Jose DiazSoto (6:11:42 PM): Why the Hell do you want to know anything concerning double-team? >_>
Jose DiazSoto (6:12:24 PM): Oh BTW since I just saw it now:
Jose DiazSoto (6:12:31 PM): "Aurasphere shot from aurasphere stance"
FlameWaveK (6:12:33 PM): because
FlameWaveK (6:12:38 PM): my double team usage
FlameWaveK (6:12:39 PM): is amazing
FlameWaveK (6:12:40 PM): lol
FlameWaveK (6:12:51 PM): i heard from kita its frame 5
Jose DiazSoto (6:12:53 PM): It's no different if you fire it from the charging stance or if you fire it fully charged, it'll still become active on frame 6.
Jose DiazSoto (6:14:22 PM): Grab comes out just as fast from AS charge as it does on neutral stance: Frame 6.
Jose DiazSoto (6:14:29 PM): This is assuming it connects anyway.
FlameWaveK (6:15:25 PM): um
FlameWaveK (6:15:31 PM): add up the frames for me
FlameWaveK (6:15:36 PM): AS charge -> buffered grab
Jose DiazSoto (6:15:36 PM): and I don't know why Kita told you frame 5. He hast he same access I do, but the Sphere will not become active until 6, even thoguh if you PS it before you still get the "ping!" sound. Maybe he got confused.
Jose DiazSoto (6:15:49 PM): Ah alright, soonest you can grab from AS charge.
Jose DiazSoto (6:16:02 PM): Let's see, I think it takes Lucario 12-14 frames to charge, I'll double check right now.
Jose DiazSoto (6:16:25 PM): 13 frames, yeah.
Jose DiazSoto (6:16:31 PM): That's the start-up anyway.
Jose DiazSoto (6:16:38 PM): 14 and onwards is Aura Sphere Charge.
Jose DiazSoto (6:16:43 PM): Sooooo....
FlameWaveK (6:17:08 PM): added up its...
Jose DiazSoto (6:17:53 PM): Lucario's grab will connect on the 19th frame from AS start-up. There's no charge... or maybe 1 frame of charge but I doubt it.
Jose DiazSoto (6:20:54 PM): Lucario's jump is 6 frames.
Jose DiazSoto (6:21:07 PM): I know this because if I try and do any kind of input beforehand, nothing works.
Jose DiazSoto (6:21:10 PM): So having that said.
FlameWaveK (6:21:15 PM): so..
Jose DiazSoto (6:21:19 PM): frame 14 Lucario puts up his shield.
FlameWaveK (6:21:28 PM): he's airborne frame 20?
FlameWaveK (6:21:30 PM): or 21?
Jose DiazSoto (6:21:31 PM): Then 6 frames after is teh soonest you can act, with an aerial, airdodge, whatever.
Jose DiazSoto (6:21:41 PM): I'll get it right now, I'm just getting the misc. data that adds up on itself.
FlameWaveK (6:21:45 PM): kk
FlameWaveK (6:21:52 PM): So Aurasphere -> Shield Cancel Jump
FlameWaveK (6:21:56 PM): Lucario will airborne on frame...
Jose DiazSoto (6:22:10 PM): 20, sir.
Jose DiazSoto (6:22:33 PM): it takes him 19 frames to get airborne from AS start-up to shield-cancel to jump-cancel.
Jose DiazSoto (6:22:35 PM): Mhm.
FlameWaveK (6:22:46 PM): so frame 20
FlameWaveK (6:22:47 PM): wait
FlameWaveK (6:22:52 PM): while we did the jump...
FlameWaveK (6:22:57 PM): what is double team's counterframe?
FlameWaveK (6:23:06 PM): thats frame 20 lucario is airborne
FlameWaveK (6:23:13 PM): and then I buffer downB
FlameWaveK (6:23:18 PM): when is the counterframe?
FlameWaveK (6:23:31 PM): and when do the invuln/grab avoiding frames start up?
Jose DiazSoto (6:23:40 PM): Well, when do Double-Team's counter frames come up? I'm not sure, but all you need to do is add 19 to it before and you basically have your data, but for the sake of it I'll get that too...
FlameWaveK (6:24:06 PM): ircc
FlameWaveK (6:24:07 PM): frame 6
FlameWaveK (6:24:24 PM): at least thats what the frame data thread says
FlameWaveK (6:24:31 PM): doesn't say when the invuln starts tho
Jose DiazSoto (6:24:46 PM): 6 is correct.
Jose DiazSoto (6:24:52 PM): That's when the counter frames data.
Jose DiazSoto (6:25:00 PM): Now I'll check if it can avoid grab at all by then.
Jose DiazSoto (6:25:12 PM): But I've never not had a problem with grabbing countering opponents...
FlameWaveK (6:25:42 PM): lucario's grab
FlameWaveK (6:25:45 PM): er
FlameWaveK (6:25:46 PM): DT
FlameWaveK (6:25:48 PM): avoids grab
FlameWaveK (6:25:50 PM): good in doubles
Jose DiazSoto (6:25:50 PM): Oh wow oh wow oh wow.
FlameWaveK (6:25:56 PM): but basically gives a free hit on whiff on singles
Jose DiazSoto (6:25:57 PM): Lucario just-
FlameWaveK (6:25:57 PM): <<
Jose DiazSoto (6:26:00 PM): He's not invincible.
Jose DiazSoto (6:26:02 PM): I think-
Jose DiazSoto (6:26:04 PM): Technically.
Jose DiazSoto (6:26:16 PM): The Smash lab has this has intangibility or something of that sort.
Jose DiazSoto (6:26:27 PM): But I couldn't grab him on frame 6 either.
FlameWaveK (6:26:37 PM): any frame before you could grab?
Jose DiazSoto (6:26:43 PM): Sure, DT didn't go off, but he avoided the grab the same way as anybody incincible or intangible would.
Jose DiazSoto (6:26:46 PM): Oh uhm...
Jose DiazSoto (6:26:48 PM): Lemme check.
Jose DiazSoto (6:27:19 PM): Oh yeah, invincibility only starts on frame 6.
Jose DiazSoto (6:27:24 PM): frames 1-5 is all start-up lag.
FlameWaveK (6:27:44 PM): hmm
FlameWaveK (6:27:45 PM): kk
FlameWaveK (6:27:56 PM): so
FlameWaveK (6:27:57 PM): from
Jose DiazSoto (6:27:58 PM): Anyway, you want DT from AS charge...?
FlameWaveK (6:28:08 PM): Aurasphere -> Shield Cancel Jump -> DT
FlameWaveK (6:28:13 PM): when does the counterframe pop up/
FlameWaveK (6:28:14 PM): ?
Jose DiazSoto (6:28:22 PM): Eh...
Jose DiazSoto (6:28:24 PM): I'll find out, lol.
FlameWaveK (6:28:28 PM): thanks
Jose DiazSoto (6:31:12 PM): 26.
Jose DiazSoto (6:31:31 PM): It takes 25 frames to go into counter-frames from AS charge.
Jose DiazSoto (6:31:52 PM): I figured.
Jose DiazSoto (6:33:10 PM): 15.
Jose DiazSoto (6:33:21 PM): Lucario is invincible on the 2nd frame of his spotdodge, so~...
FlameWaveK (6:33:39 PM): so
FlameWaveK (6:33:44 PM): Aurasphere -> Sidestep
FlameWaveK (6:33:50 PM): invincibility comes out frame 15?
Jose DiazSoto (6:33:58 PM): Yessir.
Jose DiazSoto (6:34:46 PM): Meh, I figure I'd just keep jabbing him frame by frame until he would pass through.
FlameWaveK (6:35:35 PM): *now inviciblitity on rolls
Jose DiazSoto (6:36:32 PM): Lucario becomes invincible on frame 4 of his front roll if I got that correctly, which I'm sure I did because...
Jose DiazSoto (6:36:48 PM): Lucario becomes invincible on frame 17 from AS charge to forward roll.
Jose DiazSoto (6:36:57 PM): 17 - 4 = 13. Makes sense.
Jose DiazSoto (6:37:08 PM): Back roll now...
FlameWaveK (6:37:09 PM): same thing with backrooll?
Jose DiazSoto (6:37:14 PM): Uhm, I'm about to find out.
FlameWaveK (6:37:17 PM): kk
Jose DiazSoto (6:38:08 PM): No difference
FlameWaveK (6:44:46 PM): Aurasphere
FlameWaveK (6:44:47 PM): Drop shield
FlameWaveK (6:44:49 PM): dash grab
Jose DiazSoto (6:44:54 PM): Oh that?
Jose DiazSoto (6:44:58 PM): Meh, more adding.
FlameWaveK (6:44:59 PM): how much frames does it take for the dashgrab hitbox to come out
FlameWaveK (6:45:06 PM): same thing with jab and utilt
Jose DiazSoto (6:45:13 PM): It takes every chaarcter except Yoshi 7 frames to drop their shield.
Jose DiazSoto (6:45:20 PM): But regardless, I'll look.
Jose DiazSoto (6:45:56 PM): Yep.
Jose DiazSoto (6:46:14 PM): It takes Lucario 27 frames to act from AS start-up to charge cancel.
Jose DiazSoto (6:46:20 PM): I can only imagine.
Jose DiazSoto (6:46:25 PM): 30-50 frame attacks. :-P
Jose DiazSoto (6:46:45 PM): Wait, was it 27 or 26? Either way it ain't anything speedy that's for sure.
Jose DiazSoto (6:47:04 PM): ugh, and UTilt?
Jose DiazSoto (6:47:18 PM): That's a pain to test, being that the hitbox is at different places at different times.
Jose DiazSoto (6:47:24 PM): Let's see...
FlameWaveK (6:47:30 PM): from
FlameWaveK (6:47:36 PM): the back hitbox
FlameWaveK (6:47:48 PM): the front one too
Jose DiazSoto (6:47:58 PM): IIRC, Frame 9 was when the hitbox was directly above Lucario. Frame 12 is when the hitbox is on the opposite side that Lucario started it from, and the attack comes out on frame 5 so.
Jose DiazSoto (6:48:28 PM): Oh, I can get you the back hitbox if I'm real close to Lucario since it happens to hit on that side on that frame too, lol.
FlameWaveK (6:49:22 PM): most lucarios
FlameWaveK (6:49:23 PM): will
FlameWaveK (6:49:29 PM): try to get with the back hitbox too
FlameWaveK (6:49:33 PM): does pivoting take any frames?
Jose DiazSoto (6:49:37 PM): 32 for UTilt back hitbox.
FlameWaveK (6:49:37 PM): IE
FlameWaveK (6:49:42 PM): buffering a pivot uptilt?
Jose DiazSoto (6:49:46 PM): Hmm, let me see.
Jose DiazSoto (6:50:24 PM): Yeah, one more frame.
Jose DiazSoto (6:50:45 PM): You need to take at least 1 frame to turn around, but after that you can do anything you want normally.
Jose DiazSoto (6:51:00 PM): In that regard, UTilt hits on frame 33.
Jose DiazSoto (6:51:28 PM): You still want me to get the descending hitboxes for UTilt?
FlameWaveK (6:51:38 PM): yes
FlameWaveK (6:51:39 PM): So
FlameWaveK (6:51:45 PM): for the back hitbox
FlameWaveK (6:51:56 PM): out of the charge stance
FlameWaveK (6:51:57 PM): buffered
FlameWaveK (6:52:12 PM): Aurasphere -> shield cancel - utilt is 32/33 frames
FlameWaveK (6:52:17 PM): depending on wether you pivot or not
Jose DiazSoto (6:52:40 PM): 32 if you don't pivot, 33 if you do.
Jose DiazSoto (6:53:01 PM): The difference is that if you don't pivot, you risk having the hitbox taking the extra time to come down on the descend.
Jose DiazSoto (6:53:23 PM): Whereas if you hit with the pivot, you'll get the range where you'll probably want it to be there and then.
Jose DiazSoto (6:54:07 PM): That's the gist of it anyway.
Jose DiazSoto (6:54:46 PM): Frame 9 the hitbox is directly above Lucario, frame 12 is in front of where Lucario started the attack.
Jose DiazSoto (6:54:56 PM): So if he was facing left when he did UTilt, it'll be on the left.
FlameWaveK (6:55:23 PM): aight cool
FlameWaveK (6:55:27 PM): thanks <3
FlameWaveK (6:55:31 PM): next attack
FlameWaveK (6:55:36 PM): Aurasphere shield cancel jab
FlameWaveK (6:55:45 PM): and then aurasphere shield cancel dash grab
Jose DiazSoto (6:55:59 PM): ... Let's see... it takes 27 frames... so a jab should...
Jose DiazSoto (6:56:04 PM): Ah screw it, I'll do it myself.
Jose DiazSoto (6:56:43 PM): 33.
FlameWaveK (6:57:08 PM): aurasphere shield cancel jab comes out frame 33
FlameWaveK (6:57:09 PM): kk
FlameWaveK (6:57:11 PM): dash grab?
FlameWaveK (6:55:27 PM): thanks <3
FlameWaveK (6:55:31 PM): next attack
FlameWaveK (6:55:36 PM): Aurasphere shield cancel jab
FlameWaveK (6:55:45 PM): and then aurasphere shield cancel dash grab
Jose DiazSoto (6:55:59 PM): ... Let's see... it takes 27 frames... so a jab should...
Jose DiazSoto (6:56:04 PM): Ah screw it, I'll do it myself.
Jose DiazSoto (6:56:43 PM): 33.
FlameWaveK (6:57:08 PM): aurasphere shield cancel jab comes out frame 33
FlameWaveK (6:57:09 PM): kk
FlameWaveK (6:57:11 PM): dash grab?
Jose DiazSoto (6:58:40 PM): 36.
double post for data