All right Ridley crew, tomorrow's the new Direct. We got Ridley, so we're pretty much in the clear, but what are your predictions for what'll be shown off tomorrow?
I can't see K.Rool yet - as poetic as it would be to have Ridley as #65 and K.Rool as #66. I feel like he's a major hype reveal they'd wait to show.
I think the most likely characters are Ashley and Isabelle. After Rids, they'll probably want some Japan-popular characters, so I feel they'd be the biggest announcements. Possibly a third party, but Simon or Heihachi are the only ones who really come to mind. Simon would be okay, but I prefer Soul Calibur to Tekken.
Or they could just go hog dragon-wild and put Dovahkiin in...I really really want a Dovahkiin vs. Ridley fight.
As for modes, I'd expect that they'd mention the Classic and All-Star modes. Hopefully they take from Melee/Brawl and not Kid Icarus. I'd love to see Smash Run return (keep the power-ups, lose the customization powers), and a new stock switch mode. My ideal adventure mode would be like Melee's but with some branching paths - a bit more involved, but not a SSE. And loads of randomization so when we play it 65+ times we don't get tired of it.
It'd be interesting if some characters are confirmed to have more than 8 costumes. 10 player Smash? DLC costumes? I'd love it.
There'll probably be an item showcase (bring back the Parasol, Fan, and Cracker Launcher) with a wave of disconfirmations, including at least one high-profile one (I'm getting a Mimikyu Pokéball feeling. Would love to see an Arcanine Pokéball though). Hoping also that K.Rool can survive the assists.
I also expect some stages - I'd love to see what the New Donk stage looks like, and Fountain of Dreams needs to come back. Also I want to see Gerudo Valley in glorious HD. Maybe open the Stages and Items pages on the official site? As a sidenote, Metroid and DK both have three stages which are unconfirmed as yet, which is quite a lot. Will more get revealed, or new ones come in?
I don't expect a demo at all - like none of us know how to play Smash or are on the fence about buying it. Besides, Sakurai is being very cautious about leaks, so he probably doesn't want to release even a sanitized demo since people will find a way to get stuff out of it.
Oh, and there are still a few characters we haven't seen final smashes for (most curiously
:ultrobin), so I think we may get some.