That's why I've been more wary around her. Well, and that she's your only child." He explained.

Chrom put on a smile as he thought of Robin's response.

"That's fine, Robin. Here I was beginning to think that it was for some other reason."

Robin began to blush lightly at his comment. He knew full well that Chrom was on to something. “Um...yeah, sure! I wouldn't want anything else than to keep all of us alive!” He said, nervously walking away.

Chrom stared at the walking tactician with pure confusion. "Was it something I said?" He thought to himself. Brushing it off, he went off to do some work.

Later that evening, Robin had turned in early, exhausted from planning. This time he had no intention of taking a stroll through the night and preferred to rest up. It was a good thing, too, because someone else had taken that initiative: Lucina herself.

Walking towards Robin's tent, she meant to thank him for the single flower he gave her after the last Risen encounter, but never found the time to do so. Now that everyone else was asleep, she could tell Robin in secret.

“Okay...just a thanks and I'm gone. Nothing more.” She thought to herself. She approached Robin's tent, only to find that there weren't any lights on. “Darn! I've missed my chance...now I'll have to wait another day.” She said to herself. Her annoyance was interrupted with a small voice:


Like Robin before her, she very nearly jumped at her name being called from a close distance. Quickly scanning the area, she saw no one else around, so the only source was Robin's tent. But why call to her in his sleep? Regardless of the answer, she peeked inside. Sure enough, Robin was sleeping like an angel, just with occasional sleep talking.

"Robin?" She whispered. No response. At least for five seconds. "Stay...with...me..." Said a sleeping Robin. Lucina's expression went from curious to blushing as she heard those words. Was he in love with her? No, surely just a coincidence. But there was an easy way to find out.
“Robin...do you like someone?” whispered Lucina to the sleeping Robin.

She waited.

“That...is a secret...” Answered Robin between snores. Lucina's face lit up quite a bit, what with possibly having discovered his hidden little detail and all.

“I'll be back sometime, Robin. Sweet dreams.” Said Lucina, departing from his tent.

Lucina walked away with mixed emotions. On one hand, she was curious to know who Robin was attracted to, while being anxious for the same reason. Maybe doing it one more time wouldn't hurt anybody.

Chrom was uneasy the following day. He was already suspecting Robin of something judging by his reaction to mentioning Lucina that other day, but now that Lucina was behaving just as awkwardly around Robin, he knew that they were onto something. Clearly there was a deeper subject at hand, and he wanted the truth.

Chrom walked around the camp at sunset, thinking of how to get the information he wanted. Robin would be pretty nervous if Chrom approached him personally, so he needed a spy. Someone inconspicuous.

He knew exactly who.

Lucina felt uneasy the following night. All but three people were accounted for, but to her knowledge, Chrom had taken them on reconnaissance duty before turning in. The uneasiness from that fact aside, she got more nervous when he stood in front of Robin's tent. She knew he was asleep, but didn't want to get caught red handed. Taking a deep breath, she entered the tent.

Robin was sleeping peacefully, not muttering this time around. Relieved, Lucina sat down on the ground next to Robin, began to whisper.

"Robin? I'm here", she said. After a few seconds, Robin began twitching slightly. "Lucina..." he muttered.

Lucina's face lit up like the other night. Robin was hers for the asking.
"Robin, who do you like? You can tell me.” She whispered.

The question made Robin fall completely still. Who knew what...or whom, he was dreaming about to suddenly stop cold at such a question.
“Still...a secret." he said. Such a vague answer did nothing to reduce Lucina's warm smile.
“Some other time, then. See you around, Robin.” she whispered.

Lucina got up and began turning around to leave, only to be stopped by a plea.
“Don't...go...” said a sleeping Robin. “Please...”
She stopped. Turning around, she saw Robin trembling with a sad expression that almost looked ready to cry.

Lucina felt a bit guilty. Seeing Robin sad because of her was bad enough, but she couldn't leave him there, possibly in a bad dream, either. Surely there was something she could do.

Her heart raced as she thought of a way to calm him down. Bringing herself close to him, she leaned forward and lightly kissed his cheek, praying to Naga that it wouldn't wake him. Thankfully, it stopped his trembling, putting a smile on his face, and it didn't break his sleep. Now at ease, Lucina quietly stepped out of the tent and let out a sigh of relief.

Heading back to her tent, Lucina wondered if Robin had possibly awoken after her little stunt at his tent. Even if he did, there wasn't much of a chance that he'd find out it was her. Brushing the thought aside, she arrived at her tent and prepared to finally get some shut-eye.

"Lucina? Why up so late?" asked a voice.

Lucina jumped at the voice and turned to see...Nah, of all people.

"N-Nah?! Were you following me?!" asked Lucina in an exasperated yet low voice.

Nah looked at her in confusion. "Actually, the answer is yes and no. It's no because I wasn't originally following you, since I just came back from praying, but the answer became yes when I saw you coming from Robin's tent." she explained.

Lucina was forced into a mental corner. There was a witness to her actions now, which could spell disaster if rumors spread.

“So what were you doing there, anyway?” asked Nah. "It's not like you to sneak into tents at night, much less Robin's. That's something Tharja would do."

Lucina was left speechless at the fact that she probably knew everything.

"Just watching over my father's most trusted ally, Nah. Nothing special.” said Lucina, trying to mislead her.

Nah didn't look convinced.

"Doesn't exactly explain the blush you had when you left."

Lucina was left embarrassed. Not just because she was being found out, but because a child was doing it. And with little trouble, to boot.

“You know everything, don't you, Nah?" asked Lucina.

"Everything about what?"

"Everything that's been going on these past few nights, Nah."

Nah just looked upon with curiosity.

"If something's been going on these past few nights, Lucina, then I'm out of the loop. I've only seen you this once. What has you worried?"

Lucina looked around nervously, seeing if anyone besides Nah was watching them. Didn't look like it.

“Ok, Nah...I think Robin likes me. These past few nights he's been sleep talking, both times about me. My presence only seems to make him happier, too. I don’t know how to share my feelings to him." explained Lucina.

Nah looked at her in surprise. "Lucina...you and Robin? That would be perfect! And really, if you've been the one all this time, let him have a go at you next night. Maybe surprise him."

Lucina blushed harder. “But what would Chrom think? I don't think he even knows!”

“Lucina, it's your father. He'll find out sooner or later. For all you know, he's found out and will tell you tomorrow. Just make a move on Robin already!" said Nah.

Lucina felt much more relaxed. Some weight was taken off her when she admitted this to someone not called Robin or Chrom.

"Nah...thank you. I...should be getting some rest."

"Oh, don't thank me, Lucina. I had the same thing with Gerome."

With that, Lucina retreated into her tent, laid in bed and tried to fall asleep. The thoughts of Robin liking her were quite comforting and relaxing, but at the same time nerve-wracking since she could just as easily be wrong. Eventually, she closed her eyes.

Elsewhere, Chrom sat in his tent, waiting on his little spy. He just wanted the truth, be it good or bad. Suddenly, a voice outside made a plea:

“Chrom, I'm back. Permission to enter?"

Chrom's face lit up. "Granted."

The Shepherd entered the tent, ready to report to Chrom about his findings.

"Well? What did you find?” asked Chrom.

“Lucina...seems to like Robin, my lord. Judging from that conversation with Nah she had, Robin shares the same feelings, apparently.”

Chrom's face changed to a surprised expression. His daughter with his tactician?

“I see...I trust you weren't spotted?” asked Chrom.

“That's my specialty."

“Alright, go get some rest. Thanks for the help...Kellam."

Kellam turned and left the tent, relieved of duty, leaving Chrom pondering once he got in bed.

“Tomorrow I'll talk this over with her." he thought to himself.
That was nice. :3
Where are you going to post this?


There's no such thing as a nornal person
Feb 28, 2011
I recently got a new 3ds + card, I'll try my many SD cards and see if it works.
If you still have your old 3ds and SD card from that 3ds, you should be able to perform a transfer which sends all your data over to your new 3ds. I'm pretty sure that would include DLC, but I'm not certain about it.

Edit: Forgot about the idea that you should try linking back up with your Nintendo Network ID if you haven't already since anything bought on the eShop is stored on your NNID.
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Apr 9, 2014
Oh, forgot- I wasn't intentionally fan art surfing, but @ TheWerdna TheWerdna , have you seen this yet? It made me think of your fanfic.
If I didn't just change my icon recently, I'd make the third or fourth one my icon.*saves for another time*
Those pics make me sad...
Omg, do I change the cover art of my story to be the third one? Since its so perfect!

Edit: Also, besides hair colors on some of the other characters, this also works so damn perfectly for my fanfic.

But again, should I use the third picture Gracidea linked as the cover art from my story? What do you guys think?
That pic. That one needs to be the cover.


Apr 9, 2014
So, apparnetly just walking around on campus all day has led me to pick up 8 spotpass teams. Two were slightly chalanging, with their characters having near maxed out stats but with skill builds that left a lot to be desired. Those two forced me to actually have Lucina and Morgan help Robin beat the other team rather than face them single handedly. One actually made me bring out my whole team, though in the end we still won easily enough. Take that M!Robin x Lissa playthrough, your two very strong second generation kids are no match for the might that is third generation Aether!Morgan. Tremble in fear, mortals, I said tremble!

Turns out also that I have yet to run into another Robin x Lucina ship playthrough. Thought two of them have been F!Robin x Chrom.

Also... I really pity all of them if they decide to go up against my team. The poor, poor fools.
I've seen quite a few RobinxLucina ship playthroughs. And GrangelxRobin one.
On a completely unrelated note: Warning: Somewhat steamy pic
Lucina: “Robin, how did Father meet Mother?”

Robin: “She helped us kill the Mad King then she shook her ass in Chrom's face for 20 turns.”
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Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
I've seen quite a few RobinxLucina ship playthroughs. And GrangelxRobin one.
On a completely unrelated note: Warning: Somewhat steamy pic
Lucina: “Robin, how did Father meet Mother?”

Robin: “She helped us kill the Mad King then she shook her *** in Chrom's face for 20 turns.”
I can't find it right now, but I saw a pic on Deviantart where Olivia was dancing and Chrom was sitting and smiling while Robin was fighting with Gangrel. It amused me.

And I forgot to Spotpass! I have a lot of midterms, so my mind has been elsewhere.:sadeyes: I might have to put it off until tomorrow.
Those pics make me sad...

That pic. That one needs to be the cover.
Good. Your sadness fuels me.:i6rkW:

No, really, though, I seem to be a magnet for feelsy pics whenever I go searching.
Have some less depressing pictures:








(Last two have the same source)
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Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
Guys, I am kinda in shock... I got a streetpass team today... that was definitally late game since they has Bassilo and Flavia on their team... but literally hadn't had a single pairing. Like, none, zero, Chrom married the Maiden. That's it. That's actually kinda impressive, since you have to go out of your way to do that.


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
Guys, I am kinda in shock... I got a streetpass team today... that was definitally late game since they has Bassilo and Flavia on their team... but literally hadn't had a single pairing. Like, none, zero, Chrom married the Maiden. That's it. That's actually kinda impressive, since you have to go out of your way to do that.
My guess is they were doing some sort of challenge run?

That's incredible, though. I don't think I could take doing that. I pair off everyone I can, and if I can't pair them off, I headcanon for them. For instance, in my first run, I headcanon Say'ri and Vaike together.


Apr 9, 2014
I can't find it right now, but I saw a pic on Deviantart where Olivia was dancing and Chrom was sitting and smiling while Robin was fighting with Gangrel. It amused me.

And I forgot to Spotpass! I have a lot of midterms, so my mind has been elsewhere.:sadeyes: I might have to put it off until tomorrow.

Good. Your sadness fuels me.:i6rkW:

No, really, though, I seem to be a magnet for feelsy pics whenever I go searching.
Have some less depressing pictures:








(Last two have the same source)
Please. I need to see that pic.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
D'aaaawww, love the last two especially. Robin eating all the cookies Lucina made for little Morgan and then older Morgan getting jealous of the attention her younger self is getting. Because, lets face it, thats 100% in character for F!Morgan... she is kinda an attention hog.


There's no such thing as a nornal person
Feb 28, 2011
D'aaaawww, love the last two especially. Robin eating all the cookies Lucina made for little Morgan and then older Morgan getting jealous of the attention her younger self is getting. Because, lets face it, thats 100% in character for F!Morgan... she is kinda an attention hog.
F!Morgan does straight up complain when her plans for getting attention are ruined. She mentions it during the Golden Gaffe DLC and she goes off on how she was gonna use the money that got stolen to buy books to win Robin's attention. I love F!Morgan to pieces and some of her dialog is just too good like that.


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
F!Morgan does straight up complain when her plans for getting attention are ruined. She mentions it during the Golden Gaffe DLC and she goes off on how she was gonna use the money that got stolen to buy books to win Robin's attention. I love F!Morgan to pieces and some of her dialog is just too good like that.
Before doing a male run, I swore nobody would top my adoration of male Morgan.

Female Morgan has challenged that. I can't wait to get the other kids and more DLC so I can see more of her.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
Before doing a male run, I swore nobody would top my adoration of male Morgan.

Female Morgan has challenged that. I can't wait to get the other kids and more DLC so I can see more of her.
M!Morgan actually says the same thing too.
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Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
M!Morgan actually says the same thing too.
shh dont let her know that
Yeah, you're right, I looked it up afterward. There are still some differences here and there, though, mainly in supports.

Would have been neat to see these differences outside of supports, or Morgan just having a larger role in general. Since his/her mission is one of the easiest (in my opinion), you're likely to get him/her earlier rather than later unless you save your S-Support for Robin until Basilio or Flavia or a Spotpass character.


Criminal among Criminals
Oct 15, 2014
San Antonio, Texas.
Yeah, you're right, I looked it up afterward. There are still some differences here and there, though, mainly in supports.

Would have been neat to see these differences outside of supports, or Morgan just having a larger role in general. Since his/her mission is one of the easiest (in my opinion), you're likely to get him/her earlier rather than later unless you save your S-Support for Robin until Basilio or Flavia or a Spotpass character.
As much as I like to think FE:A is a perfect game, i'd like some things to be improved. Like Special support conversations for some kids and whatnot.

Hunter Nightblood

Smash Apprentice
Sep 23, 2014
Well I found this really cool picture... but I believe it is in the realm of "too violent."
I did post it in the Serenes Forest General Art Forum though.

I can't describe the picture. You'd have to see it to understand it.


Criminal among Criminals
Oct 15, 2014
San Antonio, Texas.
Well I found this really cool picture... but I believe it is in the realm of "too violent."
I did post it in the Serenes Forest General Art Forum though.

I can't describe the picture. You'd have to see it to understand it.
Its not everyday I find a picture I haven't seen, so i'd like to understand.


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
Pixiv's run dry for me, so time to hit Google.
I'm still on the fence for female Robin OTP (I've done Chrom and Yarne so far, and both have their merits), but I think Robcina has won me over for male Robin. I just love the whole concept with Lucina getting a daughter and the reverse of the "magic girl, sword-using/physical fighter guy" thing.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
Pixiv's run dry for me, so time to hit Google.
I'm still on the fence for female Robin OTP (I've done Chrom and Yarne so far, and both have their merits), but I think Robcina has won me over for male Robin. I just love the whole concept with Lucina getting a daughter and the reverse of the "magic girl, sword-using/physical fighter guy" thing.
And then in my head canon I re-reversed the trope for their kids...

Though if I was going with only one Morgan, I'd probably have Morgan be a true hybrid physcial/magic fighter rather than Robin who favors magic but i still a pretty good swordfighter.

Unkown Hero

Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2014
Pixiv's run dry for me, so time to hit Google.
I'm still on the fence for female Robin OTP (I've done Chrom and Yarne so far, and both have their merits), but I think Robcina has won me over for male Robin. I just love the whole concept with Lucina getting a daughter and the reverse of the "magic girl, sword-using/physical fighter guy" thing.
Cuteys, except for the second one *Shudders*


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Won't be finishing my one-shot today since we had a long university visit :L

But on the bright side, all I need to do is proofread it and add a fluffy finale ^_^

Stay tuned.
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