Hey guys, thanks for a great weekend. LTC was actually the last weekend of my personal summer, as I started band camp on Monday, and aside from a few weekends in early September, I'm booked until Thanksgiving break. For my first tournament, I was really surprised at how close the sets in my pool were. You always hear about the newbies getting absolutely bodied, and I guess I wasn't actually that terrible (Nunchuks aside).
I didn't really talk to as many people as much as I would've liked, but I still got some shout-outs.
First, to Infinity. Dude. WTF. I gave you my chair and you did that 6th grade trick of getting my attention and showing me Awestin's ass-crack. It hurt man. It hurt.
Second, to Oracle. Thanks for working with me about my own schedule, even if it wasn't the most convenient plan for you. I think I overheard you say to Awestin at one point that his small pool could probably wait until last. Our last conversation before the venue left, you were really trying to find ways to get me to more fests and tournaments in DFW, and I felt so bad covering the next 4 months with "lolband." If a BR or something is scheduled along the way for early September, I could probably make it out. Otherwise...lolband. 2014 tho? (Also, RideTheLine and RoboHobo's doubles team was Wario and DK respectively.)
To Awestin, thanks for being a really cool guy. I couldn't have asked for a better guy to wreck me in Ness dittos, and I wish I had known I had the time in our set to do legit picks. I wish I put on a better show with the Ness dittos, but I watched a lot of videos of you a week or so before and decided not to embarrass myself. I'm sorry your ass-crack had to be mentioned. But the salt over getting tricked like that goes deep.
To Strong Bad, I realized 5 seconds after I asked for friendlies Saturday night that I had put my hand while talking to you...on an open TV. And then you were playing pretty much non-stop on Sunday, or else getting attacked by Strong Bladder. I hope we get to play sometime, cause the DK main I practice tries to emulate you, but he also tends to lose focus, and also I like getting plowed by monkey helicopters.
To Denti...I hope you know I'm never going on an elevator again without good DI. That combo worked way too well on my way too many times.
To Blondie, I only brought a Gamecube controller Sunday, otherwise I would've asked for a Zelda ditto rematch. It wouldn't have been nearly as close as the first two games of pools were. Still though, that set was great. I really wish I didn't derp and teleport right into your ledgeguard in game 3. Twice.
To TFP, your Lucario is scary dude. You got some combos off where I literally had no idea what I just watched. Thanks for the encouragement to keep playing, but...lolband. The next time you see me, it'll probably be with a Gamecube controller and at about the same skill level, cause I had to relearn the game but with a Gamecube controller. With lolband. Thanks for the close sets, you two. Knowing that I was just a little under half my pool instead of getting straight-up 2-0'd four times gave me a drive to get better.
To Darkgun, we ended up talking a bunch this weekend, but I don't think I played a single game against you. Opportunities missed. :/
Lastly, to the awesome Mario main that played against me and all of my friends: I never personally got your name, and I feel really bad. Our games were the most fun I've had with smash in a long time, while also being competitively fulfilling, and your attitude was so good throughout all our matches. The end of our last game was absolutely fantastic, and I still can't believe a last ditch Up-B to hit you against FD actually worked. Your fundamentals are great; at one point before I played you, a friend who had just finished playing against you described how it wouldn't seem like anyone was ahead a lot, and suddenly you'd have 3 stocks and he'd have one and he'd be really confused.
(holy **** this ended up being a lot longer than I planned.)