We cannot know, until launch, if this will be simple, mild, and intelligently balanced, or if it will be awkward, over-powered, and broken. This could be one of the most thrilling, intense, competitive aspects of smash4.
I am only considering the Special-Move variations, and
not the irrelevant "equippable items" thing.
The case for custom movesets in competition:
- The moveset options are mild and balanced (they make simple trade-offs and do not over-power characters).
- The moveset options are quick and easy to configure (as simple as custom controller settings),
or if they can be uploaded easily (via DS / Wiimote / Amiibo / ?).
- "Fully unlocked" game discs are easily available to tournament organizers.
THEN: Custom movesets should be permitted in tournament play.
Why this is awesome:
- It adds a "personal" element to the game; it's fun to make a character perfectly suited for your personal playstyle.
- Protection against "unusably bad" character glitches. If a specific "basic" special move is determined to be useless / unviable in competitive play, then the character is not lost -- they can pick a variation that is functional.
- Last-resort protection against "broken good" characters. If a specific move has a glitch that renders it impossibly good (think: the MK infinite dimensional-cape glitch), there may be a variation that does not glitch out. Again, the character is saved.
- It allows the metagame to evolve deeply. When a specific move seems too powerful (think MK tornado), specific moveset variations could be found to counter it (Mario's Fire Orb?). This has a connection to the philosophy behind counterpicking characters.
- It is a deeper skill. The best player at smash4 is the player that can adapt to any situation, and this is one form of adaptation. You can adapt to your opponent's moveset during the fight, and you can adapt your character (and hence your own playstyle) to be the best for the moment.
If any of my
ONLY IF conditions are failed by the game, then custom moves should not be allowed. They cannot overtly disrupt the balance or flow of the game, and they cannot be an undue burden on tournament organization and efficiency.
I think Condition 2 (quick, easy configuration) will be a success, based on the information we have, and especially if a player's favourite variations can be saved and transferred between systems, we do not have a problem.
Regarding Condition 1: Will custom variations be
mild and
balanced? Sakurai has cited "balance" issues as being the reason that
custom moves are not allowed in "For Glory" online matches. This is deeply worrisome, as it suggests he does not intend the customization to be especially balanced.
One possibility is that he was referring specifically to the "equippable item" variations, and that custom-Specials will be allowed in For Glory. This seems rather likely, unless Palutena herself will be disallowed from Glory-mode.
Regardless, our competitive community does not base its choices around the options that Nintendo sanctions for their online play. These are different worlds. Even if the game developers "intended" movesets to be imbalanced, we might find they're pretty well balanced anyway. And it does look like they
are trying to make them reasonably minor, balanced variations.
As for Condition 3: Can TOs easily get fully-unlocked save files? I expect it will be simple enough to pass the game files around. But we can't know for sure until launch.
I personally expect custom-specials will be balanced, easy, creative, competitive, and
awesome fun, and that they'll substantially improve the game's
longevity. Which is great for everyone, especially tournament organizers and competitors.