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Louisiana Locator and Tier List


Smash Rookie
Jan 7, 2007
St. Amant Louisiana
Tainted Love:16: Main is Fox: St. Amant(little town in between NO and BR not too far from Prairie Ville and Galvez): AIM: Crucifyre Fox: Email: andre.j.pujol@gmail.com. I'll be at the Gameware tourney this Saturday at the mall of LA and it will be my first tournament that hasn't just been between me and my friends. Can't wait to see how I compare to the rest of the LA smashers.


Smash Rookie
Jan 7, 2007
St. Amant Louisiana
Awsome. email or pm me with about where you live and stuff and we can arrange something. Me and my freind Matt need someone worth playing against, every one else in St.Amant doesn't have any skill what so ever -_-'


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Tier 1: Lee, Cyphus, John, Taylor, Ricky, Eet, Ray
Tier 2: Kyle, Blaise, Flarefox*, Mary, RSIA, Freddy, Nicknyte
Tier 3: Matt, Dustin, Vaughn, Sudai, Usea, Kalzar

Tier 4: Sars, Monkey, Audi, ShyGuy**, Sirska, Phil, Randall, Noodle, Ice Cow*

Tier 5: Iceman

Tier 6: Lozer, Tyran, Derek*, Gamma*, Foret*, Ralph, Esprit, Ethan, Avery, Jackets
Tier 7: Jared*, Grace*, ShadowSuit, Joe momma's brothers

Tier 8: Joe momma

i didnt edit the last 3 hardly
just throwing this out there, lets talk about it.
the most valid part of my list to me is the tier separations. pay close attention
and idk whether blaise or kyle is better

i havent played john or ricky in a long time, but ive never lost to ricky and ill prove falco's worth vs marth when i play jon next, then i'll put my name infront of his, (even though lee told me to put him infront of cyphus, but i just dont think thats right)

and my name is Taylor but everyone knows that.
i main capt./marth/falco/fox/dk
i second peach/doc/gannon/luigi/link
and i'm pretty good with game and watch too.

and yes id really pull out any of those chars against most of you
and any on the "main" list vs the top tier people

so if u dont like what i pick in a tourney tell me to change XD

**and as for other people who have given information but do not appear on the tier list, you should go to more tournaments or smash gatherings and make your personality known.

edit* better sars?


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005

Still think Avery and Austin could be bumped up. And a bit meh about the discrepancy between 2nd and 3rd, but then again I've only been to one tourney and don't know people in like 3/4s the list >_> And I've always thought me and Audi were at the same level.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
i gave up "tiering players" since it really doesn't fall that way in reality anyway. there aren't these noticable gaps separating people of equal skill. i also gave up ranking players all the way down..its degrading to the worse players, and its far too random to give priority to one player, when they still have problems w/ consistency anyway.(sometimes doing good and often "playing bad"/messing up too much)
(yes i know, i'm the one who started the LA-tier list, and i regret it, lol)

as a general rule, if u aren't active in multi-city tournaments, u go down the list. If you win the world super heavy weight title...u can't not fight again and keep the belt. Players worse than you improve, and people can't assume that so-and-so has improved equally to sustain his rank.

BR hasn't fought NO in a very long time...so really..only Houma(who plays both regularly) has any educated opinion on how players from both regions fair off.
Taylor came out of retirement not that long ago, while N.O. has been constantly playing and improving, and me and lee both pretty much agree Ricky and Ray are at the least...taylor-esque. =)
lee said he thinks john > me? :O
thats prolly cuz john's marth gives him more trouble than my doc. John on the other hand finds me more challenging. so its just kinna wierd how that works out, eh?

1 Lee
2 Cyphus
3 John
4 Ricky
5 Taylor
6 Ray
7 Eet
8 Kyle
10 Mary

and if i had to guess who i think makes good argumens for 9th/10 i'd give it up to our samuses DJ(neworleans) and Blaise.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
i gave up "tiering players" since it really doesn't fall that way in reality anyway. there aren't these noticable gaps separating people of equal skill. i also gave up ranking players all the way down..its degrading to the worse players, and its far too random to give priority to one player, when they still have problems w/ consistency anyway.(sometimes doing good and often "playing bad"/messing up too much)
(yes i know, i'm the one who started the LA-tier list, and i regret it, lol)

as a general rule, if u aren't active in multi-city tournaments, u go down the list. If you win the world super heavy weight title...u can't not fight again and keep the belt. Players worse than you improve, and people can't assume that so-and-so has improved equally to sustain his rank.

BR hasn't fought NO in a very long time...so really..only Houma(who plays both regularly) has any educated opinion on how players from both regions fair off.
Taylor came out of retirement not that long ago, while N.O. has been constantly playing and improving, and me and lee both pretty much agree Ricky and Ray are at the least...taylor-esque. =)
lee said he thinks john > me? :O
thats prolly cuz john's marth gives him more trouble than my doc. John on the other hand finds me more challenging. so its just kinna wierd how that works out, eh?

1 Lee
2 Cyphus
3 John
4 Ricky
5 Taylor
6 Ray
7 Eet
8 Kyle
10 Mary

and if i had to guess who i think makes good argumens for 9th/10 i'd give it up to our samuses DJ(neworleans) and Blaise.
i definately disagree and its easy to see that there are def. different levels of play. last time i fought mary i 3 stocked him. kyle can do rly good vs me sometimes and even win sometimes, but i do throw in the occassional 2 and 3 stock. its probably the same with tim. 1-7 imo is the professional grade tier. then as the tier list goes down, im sure mary will 3 and 4 stock someone in list 3, while i can 3 and 4 stock freddy but he will also do the same to someone in tier 3. you cant look at how the top 7 preform against the everyone, but how the tiers preform against the lists lower than them.
and just because i said i didnt play anymore just means i didnt compete. i def. still played atleast once a week since 'retirement,' and ricky has never beaten me so its ******** for him to be above me, based on a couple kid's 'opinions' (key word) on who plays better.

to put it simply, the top 7 have figured out the game 95-100% while tier 2 might only understand 75-90% while tier 3 is 60-75% and so on. there are many things to learn in the game of smash.


Smash Rookie
May 25, 2006
i can agree with the 1-7. at the last get together. tim never beat me and kyle and i were back and forth. most of the time i lose against the 1-7 with the exception of lee cause he sucks.

no, he really does suck.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
well according to your "levels" that would imply Eet is closer to the skill of Lee, than he is to Kyle. But Lee will undoubtedly 2 stock eet over half the time and lose maybe 1 outta 10x. He's clearly an entirely separate level.
In fact..Kyle gives me and lee equally as much trouble as Eet if not more.
But Eet is deffinatley a more experienced player..so wtf?

the tier list is not based on skill, experience, or knowledge.
its based on results...aka who is the most dangerous
...which is commonly complimented by skill, experience, and knowledge...but also other factors such as character choice, playstyle, and intelligence. if it was just skill...then people who main low tiers would be handicapped up.

if one player decides to only be good w/ 1 gay character (take john, in the past, for instance) then he's the better player than someone who beats him w/ sheik but lacks the skill to be as effective as john vs. everyone else.

Likewise, i don't think you can say ur better than ricky, cuz u beat him over half a year ago...he's improved alot. But when u play him, you'll see i'm sure.
Heck...even if u do happen to win, it still wouldn't mean you're a better player, if ricky gives me, lee, john more trouble.
I'm really not sure about ray though..his only good high tier is sheik (which is good against marth and capt) so thats a toughy, but his y.link is even more dangerous..so iunno.


Smash Rookie
May 12, 2007
Ruston, Louisiana
nuke288 Main: Samus, Secondaries: A work in progress. Age: 18 Location: Pineville, LA (right by Alexandria, LA). www.myspace.com/masternuke288

That's about it. Been playing since the original Smash with a few others and slowly since highschool have found more and more smash players.


Smash Cadet
Dec 19, 2006
Baton Rouge (for the summer)

main: Gdorf
age: 18
AIM: Tortugaconqueso


Smash Rookie
May 25, 2006
ken alleman from lsmsa? if so my name is patrick segura, known as mary here, but i believe you were a senior when i was there. or you could be a completely different ken alleman.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
lol. i love when random *** people that ive never heard of show up talking **** like they're pro. you could at least make a nice entrance. i'm completely confident you couldnt take our best players.


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2006
Sierra Vista,AZ
Thank you for that bit of info when he left AZ he sucked but he's coming back and challanged me so I just wanted to know how much he progressed. THX


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
just be careful. like he loses to noobs but he got lee down to his last stock in our most recent tournament. his play style is ******** and if u dont play smart he can randomly beat you. just be careful of spikes, but as far as actual skill hes not good at all.



Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
nicknyte has improved though, since he first moved here, don't get us wrong. he's got good spacing and i think he's learned to read people better, but he's deffinately more cautious than combo-friendly, often times to the point of questionability.
He does own this thread though..and i think he should pretty much delete whats 99% of the first post and update it correctly..

1 Lee
2 Cyphus, John, Taylor
3 Ricky, Ray, Kyle, Eet

i really don't care to take the tier list any further. 3 tiers, and 8 players is enough...
it just gets messing afterward, but if u wanna make a list of alphabetized "potentials" you're looking at...
Avery, Derek, DJ, Kalzar, Mary, Nicknyte, Pierre, RSIA, Sars, Setsuma, Sudai
with maybe 1 or 2 exceptions...all those players have at least a decent shot at taking each other out tourney-style


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2006
Sierra Vista,AZ
Well I was watching some of Eet's vids and man I gotta say I wasnt impressed I could beat you. Whoever you were fighting Ram i think his was even worse. Im gonna look at your best, Lee.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
no vids of lee... i didnt know there was even a video of eric vs ram lol. ram is a florida luigi player whos gotten alot better since those videos. eric has gotten a little better too but he tries to pretend like he doesnt care since he doesnt want to put the time in to practice and get better so youd probably beat him in a mm

but in eric's defense, those videos are rly old and you cant rly tell how amazing a player is by a video. ken doesnt look super pro in alot of his vids but hes one of the best. it doesnt take flash to be awesome.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
yo jask...like, u shouldn't judge eet by some vids over half a year old, right? lol
he does floatcancel, etc of course, and either way...i never heard of you, so i'm just as likely to assume you're garbage, but i wouldn't do that, cuz i know Eet aint even though nobody's heard of him.
but yea, we're cool. i'm just a little defensive over my friends, can you blame me? the best of LA is going to FCD, but i dont recall seeing ur name...but hopefully we'll get to play in a tournament someday. peace.


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2006
Sierra Vista,AZ
Well no prob. thats why I asked how old those were. But really from what I saw that was garbage performance, and with all due respect if that's what his Peach is like than he wouldnt stand a chance against me I'd even pick a low teir Ness and probably still win again dont take offence. FCD tourney where's that being held?


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
if that's what his Peach is like than he wouldnt stand a chance against me I'd even pick a low teir Ness and probably still win again dont take offence. FCD tourney where's that being held?
well luckily we have already established that that is not how his peach is. And as a general rule donn't judge any of us, or practically anyone just from vids, especially ones that are over 3 months old.but yea...we'll take no offense, as long as we can change the topic now.

FCD is....the biggest running melee annual national tournament. It takes place in Indiana.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
jask ill mm you 5$ 2/3. if i ever get the chance to, also tickets for FCD are sold out.

btw i dont have a single recent vid, so dont judge my skill over some random vids you found of me.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
lol no way you'll beat eric with ness. u might could take him with fox depending on how good you are but idk ive never heard anything about u and it seems like only a noob would start talking **** to people hes never played or seen play. i'd def. mm you but im sure ill never play you.
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