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Social Lower Norfair

vVv Rapture

Smash Lord
Writing Team
Sep 20, 2009
However, you have to remember that Mother Brain wasn't originally a part of the Space Pirate, she functionally wormed her way in by taking advantage of Ridley's hive minded soldiers and stationed herself at the top. Ridley didn't have to share the leadership role with her, he could've killed her for forcing herself into the role, but he still worked with her and that's because regardless of her clearly using them for her own ends her goals still aligned enough with his that it didn't cause a conflict.

That's why I don't think Ganondorf would be an issue. Even if Ganondorf were to forcibly take control like Mother Brain, he could still work with him since their goals are the same: they want conquest, they want chaos, and Ganondorf is not adverse to letting sadists into his ranks. I don't see Ganondorf as a character that Ridley would have an issue with unless he did something that would conflict with his goals, but Ganondorf's goals are not really that far off from Mother Brain's and I don't think any of the differences would cause Ridley to change his opinion on the matter.
Right but the differences are -- Mother Brain does things Ridley can't do, and Mother Brain is immobile (except for the end of Super, and even then she's not very mobile, and otherwise has to rely on other things she controls to have any mobility). And Ridley does what MB cannot. So not only does MB's allegiance and goals align with Ridley's but they don't have any conflict in terms of execution. When Mother Brain forced her way into becoming a leader of the Space Pirates, that was something that only benefited Ridley as far as he knew at the time, and didn't contest his position as commander of the Space Pirates.

Whereas Ganondorf and Ridley kinda fit the same role -- the leader and enforcer that can actually lead in person and be a factor on the battlefield. Ganondorf doesn't do anything that Ridley needs explicitly. They'd both work for the same authority and control. They'd likely fight over that.

Ridley wants to kill and conquer for himself and the Pirates. Ganondorf wants to conquer for himself. Why would Ridley want Ganondorf to have conquered anything when he can just do it himself? Ganondorf doesn't fill a role that Ridley doesn't already fill. Mother Brain does. And, as far as Ridley was concerned, Mother Brain was working for the Space Pirates (in actuality she wanted to destroy the Chozo, Federation, and the Pirates entirely), and that aligned with Ridley to the best of his knowledge. Ganondorf has no desire to work for the Space Pirates nor would him conquering necessarily benefit the Pirates either.

But would Ganondorf try to be an enemy of the Space Pirates? He does manipulate, but he's not one to slaughter potential allies as long as they have a potentially shared goal, and the Space Pirate's desire for pillaging and possible conquest does not interfere with his own. At worst Ganondorf would see the Space Pirates as potential servants, and as long as their goals align he wouldn't toss them aside as long as they have worth to him, and as long as he allows Ridley to do what he does I don't think Ridley would go against him.
I would argue that the Space Pirates desire to conquer conflicts with Ganondorf's desire to conquer. Ganondorf's desire is to conquer so he can rule. The Pirates conquer to pillage, take resources, and destroy. Why would they want Ganondorf ruling anything? What do they gain from letting him do that, or from not conquering themselves what he wants to conquer?

Also, to repeat myself, Mother Brain was also a non-Space Pirate, yet Ridley still accepted her into a leadership role. I don't think Ganondorf would be any different from her in that regard.
Well Mother Brain affirmed Ridley's position as Commander and, as I said earlier, filled a role that Ridley does not. Ganondorf doesn't fill an ulterior role that Ridley does not already fill himself.
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Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
If we're talking about Villain's roles in a team up...

Ridley would be the attack dog/assassin.

He'd be the one who'd go after certain targets because that's what he's good at and its what he loves doing.
If there's any sort of continuity from Subspace Emissary, the villains are unlikely to work together willingly again unless some bigger bad forces them to. Though to be fair Ridley was conveniently "dead" when all the backstabbing was happening.
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Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
All right Ridley crew, tomorrow's the new Direct. We got Ridley, so we're pretty much in the clear, but what are your predictions for what'll be shown off tomorrow?

Characters (any of the below, at least two):
- King K. Rool
- Simon Belmont
- Geno
- Ashley
- Another Echo Fighter or two (Dark Samus plz)

- Classic or Adventure mode (Adventure is a bit of a long shot though)
- Break the Targets
- No story mode
- Something new

- New Donk City stage reveal
- New Metroid stage reveal? (since Pyrosphere is probably gonezo)
- Comments about feedback from E3
- Online details
- Something Minecraft related (not a character)

Things I'm not expecting:
- Octolings
- Bandana Waddle Dee
- Announcement of a public demo

Space Detective

Smash Journeyman
Jun 24, 2018
All right Ridley crew, tomorrow's the new Direct. We got Ridley, so we're pretty much in the clear, but what are your predictions for what'll be shown off tomorrow?
Some new stages, more returning stages (including ones that were seen but not formally confirmed), and two newcomers.
My prediction for the newcomers are Waddle/Bandana Dee, and Isabelle.

That is all I feel safe on predicting.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
All right Ridley crew, tomorrow's the new Direct. We got Ridley, so we're pretty much in the clear, but what are your predictions for what'll be shown off tomorrow?
I can't see K.Rool yet - as poetic as it would be to have Ridley as #65 and K.Rool as #66. I feel like he's a major hype reveal they'd wait to show.

I think the most likely characters are Ashley and Isabelle. After Rids, they'll probably want some Japan-popular characters, so I feel they'd be the biggest announcements. Possibly a third party, but Simon or Heihachi are the only ones who really come to mind. Simon would be okay, but I prefer Soul Calibur to Tekken. Or they could just go hog dragon-wild and put Dovahkiin in...I really really want a Dovahkiin vs. Ridley fight.

As for modes, I'd expect that they'd mention the Classic and All-Star modes. Hopefully they take from Melee/Brawl and not Kid Icarus. I'd love to see Smash Run return (keep the power-ups, lose the customization powers), and a new stock switch mode. My ideal adventure mode would be like Melee's but with some branching paths - a bit more involved, but not a SSE. And loads of randomization so when we play it 65+ times we don't get tired of it.

It'd be interesting if some characters are confirmed to have more than 8 costumes. 10 player Smash? DLC costumes? I'd love it.

There'll probably be an item showcase (bring back the Parasol, Fan, and Cracker Launcher) with a wave of disconfirmations, including at least one high-profile one (I'm getting a Mimikyu Pokéball feeling. Would love to see an Arcanine Pokéball though). Hoping also that K.Rool can survive the assists.

I also expect some stages - I'd love to see what the New Donk stage looks like, and Fountain of Dreams needs to come back. Also I want to see Gerudo Valley in glorious HD. Maybe open the Stages and Items pages on the official site? As a sidenote, Metroid and DK both have three stages which are unconfirmed as yet, which is quite a lot. Will more get revealed, or new ones come in?

I don't expect a demo at all - like none of us know how to play Smash or are on the fence about buying it. Besides, Sakurai is being very cautious about leaks, so he probably doesn't want to release even a sanitized demo since people will find a way to get stuff out of it.

Oh, and there are still a few characters we haven't seen final smashes for (most curiously :ultpeach::ultdaisy::ultyounglink::ultyoshi::ultdiddy::ultrobin), so I think we may get some.
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Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
Apparently a music track on the Smash Bros. website got changed into something that's pretty damning evidence for a new character tomorrow.
Dunno if posting about it here is the right place for it though, and it could create a fustercluck if by some anti-miracle said character isn't revealed, so scared of posting about it on the character's support thread.


Smash Journeyman
May 30, 2018
Alright, time to pay the K. Rool fans a visit and congratulate them. Our most wanted reptilian pirates are now both finally playable


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
I felt so giddy when I saw that part with Mother Brain, a Metroid, Ridley, and Dark Samus. Also, Brinstar Depth and Kraid is back after a long absence.

Really, we've been given a lot of love this time around!
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Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
Ridley’s partner in crime finally hits the scene! So glad both of them came this time, it couldn’t be more fitting.

Also, the original 8 all have villains now!


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2017
In a dark, locked room
That direct was amazing. K. Rool is finally in, Dark Samus is indeed an Echo Fighter, Simon is in (and Vergeben has been vindicated), I am now more hyped than ever before.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
The game is still more than three months away, and we've already doubled the Metroid reps, got four returning stages, and got tons of new music tracks confirmed.

I've gotta say, it's pretty insane how much love Metroid has gotten in this game, especially when you take into account how relatively quiet it's been before E3 2017.
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Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
The game is still more than three month so away, and we've already doubled the Metroid reps, got four returning stages, and got tons of new music tracks confirmed.

I've gotta say, it's pretty insane how much love Metroid has gotten in this game, especially when you take into account how relatively quiet it's been before E3 2017.
We've still got a potential boss down the line, considering we know that's a thing in this game in some form. A Metroid Queen would be my guess, but I could also see Crocomire or Phantoon.

It feels damn good to see all of this representation though, my expectations have already been shattered.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2017
In a dark, locked room
Are there even any heavily requested characters left to add at this point? We have K. Rool, Ridley, and every veteran returning, it seems they really went all out to please the fans.

The game is still more than three month so away, and we've already doubled the Metroid reps, got four returning stages, and got tons of new music tracks confirmed.

I've gotta say, it's pretty insane how much love Metroid has gotten in this game, especially when you take into account how relatively quiet it's been before E3 2017.
It really is special. Just over a year ago this would seem like a fanboy's deluded wish list, but here we are. From no games and no hope to, well this. And the crazy part is, there can still be more. We really have entered a new golden era it seems.


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
I'm surprised that they did those cool little images first, rather than after the trailer. It kind of gave away who it was going to be, but oh well, we all pretty much expected it already. And the Dedede troll was legendary. Surprised he wasn't the villain for Kirby, though, but I guess Meta Knight is typically more antagonistic, whereas Dedede just wants food.

I couldn't believe Ashley is still an Assist Trophy. I don't even know about her, really, but I know she's probably #3 behind Ridley and K. Rool, but she got the shaft.

Calling it now, next Direct will have Geno and Shadow, for sure.

Yoshisaurus Rex

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2015
Switch FC
Well guys, we got our HD Kraid, Dark Samus and the tyrannical crocodilian. Oh and HD Fountain of Dreams. Sakurai really has been going all out for this game


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
I'm surprised that they did those cool little images first, rather than after the trailer. It kind of gave away who it was going to be, but oh well, we all pretty much expected it already. And the Dedede troll was legendary. Surprised he wasn't the villain for Kirby, though, but I guess Meta Knight is typically more antagonistic, whereas Dedede just wants food.

I couldn't believe Ashley is still an Assist Trophy. I don't even know about her, really, but I know she's probably #3 behind Ridley and K. Rool, but she got the shaft.

Calling it now, next Direct will have Geno and Shadow, for sure.
Ashley assist was a blow for sure, buuuut I guess she still needs a bit more fleshing out as an individual character rather than a part of Warioware's ensemble.

Then again we got Rathalos who is both a boss on his own stage and an assist trophy so who's to say others can't have dual roles?

Edit: Oh yeah, and Rathalos is too big :p. Makes sense for him though, because Monster Hunter IS pretty much "Boss Fight: The Game".
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
This image from the K. Rool trailer is fantastic:

While we're at it, may as well acknowledge the whole set.





Aside from the Ridley and Samus one, I kinda like the look of the spacies trio best.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2015
I'm surprised that they did those cool little images first, rather than after the trailer. It kind of gave away who it was going to be, but oh well, we all pretty much expected it already. And the Dedede troll was legendary. Surprised he wasn't the villain for Kirby, though, but I guess Meta Knight is typically more antagonistic, whereas Dedede just wants food.

I couldn't believe Ashley is still an Assist Trophy. I don't even know about her, really, but I know she's probably #3 behind Ridley and K. Rool, but she got the shaft.

Calling it now, next Direct will have Geno and Shadow, for sure.
I noticed that the name of the reveal trailer is actually "The Rivals," so I guess it wasn't necessarily a matter of villainy. Meta Knight is Kirby's edgier rival (Though Dedede is no less of a rival to Kirby), so I can see why they went with him, since his design fits in better with the actual villains.

I definitely agree with you on Ashley though. I was legitimately shocked to see her disconfirmed in such a way, since I'm sure she's had a lot of support from both the west and Japan.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2015
That was such a great direct. Still holding out hope for Rayman and Hades to be playable though!


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Looking forward to meeting Ridley on the battlefield.

Still can't believe K. Rool and Ridley are in the same Smash game. Announced two months apart. Holy ****.

soviet prince

I am the terror that flaps in the night
Nov 10, 2007
Are there even any heavily requested characters left to add at this point? We have K. Rool, Ridley, and every veteran returning, it seems they really went all out to please the fans.

It really is special. Just over a year ago this would seem like a fanboy's deluded wish list, but here we are. From no games and no hope to, well this. And the crazy part is, there can still be more. We really have entered a new golden era it seems.
there defiantly is more, or they would have saved k rool for later.


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
Are there even any heavily requested characters left to add at this point? We have K. Rool, Ridley, and every veteran returning, it seems they really went all out to please the fans.

It really is special. Just over a year ago this would seem like a fanboy's deluded wish list, but here we are. From no games and no hope to, well this. And the crazy part is, there can still be more. We really have entered a new golden era it seems.
My predictions, based on a couple criteria:

A) They have to be about as notable as Inklings, Ridley, Simon, and King K. Rool
B) They have to be long-standing requests, like Ridley, K. Rool, and Simon
C) They have to be reasonable; no anime or absurd 3rd party characters
D) Can't have strong evidence against them
E) Can't have been realized after the project plan was finished (December 2015)

In other words, they need to be characters that really "wow" people. Everyone's going nuts for Simon and K. Rool, and even Chrom and Dark Samus. If it's just a character that only a small, isolated demographic would be hype about, it's probably not happening. A lot of people don't seem to realize this adn are acting like this is a regular Smash game, when it's instead something special (the Japanese subtitle is "Special" as well), as all these huge and requested characters are getting in. Not ones like Wii Fit Trainer, Duck Hunt, and Pit.

Of course, this means that character reveals won't be too surprising. The most surprising ones were Ridley and Dark Samus, with the former being said to be impossible in the past, and the latter just not being very popular or relevant right now. But we were all waiting for Simon, K. Rool, and Chrom. People expected those. This isn't about defying expectations, it's about satisfying demand.

  1. Geno - Haven't played Super Mario RPG yet, don't understand the hype, but I've been hearing people want this guy since Melee. Sakurai's already discussed possibly adding him twice, and he was a Mii Costume in 4, so Sakurai has to know of the demand. Ashley was, too, but I'm assuming that Ashley just doesn't have a whole lot of moveset potential, hence her snub today.
  2. Skull Kid - Assist Trophy still MIA, and now we have a Moon one. Meant to replace the Skull Kid AT? Maybe. Skull Kid is the most notable villain in Zelda after Ganondorf, and he's also been requested quite a lot. Much like Metroid, Zelda hasn't really had a new rep since arguably Melee, but definitely not since Brawl. Meanwhile Fire Emblem got three in one game and got another today. Part of the problem is that there's been so many additional Zelda characters that have appeared over the years, so it's hard to pick just one. Skull Kid, though, seems to have stood the test of time (hah), so he's the most likely Zelda character we can expect.
  3. Sora - In the same boat as Cloud, in terms of "Square Enix RPG character that has a rabid fanbase that will die for him." Probably not as requested as Cloud, but has to be pretty close. Many Kingdom Hearts games were exclusive to Nintendo platforms as well, meaning there's some concrete ties to Nintendo that even Cloud didn't have. If we don't get Geno, I expect this.
  4. Isaac - I admit my ignorance of this series, so I don't know how popular it is, but judging from what I'm seeing, it's way more popular than I expected. Even more popular than Sora, which is surprising to me.
  5. Banjo & Kazooie - Microsoft seems completely on board, it's a character more associated with the N64 than anything else, and they've also been requested for a long time. If Sakurai wanted to put them in the game, there wouldn't be anything more in the way than any other third party. EDIT: I'm now relegating them to DLC, because they're an extra licensing hoop to jump through, and on top of all the other hoops, they'd probably save this until after launch.
Echo Fighters:
  1. Shadow the Hedgehog - Sonic characters are always popular, and Shadow more than most. Unfortunately, he probably won't wield an MP5 to gun down aliens in this game. Maybe he can borrow Wario's motorcycle Side-B /s
  2. Isabelle - One of Vergeben's leaks, and he's been right about everything so far. Plus, there's a lot of support for Isabelle, as she apparently really took off in popularity after New Leaf. Her Assist Trophy is also still missing, just like Dark Samus and Skull Kid. Hm...
  3. Dixie Kong - Her possibility as an Echo Fighter seemed super unlikely, given that Diddy Kong's Up-B would not fit her character. However, now that we know that Echo Fighters can borrow moves from other characters, as with Chrom having Ike's Up-B, Dixie could maybe borrow someone else's Up-B functionality and have her ponytail animation. Duck Hunt would be a good candidate, I think. But that would cross another line, so who knows. In addition, this would mean that DK and Metroid, two of Nintendo's longest-running franchises that have gotten neglected in Smash for so long, will get both their major requested characters and some Echo Fighters of also requested characters. It'd be pretty poetic.
  4. Ken/Akuma - Akuma made a guest appearance in Tekken 7, so anything's possible. Ken is equally possible, though maybe not as noteworthy for inclusion. I wasn't too sure about 3rd party Echo Fighters (besides Shadow because he's Shadow), but we got freaking Richter, so I think this is definitely possible.
Things I'm predicting won't happen, not because I don't want them in the game or think they don't belong, but because they're just super unlikely to make the cut compared to everything else we've seen:
  1. Octolings - I said above that I didn't think they'd happen, and I was right. They're just not distinct enough to warrant an extra slot, even as an Echo Fighter. Plus, Ultimate's project plan was finished in December 2015, and Octolings are only notable now because of the expansion that came out less than two months ago. Kind of surprised so many people thought they were definitely going to happen.
  2. Rayman - While Nintendo has a very healthy relationship with Ubisoft right now, I don't see Rayman being notable enough to stand beside the likes of Cloud and Simon.
  3. Bandana Waddle Dee - Same as Rayman, just not notable enough to "wow" people. A lot of Kirby fans are almost completely sure that he's in the game, but that's pretty unreasonable. I'd love to see him, I just don't think it's happening anytime soon.
  4. Impa - People are saying Sheik Echo Fighter, but that seems redundant. The character's most notable appearance is in Hyrule Warriors, where she wields a giant sword. Is her appearance in Ocarina of Time enough to make it in? I don't think so.
  5. Another Fire Emblem Character - We got Chrom, that puts us at seven characters. That's one more than Legend of Zelda, and one less than Mario. I think Sakurai knows by now that adding any more would be absurd. But Chrom was important, and people still wanted him, so here we are.
  6. ARMS character/Spring Man - ARMS is a cool new franchise from Nintendo, but not groundbreaking like Splatoon was. It sold well, but Splatoon is another caliber. Again, the project plan was finished in 2015, a year and a half before ARMS released, so it's unlikely Sakurai would've banked on it that far ahead.
  7. Solaire - Again, the project plan. Dark Souls 3 wasn't even out when it was completed, so there was probably no plan for the Remastered version, let alone that it'd come to Switch. Heck, it still isn't on Switch because it got delayed indefinitely.
  8. Rex & Pyra - Project plan, project plan. Game came out late 2017, almost two years after the game started development. It's insane to think that they'd include a character from a game that far out.
  9. Breath of the Wild Champions - Not only are they after 2015, but there's four of them--how do you choose which one? And they aren't very notable within the game, either. Story and characters weren't BotW's strongsuits. Plus, each of them only has one noteworthy ability and weapon, which is pretty limiting.
  10. Literally any character after 2015
  11. Chibi-Robo - *sigh* I got Dark Samus. I'm counting my blessings. I didn't think either of them would ever happen to begin with. But I got one. That's more than most people can say.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 21, 2015
I wouldn't stick a fork in the Octolings yet, at least not for DLC. I don't think they ever had a shot at the base game because there was no Octo Expansion when they started planning. But I can see them being a frontrunner for DLC as an echo.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2014
Laugh Tale
It sure is. It'll be even more surreal once K. Rool is in then we can have our dream villain 4 player matches.
It has finally come true. The dream has finally come true. Today is a great day for both Space Pirates and Kutthroats alike! It truly is surreal.
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