i personally don't think the "format" is that important...since its Nicknyte's job to put it neatly in the first post, which is where its suppose to be read anyway.
i think we could be more proffesional about it though..such as having just real info and not stuff like "plays everyone/masterhand/a billion 2ndaries"...for the most part, ur mains are really whats important.
If anyone doenst know Lee's main is Fox, they need to get shot in the foot, but it still wouldn't hurt to just list "fox" as his main, as with Iceman = luigi, etc.
my myspace = <myspace.com/cyphus> btw, if u wouldn't mind putting that as well.
Since we have powerrankings now, we could also do w/out the "best in BR/most likely to win tournies/etc"
Outside playes can now just look at a person on the "power rankings" list, and then find the same name in the "locator" to find more info about them.
I sorta wish i made this thread, so i could make it all pretty to my liking as w/ the other LA thread .____. gawd i'm greedy.