I'm pretty sure i'm sounding like a broken record regarding trademarks, but for me those are currently the only definite actions taken by bamco that could actually mean something for smash bros. That, and how they work is actually very intriguing to me. That said, It turns out it takes around 4-6 months (I've seen some conflicting info for this, some said it would be 2-3 months) for a trademark to become registered. I imagine you can't actually use a trademark until it become registered (I mean publicly, anyways. I could be very wrong on this, so correct me if i am.) The Tales trademarks were registered in October, which means, at the minimum that i assume, the tales Trademarks (
https://euipo.europa.eu/eSearch/#basic/1+1+1+1/100+100+100+100/tales of series) would be registered sometime in February, the last month of the fighter pass. If those trademarks are indeed for smash bros, i find that they're cutting it awful close to when fighter 5 will be released. I could be wrong, as I've mentioned, but I actually mostly want to know more about how copyrighting and trademarking works. Is my assumption right, and the trademarks are filed too close to the end of the fighter pass for fighter 5? Just how much can we actually take from those trademarks, if anything? Any information or corrections would be appreciated. I would try to understand this myself via google, but i predict i would have a hard time shifting through dense legal jargon when someone could explain it more succinctly.