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Let's put a face to the name.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
you have to be goddamn ******** to believe that

even I don't believe it
and I don't even know how long inches/feet are exactly

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
little do you know canada owns america.

Also, the end part of that lacked the relevance of me looking up that canada's average is:

174 cm (5' 8.5"), so Raz is above avg in canada as well.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
but if you were talking about the united states that would still leave mexico, panama, cuba, the dominican republic....

I was, however, fully aware that Canada owns the United States. We invested smartly during the great recession....... in the greenback debt and maple syrup only

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
good **** EE.

i should have never doubted your knowledge of that.

And in fresh water, those americans never thought fresh water would be a good investment :troll: look where that got them.

Go canada


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
on the subject of attractiveness, has anyone legitimately found someone more attractive after getting to know them/them showing an appealing personality or whatever?

Not even talking about an abstract "personality matters too" here, but like, say you meet some chick you wouldn't go out of your way to look at a second time, but you get to know her, she turns out to be awesome, and then you start noticing physical features/quirks you find super hot that you weren't noticing before

This has been a recent phenomena with me and I thought it was weird and on topic, so here we are
Depends on what you mean by attractive, but yes, you'll naturally feel more inclined to be with someone who is attractive, and that includes them having an attractive personality (or a personality that is, in your opinion, great and interest captivating.)

I've met hot girls with terrible personalities and then I just BOUNCED like a bawss, and I've also made friends with girls that aren't mega hot but had fun personalities so I ended up sticking around longer with them.

Oh and DUH forgot the most important part:

Physical attraction is the primary onset of captivating sexual interest, but after that, things like personality play a role in the sustainability of a relationship; someone with a great personality has a good chance of maintaining your interest for much longer, although perhaps not in a sexual nature at first. This inadvertently gives you more time to "survey the goods" to the point where you'll eventually begin to notice the individual's more hidden strengths and weaknesses. The more strengths they have, the more likely that you'll be captivated sexually. The more weaknesses, the less likely. Take in mind it's all subjective of course (strengths and weaknesses basically equate to the genes they have and how attractive said genes are to you.)

One thing to be wary of: if you're not constantly talking to different women, you'll end up becoming sexually captivated by a girl you wouldn't otherwise be captivated sexually by on the premise that she's the only one you're talking to (which leads to tardfatuation or just being dumb). So definitely make sure you're talking to more girls than just one. Not saying this is the case with you, but if it is, be careful.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
yes bardull

I am a college student that works at a bar and somehow has managed to only know one woman

it was quite a feat and no one thought I could do it but I believed in myself


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
At risk of falling too deeply back into the trenches of this topic again...

also I dunno about the whole objectification thing

it's totally got the veins of sexism running through it, yeah, and the way it came up in this thread seemed a little callous, but you gotta bear in mind that the only reason they were assigned numbers, as impersonal and "women ARE MEAT" as that seems at first blush, is because nobody knows their names
I never brought up the numbers issue in those terms though. My argument wasn't "how dare you call her number 4?! She has a name, you know!" It was "Why are you suddenly listing these girls you don't know in order of bone-ability? Does your brain really immediately jump down to your **** whenever you see females?"

I mean the whole reason Raz shared that photo was "look at me and all these sexy ladies", and I mean I dunno **** about **** when it comes to tournaments but I'm pretty sure the girls in the photo were having a laugh doing their "lets be sexy ladies in a photo with this one guy that'll be fun" thing. Seriously, when do five women form a pack around one guy as the centerpiece and take a photo without some of that in there? They're conveying a pretty clear message there but it's also clearly meant to be all in good fun
Sure, sure. Point taken. But even so, is it not odd to you how quickly conversation turned from "haha Raz took a sexy ladies pick" to "now which one would you gentlemen share a bed with first?" And don't you think it's unfortunate that the simple act of multiple girls being in a picture around one guy is automatically construed to be somewhat sexual, even in a joking way, free of any other context?

and it strikes me as naive to think that women don't do similar things. Like, yeah, they don't break a guy down into a 1-10 scale (to my knowledge, anyway) but they definitely play the comparison game. If a girl took a photo at some thing that women do with a bunch of shirtless dudes surrounding her flexing, everybody doing it for a laugh, would the gal pals she shows it to really not start ranking them? Nah. Nah. I mean I don't pretend to have a massive sample size here or anything but I've definitely seen plenty of such examples
Again, not a point I was making. In fact, I admitted that girls are just as capable of being judgmental and shallow as guys. But there's usually at least context. Your example of a woman posing for a photo with a bunch of shirtless, flexing men is a good one actually. Even meant as a goof, it is clear there that those men have muscles to be admired, and therefor the ladies looking at the photo admire them (and maybe pick out favorites). The same can't really be said about Raz's picture. The girls in the picture aren't really doing anything provocative or sexy. They're not wearing bikinis or bending over or making pouty faces. They're just there. Their existence is the only context. Sure, a girl can take a picture like this with a bunch of dudes, but it needs stipulations like all the men being shirtless to tell the viewer that the message is "look at these hunks." With girls, that isn't necessary. Apparently any picture with one guy and multiple girls in it automatically becomes a "look at my swag harem" picture because of the way we are conditioned to view women in this society. That, on its own, is revealing to me.

To reiterate a previous point, I do find both guy and girl versions of this kind of judgment silly and unfortunate. Mostly because I'm a little bit too PC for my own good sometimes, I guess. But when it's men judging women, it's especially unsettling to me just because it always inherently seems like it's coming from a place of entitlement. Like, "that woman exists; it is totally my right to evaluate her." And maybe that's unfair of me, too.

With that said, the bit about insults hurled at female politicians and celebrities and stuff vs the blind eye turned to similar things is 100% on point and a total blatant case of endemic sexism. But I also think that's different... societal constructs and ideals aren't directly applicable to the thinking of your average joe... I mean, idealizations like these are created for particular reasons in the first place, right? I really don't know why the media constructs are so cruel to women and nonplussed by men, but there you have it. Probably a holdover from the explicitly patriarchal era, I dunno. Either way it's a shame.
Correct me if I'm missing the point of what you're actually saying here entirely, but it seems like the bolded is saying that the media's approach to the discussion of public figures and the average person's approach are separate things? In the strictest sense, yes, I suppose, but the way the media treats people absolutely informs the way the average person does, and the way the media decides on how to react to these things is based on what it thinks we want to see and hear. It's a vicious cycle. We feel like we're entitled to be angry at Christina Aguilera for putting on a few pounds because the media makes a big stink about it. The media is encouraged to do that because audiences feel comfortable seeing and hearing it. They're different domains, technically, but one perception definitely informs the other. So to pretend that one domain doesn't have a place being used in a discussion about the other seems silly.

though I just wanna be clear that when you mention the insults hurled at Sarah Palin, you're talking about those related to her appearance, bikini photographs etc, and not her literally empirically proven incompetence and stupidity. Because, oh man. That was certainly some kind of real thing. A thing Aych Dubs also had going in spades and was continuously rousted for, I might add

I mean I'm sure you were talking about the comments focusing on her appearance but ya never know I guess
I picked Sarah Palin and Nancy Pelosi for that example specifically because they're each one of the most influential/highest ranking/well-known female figures of their respective parties in the USA, and I've personally heard ridiculously cruel insults hurled at both of them in regards to their appearance. I consider most insults hurled at Palin's intelligence justified and totally valid to discussion regarding her, since the ability to think critically and be informed on issues should be a pretty important prerequisite for national office. But frankly, since her ignorance is such low-hanging fruit, I find it all the more unsettling when I hear people attacking her on her looks instead. Or really just sexualizing her as a way of invalidating her in general, as if her ability to govern is related to how many pairs of men's dress pants she can tent with a wink. And really, that's the bigger point—not that people call her ugly and that's mean or unfair, but that they frame her as a sexual being in general as a way of damaging her credibility. "She's a woman, and we can insinuate that women are prostitutes. Voters don't like prostitutes." It's the kind of thing that just isn't ever an issue for any male politicians (except for ones who actually get caught with their pants down in front of female secretaries).


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
yes bardull

I am a college student that works at a bar and somehow has managed to only know one woman

it was quite a feat and no one thought I could do it but I believed in myself
Maaaaaaan. I just wanted to be thorough on the subject, chillsies.

Even if you know a bunch of girls doesn't mean you talk to them regularly, y'know? It happens to the best of us when life is a cold hard *****.



Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
For the context of the picture, those were eye candy girls who were in charge of selling raffle tickets and junk.

They took pictures with all the finalists for the games. (I placed 3rd in Brawl, I'm holding my prizes in the picture.)

Whatever that does to change your contextual interpretations.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
Raz, your shortish man.

Also, on the topic of sexism, while ranking the girls could be a subset of it, it could have been much more sexist than it was.
6 ft is shortish? he's an inch or two taller than me.
@Rake: I'm confused. I said North America, not Canada. Did you think North America = ... the North of the American supercontinent... or something..?
Rake has multiple nationality disorder.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
on the subject of attractiveness, has anyone legitimately found someone more attractive after getting to know them/them showing an appealing personality or whatever?

Not even talking about an abstract "personality matters too" here, but like, say you meet some chick you wouldn't go out of your way to look at a second time, but you get to know her, she turns out to be awesome, and then you start noticing physical features/quirks you find super hot that you weren't noticing before

This has been a recent phenomena with me and I thought it was weird and on topic, so here we are
I definitely have. One girl who I first met maybe 3 years ago, I always thought she was pretty plain and I had no interest in her whatsoever, but we've always talked and been good friends. About 4 months ago she went on a trip around the world through Europe and Africa, and I've REALLY missed seeing her around all the time, and when I occasionally see her photos from different landmarks pop up in my news feed I think "damn, she's actually pretty cute."

I sound pretty bent in that paragraph, but it is what it is :3


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
Raziek's coming soon with pics from Retribution.



Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Juushichi enjoying Fuzzy Peaches

Juicy and Red Ruy playing Brawl

Bodaciously Sexy Lover + Ryker

BSL + Ryker @ IHOP


Yomi begins! Armor spectating Juicy

Ryker being a goofy mother****er

Dat Pokerface.

"Moshi Moshi! Jimmies-desu!

Regrettably blurry as **** group photo.

(Armor, Laundry, Ryker, Raz, BSL, S2, Red Ruy)

Blurry photo take 2

And finally, Stew photobombing the **** out of DRB


#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Glasses seriously make a person look like infinity different. Are you sure that's not just a Ryker imposter Raz?

S2 looks like he's 10.

BSL and WL look like they belong on a surfboard.

Thanks for taking the photographs Raz (I'm assuming you're the one to take them).


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I'm very sure it's Ryker. We cuddled Friday night. <3

I took everything but the group photos, haha.

And you're very welcome.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
I'm pretty sure you can't fit two people on a surfboard...
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