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Looking for people to go to Smashtaclysm


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2005
NFL is planning on renting a 12 person van to drive up to Conn. and attend the tourney there.

we're looking to take 4 from our crew. and the rest from other places, all you would have to do is bring yourself to Ft. Walton Beach florida. I would put your car on Hurlburt Air Force Base while we're gone. So no need to worry about where you leave it for the days we'll be gone.

Right now the cost is looking like it's going to be about $120 per person. That's our best estimation due to gas prices being different..etc...

So basically this post is to find out who exactly would be interested in coming. we've had alot of people show interest so far. but we wanna get a list going of DEPENDABLE people who would like to make this trip. If we don't fill ALL 12 seats. we will not be making this trip..so if you say you're wanting to go. please be sure you'll be able to provide the funds.

The trip will be as follows. on the 8th at about 5pm we will leave and drive ~24 hours to connet. get there on the 9th ~5ish. the tournament site will be housing us that night. tourney is on the 10th and the 11th. leave right after the tourney and travel all day on the 12th. we SHOULD be getting to FT. Walton early in the morning on the 13th. so you're welcome to come the day we leave...or the day before. and we will find a way to house for the night.

We reserve the right to pick and choose who goes. If we do NOT know you personally. Then we just want to say that we're going to pick the people that have already expressed interest. Just saying this so that people don't think that just because they post first. they're going to get on board. This isn't to be mean or unfair. we just don't want any hurt feelings if someone gets the first post and doesn't end up going.

from my crew. 4 people will for sure, be attending so that's 8 seats open as of right now. but there are people from our state that have already expressed interest. so we know who you are. just put a post on the boards. ANY questions/concerns...etc..please send me a private message, and i'll reply with my phone number, or AIM me at FarmerFred1532...but personal contact off of the computer is preferred. ALSO if you need an address, I'll be sending out messages to people that have RSVP'd with the address that you will need to meet us at.

Thanks and we look forward to seeing all of you guys on the 8th! :)


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2004
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
i guess a list of everyone who is considering going will get posted up eventually when we get more interest. We really need people to have like 250 to 300 dollars at their disposal to go to this and there cant be any ifs, ands, or buts, because if we r one person short then we cant go because the price per person skyrockets to unbearable proportions. So when boom said DEPENDABLE he really meant it. :)


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
i posted on the other thread... but skrach and i are interested in going with you guys!
WTF this kid is always leaving me out.

I'd definately also be down to go but I really don't know how we'd even get to North Florida.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2005
Naples, FL.
I'd like to do this, but there are plenty of things that are hindering my chances, as well as my brothers' chances, of going and being able to carpool up to NFL. Here they are:

1.) Work. I just quit my recent job and I'm starting somewhere (between Circuit City and Command Prompt Technologies) within the next week. I don't think it'd look good at all if I were to ask for about 4-5 days off after being at work for only about 2 weeks (by Nov. 10 - 11).

2.) School. At Votech I can only miss 49 hours this semester. Now you might say "Lolz, 49 hours? That's plenty of time..... >_>'. Here's the thing, I've already missed about 30 (estimated). If I miss 3 days of school (which is required for your plan to work), I'd be cutting it close to around 48:30 hours missed!! If I go over hours, there could be difficulties in getting funding for my next semester.

3.) Money. Yeah without a job, you kinda lack money. 120$ is definitely reasonable and if I still had a solid job I'd be able to get that much money easily. However, to make matters worse, besides the fact that I don't even have a job yet (until I start which even if I were to start today I'd get a pay check in about 3 weeks from now), my family has been experiencing some unfortunate financial problems.

So yeah, as you can see, we're having some issues about whether or not we'll be able to make it to this. Thanks NFL for the offers though. We're still trying regardless of our issues.


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th
wow, i actually am interested. um, i got the moneez, but im not sure if i want to spend it on smash. although this would be soooo fun. ive been with wendys for almost a year now, and if i ask for the weekend off i know i'll get it no prob. but ****, i just realized, there is one thing pretty much stopping me, i have to go to school on friday from 9-1:20. i'd have to miss that day of school. i'll talk with my teacher about it.

wow, i just looked at the calendar, and this is gonna be like 5 days off of work. thats kinda cuhrazee. i dont if i want to lose that much money from work. eh, idk. looking at it again, i dont even want to miss class. i actually enjoy my classes. we'll see...peace



Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2005
This is where we stand as potentials...


These are the DEFINATES..so if you wanna be put on this list.. please indicate so :) Really hope this thing goes down..it's too cool to go ANYWHERE with fl smashers.. :p


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2006
The Land of Magical Deserts.
For those who are thinking about taking the greyhound to get to NFL and you're traveling with someone, ask Greyhound about their companion deals, it'll be cheaper. Also if there's more then two of you see if there is a deal for that.

Depending on the situation Otru, u and Skratch u can snag a spot. but so far it depends on if ppl who were earlier considered don't make it.


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2004
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
You boys grey hound it up here! that is too good of an idea. Also dont worry about if u guys come early just like ram and boom said, we gotcha on the housing. No doubt one of us will be able to take u guys in.

also on a side note.... hiroshi why do you sign every post like this..... ?_?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2005
So should I add you to the list Green Mario? It would REALLY make this easier on me if you could send me a message on the boards, or on my AIM @ FarmerFred1532 Just so I know who to put on the list FOR SURE..but as we all said.housing is NO problem at all..and if you DO decide not to drive. I can probably find a way to pick you guys up at the bus station or w/e. but just keep in mind that the earlier we know. the smoother the initial days will go. I look forward to getting your messages! :)



Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2006
The Land of Magical Deserts.
My heart just stopped after reading that Mike. *sad face*

Hiroshi - That was Drumma who asked that lol

Well since Fullmetal and company can't make it I know 2 ppl who deserve a spot no prob. *stares at the cousins of Orlando* u know who you are.

so far IMO the ppl who look like they are seriously trying to make it are.

Green Mario ( he's already in NFL HA!!! )
Sheer Madness

that's 7 ppl plus Me, Boomstick, Drumma Boi and Rice. if everyone actually commit then we have a spot open.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
I'll try to this thing if you guys don't mind. I get a new shipment of cocaine this friday and a couple of pounds of weed so this time next week I should have the money? RAM I got rid of that guy for you, so since you my boy and everything I'll charge you 10% you feel me.


Smash Champion
Nov 24, 2006
Orlando, FL(UCF) truuuu
skrach, sheer and I are goin for sure if we manage to find a ride to NFL, and queen could also ride with us since we basically all live in the same area

we could prolly get to NFL on thursday night (nov 8th)


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2006
The Land of Magical Deserts.
Rag - that suck man but yeah I'm sure we could smash this Saturday.

Otru- if all of you drive down here and take driving shifts it won't be bad at all. and you could get Green Mario on the way.

Hey Green Mario or anyone for that matter!! if you have any questions just IM me on aim RAM7337 I'm actually on right now.


Smash Legend
May 28, 2007
Orlando, FL (walking distance from the Loop)
im guessing greyhound would be slightly more expensive

you have some1 else driving

long distance
while you chill in the back seat playing DS


Im guessing a considerable amount of money would be going to the bus company as well as the driver


theres a lot of people on that bus
They all pay, too

the more work you do, the less money


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2004
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
This is tru.... and that does go to everyone. no one person will be driving that bus the whole time we will be splitting it up evenly between everyone the whole 24 hour drive......

since everyone is throwing theirs out the mine is DrummerdudeEG aim me =)
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