10270 - Arrow glow
10418 - Loop 9 time sync 3 graphic - Boomerang Forward
10538 - Loop Infint sync 3 graphic - Boomerang Return
105B8 - Ext. Graphic #3, Graphic D - NAVI DUST!!
1CC68 - AppealHi Subaction
1CC88 - AppealHi Subaction
1CCB8 - AppealLw Subaction
1CCD8 - AppealLw
1CDF8 - Nspecial Start Ground Subaction
1CE98 - Nspecial End Ground Subaction
1CEC0 - Nspecial Atart Air Subaction
1CED8 - Nspecial Charge Air Subaction
1CEF0 - Nspecial End Air Subaction
==Floating Points==
1CF80 - 42700000 (60) [30=41F00000, 120=42F00000] - 2=172dmg, 10=37dmg. More velocity with lower value, ONLY affects charged arrows.
1CF84 - 3F800000 (1) [2=40000000] - Unknown.
1CF88 - 00000000 (0.0) - Unknown.
1CF8C - 3D32B8C2 (0.043633...) Arrow angle. .9=~60degrees, .125=~10degrees
1CF90 - 3F99999A (1.200000047...) - Unknown.
1CF94 - 00000028 (40 Hex...) - Arrow Duration(Frames).
1CF98 - 40400000 (3) - Uncharged Arrow Velocity Multiplier.
1CF9C - 41200000 (10) - Charge Velocity Multiplier.
1CFA0 - 40800000 (4) - Uncharged Arrow Damage.
1CFA4 - 41400000 (12) - Full Charge Arrow Damage.
1CFA8 - 00000050 (80 Hex...) - Unknown.
1CFAC - 3D591687 (0.0529999...) - Arrow Gravity.
1CFB0 - 3F32B8C2 (0.69813168...) - Possibly Weight.
==END Floating Points==
1CFB8 - Arrow Offensive Collision
1D030 - Sspecial 1 Ground Subaction 1
1D0B0 - Sspecial 1 Ground Subaction 2
1D108 - Sspecial 2 Ground Subaction
1D138 - Sspecial 1 Air Subaction 1
1D150 - Sspecial 1 Air Subaction 2
1D168 - Sspecial 2 Air Subaction
==Floating Points==
1D1F8 - 3DCCCCCD (0.100000001...) - Something to do with angle...? ANything above 1=cant angle rang.
1D1FC - 3EE85696 (0.453785598...) - Angle of upward/downward throw.
1D200 - C084CCCD (-4.15000009...) - Vertical offset? -16=Higher, hits floor sooner than it should.
1D204 - 0000008C (140 Hex...) - Duration of short rang(Frames).
1D208 - 000000AA (170 Hex...) - Duration of long rang(Frames).
1D20C - 4019999A (2.400000095...) - Short rang start velocity.
1D210 - 40466666 (3.099999904...) - Long rang start velocity.
1D214 - C1A00000 (-20) - Rotation of the actual rang.
1D218 - C1F00000 (-30) - Rotation of the actual rang.
1D21C - 3D408312 (0.046999998...) - 'Rang Decceleration/Resistance.
1D220 - 40400000 (3) - Returning rang Velocity.
1D224 - 3E99999A (0.300000011...) - Higher makes it reverse direction quicker and sharply, Lower makes the turnaround slower...
1D228 - 3F060A92 (0.523598790...) - Unknown. Seems to VERY slightly do something near the turnaround point...
1D22C - 3C567750 (0.013089969...) - Returning rang angleish. Higher value = better homing to link.
1D230 - 3CD67750 (0.026179939...) - Unknown.
1D234 - 0000008C (140 Hex...) - Something to do with returning rang homing...lowering makes it stop homing after awhile...
1D238 - 00000013 (19 Hex...) - Unknown. Freezes if too high, right near turnaround point.
1D23C - 41100000 (9) - X-offset of when Boomerang is catchable. Higher values=Boomerang is caught further in front of link.
1D240 - 40000000 (2) - Unknown.
1D244 - 42C80000 (100) - Unknown.
1D248 - 00000014 (20 Hex...) - Unknown.
1D24C - 00000004 (4 Hex...) - Untested.
1D250 - 00000002 (2 Hex...) - Untested.
==END Floating Points==
1D358 - Gale Boomerang (wind 60 angle)
1D400 - Wind effect? 40angle - Boomerang coming back?
==Floating Points==
1D490 - 0000003C - (60 Hex...) - Untested.
1D494 - 3FCCCCCD - (1.600000023...) - Unknown.
==END Floating Points==
1D7F0 - Uspecial Ground Subaction
1E0E8 - Uspecial Air Subaction
==Floating Points==
1E298 - 4009999A (2.15000009...)
1E29C - 3F0CCCCD (0.55000001...)
1E2A0 - 3ECCCCCD (0.400000005...)
1E2A4 - 3E6147AE (0.219999998...)
1E2A8 - 3E4CCCCD (0.200000002...)
1E2AC - 00000018 (24 Hex...)
==END Floating Points==
1E250 - Dspecial Ground Subaction
1E278 - Dspecial Air Subaction
1E448 - Final Start Ground Subaction
1E4D0 - Final Start Air Subaction
1E568 - Final Dash Subaction
1E610 - Final Smash hits
1E740 - Final Smash second to last hit
1E780 - Final Smash final hit
1E7C0 - Final Hits Subaction
******TON of Floating Points**(1ED3C-1EF58)
1EEE8 - Calls SquatWait Main...
1EF00 - Calls SquatWait SFX...
1EF18 - Calls SquatWait GFX...
1EF30 - Calls SquatWait Other...
1EF48 - Calls Ftilt Main...
1EF60 - Calls Ftilt SFX...
1EF78 - Calls Ftilt GFX...
1EF90 - Calls Ftilt Other...
1EFA8 - Calls Ftilt Main...
1EFC0 - Calls Ftilt SFX...
1EFD8 - Calls Ftilt GFX...
1EFF0 - Calls Ftilt Other...
1F008 - Calls Fsmash Main...
1F020 - Calls Fsmash SFX...
1F038 - Calls Fsmash GFX...
1F050 - Calls Fsmash Other...
1F068 - Calls Fsmash Main...
1F080 - Calls Fsmash SFX...
1F098 - Calls Fsmash GFX...
1F0B0 - Calls Fsmash Other...
1F100 - Change Action to 9B if "B" is pressed, also if ICBasic252>=ICBasic114 & ICBasic41==85
1F138 - Dunno...Calls 1F100 Twice...
1F2F0 - Action 113. Side-B Stuffs.
1F4F8 - Action 119. Side-B Stuffs.
1F710 - Action 114. Up-B Stuffs.
1F7F0 - End If, Loop Reset, End If of Action
1F8A0 - Action 117. Up-B Stuffs.
1F9D8 - Action 118. Up-B Stuffs.
1FB58 - RABasic0 = RABasic 1, Calls 1FCD0, Return.
1FBB0 - RABasic0 = RABasic 2, Calls 1FCD0, Return.
1FBE8 - Action 115. Down-B Stuffs.
1FCD0 - Checks RABit 16 true/false, change subaction to RABasic0, pass frame true/false, return.
1FE48 - Action 116. Final Smash Stuffs.
1FF88 - Compare ICBasic33!=282, do stuff...dunno.
1FFF0 - Stuff, If RABasic<0, ground>action 0, air>action 10.
20038 - Action 11A. Final Smash Stuffs.
200E0 - Compare ICBasic33!=283, do stuff...dunno.
20140 - Action 11B. Final Smash Stuffs.
20190 - 0C070000. ??
201D0 - Compare ICBasic33!=53, Remove Articles 3 and 4.
20228 - Compare ICBasic33!=55, Remove Articles 3 and 4.
20260 - Subroutine CatchTurn, Calls 201D0
202A0 - Change Action 10A if in Air, change subaction to 6F, something...probably articles 3/4.
202D8 - Subroutine CatchPull, stuff...articles prolly.
20300 - Calls 202A0.
20318 - Calls 202D8.
20350 - RABasic0=3, RABasic2=2, Subroutine AirLasso.
203C0 - Compare ICBasic33!=129, stuff...remove article 4, subroutine AirLasso.
20418 - RABasic1=7, stuff, subroutine AirLassoReach.
20488 - Compare ICBasic33!=129, stuff...remove article 4, subroutine AirLassoReach.
204D0 - RABasic0=3, Subroutine AirLassoHang.
20518 - Compare ICBasic33!=130, remove article 4, subroutine AirLassoHang.
20578 - RABasic1=6, stuff, stuff, subroutine AirLassoRewind.
205B0 - Remove Article 4, subroutine AirLassoRewind.
20678 - Compare ICBasic0>=34, stuff, LABit66=true, stuffx2, Compare ICBasic0>=55, stuff, LABit67=true, Model Display 0-2,0-0, Remove articles 3 and 4.
20728 - LABit66&67=false, stuff, Model Display 0-2,0-1, special function 20678, subroutine AirLassoFailure.
20770 - Remove Article 4, subroutine AirLassoFailure.
207A0 - subroutine AttackAirUniq, if LABit62=true, if LABit63=false, terminate collisions, calls 17990, LABit63=true, endif, if compare LAFloat21>0,
LAFloat21-ICBasic24, if LABit64=true, stuff, stuff, calls 17A78, endendend.
20828 - subroutine AttackAir, special function 207A0.
209A0 - Compare ICBasic41=85, stuffx2, ifstuff, RABasic0=103/10C, RABasic1=10C/103, subroutine ItemThrow.
20AA0 - Change subaction to 0.
20AD8 - LABasic5<=0, terminate instance. - Boomerang duration.
20B10 - Calls 20AD8, If colliding with wall, 0C060000. - Boomerang Wall Collision check.
20B98 - Change action 3 if ICBasic232<=ICBasic167 and if LABit3=true, change action 3 if hitbox connect, change subaction to 1, special function 20B10.
20BD0 - Calls 20AD8.
20BF8 - Special Function 20BD0, change subaction to 2.
20C28 - Change subaction to 0, 10040200:0-0,0-1.
20C98 - Visibility:3-1, RABasic0=5, RABasic1=8, RAFloat1=ICBasic161, RAFloat2=ICBasic162, change subaction to 0.
20CE8 - 17060100:0-1, 10040200:0-0,0-2.
20F50 - middle of action 112? 10050200x2, 10010100, 0C200200.
211C8 - Action 112. Nspecial Stuff.
21590 - Change subaction to 0.
215C8 - LABasic4<=0, Terminate instance. - Arrow Duration.
21628 - change subaction to 1, change action to 2 if colliding with wall, special function 215C8, collisiondamage. - Arrow Wall collision check.
21688 - stuffx2, LABasic4<=0, stuff, terminate instance.
216F0 - stuffx3, change subaction to 2, special function 21688, sync1frame, terminate collisions.