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LasT 2 - 11/22 Melee & Brawl


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
LasT Smash 2
Baton Rouge, La.
$10 entry

Thanks everyone for coming and bringing equipment. It ran smoothly, and I think everyone had fun. All in all, a good tournament.

Melee Results - 24 entrants

1. rice
2. nesn00b
3. pikachad
4. boomstick

5. ihbs
5. taylorhj

7. RAM
7. freddy

9. ken
9. kyle
9. tim
9. lee

13. nick (laf.)
13. avery
13. pierre
13. drummaboi

17. pritch
17. chadlly (new orleans chad)
17. randall
17. shai hulud

21. hyperdragon
21. mankosuki
21. everpower
21. emosso

Brawl Results - 33 entrants

1: Lee - MK/ Lucario
2: TakeUrLife - Marth (& Fox?)
3: CJ - Snake/ Wolf
4: Ran Iji - Snake
5: Esca - Diddy
5: Popertop - Wario
7: Chaddly - Snake
7: PortCity - Diddy

9: Pierre - Lucas
9: Mankosuki - ROB
9: Cyphus - DK/ Kirby
9: Seiya - Pit
13: Nikzor - DDD
13: Chad - Lucario/ PT
13: Emosso - ??
13: RAM - ?Luigi??
17: Everpower - Mario
17: Roni - Falco
17: Fake - G&W
17: DJ - ??
17: Ezzio - Lucas??
17: Bre - Olimar??
17: Li-D - MK??
17: RickyB - Marth
25: J-Rod - ??
25: Breeg - ??
25: Rick - Kirby
25: Bomber - Toon Link
25: DrummaBoi - half the cast
25: RJ - ?
25: BravoNavo - Lucas
25: Steven - Toon Link

33: Avery (dropped)


Smash Apprentice
Oct 15, 2008
Woot! Louisiana is too sexy!

RikyB - ha dude we had to play each other so much! but each time u got a lot better im proud of ya too cool of a guy lol kept me laughin, sorry that we didn't play pokemon the tourney kept me busy and then i was too tired lol next time though

FakeGeorge - man sick G&W i couuldn't figure out that turtle!!!! lol nice meetin ya and good job on runnin the tourney it went quite well.

EverPower - lol i would have to say one of the matches i enjoyed the most out of pools they were so close very good mario. we def have to friendly more next time.

Nikzor - man your d3 is insane SPOT DODGE ALL DAY! lol tooo close of matches i wish we could have had a third one though, next time for sure!

Cyphus - dude DK dittos are so much fun, ive actually used that move you taught me ha works so well too sexy!

Ran - Snake is so good i enjoyed our friendlies they kept me on my toes lol you're tricky with those explosives.

CJ - ha cool guy too bad we didn't get to play not even on teams! wtf! lol next time

Pierre - tooo funny lol i had a hard time concentrating on our matches cuz i was rofling and lawling! sick lucas btw caught me off guard during teams ha

Lee - butthole good!

dam i want some cajun DI lol

mah Texas Boiiis!

Esca - ha the trip was a blast dude thanx for invitin me your diddy was **** they didn't know what hit them. haha peanut fake to banana glide toss = too sexy/funny

Take - ah dude major props on 2nd i was so stoked for you Uair to Usmash is so sick ha.

Pop - way to eliminate me jerk! lol u did so good and those matches with ran were so intense, im glad i lost to u though you deserved the win.

CY - geez wisdom teeth seriously? lol i was lookin forward to your falco haha next time though fer sure!

if i missed anyone pee in my butt :lick:


Smash Champion
Jun 6, 2006
Houston (Clear Lake)
Shoutouts copied from Louisiana thread


Take: GWUUAAAAAGHHH!!! YOu turned into a machine near the end there. It was just **** **** **** RAAAAAAPE!!! Side-b > Uair >Uair is soooooo sexy.

Esca: Man, fliphop level now. Crazy. I knew I shouldn't have let you run the timer out on me but I didn't go for gimps at all this tourney, so yeahh.

Seiya: TOo good man. Can't wait to see how you perform at the next HOBO.

Ricky B: Keep workin on that Marth. Up-B is too good. It helps if you try and play safe instead of going for spikes and fsmashes all the time. Side-B OOS to punish is good. We need to hang some more and get more matches in. Watchou t for mah Boozer lololol.

CJ: Snake and Wolf? IT's kind of a wierd combo... I can't wait to play you some more. Crazy grenade tricks.

Ran: HOly crap, you got so much better. I can't predict you at all now. It's too bad that our semi-finals match turned into a campfest.

Cyphus: YOur DK is way too ****. Fair > Uair is sexy.

Lee: we didn't play. Butthole still way too good. We will all crash at your place next time. butthole waaay too good. I don't know why I gave you a shoutout you never post here lol

Ever Power: Your mario is really good. Wario is just gay lol. I actually don't have a wii, but if you bring it to the next one we can get some games in. I'm pretty rusty not gonna lie lol.

r0ni: Lol, a Falco that doesn't chaingrab? h-what? too good man. butthole good even.

Pierre: Man, you are too fun to hang around. We have to get an epic "one of those things we do" on tape, or in front of a large crowd.

Nick: We need to play next time.

Randall: That crew match was pretty fun, albiet frustrating. We need to get some games in. And take care of my teev-teev.

Colin: YOu need to come next time and not have your appointment for your wisdom teeth to be taken out last minute changed without your notice. lol what an epic john.

Chad: GG's man, nice Pkmn trainer. Thanks for the compliment. LA really has a some quality snake players.

PCITY: Those games were fun. It's interesting how you noticed how I played slow. Yeah if I keep control of the pace, and just stop the naners and punish OOS and grab and stuff, it's pretty easy to beat Diddy. Once you set up two naners I'm pretty much ****ed lol.

And RAM played Donkey Kong/Luigi. He was reallly good for his first tourney. Surprised me. He was one of the people closest to beating me in Pools besides Chaddly and Cyphus.

Man it just feels so good to see your name up there. Highest I've ever placed.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Shoutouts to come probably tomorrow. But I do have to say one thing, this has got to be the one tourney where I faced the most falcos. I mean seriously why so many falcos, such a dumb character even compared to fox and sheik (in that order). Stupid falcon counters. =(

Anyways enough of me johnning. I had fun and stuff. Host more melee tournies.


Smash Cadet
Apr 10, 2006
New Orleans, LA
seiya7 - thanks bro, yea it was pretty fun match up!

nik - How'd you like that game and watch instead of mario against ur DDD haha.

Lee - I <3 u, yes i took your bags out o fmy car and put them in ranji's sorry you were in the middle of a mtach didn't want to disturb you.

cyph - didn't get to play you this tournament =/ But the night at niks was fun

Ranji - Saw some of your matches, snake to good man

Popertop - I hate you and your wario....jk.......or am i?

R0ni - My best friend

RickyB - Had fun @ niks crib with you also,nice to finally have met a local smasher <33

FakeGeorge - Always my favorite at the man incharge, thanks for another great tournament.

Pierre - **** You. JK BUTTSEXCK!?

Battousai= Ban him

If i forgot you im sorry.


So when's the next big one :)


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2004
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
lol at this shout outs page.....

good tourney randall and lexy u 2 are always on top of the stuff

I love everyone I talked to at this tourney that plays melee...... then some few select others that play "the real man's game"...... brawl...... ewww

<3 maybe shoutouts later if this page takes off if not just u mothers hit me up on aim and keep in touch


Smash Rookie
Nov 24, 2008
brawl videos? I could record 2 level 9's..

Shoutouts to all the Melee players out there for keeping it real

This was my frist tourney using falco..so hopefully i wasn't too scrubby

gg those that beat me (rice) I ruv you rong time..


Smash Champion
Jun 6, 2006
Houston (Clear Lake)
brawl videos? I could record 2 level 9's..

Shoutouts to all the Melee players out there for keeping it real

This was my frist tourney using falco..so hopefully i wasn't too scrubby

gg those that beat me (rice) I ruv you rong time..
there really isn't any need for slander.


Smash Champion
Jun 6, 2006
Houston (Clear Lake)
I'm kind of embarrased bc I get nervous on my last stock against Ran and SD FOR NO RAISIN, and it's pretty bad. But y'know, no johns and all that. I'm still really happy with how I placed, Ran is too good.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
Good ****, Gayvery on dropping Brawl.

And placing whatever you got in Melee.


One month and one day ^__^


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
@.@ woohoo 25th again, so many matches that could have been won, why do i suck so bad as to let those matches get away from me? *cough cough* Nickzor and CJ, DJ.
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