Alright, after some more time to consider and play, here's what I think Link's matchup chart kinda looks like.
If a character is not on the list, I have little to no experience with that matchup.
Ratios are Link:Opponent

: 60:40
Link has an easy time keeping fatties from ever touching him. Bowser can hang though, and is rewarded much better in the up-close game than Link. The neutral game is what puts this in Link's favor

: 40:60
Falcon dances around and combos Link all day. Link can combo him back pretty hard too, though. The problem is that you can't really zone Falcon out. His nair will beat out the boomerang and he can easily weave around the rest of your projectiles.

: 50:50
The best of the fatties outranges us and has some nasty edgeguards. Nair will beat out projectiles as well. We still have a slightly better neutral game, though, and we can combo him pretty easily.

: 40:60
Our defense is slightly better, his offense is ridiculously better. Link's lack of mobility really hurts when there's bananas everywhere.

: 70:30
We're probably his worst matchup. DK should never touch you.

: 35:65
I think most of us would agree this is our worst matchup. Once he gets in, you're pretty much dead. There's jack you can do against pillars unless the Falco messes up. You can't really keep Falco out either, because lasers stuff your ability to get the projectile wall going. It's not unwinnable due to the many 0-80/death combos and edgeguards we have available on Falco, but it's just so hard to get to that point.

: 45:55
Still has the insane pressure and speed and shine spikes are brutal. However, since his lasers don't stun, we can actually throw stuff, and we still have the great combo game on him.

: 65:35
He punishes hard, like really hard. It might even be 60:40, but eh, he's a fatty. #throwstuff

: 60:40
Deceptively fast and well-placed fairs will keep you off the ledge every time if you don't recover immediately. There's not much he can do to get past projectile walls though and we probably combo him harder than he combos us.

: 45:55
Honestly, this would be completely even if not for the bair edgeguards. Besides that, their neutral game, combo game, and recovery are about the same.

: 60:40
Blahblah, throw stuff at the fat guy, you jerk.

If our neutral game wasn't so godlike, this matchup would suck. You can not shake Kirby off once he gets in. You have to play safe and you have to play lame. Once you do, though, Kirby's pretty easy.

: 60:40
Read above

: 60:40
Luigi combos us pretty hard, but Link's never had a problem with floaty characters. 'Rang stuffs out pretty much any approach the guy has

: 45:55
His fireball is probably better than any individual projectile Link has. Regardless, we have three, so we win the neutral game slightly. He has a pretty brutal chaingrab though. It's pretty much a free 40-50% every time. Combos go back and forth

: 55:45
I never found this matchup to be that bad in Melee as it is. Now we have zair which spaces out anything he can throw at us. Plus our great projectile game. It ain't easy, though, he can still get in, he can still combo the crap out of us, and his sword is still longer than ours.

: 40:60
He's too fast. He has too many options. All the time. What makes this doable is the fact that we combo him very hard and are able to kill him with dthrow>dair pretty early.

: 45:55
We can space him out with 'rangs and zair, but he can also punish a lot of stuff we do thanks to teleport. He combos us pretty easily, but we can actually combo him pretty decently too, better than most characters can.

: 60:40
Stay out of PK Fire range and throw things and you win.

: 60:40
He has a chaingrab and very, VERY easy 0-80 combos on us. But we still win, 'cause neutral game. #throwthings

: 70:30
Another character who can't touch us and should hate us forever.

: 50:50
This is weird, cause both of us can do what we're known for(his 0-death carrying you into the blast zone crap and our impenetrable projectile wall) on each other just as easily as we can on most of the rest of the cast. Simple as that, this is as even as even gets.

: 60:40
Has a harder time than Marth somehow, probably due to the fact that he has to play at mid-range and Link just loves that.

: 60:40
Take a wild guess what we do here? Yup, we throw things. She can't outcamp us.

: 50:50
All of our new tricks make this actually really hard for Sheik. We combo her pretty hard now too, but make no mistake, she can get in. She can run under 'rangs and arrows, she can easily rack up damage and still has her sick edgeguard game

: 40:60
Our projectiles stuff a lot of his options, but it's hard to place them all correctly when the Blue Blur is just zippin around at the speed of sound. Link's weakness is still his lack of mobility, and Sonic might just be too fast. It might even be as bad as Falco except Sonic can't snuff out projectiles.

: 55:45
Do not underestimate his projectiles even if they aren't as good. His strength in the matchup is his superior mobility and he can combo us to hell and back. What keeps us in the lead, as always, is our superior neutral game.

: 60:40
He just feels like a bad Falco in this matchup. Like, he's fast and has good pressure, but not on the same level as Fox/Falco. His laser blows in comparison to our projectiles and we still have the huge combo game we have on Fox/Falco.