lol, you wish son. You gotta get that hair cut and then you might win. Just gotta worry about sethlon :D
Im your match ray... im your match.
Shoutouts too...
Caveman - Thanx for teaching/showing me some things I would have never done or thought about in about 3 years....your too good.
Seth - Ouch... we only played one game... I cant go down like that we gotta play again... Believe me I know I can do better -_-... Also props on doing sooo freaking good against SideFX and that Colombian. Your also one of the coolest smashers... dont forget that.
Ronnie - That red falcon of yours was too good... but when you'd change from black...
Bear - Your were by far the funnest person to play... it seems we both had some tricks up are sleeve.
Jake - Thanx for the help. Cooling off my nervousness... somewhat.
Mouf -We gotta do this again, I know we were both nervous so Id like to do this again when were both Fooly-Cooly.
Riot - You own. I cant believe you know where my sig is from. I had fun playing you too.
TGM - LOL we have to play again. I bet you think you can own meh eh? LOL
Gabe - Just like seth, we only played one game... Id like to do another when Im fooly-cooly. Also, why were actin like you were actin?(Snobby) If we aren't cool you should say something, but mabey Im just tripping right?
Rayzorium - Thanx for the games. He's human after all. Thats a relief.
3000/Trex - We came together, so ya know how I feel.
Ummm... Pimpslap/Ace/Kage/Killawhale/Ceasar/Defy/University kids(tEh wolf)/that guy who kept walking in saying "I love you guys"/I know im forgeting some peeps... but yeh.
GOOD TIMES even though the brackets were rigged.