Chrom would get along well with Shulk.
I will now that I have a brief breather, I promise.
then there's

with the sick burns on

how could you say such things to your daughter Robin
That's what I was thinking too. I (sort of accidentally, but I don't regret it at all) married Chrom on my first run, and it's so weird seeing her be cold to Lucina. Even as her mother, she could be a little blunt at times (see the first half of their Hot Springs exchange), but wow. Granted, after reading her non-mother support with Lucina (haven't done it myself, but I will on the third run I plan on starting), I can kind of see where that came from.
Aggressive reinforcement. It's a plan to get Lucina to train and improve for her father, to protect him. It's a burn, but one with an inherently good cause.
Makes sense. Plus, I wouldn't be shocked if she was worried Lucina might get hurt or be rash like her father can be at times.
Recently, I've been playing matches against


, and I always feel bad every time I win because of their unique victory pose. XD I keep beating up poor Lucy :<
I've finally started a new file in Awakening with default Robin; finally going to fulfill my OTP
I need to beat Lucina as M!Robin just once just so I can hear that sweet line.
Lol, Cynthia and Brady look so confused.
Finding out that Walhart was a vegetarian blew my mind. It's just hilarious picturing the towering conqueror who revels in bloodshed eating a salad.
What makes you assume Lucina's F!Robin's daughter?
That actually reminds me- I'm glad they didn't canonize any pairings in SSB. Not that I expected them to, but imagine the craziness if they revealed who Lucina's canon mother was. Oooh boy. I honestly love all the candidates (except maybe Random Maiden outside of jokingly), but some people can get pretty... Militant. I personally see either Sumia or

as Lucina's most likely canon mother (Sumia probably is more likely though because of that intro scene), but even then, I personally believe there aren't any truly indisputably canon pairings
except Gaius x sugar. And honestly, that's part of the charm of Awakening for me- you can choose almost anything you want to be canon.
Anyway, beat 10 man smash with everyone while doing laundry. Debating on working on All Star more tonight, starting my

/Laurent run, or continuing my


run. In celebration of having a brief breather from schoolwork, here are the Morgan and Gerome pictures I promised.