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Lock this!!!!!!! HOUSTON THREAD(everybody go to new Houston thread)

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Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Man, this tournament was definitely one of the best ones Houston has had in the most recent times. Over 30 people showed up, which was more than expected! I think TGM has like 24 or so vids. Some shoutouts...

Jake and crew-Good to see you guys again! We need to play some more smash!

Riot-Good friendlies matches. :)

Aceout-Lol, don't get angry, just practice more. You'll get better, trust me.

Sethlon-You had some really intense matches with Caveman! Unleash the beast that is Roy! As always, our friendlies were awesome. I will claim Yoshi's Island back from you! And wtfomgbbq, Peach?! <_<


The smashers from Rice-You guys aren't too bad, just practice more and play more people from Houston...

Pimpslap-Heh, I congratulate you on the being the only person who stayed up the whole night, though I only got 30 minutes of sleep. Good stuff with our item matches.

Forkgirl-It was fun playing against you in the tourney. Our matches were really close, but I'll do better against your Sheik next time...

Guy who was my first tourney match-Duck, was it? Heh, good stuff from yoour Samus. There aren't many Samus players in Houston, so you definitely had an advantage here. Close matches, good stuff.

Roy-Congrats on winning! You were definitely the underdog in the finals, but you won anyways. The last match of the second set was especially intense. Everyone will want to beat you now, lol. Teach me Falcon, plz.

McDonalds-thank you for your always delicious heart-clogging meals. What would the world do without you?

and finally...TGM-Thanks for having everyone over, it was a blast. It wasn't bad at all, even when 15 or so people were stuffed into some rooms. So if I woke you up, I just couldn't sleep at all. Defenitely hold some more tourney/fest/STDs.

Sorry if I forgot anyone. :(

There were quite a few new faces there as well. Looks like Houston is finally becoming better organized...


Smash Rookie
Sep 19, 2007
Rice University
Just hoppin' in to say thanks for giving us Rice Smashers an awesome first tourney experience. I learned a hell of a lot, and even got some newbie luck on some of you good smashers :p

I played the black costume Doc, by the way. Thanks to anyone who was open to playing friendlies to those of us who were immediately eliminated :p


Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2007
La Marque, TX
I'd just like to say congratulations to Roy for winning, it's definetely gonna help houston out and make things more interesting.

edit: okay real shoutouts

TGM - thanks for the fun tournament, hopefully these will continue

Roy - good job as stated above.

Rayzorium - Good playing you again after all this time.

Jeremy Feifer - You're really cool man, good stuff.

RocketTrainer - Thanks for the ride to McDonald's. =) Good matches, also.

Aceout - Good stuff dude, we were cracking some pretty bad jokes lol.

Jake/George/Killawhale - good seeing you guys again, you guys need to show up more and bring Oscar!!! Always fun hanging out with you.

Kage/Void - Fun friendlies, hope to play yall again soon.

Cesar - Nice luigi dude, was not expecting that. lol

Ronnie - suck my ****

James - suck my balls

Caveman - nice shirt.

Rice people - you guys were really good for your first or second tourney, you were cool too.

Bear - our team was pretty unstoppable. lol

Tarzan - dude you were cool, didn't get to play you though. Come to COM!!

Sethlon - man your roy is ****ing insane wtf, I wanna see you vs ronnie's match

Pimpslap - good stuff haha, fun hangin out again

okay if I forgot someone I'm sorry. I think thats everybody though. edit again - oh yeah forgot gabe, **** you. :p just got done talkin to him on aim anyways.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 15, 2007
Magnolia, Texas
TGM - Great tournament man, good ****. Lets keep it up.

Roy - Great job man. Gettin' houston's rep up.

Rayzorium - Fun stuff playing against you. I totally thought you'd get like 3rd easily.

Jeremy Feifer - Yeah, tricksies for the win man. I enjoyed playing you and stuff. You definitely improved.

RocketTrainer - GOD I KNOW WTF! LOL. Thanks for all the good times man, can't wait to do it again.

Aceout - Heineken guy right? Lol, good **** and stuff man.

Jake/George/Killawhale - Didn't talk to you guys or anything lol.

Kage/Void -Dont know if I played you.

Cesar - lol, didnt hang.

Ronnie - lol, hair cut. Surprised also you didnt top 3 it.


Caveman - Great times. I'll have to play you next time fo sho.

Rice people - Good stuff guys, keep learning and you'll get there.

Tarzan - Funny at dinner. Didn't get to play you though.


Pimpslap - What can I say? You are amazing. :D


Smash Apprentice
Aug 7, 2007
Yea im kool-lol-well hope to see all of yall at my next smashfest soon-and everybody i played thx for the exp!!!-well peace out or should i say Aceout Bebe!!


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2006
Houston, Tx

Cave/fork: again, thank you for showing up to a TGM tournament, it means alot guys. and cave, you lost by a fluke.

Jeremy: you beat me samus but lost to me marth.................i am indeed still the better player. TGM.gov,*****! But seriously, you are welcome to any of me tournies. You didnt act like you do online and that suprised me. i had fun playing with you.

Mouf/riot/tone tone: Im glad you guys showed up and im glad you guys embarrased me at I-HOP..................turkey jerk,cutting and eating each others,,,,,,,,,area, jumping out windows.

Rayzorium: do what you like and not what you dont like. Also, im glad you laughed at bears and forests.

Tarzan: you claimed the cell phone that was missing was yours.............it wasnt. it was pimpslaps. Please give it back to him.

Rice University kids: me am happy you kids went to your first tourney. i hope it was ok and not a totaly bore fest. the samus player(duck) was quite tasty.

Mag: other than saeth and bear being MEGA late, im thankfull yall drove 2 hours to get to me house to play. i love you guys(always have) and i hope your finger gets better gabe. Sethlon.....................your roy is beyond epic. Bear.................HOW THE F did you drink all 18 beers!?!?!?!?!?!??!

im gonna cut down on shout outs cause we all need to talk about something that is bothering me. Im not mad but im going to set out some new rules for my tournaments/fests/stds.

A.....Beer,wine,hard liquor. There was some of this brought to my house. That will not happen again or you will not be allowed to stay at me house. The smell and spills took about 2 hours for me to find and clean up. Not to mention there were children around(some 13 and other 14 and 15) that did not need to be around it. I am not mad at the drinkers(bear,clue and ace) but i ask that you never do it again at me house, its now a rule.

B.....Trash. 31 people went to my tournament! 31 PEOPLE IN ME HOUSE! 21 of the 31 people went out to get McDs and the rest went to jack in the crack and taco bell and ate my 6 bags of chips. This is all coool and what not but the thing is all that trash you made............its in every room in every corner possible. I FILLED up 6 trash cans with trash. Some of you did ask me during the event where u can put your trash....and i thinak you. This is the 2nd new rule in me house now..............throw your trash away!!!!!!

C.....BE ON TIME! i will wait 1 extra hour for you guys. I ended up waiting 3.5 extra hours for everybody to show up. be here 1 hour after the "sign up and practice time" or you will not enter.
Other than that i had a huge blasty blast. Im not mad at anyone i am just adding new rules to me tournies.By the way, this will be a monthlie thing. I wish all of you to show up again and play play play.

Results for 1vs1

Roy_R(rig-ed a trap on kongo jungle)=203$
Caveman(lost by fluke)=59$
Sethlon(a roy player....)=29$
SideEffect(houstons 2nd best player)=a chance to sleep with me

Results for 2v2

Roy_R and SideEffect=22$

My next tourney will be 20th-21st of OCTOBER so please request off work now. Lets try and top 31 people(which will be easy if aladin crew goes). ALso, Halo 3 is coming out in 2 days. I hate halo to the fullest(its an over hyped game thats been done many many times before in the past) but i think we should add another game to the list of games we can play at me house. It doesnt have to be halo, it could be any game. but i need at least 20 people to agree on a game. A game that is commonly played(GG is not one of them).

Marvel vs capcom 2
Street fighter
Mario kart(gcn,n64)
Vote for one of these if you wish or just vote to stay all SSBM. Me dont care. Anyway check out the main page soon, it will be going thru a change.New title, rules, dates,colors,events and a new pic every month. Also, i like poop.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Awesome can't wait for the next one.

If someone would bring Halo 3, it would be nice, because I do want to try it out if possible...

Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
Jeremy Feifer - You're really cool man, good stuff.
Jeremy Feifer - Yeah, tricksies for the win man. I enjoyed playing you and stuff. You definitely improved.
Jeremy: you beat me samus but lost to me marth.................i am indeed still the better player. TGM.gov,*****! But seriously, you are welcome to any of me tournies. You didnt act like you do online and that suprised me. i had fun playing with you.
Thanx guys To everyone who made this thing fun. The fact that me and caveman, went into the back room and he showed me what really makes a pro was amazing. Cant believe he was that cool. Thanx Cave. (Also to the rice kids and andrew/ace....I think riot was back there too). You guys should have been paying attention to me and cave mans games...some amazing stuff went down.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR
shout out to everybody
Sideeffect: did not play you and it was kinda guy at one point only me and roccet trainer where so don't worry.
Roy-R: You are the best player on earth you should be the president of the world.
StiltzSkin: The gay thang once again pop ups. lol your secret is save with me.
Clueless:your cool as ussally lol and i was f-ing tired lol.
Mouf:someday i will show you my secret powers of Dk .
Jeremy:Don't act like you don't know me ***** i will hug you in public
Sethlon:my secret plan was to play you till i beat you and that happen so in your face score was sethlon 16 wins PIMPSLAP 1 win. :rocket:
Bear: we where the coolest people there and i was freaking funny all night. (fat people rule)
Aceout: they told you no johns like 40 times lol classic
Mr3000: i did a random one hit ko on GG im happy
To Kanya west look a like are team is indestructible.
Tarzain: my phone plz...
Kirby player guy: Lol are team was awesome and the thang you did to cluess was hillarious. lol
So i satyed up all night by myself kinda with the help of rocketrainer and bear. also ronnie and stiltzskin scared me to stay awake
To Gabe: i played you one time your ok:)
To Razirium?: played you and gabe on teams and got gang ***** my partney died in like two minutes lol
i did not know who your where untill like the finals wanted to play you.:(
Tgm:Thanks for having the tourny your awesome man tgm combo for life.
thats all i can rember all night.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 2, 2006
What are your dreams?
Great Smash tourny/watever, nuff said. I vote for PKMN(If my LEGIT pokemon are allowed) and Halo 3 for the secondary games. PKMN should be easy considering it doesnt even require a TV screen. I can provide a 360 if need be.

BTW alan sorry about that boo boo you had on your head. Thx for not bleeding on me.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2006
Houston, Tx
Great Smash tourny/watever, nuff said. I vote for PKMN(If my LEGIT pokemon are allowed) and Halo 3 for the secondary games. PKMN should be easy considering it doesnt even require a TV screen. I can provide a 360 if need be.

BTW alan sorry about that boo boo you had on your head. Thx for not bleeding on me.
dude, i blacked out after i put pressure on me head. roy sat in there with me. my arms went numb and i was pale. vision went out and my hearing was going too. kinda scary.


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
TGM: Great tourney man, I'm glad to see that you'll be doing more. Next time me and bear will actually leave on time.

Bear: Thanks for the ride an stuff. So much for taking teams, eh? :ohwell:

Gabe: Thanks for cheering me on in my set against cave. Get a stick so GG doesn't murder your thumb, yeah?

Mr3000: You should've stayed longer, or atleast set up the ps2 earlier. No ^C is :(

Jeremy: Cool to see ya. We'll definately have to get more games in next time.

Mouf: Tell me you'll play dk against me in the tourney, and then change your mind and peach me, grmblegrumblebrumgle....

Ronnie: Really good matches, man. The first match in our set you ***** :dizzy: An' Lol at dsmash killing fox.

Rayzorium: Good to play with you again...its been quite some time.

Roy_R: Stupid 3/5 sets...Super awesome job taking first!

Caveman: Our set was fun as hell. That sheik of yours just doesnt ever ****in' die, lol

Tarzan: Yay for fox tech skill. But that doesn't help you much if i get a dtilt in, eh? We need to get some GG in some time.

Rockettrainer: Its my island!! :psycho:

Marvel vs capcom 2
Street fighter
Mario kart(gcn,n64)
Vote for one of these if you wish or just vote to stay all SSBM. Me dont care. Anyway check out the main page soon, it will be going thru a change.New title, rules, dates,colors,events and a new pic every month. Also, i like poop.
I vote for GG ;_;

Seriously though, a good deal of the people who were there play GG. Me, Bear, Gabe, Mr3000 and T-rex, Cesar(fake), Tarzan and his friend (Ed??), and another guy or two there all play GG. And with Accent Core's US release now, other people could actually get a copy of the game to learn...


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2007
Houston TXXX
I vote all smash.

Forkgirl- Haha first round... I remember EVERYON ewas telling you to go peach/brimstar and you weren't sure of what to do. Im my head I was like *just stay sheik stak shiek stay shiek* but there had to be 40 guys telling you to switch to peach so you did. Your peach on Brimstar really gave me a run for my $$... you should have won that match. Was the set recorded?

Duck- Decent samus, I was suprised. Keep playing, get better.

Rayzorium- I can see you haven't been playing much lately.. you were still tough, maybe get back into the game? Sorry for my display at IHOP.... im usually not like that ;)

James- Good tourney matches, I love playing you because I feel really comfortable thus making me play better... PS. you and brian were so gay at IHOP man... I loved it ;)

Roy- ****it why didnt my winning streak in tourney have to end now of all times... good job beating me though, but now im going to practice alot ****ing more so be ready for next time, oh yeah we need to hang more often.

Sethlon- Omfg lets keep that 4 stock quiet shall we? I wish I could improve as much as you do in such short ****ing periods of time.

Caveman- Didn't get to play you at all except for teams... which were very fun by the way. Thought you had us in the finals. You seemed really cool and... tired. We should play more... next time yes?

Brian/Tone tone- You went home early, me sad.

- Your are a beer machine. Sorry I didn't drink, maybe next time... oh wait there wont be a next time. :p

Gabe- Hello.

Vince(stiltzskin)- MANNNNNNN..... what a night huh? From beds to floors to kitchen counters to bathtubs to floor again... I dont think I have laid together in so many spots with anyone ;). Next time lets try Allans bed, its so ****ing cool and comfortable. Btw your doc is cheese. I win.

Paul(cluelessbtd)- Your a really cool guy I don't know why I was suprised to see you drinking beer lol it was funny. But yeah your ganon is much better than I thought(ive said this before) so there is some credit for ya. We should record some matches next time we meet.

Allan- Great tourney man, really enjoyed it. Next time im sleeping with you in your bed. Please supply das lube.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2007
Houston TXXX
We never talked Kyle Brofloski. Oh and don't get the wrong idea about me and Vince... we were just having fun. ;)


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR
aww your so nice i know we are funny where top tier also the nugget pirates will die you now what im talking about tgm i will maybe get my phone back as well....


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2006
Houston, Tx
oh so tarzan called you? u getting the phone back? i really didnt mean to give it too him had i known it was you phone. also, im trying to upload vids tonite.

MDM, yes you can come just show up on the date i metioned in the title.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 9, 2005
Hey TGM how far did you get in the tourny? man that was the first time i played smash in a while, lol i would get better but im waiting for brawl to actually start going all out on this. Maybe later, **** i have so much homework it isnt even funny. Ray your **** good man, that CF of yours is pretty crazy, so is gabes Pikachu. I cant believe i lost to TGM's young link with Ice Climbers, what is wrong with me?! must of been that lack of practice in the last few weeks. Well guys il make the next one.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Rockettrainer: Its my island!! :psycho:

I vote for GG ;_;

Seriously though, a good deal of the people who were there play GG. Me, Bear, Gabe, Mr3000 and T-rex, Cesar(fake), Tarzan and his friend (Ed??), and another guy or two there all play GG. And with Accent Core's US release now, other people could actually get a copy of the game to learn...

GG wouldn't be so bad...I think MvC2 is gross, in a bad way. Too many glitches, exploits...ugh.

And if someone does bring Halo 3, I would like to try Co-Op and see if we can beat it in one day...


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
I need more Falcon in my diet.

And this tourneyfest helped ease my insomnia...for now. :tired:


Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2007
La Marque, TX
Seriously though, good job for this stuff Allan, and I put all my trash away, in your bathroom trashcan that is.

I can't wait for the next one.


Smash Ace
Nov 20, 2006
Pasadena, Tx
Richard(Pimpslap)- Smashfests are always fun when you're around, make sure you're at the next one

I have no idea what your real name is(Rockettrainer)- I love fighting your marth, keep it coming.

James(Mouf)- Congratulations on being my second 4 stock of the night, ROFL! Also, congratulations on owning me with Falco. I really need to work on that matchup.

Roy(Columbian Falcon)- If I recall properly, we both got 3 wins on each other. Thx for just toying with me until that 4 stock you got, lol.

Alex(Sethlon)- I didn't get to fight you but once, but it was a close fight. I think you woulda won except for a couple of stupid things that shouldn't have happened.

Ray(Bear)- You continue to beat me with Marth, i'll figure out what's going on soon enough...I hope

Vince(stiltzskin)- Your Marth is too hard. You should come over soon, my electricity is back on now, no thanks to my landlord.

Allan(TGM)- We didn't play enough, but when we did, I'm glad you chose Samus. Marth is still a bit confusing for me, but I think I figured out a good tactic today.

Ronnie(SideEffect)- Didn't play you, but your fox is amazing. Also, you, Vince, and James are a funny team of fellas :psycho:

Andrew(Aceout) - Techno music is the source of your power, haha
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