So if I complain about a top tier (which I'm not the only one who does), you're gonna stick your nose into my business that isn't yours, and boss me around and trying to get me to stop by trolling me forever as if you were acting like my Dad.
I don't have to say anything or do anything you try to force me to. You choose to continue trolling, and if you keep getting in trouble because of it, then that's your fault, not mine. You'll eventually dig your own hole while continuously trying to get me to be your pet and do what you say. You should quit trying to make me do stuff, while at the same time, spend more time doing stuff that don't involve me. This cycle of conflict is very tiresome, and you and I know that you love to start a possible flame war between us.
You can easily stop this by stopping yourself, and never get involved in anything that pertains to me at all, or posting those stupid pictures and such. Speaking of which, you ever notice that the only time I mention you is when you start something, while at the same time, you see me occasionally restraining myself? Maybe it's a possible hint that I've been trying to avoid and ignore you, but you just keep coming back.
Have you ever thought about that you're the real problem when it comes to these situations? It's bad on AIB, and it's bad here on the Pit boards. Heck, most of your posts on these boards are just intentionally wanting to provoke me, and I'm probably not the only one who notices this. Think about it, and no, don't expect me to admit or do anything you say. Maybe it is you who should give it a rest. And before you bring up my "tier" issue, don't even try, because that does NOT concern you, or even relate to you.
EDIT: You, give me chances? If I was giving you chances, do you even know how many chances you'd have wasted? Don't ever try to attempt to negotiate with me again because you blew it long ago, and even if I did, you'd still continue, and I can tell that you would, considering what you've done these 3 years.