Is aura sphere charge>sheild drop a thing yet? I haven't been following this site since I lost my internet for months..
Guys, please don't ignore this.
Think of this as an aura sphere charge sheild canceled into a jump. It is very useful and without it, there would only be the option of rolling or grabbing. ASC>jump has added many new options and has opened many new opportinuties, so much so that every lucario main does it.
Now, theres that same amount of NEW OPTIONS that aura sphere charge sheild canceled sheild drop OPENS UP. I'm serious that the stuff that i've been practicing i have NEVER seen anyone else do. Stuff like b-reversal onto a platform ASC canceled sheild drop to uair ALL WHILE KEEPING THE FORWAD MOMENTUM, to b-reversal to another b-reversal using that same momentum. THATS TWO BOUNCES FOR ONE JUMP. And thats not even HALF of what you can do with this.
Its like the total opposite of ASC>jump, you could even dsmash right out of it. All i have to say is that you better be dedicated, as this is in no way easy. But if you put in the time into it, it can open up even more options for you.