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Laundry's All-Stars Pokemon Mafia -- Pokeballs to the Pokewalls!


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I didn't say it means anything, I just think it's dumb to be citing a scumtell and have it be something you yourself are doing.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I don't. You're perfectly fine so long as you can pull it off. I present an absurd amount of scum tells in my town games because I can counterbalance it.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
There's as much evidence that you're not looking for scum as there is that I'm not looking for scum, or more.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
"Make sure to use potions when you're low on health! If you're out, please travel to the nearest Pokemon Center!"

-Trainer Tips

Laundry forced a hollow laugh at the sign. It was cold and the wind was unrelenting here. In a previous fight, one of his Pokemon had already fainted after finishing off the enemy from exhaustion and frostbite. But he couldn't go back now. The next town was just a little farther ahead. He could even see the lights glittering in the distance amongst the blinding snow. He just...needed to keep going.

Laundry reached to his Pokeballs. He didn't know why he was here. Surely someone closer could've been available. Did they not have any other agents stationed here? No one to take care of a few ****ing thieves that apparently local police stations could not handle? Understanding was not a challenging concept to him yet even the ineptitude of law enforcement here baffled him. So here he was, trekking in the middle of a blizzard to some small town just to get some details on some case he really didn't give a damn about.

The ball in his hand cracked open and a flash of light exploded from the ball's hollow core. The concerned cry of his companion Pokemon echoed amongst the trees. Laundry looked at the beast: a Blaziken, at its prime and in fit shape. Fire billowed from its cuffs, keeping it warm. He could feel some of the heat against himself. The warmth, what little he obtained, invigorated him some. His mood lifted a little.

"It's okay. She'll be alright, we just need to press forward," he said, trying to console the worry of his friend. It let out another cry, this one of solemn acceptance. Laundry turned back towards his destination and pressed onward, his Blaziken at his side. Normally, people like him aren't granted such powerful Pokemon, but the trainer's exquisite work both in raising Pokemon and his general aptitude for problem-solving led this special force to him. He got invited to join and, rather than continue to train for some unrealistic goal of becoming champion, decided to capitalize on such a special career path. It had done him good, for the most part. He had always been sent to solve very grand crime scenes--he specialized in unraveling grander schemes rather than catching petty criminal.

This case, however, fit none of that. From the dossier, it just seemed like a petty group of thieves jacking things. He had no idea why he was here, in the northern reaches of Sinnoh, while Oak had just been kidnapped yesterday. Shouldn't he be there, in Pallet Town, getting clues? Why was that ****bag Ryker down there instead? The only similarity between these thefts and Oak's kidnapping is an eyewitness report of the the criminal: in both instances, the perps had uniforms with a bright red R on them. Obviously, this was related. But if they were in Pallet, why was he here? Furthermore, weren't the Rockets eliminated ages ago when Giovanni disbanded them?

Too many questions, he thought. He reviewed the case over and over in his head before finally giving up. No matter how many times he reviewed it, he couldn't think of any special breakthrough. So he just let go and tried to think about other things. Thoughts of his friends, at home, and a special girl he had just met wandered in and aimed to distract him. He let them. Soon, he reached the town and went straight to the Pokemon Center. Twilight was falling and night would soon begin. He didn't want to be in the streets at night, even if he could handle himself in a fight.

In the doorway, he saw someone crying. A young lad, pre-adolescent probably, was sitting on the couch. His head was burrowed in his hands but they did little to muffle the wailing. Laundry looked at his Blaziken and it motioned for him to approach the child. The trainer walked over and sat down on the couch next to the kid. He quickly bolted upwards and stared in shock at Laundry.

"Hi, sorry to alarm you, but can you tell me what's wrong?" Laundry asked, trying to soothe the kid.

"I-it's nothing. I just...I'm just a failure!" The kid shouted, burrowing his face in his hands again.

"Why are you a failure?" Laundry continued.

"Because I lost them! I lost them and I shouldn't have! Why are such mean people in the world?" the kid cried.

"Lost them? Lost who?" Laundry asked.

"My Pokemon! They got stolen!"

"...well, you're in luck. I'm here because I heard that some crooks were stealing Pokemon. Care to talk to me about it?"

TekcaT, Scizor/Rotom-W, Town Bicycle has been lynched!
Night 1 Begins! Deadline is Friday, May 18th at 11:59 PM EST!

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
"High winds and plenty of snow today as Viridian City is hit with a freak snowstorm..."

The voice cut off and faded to black immediately. Ryker stood up and stretched his legs, leaving an empty bowl and half-filled mug at the table where he was sitting. He glanced over to the couch. His visitor lay on a couch, covered in a thin blanket and her own shirt, sleeping quietly. He cracked a weak smile, then crossed the room and reached for his coat. Still, despite his work, he donned a pair of shades and flashed a grin. He wasn't himself without those.

Ryker stepped out into the cold air. He was miles from Viridian City but the odd summer snowstorm still reached as far south as Pallet. It took him a bit by surprise--the house where he was staying was quite warm--but he quickly adjusted. Besides, he didn't have to go too far as Pallet Town was quite small. That didn't really matter though, as Ryker was a man of show. He could've walked but that's small school. He leaped over the side of his convertible (subtly called "Excalibur" because, as he put it, a man is nothing without his sword), fit the keys in the ignition and peeled off into the streets. Never he pulled over, not once since he started driving at the tender age of ten, he'd always tell people.

While driving, one of his Pokeballs cracked open and his partner appeared in the seat next to him. Ryker's Machamp opened the glove box and extracted a second pair of shades (always be prepared) from the depths of the compartment and then wore them himself. Ryker smirked--it's always good to have THE METAGAME at your side.

It was only a matter of minutes before Ryker reached the lab. He quickly hopped out of his convertible and walked inside, followed by THE METAGAME. A couple of lab assistants looked up from their work and gave him a quizzical look. Ryker was taken aback for a second, but then reassumed his bravado and kept approaching. He greeted them from a distance.

"..excuse me, but who are you?" one said, speaking up.

Ryker stopped completely. A grin crossed his face and he started laughing to himself. THE METAGAME knew what came next. He braced himself--this would probably not go well.

"Who am I? WHO AM I? YOU JUST PUT THOSE PENCILS DOWN POINDEXTERS, AND I'LL TELL YA! Winner of the weekly loosest cannon award back down at HQ since its inception (created for me, no less), holder of the highest arrest count in the business (wrongful or otherwise), unraveler of the biggest donut conspiracy ever to hit the Johto region, and the only man to cause more havoc on the streets than the police force could ever clean up, I AM AGENT RYKER OF THE POKEMON SECRET POLICE! JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?" he shouted, pointing his finger at the sky.



Ryker continued his stance.



Still not moving.



Sweat started to roll down the faces of the lab assistants. They called the police for someone to come in, not some psychotic nutjob so full of himself that he'd likely burn a building down just to get to the safe inside easier (fun fact: he had). Oak was gone and they were trusting the case to him? They couldn't really help but to be flabbergasted at the ridiculousness of the situation in which they found themselves.

Still not putting his finger down.

Both continued to look at him, before eventually shooting looks at each other, daring the other to break the silence first. Finally, one couldn't handle the silence anymore and looked back to Ryker (who was still posing).

"I take it you're here to help with the Oak case?" the assistant asked.

"Yes," Ryker said, as he broke from his pose.

"Well then, come along back and I'll start informing you of the details," he said. The other assistant resumed his work.

No one died.
Day 2 begins! Deadline is Friday, May 25th, at 11:59 PM EST!

Mod note: This storyboard is completely irrelevant to Ryker in-game. It's pure flavor, nothing more.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
The mod informed me that I watched to my target, but there was some bright light and I didn't get any result....

@Ryker: You received this ability during the Night and were able to use it the same Night?

Vote Nabe


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ramen's letter reply:

I will go through each of your points and show you why you're wrong. I expect you to unvote me afterwards and join my side.

1. "You claimed scum"
2. "Also dont like how you try to play off your early mention of me by saying it didnt count cuz u didnt vote"
3. "You're now going after people because you're being voted"



This is our back and forth on this, Ran. I want you to read carefully. Fully layout to me why me saying "my first time being scum" pregame be a scum tell? I had made note to say that before I even read the role PM from laundry. Tell me Ran, if I told you I was town would you believe me? No. So if I told you I was scum, why would that be different? They are both null tells. Not to mention the latter was simply a joke meant solely for reaction. Of course I am not truly claiming scum. People do stuff like this all the time. Well people as in Swiss. There has never been a time where you have taken Swiss claiming scum as a scum tell has there? The fact that you're claiming to have a read from that is silly. This aint skpe. You're being a fatard jamaba bisquit.
1. Mmm, understood. You say I wasn't progressing the RVS, but I was. Voting you for that was my idea of doing that, anyways. I saw you say that and I voted you instantly. Of course I know that's a null tell but I'm sure it'd gain some reaction. I didn't intend anyone to take me seriously.

2. "Also dont like how you try to play off your early mention of me by saying it didnt count cuz u didn't vote"

This is incorrect. I never said this. You misinterpreted. Joey has pointed this out as well above in his big post. Here is how the convo went:

You asked me why I voted you. I explained that you weren't trying to progress RVS. You said you didn't feel I had a legitimate read on you. And I agreed with you. There was no way I could have a for sure read on you at that point. I voted you based on what we HAD. It was like 20 posts into the game yet you were trying to make it like I was out to lynch you or something (which I wasn't at that point. That wasn't until later). I had no intention of lynching you. I voted you just as you voted. Did you have the intention of lynching me in your first post? Did Joey have the intention of lynching you with his first vote? No. It was an initial vote, but you were trying to make it seem like I needed all this reasoning for it. Which I did not need.
Tell me, you say you agreed with me the read wasn't legitimate. So why did you give it out?

Bold, no. I didn't. I wanted to wagon you for it though. It just didn't go that way.

3. "You're now going after people because you're being voted"

What do you mean why do I ask about the mass character claim now? When should I ask about it? What do you mean why start now? When should I start? I was only voted by Nabe haha. Oh and you. Neither of those meant anything to me. Clearly Nabe was just trying to get something going, he couldn't even keep his reasoning consistent.

This is the second time that you're assuming that my actions are scum actions without any real reasoning. You're assuming that I'm scum and making posts around that to fit your accusation. This is just so not good. Do you get this?
I was saying you didn't really comment on my wagon until after realizing I wasn't lynched. I just felt it was a bit misplaced for you to try and look elsewhere after that.


Other thing to respond to:
Why should I be the one to comment on them getting on your wagon? If I find something scummy I'll find something scummy lol. As for the meta thing, you're doing the same thing. You assumed that me saying I was scum is something I would do as scum. Complete meta that is just horrible.
I did, I just explained my honest opinion. I have seen you claim your claims usually (Meaning vanilla most of the time) so I thought it'd be something you might do as scum, risky I know, but you are Zen. : P I'll explain my theory on RVS and I want you to reply if you think if you think it makes sense or not, and why.


Alright now that that is through, I have questions for you Ran:
What post were you referring to here about your intent?
I was talking about my first post "I choose you! fluff fluff scumhunt"

Xonar was talking about it and I was trying to involve you in conversation, and I was the only topic at the time.

What had Dooms done to drive RVS forward at the time of this post?
He voted me for fluff, even though he didn't believe that. He showed that he was showing honest thought and gave me a read, which helps in narrowing down the pool of scum. (Which he isn't)

What wasn't a mistake? You didn't answer me on this earlier.
Attacking you.


Ok. So you say you find it odd I didn't progress the RVS, yet this isn't true. I was progressing it, there was just nothing scummy to me that I could point out at the time. So when there isn't anything of merit to talk about, I try to progress discussion, which I have done before. Now you see, seeing as you say it's a thing between us, I do think we should hydra more and let me handle the RVS a bit more. DK Maf was me scumhunting on Sokr in pre-game, and Gigabots was me being late to RVS. Most of our rvs in DK maf was your "Should we mass claim" thing, which was your idea. I would have just voted someone or something, but I really liked the approach.

So, at times I either am:

1. Early to rvs
2. Late to rvs
3. Late to rvs on purpose

3 applies to me just avoiding attention during the rvs because I usually get a vote or two for dumb things. For example, Ryker Mafia, I instantly voted Soup for what I thought was dumb. This was just me being impulsive, and I did the same thing here this game. In Ryker Mafia, I wasn't as early as I was here.

I have realized I don't have a good early game, so at times I WANT to come in late, I just can't wait long enough. So usually when I am late to the game, it's just because I happened to be. If I am late, there is more information for me to look at and touch upon. IF there isn't, I put myself out there to put out information. That I did do, did I not?

Now you do know that I usually vote someone new. Here, I didn't think of who was new or not, I just instantly voted you. But usually that is what I do if there has been discussion.

So, my read on you isn't solid, and I'll re-cant it and re-read you and others. So let us start again anew:

Want to be friends?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
The mod informed me that I watched to my target, but there was some bright light and I didn't get any result....

@Ryker: You received this ability during the Night and were able to use it the same Night?

Vote Nabe
At first I thought... GOD??? (I see the light)

But then I realized this must have been flash


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Also Kantrip why do you ask Hufflepuff that question, yet still vote along? Like wouldn't you need to know if his cop was legit before agreeing?

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
vote nabbe
At first I thought... GOD??? (I see the light)

But then I realized this must have been flash

Guys im off in a few for my bus but that last sentence is amasdive s umtell.

Other than that Kantrip is your cooldown triggered?
Wanna look back on my nabe wagon to relafe some things.



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Xonar, what would you say If I told you I was bulletproof?

BRB Not Posting.

May 14, 2012
The mod informed me that I watched to my target, but there was some bright light and I didn't get any result....

@Ryker: You received this ability during the Night and were able to use it the same Night?

Vote Nabe
Received it at the end of Twilight.

BRB Not Posting.

May 14, 2012
I would mind playing with that, Xonar, because it's the bad kind of WIFOM.

Anyone who claims Flash or some ability of that kind are scum roleblocker. No way ANYONE targeted Kantrip with a roleblocking skill and is town.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
But do tell me, what did you think of my letter, I'd like a reply

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Pretty good, it's just that you still taking me saying that I'm scum as a scum tell because I've said my role before is no good. Just because I've claimed my role before has nothing to do with alignment.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
It was a slight scum tell, I was only doing so to progress RVS.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Well, maybe slight meta tell in my pov

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
More like something to speculate over rather than being a scum tell. If it was just RVS why did you continue to stick to it even at the end of the day?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I had no strong leads. I had no other direction to really turn to, except Kantrip/Teckat at the time. So I kept it for the time being.

BRB Not Posting.

May 14, 2012
Because my cop would expire and I couldn't shoot and cop.

Pretty good, it's just that you still taking me saying that I'm scum as a scum tell because I've said my role before is no good. Just because I've claimed my role before has nothing to do with alignment.
Not because you've done it before.

Also Ryker who is your trainer?
None of your business. Why aren't you voting Nabe?

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Not ready for a lynch. I'd like to know your trainer just to see if it has anything to do with my role. Do you think there is a good reason for you not to let me know?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
When has cop abilities ever expired? Does this mean you'll vig Tonite instead?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
vote nabbe

Guys im off in a few for my bus but that last sentence is amasdive s umtell.

Other than that Kantrip is your cooldown triggered?
Wanna look back on my nabe wagon to relafe some things.

Well I still used my ability, I wasn't roleblocked. I was just prevented from receiving my result.

I wasn't worried about Ryker's cop being legit (yet), I was just clarifying.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Does this mean you'll receive it the next night or ever? What do you plan to do with the target info?
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