Then there is the odd thing with KOS-MOS to keep in mind since me getting a "not sure" response about her is weird since I was told it was not a Bandai Namco character.
I'm currently pressing for more information since the only thing that could explain that is if her rights issues muddies that up or more particularly if it is her, if it uses the KOS-MOS Re: design from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 it would mean that specific design is like how Nintendo owns Bayonetta's design from Bayonetta 2, not Sega, despite Sega owning the Bayonetta character.
Which could mean that Monolith Soft and Nintendo own the KOS-MOS Re: design.
It was discussed on here yesterday that according to the credits (circa 2017), Namco is heavily credited as "blade design support." While its not specific which characters they designed, its most likely Namco was responsible for her redesign.
Also the footnotes on the Nintendo websites XB2 page does not mention Namco at all for copyrights. So maybe Nintendo does own her redesign, they just credited Namco in creating her. If Namco owned her, usually they would say "character design copyright of Namco" which seems to be missing both from the credits and the website.
KOS-MOS is owned by Namco. She's copyrighted to Namco in her official Art for Xenoblade 2
But what may be the case is Nintendo may own the actual design, much like Nintendo owns Bayonetta's Bayonetta 2 design.
That would be the only way to explain what's going on with her status with getting a "not sure" answer while other Bandai Namco characters were thrown out already. At least until I do get a clearer answer about her.