OKAY! (In Solid Snake's voice)
- Why do a lot of people hate on MGS4 for the PS3?
- Why are you so awesome?
I think people hated on MGS4 because of how LONG the cutscenes were. It was a long game, and I don't think anyone was really anticipating that going into the game. I remember when I beat that, it was 11pm, and I had work at 9 the next day. Didn't get to bed until about 1a or 2a.
I forgot whats the question limit so I'll just put 3 for Mr. O:
- Did you watch food inc? If so, tell me how you feel about the fast food generation after seeing the documentary.
I have not. Let me ask this, is it good?
How ya livin, Biggie Smalls ODIN?
Livin' Large(tm) and in charge.
OoOoH questions for O D I N.
1. Tell your wife I said hello4.
I will.
Questions for ODIN:
3) What do you do for a living?
4) Is there anything about newer games (i.e. on current gen consoles) that you dislike? If so, what are those things? Why?
Smooth Criminal
I work at the front desk in a hotel. I've been doing that for about year now. It's a cool job, and equally annoying. I'd say a tier below retail in regards to dealing with annoying people.
I think my biggest gripe would be that a lot of games are too short or rushed. That's one of things I loved about DE:HR; it's a long game and I don't feel it was rushed at all.
Questions for ODIN:
- Which video game character do you relate to the most, and why?
- If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Around 5 years ago, I would say Squall from FF8 (I was a sad depressed kid). Now I'm a sad, depressed adult. So Big Boss I guess.
Probably the UK and or Japan again. And Yellowstone. That was a great trip we had this summer.
I love you for that first...question.
what is your favorite purple Nintendo character?
Have you ever seen a chicken?
When can we hang out?
WALUIGI!!!! Or Purple Yoshi.
When you decide to come to Chicago! D:
ODIN! <3
Favorite David Tennant moment?
Best meal on a budget? ($5 at most)
Eye of the Tiger or Don't Stop Believing?
Will you be seeing The Lion King when it returns to theaters?!
Too many. My most memorable is that moment when you first meet him.
"Who, ARE YOU?!"
"I DON'T KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????"
In the U.S., Wendy's. In Japan, Sushi.
Don't STOP...... BEEE-LIEVINNNNNN'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Probably. Makuna Hatata.
"Bicycle" by queen OR "Friday" by Rebecca Black?
What was your near-death experience?
QUEEN. Hands down.
Fun story about near-death. The one that stands out in my mind is we (me and my friends (and now wife) in high school) were playing Fish at a local park (I can explain Fish later). I forgot my sunglasses at the park, so we went back after dark, and there was a group of people there who started shouting at us. I grabbed my sunglasses, and started walking back to the car. This big, huge guy runs up and falcon punches the smaller guy in our group in the back of his head. Luckily, some other guy in that group calmed Biggie down. It may not have happened to me physically, but I was scared for my life. Elana (now wife) was standing next to me the whole time. I think it really brought us closer together.
Pretty sure it was Badger, but a second guess would be Swampert.
Oh, I wanted ask one more question:
Do you play any tabletop roleplaying games? Does your wife play, too? If so, what game(s) do ya'll play?
(P.S. I will love you forever if you guys play Werewolf: the Apocalypse or Exalted: Second Edition.)
Smooth Criminal
I do, my wife doesn't.
I (and my friends) used to make our own tabletop paper RPGs, but that never got anywhere. We also used to play V:tM. I went out and bought V:tM, Hunter, Werewolves, and I think Mage and was gonna try to get a massive game going. Never panned out.
Currently playing Dresden Files paper/tabletop RPG.
O D I N is too good, I think I'll throw in some more:
What is your favorite shooter? MGS excluded
I'd say Halo and Call of Duty, followed by Borderlands.
Halo is great. CoD CAN be fun. Borderlands is amazing.
My one question to All-Father Odin:
Why isn't Adam your new avatar?
But I like The Boss...