Passages like this from him are good but not great because they have no beauty or pathos, they are effectively written but not "well" written:
His stature as a man of letters is massively overrated because of the fame of 1984, he is more important as a political commentator than as a literatteur. It was funny how he dismissed better writers like George Bernard Shaw and Ezra Pound for political reasons -- but befitting.
I could name numberous better essayists of the top of my head. In fact, let me: Joseph Addison, Richard Steele, Francis Bacon, William Hazlitt, Thomas de Quincey, Charles Lamb, Saint-Beuve, H.L. Mencken, James Baldwin, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Matthew Arnold, Van Wyck Brooks, Robert Louis Stevenson, Montaigne, Thomas Carlyle, John Ruskin, George Bernard Shaw, James Huneker, Maurice Barrès, Jules Lemaître, Émile Faguet, Remy de Gourmont, Jorge Louis Borges and Virginia Woolf.